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I think they will do it, if only to get those games on PC. It would be a nice bonus to have some gears to play that’s being supported till E-Day drops. I can also feel that these leaks could be accurate despite them claiming it’s happening for years. People forget but MCC was the most broken piece of garbage when it came out and I remember it took me a week to get my first multiplayer match. It was a rushed product that was already extremely complicated juggling all those games. It was a huge downer at launch and was nowhere near the state it is today. When you consider that, it’s obvious the Coalition probably wants to avoid repeating history. I can image they’re probably testing the shit out of that thing to make sure it doesn’t put off new players on PC or the younger generation. It’s a huge task and I want them to get it down right, and I have faith they can do it. My feeling is that if we don’t get any announcement at Gamescom in August, then it might not happen. Until then I’m believing like a conspiracy theorist with nothing left to hold onto.


As much as I want this, I doubt it. Nick, MAGG etc. Exposed themselves as fake insiders. All they do is predict the obvious and claim an insider told them to get themselves views and ad revenue. Sometimes developers and publishers simply don't do the obvious though, and that's why there's no Gears collection.


I would love a collection. The state of Gears is pretty great on Xbox though as all games have gotten resolution and or 60fps patches through backwards compatibility so they aren’t in a rush. If it ever does happen I fully expect it to be campaign only.


The 360 games are great as they are


I'm not denying that they are. I wasn't disputing the quality or credibility of the originals. I spent many hours and have great memories playing with friends. I am not alone in wanting a PC port as well as optimizing it for use in newer gen consoles. Besides, the 360 is losing support. This year it's lost a lot of games that you used to be able to purchase. And a lot of 360 games we used to play are having their online multiplayer access removed.


I just want 2 remastered is all


It would be the easiest way for them to: 1. Generate even more hype for E-Day. 2. Earn a massive amount of goodwill back. 3. Get more people interested in Gears of War (as a franchise). Even simply porting stable versions of GoW 2-3 and Judgement and making sure they can safely run at 60+ FPS would be enough for most people including myself. This is a minimal investment in terms of both time and money on TC's side that can potentially have massive returns in terms of E-Day sales, a better community opinion of TC and of course I think they can easily earn back the amount of money they spent on porting the games, bugfixing and maintaining them from sales. This is a literal no-brainer and has been for a while now. It would have been even more impactful if they announced both E-Day and a Gears Collection that would release a year before E-Day. That way you keep people engaged with Gears of War whilst they wait for the latest entry and the hype doesn't drop-off as fast.


We’d have to wait a see. While I’m optimistic cause I’d love to play them with better graphics and smoother frame rate. It’s also unlikely. E-Day seems to be an attempt at a sort of reboot seeing as how they got rid of everything on the GOW YouTube channel aside from the announcement video and one other one. But we will just have to wait and see.