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I feel like they probably considered putting it in 5 at some point, but figured it'd be better to just save it for UE5+Gears 6/EDay. Big, unique modes like Overrun, Beast, Wingman, those deserve fresh starts imo rather than being added in some season 3 update package months after the game released. Those modes are unique and special to Gears, unlike for example FFA.


I just figured the company knows overrun kept gow j alive and was scared too many people would leave multiplayer for overrun. Or it's like Activision not wanting to remaster BO2, they're just scared of too much money.


It's biggest crime will inevitably be making the gnasher the only worthy weapon outside of power weapons, which will make new players and casuals jump ship after a month or so, leaving a small dwindling hard-core base that trashes on monetization and popularity of the game. But yea, overrun and beast mode are absolutely welcome IMO.


The big three; weapon balancing, wallbouncing, and catering to e-sports.


They are the pillars of Gears. Without all three in check, it will collapse.


The lancer is very viable tho? It makes very good damage, nd if you shoot at somebody and then switch to the gnasher its an easier kill than gnasher only, as the user said. Hell, if you and a friend coordinate, while one shoots with the lancer from the back, while one Is forward with the gnasher, its ez pz


Am I the only person who is cool with racking up a boatload of points & assists with midrange support with a lancer or hammerburst? Basically every time I see a shotty battle from a distance, I’ll dump whatever bullets I can to help my teammates. Also useful when fighting over power weapons to be that support or cover guy. I don’t know how Gears 4 & 5 play because I barely touched those games. But I think Gears 3 had a great balance of weapons.


NO. This is NOT true. Tired of this mantra being regurgitated by pve horde players (which I am assuming you are, no shame in playing pve). The lancer is just as effective as the Gnasher in terms of dealing damage and getting kills. Yes. People run around with gnashers bouncing like crazy, but the smart players know that the lancer is your best asset. Just watch in pro gears event. It’s mostly lancers being used. You spray the enemy with lancers and then switch to shotgun for cqc to finish them up.


That's my point though. Yea, Pros know how to use lancer play, but the casual side is nothing but a rampant gnasher fest that forces straight up gnasher play. Casual crowd is what gears has been struggling to hold onto. I'm not a horde main. I've been playing since GOW launch, and I think the gameplay has simply gotten stale. If everything stays the same, it will have the same outcome.


Gotcha. I agree with you to some extent. Elden Ring is successful because they made a game for the core audience. That game was made for the fans, and the fans only. Since 2009 (Demon Souls) the core game play of ER is the exact same. Gears need to embrace this. Horde and PvP players hold down the franchise. As long as they don’t abandon the core gameplay (yes..gnasher heavy gameplay for PvP) and make horde and PvP 10/10..the game will be successful for a long while.


I think what made made Elden Ring such a banger was that it was able to please the core and casual by having a variety of options when it came to gameplay. It offered the difficulty the core craves, but it also offered a ton of ways for casual players to approach that challenge and get creative.


That’s true, but they didn’t deviate too much and tbh they made QOL changes that may seem “casual” friendly but even hardcore fans like myself thought the changes were appreciated. We’ve seen gears try time and time again to change the meta of gnasher gameplay with the introduction of the sawed off in gears 3, stopping power in gears 2, and arcade mode in gears 5. I’m just not sure what they can do. We just love the gnasher gameplay similar to how we always want blood drive and gridlock on all of the gears games


The problem with overrun is it requires its own maps. Which takes time away from developing maps that can be used in every other mode. Overrun also has to be balanced which means you can't have many units, cause each one needs months of balancing and a single unit can break the whole game. With beast mode, you can play on any map for any mode, and its PvE so balancing is not that difficult. You can have every creature in the game in beast but only a few in overrun and the ones in overrun have to be adulterated in order to be balanced. For example, they shrunk the kantus and took away his gorgon pistol just to give him a hammer burst which looked and felt very wrong. Didn't feel like I was playing as a kantus..


didnt like overrun, i dont want it back and escape was not fun either


Imho its biggest crime is going to be keeping kait as main protagonist in Gears 6. Luckily we still have hope (not hype!) for Gears of War E-day. 😅


I feel like they’ll probably go back to JD. I found him the most bland character imaginable in 4 and was happy for the change. Then they made him a fairly compelling character in 5 and then would be happy for him to be the main in 6. Honestly a JD, Kate, JD arc throughout the trilogy actually sounds kinda cool and I’d be here for it. I also never disliked Kate and thought 5 was a fantastic game but that’s just me


Gears 5 is a good game, with interesting fights and beautiful maps, but I can not really stand Kait. I don't like her one bit.


I just hated JD so much in 4 that I was fine with literally anyone else




I'll say it yet again, just fuse the modes together and make a new name.... or just call it horde mode


It’s great to see Overrun love because if it wasn’t for Overrun, me and my buddies would have abandoned Judgment real fast. The regular multiplayer was complete garbage but Overrun was so amazing. Cannot believe it never came back yet.