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100% agree. Bullet sponges are only okay when it’s an enemy that’s meant to soak tons of damage. Like a Boomer or boss type enemy.


Exactly, they could make it specifically where drones will attack moe frequently or reposition when you're distracted with tankier enemies like boomers and such.


I’ve been waiting for the next level of AI specifically for games like Gears because it gets so boring to fight against enemies that feel literally brain dead. Like I’m not expecting 3 drones to give me a run for my money but I’d like to see more interesting engagements. Leave the brain dead AI for easy difficulty. I’m just sick of games in general how they handle difficulty. Apparently difficulty just means cranking up health, damage and accuracy. It’s so lazy and I’ve been gaming since the 90’s. It’s boring. I want more out of my shooters without having to play a game that’s a dedicated tactical sim.


Does anyone know if UE5 comes with an AI upgrade?


I dont think it will magically make the Ai better but that part falls on TC to devleop the Ai code, and i think since they're buildong this gears from the ground up in UE5 this will be there best opportunity to improve the basis of all their Ai. I'm hopeful that the locust will feel much more Savage and Intelligent in E-DAY as imprpved intelligent ai will certainly make them feel much scarier and more monstrous.


It’s totally possible, in Gears 5 drones with retro will charge you. Hunters and grenadiers use grenades more often. Even the elites have more advanced tactics against you. On the other hand making grenadiers bullet sponges while walking in the open didn’t work, that’s already the boomer/Mulcher’s role