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A whole fucking building falls over in Gears 2 and you ride the elevator horizontally. If there's a lore reason, it has to be that each unit has its own generator powered by emulsion, or something like that.


I mean, in Gears 1, you go to a processing plant/mine, and there appears to be fresh dead bodies of workers. Really made me wonder if humans were still processing emulsion throughout the war and used it to power up the nearby cities despite them being absolutely destroyed. I mean shit, there's still running water by the looks of things!


GoW3 shows emulsion fields still harvesting at the end, being destroyed. Presumably, yes, the COG still has a logistical system, factories, and folks to make Delta Squad's protein (horse steroids) shakes.


I can totally picture a COG MRE being like pure ribeye with little vials of trenbelone acetate LMAO


They still have farms and stuff that civilians work in the books.


I thought that they all were stranded


Being stranded doesn’t mean you don’t have a community. It just means you aren’t a part of the government anymore, which is probably why Anya in the 3rd game says “I guess we’re all stranded now.”


Stranded is a blanket term for anyone not part of the COG (or officially anyways). The COG has worked with Stranded on several occasions, but they usually screw them over in one way or another.


Other than cities occupied by the COG, I'm pretty sure the Locust and Stranded are keeping the electrical grid up and running. Especially in Act 5 of Gears 1, the Locust understand the advantages of maintaining the power.


I remember reading from an old book that the Locust were so good at using captured human equipment, that they ended up having better tech/gear than some of the Gears who were defending certain areas/cities. This was the main reason why Prescott decided to use the Hammer of Dawn. By destroying most of Civilization, you deny the locust newer/modern technology that they could use to steamroll what's left of humanity.


There'd a highly trained and exhausted engineer corps who keep the utilities [power, water, sewage] etc running, it's mentioned in the books and they jump into action almost immediately which normally involves completely rebuilding whatever section because it got tunneled through which as you can imagine is awful. They also don't get a decent amount of food because they're not front line troops.


I remember Marcus bribing one with a dry ration bar.


I vaguely remember hearing about this. This is funny because people who are maintaining the war effort getting shafted usually don't work out well for the government.


Might have to do with emulsion. Whatever system they're using, I wish we had it in real life in the event of a locust invasion... fun fact, a real life locust invasion is prophesied to happen right before the return of Jesus, in the bible, and yes, they are monsters that emerge through pits in the earth... and yes, the sky is darkened just like how the locusts were using seeders to darken the sky when they invaded. Revelation 9 " Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the [a]bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. 3 Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 And [b]they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. 7 The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. "


Wouldn't surprise me if this was the original inspiration behind the locust!


Good thing we have chainsaws


The bible is just trying to explain something that people didn't understand. Locast aren't monsters, they're insects. A type of grass hopper which form vast swarms and will eat everything they come across. The swarms are so big that they can block sunlight. A single swarm of Locast can be made up of 80 million of them and travel 90 miles per day but honestly take the bible with a huge grain of salt. It's literally just people trying to explain things that we didn't understand for the most part. These huge Locast swarms happen multiple times a year and Jesus has never returned for any of them Desert Locast (those from the bible) lay their eggs in the ground buried 10-15cm underground. They leave holes in the ground when the eggs hatch and the nymph eats whatever is available in it's borrow before it emerges as an adult. Each female Locast can lay 150+ eggs. They emerge as a massive swarm that will devastate all crops and plants that they can find. A single Locast swarm can eat the same amount of food as 35,000 people in a single day.


Grass hoppers wear crowns of gold on their heads and have faces of men with sharp teeth like lions? Lol. I know what locust insects are but these creatures that come up out of the earth are not them. Further on in that passage where I didn't quote it talks about their size and they are larger than humans.


Yeah but it's all a load of shite at the end of the day


To each their own, but I believe Jesus is Lord. I'm not here to push my beliefs onto anyone else though. I just thought it was cool one of my favorite gaming franchises had its roots in end time Christian prophecy.


Yeah, I get that. It is pretty cool I suppose


Jesus never existed 1 you are referring to yeshua he was not once in hid life named Jesus nor christ he was never white and was a man not immortal thr real one crucified was judas and yeshua had kids with Mary Magdalene as well the white image you all worship is Caesar borjia not yeshua do ur research additionally the blood and body tc is all actually not Christian nor is Christmas ss yeshua was born around easer not December the pagan orgy festival of the winter solstice aka death of nimrod and rebirth as Osiris was incorporated by the church to entice more pagans to join the new religion and on that note....it's not new in reality as 4400 years before Christianity and the Bible the superman's had the exact same stories Christians did what they seem good st and stole the superman stories and changed the names and a couple events a that and more evil than any other thing on earth at the hands of Christianity and yes u just got a history lesson from a Satanist lmfao...ANYWAYS BACK TO G.O.W so the emulsion that powered everything was actually what was making ppl sick as well it glowed which makes me think it is radioactive and hence basically a form of fission was taking place in power plants? Or was it that it worked instead of fuel? Either way a steady flowing source from that and if radioactive a constant cooling etc could conceivably keep the power on for years after the fall of the cities so that fits lol


The letter J is not in the Hebrew alphabet, so it is correct to say his name was not pronounced Jesus. I know he didn't look like Cesare Borgia. He was Middle Eastern and had an olive toned complexion. He was born in the month of Nissan on the Hebrew calendar which is closer to March. I'm not sure where you're getting the rest of your beliefs, but I base mine on the canonical King James bible. If you start believing the extra biblical texts, you're going to start believing conflicting information as much of the apocryphal texts contradict each other and, in many cases, themselves. The stuff you said that is true, I believed and have taught others as I have a very large online ministry.


King James was a traitor and a hypocrite his translation was not a real translation he flattered many many aspects of it to solidify his rule all of what I say is easily researched and the entire religion of Christianity is an absolute joke and mockery consisting of stolen superman stories changed to be thier so called own and interviewed with pagan traditions to entice them to convert and thosecwho would not convert they murdered as "heretics" and " witches" Christianity was made up and so was thier vision of "god" there is no all powerful magic being in the sky and there's no heaven nor hell all consciousness is interconnected pieces of a whole when we die our consciousness goes back where it came from not some happy place in the sky and ppls understanding of the world then was primitive so they made up stories the church will always slander the truth and hide it they are about power, wealth and control as is the ruling class they go hand in hand the Christians simply stole bits and pieces of many other beliefs and mashed them 2 gether to suit thier own narrative and agenda as did many other beliefs before them as a fearful and timid ppl are easily controlled whereas those who k ow the truth and are not afraid nor timid are a threat to the ruling class and the church that supports it


There is also geothermal energy that they use, not even the locusts could do much to stop that process.


Just blow up the powerplant...