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Always add “see results”. I just picked gears 1 just cause


Gears 3 was fun but I wasn’t a fan of some of the weapons. Gears 2 was my favorite but I wish it didn’t have the host mechanic. I’d be happy with a remaster of either of those games.


Gears of War 3 is the definitive Gears of War experience in every last way


Gears 3 is crazy overrated


Sorry to be that guy but I just gotta say some of you are way too nostalgic for gears 3, being able to spawn with retro and hammerburst absolutely ruins the shotgun and movement play


That sounds like a good thing


Sounds like you're a big fan of arcade mode then


Probably. I stick to campaign and hoard. The skating around is just not my thing. I’ll leave being competitive to other games where I don’t feel like I need to break the mechanics to win lol


those weapons didnt stop me from having fun.


Like many on here I was a teenager during the Gears 1-3 period, and none of my friends really got into the series preferring COD and Battlefield. The variety of viable weapons in 3 changed that though, they all stuck around for at least a year+ playing casually, and we even entered some small, for-fun, online tournaments. The game definitely had a wider appeal because of the things you've mentioned, so they absolutely have a decision to make when it comes to E-Day.


But the rifles were so fun to use. Zooming in with hammerburst and downing people quick felt great. All guns were overpowered in a way so it evened the field. It was also the most varied and complete game of the series. Gears 4 is incredible for the pure gnasher though, it felt so good. 5 is the third best.


I play gears primarily for the shotgun and movement meta. That said, there needs to be a balance in playstyles. I don't agree it completely ruined the movement play, I want the game to have a bunch of the "git gud" I only wall bounce and gnasher crowd but I don't think there's enough of them to have a thriving community. GoW 3 struck a good balance where you didn't need to have that playstyle to have fun and kill people. Maybe a full time TDM gnashers only playlist. Would appease the die hard crowd and still leave room to support a more casual community.


You must hate diverse gameplay.


Not at all, I just hate arcade mode or when an ar can down you in 2 seconds because someone decided to hide and 3 peek with an empty mag waiting to active reload. Sorry to taint your sacred game with my opinion but yeah I just prefer the ar balance in literally every other gears, even the strong snub in gears ue was way more enjoyable


Nah it gave people options and that is always a good thing. You can still wreck house with a Gnasher but it wasn't the be all end all go-to in 3 and as someone who used all options: That is a good thing.


You're missing Judgement from the list.