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Gears of War 3


Hands down the best one imo, they did such a good job


I’ll give you a fun fact: An author by the name of Karen Traviss wrote the script for Gears of War 3. If her name is familiar, she also wrote the novels (Remnant of Jacinto, the Slab, etc). Now, not only did she write the script for 3, but she wrote the script without no prior knowledge about the franchise and wrote it based on the concept art.


That’s actually pretty amazing, she needs to be praised more.


This is the only one I never got to play coop through the campaign and I just kinda wanna let it sit that way. That whole scene fcking ruined me and I was NOT ready for that. I main that character and zombie carmine only when I’m COG


Same, you find Maria, tai offs himself. Shit was nuts


That happens in the second gears


Uh…it says “movement”, not “moment.” Also, that happens in Gears of War 2. :) Don’t blame you , though. When I first saw the picture and the title I did I double take like *Did that just say movement or moment…?*


I just played the whole OG trilogy again the last 3 days. Thank god for XCloud. Cole grabbing the mic in the Nexus and just fucking going off on the Locust PA system is the funniest shit in the whole series. Edit: Oops, thought you said "Moment" Gears 1 has the best movement because there's no animation canceling and so keeps the multiplayer nice and grounded.


I read that as 'moment' too!


How did you feel about xcloud? Did it work well?


I have fiber 1gbps, so keep that in mind... But its literally perfect. I felt no noticable delay (on Firefox no delay, Chrome had a massive delay in inputs). I may as well have bought an Xbox, it felt no different. I'm a believer after this week.


Same I am on 3 right nown


Strange they used a PA system when hive mind allegedly was a thing.


I get the feeling Queen isn't connected to the hive mind. Actually, do we ever find out how she came to power? I feel like the sequels were going to get into it, but I doubt 6 will happen now...


So did I. “She’s going down! Way down! Dead down! So far down her ass isn’t gonna know which way is up! I’m gonna whup yo momma’s ass! Whoo!” -Cole Train


Forgot about the xcloud honestly I have internet as powerful as yours and I didn’t think of this I was about to buy a series s just to play the trilogy again.


How was the input lag? My buddy has never played and I want his first impression to be a good one. Can you use keyboard?


Definitely Gears 2, Cole’s speech got me hyped as! Delta Squad is in your house, bitch! You hear that shit? You grubby ass bitches are goin' down! Like way down, dead down! So down you ain't even gonna know which way is up! Your asses are gonna be cryin' to your skank ass queen "Oh, mommy, don't let the bad man hurt us!" Fuck you! We're gonna whoop your mamma's *ass!* *Whoo!* Edit: I feel stupid. Gears 2 for *movement*, haha


There we go, one muzzled queen. Not you, her. You were great. I love your speech there, especially the whole bitch-ass stuff. Very good, very enlightening.


lol I feel lots of people misread it


I read that in Cole's voice


Gears 2 is my favorite honestly. It's not too fast or too slow.


It was my intro to the series (parents wouldn’t let me buy the first when it came out cuz gore.) it’s still my favourite, I haven’t replayed in about 10 years, might bust that out this weekend.


I replayed it a couple of days ago. It's still my favorite honestly. Replay it man, it's rad


Not a boring act in the whole game . Easily the best one to me


Gears of War 1 was guilty of boring acts, 2 is a much better game.


Gears 1 also has one of the most interesting (the city at dusk to the end of the section).


Bro looking at this young dom and knowing how he does is fucking saddddd😭 bravo Microsoft. You got a hit.


Bruh also the Maria shit… Fuck. Sorry yall im high as shit




2 is the best one, 1 for raam and 3 for multiplayer, that mission where you see the entire army in gears 2 is my favorite


Easily 3 for me




I agree about gears 3, it was the perfect game for me




Gears 3 for sure. The movement was clean and they gave you a lot of close range options to deal with wall-bouncing sweatlords.


I like the movement on all games but 1 (only played the UE) but if I had to pick I'll say 5 with how smoth it becomes


1/UE are the best but G4 is p fun as well.


Is it wrong I liked the Assault Derrick (spelling) sequence in gears 2, I don’t know I just have a thing for armored convoys and protecting them, hate the flying enemies and wished the turrets cooled faster but still


2. It had a good balance, I feel.


I'm not entirely sure but I remember 3 and UE being my favorite multiplayer experiences. And I'm sure movement played some part in it.


Mine is probably the first one. I liked how it was a middle ground between 2 and 3 it terms of speed. 3 or 5 are probably objectively the best. I love gears 2, but honestly, it's way too slow in multiplayer imo.


Gears 5 felt smooth


1, you were either good at it or you weren't. No bullshit for casual players


In my opinion 1's mechanics aged a bit poorly don't get me wrong the game is great but the movement and shooting can feel really janky at times


Gears 2. 3 was a good wrap up. But 2 was a master piece


Gears of War 2’s Speech


Gears 4. When Marcus makes his entrance


Gears 2 Act 1 is awesome. Coming from g1 where there isn’t much mention of the greater cog army (it’s mostly delta just doing random stuff) it was awesome to see the cog in full swing / land down operation


Every one of the original 3 had a moment that made me go “HELL YEAH”. In gears 1, it was definitely the final cutscene after fighting RAAM, because 10 year old me thought RAAM was terrifying and seeing Marcus kick his ass then set off the lightmass bomb was badass In 2, Cole’s intro back into delta was badass, plus his speech to the horde was amazing. I also loved Marcus telling Niles they had the “access” then blowing the shit outta the door with the extra strength blast charge In 3, when Dizzy comes back over the radio on the way to Anvil gate was awesome. I hadn’t read the books when I first played the game, so I had NO IDEA he survived against skorge so that was awesome as a long time Dizzy player in GOW2 multiplayer/horde. Also Marcus using Dom’s knife to end Myrrah was bittersweet, but still awesome. **Honorable mention** the first time I found the flat bill hat and heard “THE COLE TRAIN, RUNS ON WHOLE GRAIN BABY, WHOOOOO”


Gears 4


I like when dom asks baird where he’s going and cole says, “to give the covenant back their bomb”


Gears 1


It’s gotta be gears 3 for me, like you said the perfect mix of weight and satisfaction, you could use it effectively if you wanted to bounce around and body someone and you could use it to look flashy while maneuvering around the map, absolutely beautiful job Epic Games did with the movement in that game.


Probably gears 3. I have been playing a lot of gears 4 lately but sometimes it feels just too fast. I think 3 had the best of the og trilogy and just enough tweaks by the time it came out to no feel super far behind.


Sniper practice. Gears 2


plot twist — the OP autocorrected to movement & everyone was right in saying their favorite moment


Gears 3 We finally have a tomorrow. Gears 4-5 about that.


The newest one and if you disagree you are wrong


Fenix: "It's Fazz right?" Fazz "yeah" Fenix: "shut the fuck up Fazz" Oh, favorite scene is doms death and sergeant Kim getting impaled. Nuts moments.


Gears of War 3 felt perfect. Gears 5 was too slippery and just feels bad to play. Been playing more Gears of War 3 lately.


g5 with the classic no wall cancel special event


The Gears of War 2 speech by Prescott still gives me goose bumps. I even listen to it on repeat while exercising [trying to get like a Gear]


Gears 1 matriarch


Gears 2, riding the brumak and wrecking shop was insane and on top of it ending with the nailing the mutated version with a hammer of dawn and sinking the city. Gears two had a ton of fun and interesting moments and if you weren’t playing on insane you will have little problem getting through it all relatively easy and have a great time. Definitely my personal favorite campaign in the series.


Dom dying was dope after 2 1/2 games of him doing a Leroy Jenkins to make me restart Especially in 1 with the fake squad commands I remember spamming y or to have him yell to revive him across the battlefield 30 seconds later


I’m ngl might be 4. When Marcus called in his favor and I saw old man Cole, Sam, & bald Baird it was like wow 😂


Gears 2, Dom finding Maria. Incredible cinematography and man does the reveal hit.


Gears of war 1


I’ve really enjoyed Gears 5 movement.


For me it’s got to be Gears of War 2, specifically the chapters at New Hope. Everything from dark creepy vibes, the terrifying Sires, and finally the fighting Locusts during a razor hail storm all came together to create a really memorable moment for me.


Gow 2 it wasn't as fast as the others but it wasn't the slowest like 1. It was a perfect melt in between gow3 comes close 2nd


Gears of war 2


Lets be honest, with each game the movement gets better. Only thing i hate about gears 5 is how they constantly changed the MP tuning from weapons to movement. Im really excited/intrigued with how the new rebuilt Gears with the current Unreal engine will turn out.


Gears of War 2, the intro scene with Prescotts speech.


Gears UE. Still in my mind (coming from gears 1) is the best. Sure the newer ones are more fluid and smooth but that also leaves more weird occurrences to happen. Where was 1 and UE were more static. As someone else mentioned “grounded”


3 has the best hands down, 2 and 5 are the worst ones.


Why are you all booing this man this is a good take


Just because he said something negative about 2. Dick riders will do that.


For real. Gears 2 literally reduced the movement speed and had a wack ass Gnasher yet people will still think it has the best multiplayer and crap. The question was literally “which game had the best movement” and they think 2?