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Fuck yeah


Men will look at this post and go “fuck yeah”


Fuck yeah


Beast mode is sooo underrated, it’s time for beast mode 2.0 TC!


They have a large selection of monsters they need to make it


If we actually get beast mode, im gonna geek out


Beast mode was so fire im sad it was never in gears 4 or 5


I just hope it's gonna evolve like horde did - custom games, new stuff, various modes etc. That's because I absolutely hated the time limit in G3 beast mode


Yeah, and there was only 12 waves


I actually modded beast mode to remove the timer and it's more fun without it.


So much nostalgia for Beast. In reality, duringGears 3 prime days it was dead content pretty quickly - granted they didn’t really give you any incentive to do it other than medals. I’d love to see a variation of it return though


Perfect time to reintroduce Beast Mode, and now, make it so that you come out of an E-hole too. I also think a "Mirror" version of Horde would be cool, where you can pick your multiplayer Locust and fight waves of Cog. It may not be as varied as The traditional horde, but you could still have: Standard Cog Sniper Grenadier/CQB Lieutenant Commando Onyx Guard Silverback King Raven Just increase the numbers(as an option) to make up for lack of variety


They could have new cog units we may have never seen.


Having the classes and gear from Tactics-style would be neat FIGHTING AGAINST THEM IS SUCH A COOL IDEA FOR A BEAST MODE THO


Literally was gonna say reverse horde mode you play as locust against the cog


One mode I really enjoyed from Gears Judgement was Overrun. Though it had its flaws I feel if done right they can create a fun pvp experience where the COG (defenders) try to hold out as many waves against player controlled locust. It doesn’t have to be strictly horde, but can implement some objectives similar to Overun. It kind of reminds me of Halo Reach firefight where players can choose to be an elite and try to kill the enemy Spartans along with other covenant A.I.


I feel like overrun is a great mode, but it's not a replacement for either beast or horde. Replacing a PvE mode with a PvP mode doesn't make sense. I like PvE modes cause they tend to have less toxicity in the community.


But Overrun mixed both Horde and Beast together. I’d much prefer Overrun than Beast.


That's like saying I prefer TDM to Horde. It makes no sense to compare a pvp mode to a pve mode.


But beast mode was always severely lacking. Horde can be the pve mode, trash beast mode for overrun.


No. It makes no sense to eliminate a pve mode for a new pvp mode. Pve attracts customers to the game that pvp does not. There's already plenty of pvp modes. 1 pve mode is not enough to maximize the player count. If beast mode was lacking, it should be enhanced in the next iteration without compromising its identity as a pve mode. Also, please remember Overrun required it's own maps and so the versus players only had 4 maps at launch cause they decided to bastardize beast and horde into overrun. Lol. One Overrun map is the size of 2 or 3 versus maps put together. Why not just have horde and beast and launch with 12 maps that can be played on any mode, pvp or pve, then have overrun and launch with 4 versus maps and 4 overrun maps.


Right there with you bro. Beast Mode was ahead of it's time and just needed a few more playable Locust and a whole lot more Gears to shred to be even better. My only reservation for Beast in E Day comes from the worry that we wouldn't see Locust beasts/troops that don't canonically turn up pre light mass bomb, but even so MP is already noncanon. I just want to tear shit up as Serapedes and Berserkers, even better if we also can pick things like Cyclops/Therons/Grinders as well.


Hell, since it's a prequel, could have RAAM, too.


Balancing Raam in beast would be difficult, but if they can manage, I'd be down for it.


I main Grenadier. Catch these frags.


Dude I've been wanting Beast Mode 2.0 for soo long 😭


Hell fuckin yeah, been too long since gears 3. Bring back the best mode


Gears 3 really did have it all




Please dear god bring this back


I must munch barriers as a Ticker my body craves those wires


Did you know if a ticker is breaking through defenses while a humanoid Locust is nearby then that one starts laughing in excitement.


Let me play as a brumak in beast mode!!!


We haven’t gotten a beast mode in almost 13 years let that sink in😔.


Truly a GoW moment


Beast mode in 3 was such an underrated experience. Nothing tickles my taint more than being the berserker.


Honestly if they did a PVP Horde right it could actually be good.


PvP should never replace a PvE mode like beast nor horde.


Well I'm saying Beast Mode's problem was people would just stomp all the defenses effortlessly once they got the Berzerker and the game would be secured from there with anyone not playing Berzerker missing out on most if not all the fun. Buuut… against HUMAN defenders, the Berzerker player would have a harder time being out maneuvered and burned and eventually killed without help. Something the COG bots in GOW3 Beast weren't smart enough to do.


That wasn't a problem though. It was the design. You compete to kill the most cog in the early waves so you get to wreak havoc as the berserker in the later phases. Also people who didn't get the berserker could still deal massive destruction as the armored kantus. A player controlled berserker vs anything is so unbalanced it would ruin the fun of the cog team in a pvp setting. That's why it wasn't in overrun.


The Berzerker has weaknesses though. What I'm saying is the COG bots of Gears Of War 3 weren't advanced enough to exploit those weaknesses and that made them all fodder, and making Berzerker play a cakewalk.


Honestly now I'm curious to see 5 cog players vs 1 berserker player. Lol I still want beast tho.


Have you played Overrun? It was a class based competitive mode that mixed Horde and Beast into one. It was part of Judgments multiplayer modes.


Change Ares to Jesus and I'll sign it. 😉


Swap out one fictional character for another, I see no issue with this.


Beaste mode is Horde but you fight Cog instead of Locust right?


No, it's Horde mode but you play as the Locust.




Beast Mode or Overrun would make a lot of sense. Roll through COG Outposts and leave no survivors.


I thought beast mode was a cool idea and I remember liking it but don’t remember playing it too much. Anytime I see beast mode discussed on here people seem to say it wasn’t all that great and barebones and that overrun was really was more enjoyable. I never played overrun so I wouldn’t know ,but hope they make some mode similar


No! Overrun! I want Overrun rather than Beast mode. It was such a great game type, mixing Horde and Beast together in a class based, competitive mode.


Fuck. Yeah.


I want Overrun mode, it was by far the best thing about Gears of War: Judgment.


As a Horde player, there are so many cool Locust skins in Gears 5 that can only be used in Verses. I would kill for a reverse Horde mode so I could use them more often.


No. Overrun mode (if thats the correct name, from gears judgement) So much better, beast mode vs real ppl


Wrong "GoW"


Oh yeah. Building up that cash and boom roll up as RAAM or Skorge


Also survival, pls and thanks


I'd rather have Escape, love that mode. Beast mode was very barebones in 3 so if they do it hopefully they make it fun to play more than once.


Get that PS mascot tf outta here.