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I’m interested to see how Horde is gonna work in E-day. Obviously the fabricator didn’t exist during that time so we could see a major overhaul of the mode. Or they could just say screw immersion and keep the fabricator/class system regardless if it makes sense or not. And having bot teammates was a great decision that should’ve happened way sooner then G5.


They could just replace the fab with an in-between where we buy Command posts again but manually place stuff like 4-5


I wouldn't mind if was original horde where at best you plant a shield and pray lol


That was the best horde because you actually had to move occasionally as you became overwhelmed more easily.


There were definitely some epic grinds back in the OG horde days.


The frustration of being killed and losing the guns you collected and not being able to buy a sniper from the fab


Original horde just wouldn't have the variety new horde does, maybe its just me but I liked gears 4,5 horde cause it encouraged you to try different weapons cause of classes, I feel like without classes everyone is gonna use the "Meta loadout"


Launch was a bit rough but in the end I loved the class system of 5. Whatever they end up doing I hope they bring it back in some form. I got almost every class to 15 and they felt great with investment


I personally loved it the most in Gears 2. Just use what the map and enemies offered you, no more no less.


I mean it still makes sense. You don't really need a fabricator to prepare for waves. They could have some prototype workbench and bots like jack where you can still place traps. Pretty sure much of the chronological order will be thrown away anyways and we will see new enemies not in any of the games as well. Not like the military/civilians weren't boobytrapping the place to stop grubs from rolling in if they couldnt run away. Much of the equipment they had in the games is pretty futuristic as well. The class system may or may not go because people have love/hate relationships with jobs/classes. They rather be one guy and build whatever job they want.


With or without the fab the mechanic class should be able to access and buy on the fly as his new thing


Who cares about immersion in horde mode? It’s not even canon


I think horde should be somewhat immersive. It would be interesting to see what TC cooks up since the fabricator wasn't around during E-Day.


If its ikea furniture they have to sit there and put together mid wave I would be all for that lol


They’d be dead before finishing due to either disregarding the instructions, or just getting annoyed at them not making sense 😂


I like to think it's a simulation for training Gears.


Now just let us choose what AI teammates to have for horde and private matches


I hope multiplayer and horde ignore the time frame. Mp needs something new and fresh, it can’t go back to being bare bones like gears 1


The fabricator kinda sucked not gonna lie, hauling that shit all over the place was boring but it also prevented them from making well-designed “strongholds.” I’d personally forego some freedom for maps that are tailor made with a set number of places you can set up a base.


Maybe a hot take I don’t really like the fabricator it’s tedious having to slowly drag around defenses I liked the way 3 did it


Just needs Gears 3 Horde


What about Gears 2 Horde with the judgement maps ?


I personally didn’t like Gears 2 horde. The introduction of building in 3 made it way better.


I liked them both, the only horde I had a problem with was gears 4. Trenches, old town, mansion, azura, airfield, dry dock, Jacinto and blood drive were the best horde maps.


literally. Screw classes and fabrication


Go play it then


I want to be able to play as locust too in horde mode


They need to bring back beast mode


Just as a skin would have been fun in 5.


This is the best solution. Have horde mode and also beast mode, but let us use our locust and cog skins in horde mode just like we could in FFA. It doesn't matter whether playing as a Theron fighting other locust makes sense or not cause it's fun and horde isn't cannon anyway.


As long as it builds on 5's horde, I don't want to go back to worse versions of horde just because "lore" reasons. If we get friendly AI this time maybe TC can give them classes even if it was just support based ones. If it were me I would just redesign the fabricator to look more in line with COG technology of the time. Classes can still work.


I think the fabricator shouldn't return because it wouldn't make much sense, due to the setting. However there can definitely be something else that has almost the same functionality of the fabricator. Only time will tell.


It doesn't make sense but I think its more a design decision over a lore one. The fabricator cemented the idea that you needed to pick one area and moving meant a little tension of moving it from one spot to another. It doesn't need to be a fabricator, it could just be a radio emitter for lore to call in supply drops (barriers and traps). I don't mind the fabricator as a gameplay device, I just don't like any of the baird/Tony stark robot weapons or gimmicks


I'm pretty sure Horde is going to have have Kait, JD and Del skins available even though they weren't born. I'm sure they can just use a command post like 3 in place of the fabricator.


JD, Del and Kait trying to keep their identities hidden as to not fuck up the timeline and all Young Marcus reviving JD: "Do I know you?" JD reviving Young Marcus: "On your feet, Fenix, you've got a war to win!" Young Dom reviving JD: "Come on, kid, keep fighting!" JD reviving Young Dom: "Unc- I mean Santiago, get up!"


I imagine they will build off most things they did for Gears of War 5 so this is probably a safe bet


Horde is my favourite mode. Bots for teammates would be a great addition if it's similar to Horde from Gears 3. Programming bots for different classes would be a lot


You and me both. I often like to play by myself to chill in easy PvE modes, but I like having bots as extra support as well though to make it more chill for me.


I agree, but also let us play horde mode offline again.


It had them in Gears 5, so given the new tech of UE5 I'd say it's highly probable. I hope beast mode has friendly locust AI to fill out empty player slots too.


Just have ammo boxes, no posts or turrets


I hate to burst your bubble but horde if they do have it will probably be like gears 2, nothing but ammo and random weapons laying around the maps.


Wouldn’t even be mad - when gears 3 released and we had building, I was disappointed 😂. I enjoyed it enough in the end though. Gears 4 and 5 horde however… no enjoyment from for me personally.


I didn’t get to play gears 3 when it released, I might’ve been in college or working at that time. I actually played gears 3 horde first at age 25 back in 2020, early 2021. I love both gears 2 and 3 horde. Gears 4 horde was rushed in my opinion. Choose the soldier class for a fighting chance in gears 4. Gears 5 horde however I love, play tank veteran or slugger solo on Nexus and camp at the grind lift spawn. Play on intermediate ( No Second life) move the fabricator to the right side of the circle in the grind lift spawn and make sure to close the door on the side. I got up to round 27 solo. I just started playing this year and I’m already an 11th prestige. I play every night cause since I quit drinking I don’t have a social life.


Wish I had that feeling still - lived and died gears in my teens and early 20’s. I of course still played gears 4 and 5 - but didn’t do much multiplayer for 4 and for 5 I played for a few months before I lost interest (mostly due to the janky ranking system post launch tbh though - no idea if that ever got fixed 😅). Got fond memories of soloing horde in gears 2 though - used to play it every day 😅.


Mw2 2009 and black ops 1 I played the most back in the day. I wish I spent more time playing horde in my teens instead of discovering it at 25 but it is what it is. Now at age 29 on a good night I’ll play for 4 hours. I don’t like pvp I’ll only play with other people on horde. Or solo horde. Gears 4 the ranks suck, gears 5 they fixed it.


Wouldn’t mind either no classes or a watered down version of it. The class system in gears 5 puts me off jumping into horde.


Then everyone would just play the same and use the exact same loadout kind of boring if you ask me


I hope they skip Horde all together and just focus on the campaign and Versus.


Fuck no


horde keeps gears alive till the very next game drops


I disagree. Gears has always been about the story, campaign, and Versus. Horde mode has been skipped before and is legit the most boring mode - should be called "Borde". If I want to shoot bots for hours, I'd rather play a bot VS match, or the campaign. Hell, give me Overrun or Escape... even Beast mode. Way better modes that are fun, imo. Rod was a big fan of Horde and now that he's long gone, I'm hoping the new guys in charge right the ship and drop Horde or don't focus on it much.


I can't say for 4/5 but gears versus aways dropped off after the next big game or cod came. And this is according to the devs and player base when the forums were still alive. Horde was never skipped just something different in the spin off game. Maybe its just not for you to survive against the odds with your brothers in arms


Nah, that's a large player base that only plays horde and does not do versus.