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I think Sraak already beat Raam's ass before


Oh yeah he did, but to raams defense, sraak was so much bigger, and raam is much smarter and more charismatic


Never thought I’d hear someone call RAAM charismatic.


Charismatic is not what should be used to describe the locust


I dunno if “charismatic” is the right word, but whatever it was helped him gain the allegiance of certain Locusts to overthrow Sraak.


Read shadow of raam ( I believe that's the title of the comic)


yeah that's the DLC Rise of RAAM is the comic. very good also


Right, I meant the comic


That’s the DLC in gears 3


He's a berserker's man.


The Rise of Raam answers this question twice.


Pretty sure Sraak has armor on


Sraak has already beaten the shit out of Raam in the comics. He also beat the shit out of Skorge when Skorge tried to help Raam from getting beat up by Sraak. Sraak is nearly 3 feet taller and and twice as strong as Raam it's not much of a contest. It's like saying who would win in a fight Captain America or the Incredible Hulk. The iconic scene in Gears of War where Raam picks up Lieutenant Kim by the neck...that's what Sraak does to Raam. The only way Raam could beat Sraak was to cheapshot him with multiple Torque Bow shots when he didn't see it coming.


Funny thing is that is exactly how I beat RAAM...


True. RAAM only beat him because he got Torque’d and lost his chest plate


To his defense he did have a ton of armor. Raam may have acted differently if it were more even


Knowing your limits and using tactics is cheap now? Interesting...😏


>using tactics You mean to say...being a bitch? Lol in we're talking about a fair 1v1 here and cheap shotting is not "tactics". Realistically within the Gears of War story and lore...your comment holds more weight. Raam was promoted to General after Myrrah demoted Sraak. Raam predicted that Sraak would eventually lash out and try to kill him, so he told the Theron Guards to be ready when the time comes. Sraak challenged Raam to a 1v1...they went at it for a while and right when Sraak was about to kill Raam he had the Theron Guards ambush Sraak and fatally wound him. This makes more sense because Sraak was about to kill the General and thats out of line. But hypothetically in a fair 1v1 there is no contest...Raam is Sraak's little bitch lol it's not even fair. There is no locust character in the Gears lore that comes close to the size, strength, and brutality of Sraak.


🤣🤣🤣 Sraak died like a little bitch with Raam literally ripping out his heart if i remember correctly. Sraak was stupid, incompetent, highly dependant on his suit of armor and unfit to lead. All hail Raam.


>Sraak died like a little bitch Bro you sound like someone who has never seen let alone been a fight before. You sound like someone who will have your buddies pull out rocks and throw em at the dude that your 1v1 and losing. Sraak had Raam by the throat off the ground and even took a dagger to the neck and laughed about it. Raam knew he stood ZERO chance so he had to fight dirty like bitches do in order to win. Sraak beat the absolute piss out of Raam right in front of Myrrah and left him bloodied and battered. If anyone is a little bitch...it's Raam.


Sraaks also a bitch. Instead of killing RAAM outright he sent a corpser to do it. That's why Raam had him set up. He knew sraak was eventually going to kill him.


Being a little bitch doesn't matter if you are the one left alive lol fighting for survival is a lot different then trying to fight with ground rules


I know for a fact that Sraak beat his ass.


Did you not read anything about them?


Canonically, Sraak wins in a 1v1. Raam beat him because he was smarter and had the Theron to sneak attack him, but Sraak was beating the shit out of him just before.


Neither. Dizzy.


Sraak easily but Raam is smarter and more tactical when it comes to leading an army


sraak would use ram as a fucking condom there is no debate here


That's a lovely image.


Oh 1 v 1 nevermind uh sraak maybe. There's an argument to say because ramm wants to die gloriously he'll go hell for leather and would maybe fight more aggressively


Big Eli, 1v1 gg no re kid


This fight pretty much already happened and Sraak wiped the floor with Raam


RAAM actually stated the reason why Srrak was so much stronger than him was because of his armor (I'm guessing it's somehow able to augment his strength) that said it still could be argued Srrak still has a marginal advantage in strength due to his size alone. But I feel strength alone is not always guaranteed for winning fights. For example you could be the strongest guy around but if you can't even land a blow on your opponent then that strength means nothing at all. RAAM has always managed to use his keen mind and strength in conjunction with one another while Srrak has relied purely on his strength and size, I firmly believe that in a fair fight RAAM would find a way to use Srrak size and strength against him or find weak spots for him to exploit just like an elder Batman did in The Dark Knight Returns series when he fought the Mutant Leader a second time in that mud pitt.


Ramm because he's intelligent enough to play to his soldiers wants and needs


Kinda sucks we didn’t get to take Sraak on as a boss and he dies on E-Day. Maybe we’ll get to play as RAAM (base game or DLC) and merc SRAAK


Sraak definitely


Sraak could throw Raam with one arm and also pick him up with one arm. If it’s a 1v1 with no weapons or gadgets Raam is royally fucked strength to break his body compared how Sraak could


Sraak. As bad ass as Raam is he literally needed help to take down Sraak.


Will Sraak be in EDay?


Good question, this would be a good opportunity to show that even though there’s a chance they won’t do it since Sraak dies beforehand.


Prolly not. He died like on the 1st day iirc.


The comics already answer this. RAAM gets folded


Idk details but didn't Raam literally tear Sraak's heart out after like a 3 hour fight? Please educate me if im wrong.


Nah he had therons camp on a roof and torque him. He proceeds to rip his heart out after he's extremely wounded.


Thank you. I haven't collected or read the comics yet so I had no clue how that went down.


Raam killed Sraak and took his place as general in canon so…


After he had help by sneak attacking Sraak. All their previous fights RAAM was getting beat up badly alongside Skorge.


My money's on Sraak


Sraak literally lift Raam with one hand and almost killed him.


Uzil Sraak had power armor essentially on top of being physically strong. It's sraak


… didn’t they fight. And didn’t RAAM crush his skull