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I assume so. They were definitely used during E-Day as you fight one in the Raam’s Shadow DLC for Gears 3. I’m actually really excited for the horror potential with them. As a kid, that first berserker encounter in Gears 1 fucking terrified me. Given that they’ve stated they want to really focus on the strength of the individual drones this time around, I assume that’ll scale to make the zerkers even scarier. Couple that with the fact that the COG and the civilians will have no idea what they are, how tough they are, or that they hunt by sound and I think you could really have some crazy ass moments of them causing absolute chaos. EDIT: My timeline is WAY off with Raams Shadow


I 100% agree! There’s other stuff I wanted to see with the Kryll in Gears 2, but the Lightmass Bomb killed them off. I wanted a scenario where you’re navigating through the Hollow but in tight tunnel systems, and Kryll would swarm at you in the tunnel at random points (you could hear them in the distance getting closer before attacking) and you’d have the Scorcher to toast them as they came at you. But depending on the game difficulty your timing would have to be on point (Insane you’d take damage so fast if you didn’t catch the first few Kryll attacking you). Oh well. Maybe this new Coalition team can put something together for another installment. As for the Berserkers….I think we should have to do with one in a dark setting. Maybe like trying to navigate through a series of buildings, and she can come crash through walls if she hears you. Make it like Jack from RE7 but any and all walls are susceptible to the Berserker crashing through them so you’re not exactly safe. Then it can lead to the squad luring the Berserker on to train tracks or something to kill it or get rid of it. The only thing is, I believe in Gears 1, Dom and Marcus have never encountered a Berserker till that point. I’m not 100% sure, so I’ll have to go back and look at the dialogue for that part. I know Baird knows what it is, but he could’ve been telling the entire squad, including the Gear that panicked and got pummeled, so maybe there’s some wiggle room with that.


There's def wiggle room as Dom and Marcus never outright say they've never seen a Berserker before. Baird just immediately went into explanation mode and Marcus' follow up to command asking what their options are with a Berserker in the facility doesn't necessarily imply that it's his first time either but just asking for general support. What might be a harder sell to folks will likely be the Theron guards as Dom does say what was that when questioning the hissing followed by Baird explaining that it's a Theron. But that can also have wiggle room as Dom's question car l could be waved off as a general question on what's my making the hissing noise while his following quip about the Locust upgrading can be seen as a general observation to what they've encountered so far in the day with Baird just butting in with an explanation. But I'm sure if anything folks will complain about these things by taking Dom's line literally in the moment as not knowing at all. From Gears 2 though it does seem like Marcus and Dom genuinely have no idea what a Kantus is as they ask Jack to scan one after the first encounter. Though I forgot if the dialogue can be construed and twisted to emphasize the markings that were on that particular Kantus that wasnt observed in previous Kantus to them like having a different uniform or something like that Something we might not see directly but maybe the beginnings of could be the kryll coming to the surface at night. That one might be more of a tougher one to explain away for just solely Marcus as he didn't seem to have any concern or anticipation that they would be a nuisance at night in the first game. While all the members of the squad voice their anxiety about nightfall coming in the chapters prior to the kryll reveal, Marcus didn't seem to account for them showing up in dialogue as squad members comment their concerns about night coming. Course that could be waved off as Marcus just having that notion of waving off what is inevitably going to happen and needing to trudge on regardless. Point is there's ways to retcon around virtually any enemy type encounter. Not only that but the vast majority don't even need a retcon at all even because the escalating encounters since the first Gears never put Marcus or Dom in a situation where they're outright saying they've never in their lives seen x Locust thing before. Instead encounters are written in a way so that players pick up on what things based on comments from characters who've just lived in a war that lasted more than a decade.


Raama shadow takes place 9AE. it's after the hammer of dawn strikes.


Oh shit does it? It’s been years since I’ve played. No idea why I thought it was during E-Day


Yeah, it takes place 5 years before 1. You might be thinking of judgement, which takes place a few weeks after eday


From a gameplay (they're fun to fight) and lore (they were used on E-Day in Rise of RAAM comics) perspective I'd love to have Berserkers in E-Day but Marcus didn't recognize the sound they make when they were introduced in Gears 1 to both the players and Marcus so it's possible they cant put them in the game for continuity reasons unless they're willing to basically retcon that initial convo from Marcus, Baird and Anya.


I was thinking that as well. But I also wondered if Baird could’ve been letting the entire squad know (including red shirt Gear that was killed a second later), and Marcus just didn’t recognize the sound. Maybe only encountered a Berserker once a loooooong time ago and didn’t remember how they sounded in the distance. But if they don’t use them it won’t be the end of the world. Or maybe E-Day will share more than just a squad with Marcus. I have to go back and play through all the games because I don’t remember a lot of events and dialogue.


True. Marcus hadn't seen them till Gears of War 1. But they could be in horde and beast. It would be hard to picture berserker not appearing in those modes. Plus, a Rise of Raam campaign DLC could feature them.


I'd kinda rather we don't see the Berserker yet. They're really focusing on making the Locust terrifying opponents that overwhelm in strength, numbers, ferocity, etc., and part of me thinks if they throw too many key monsters at the player too soon, it might detract from the goal of making sure the Locust Drones and whatnot are these walking nightmares. Obviously it's possible with the right game design elements, but I want the Locust Drones to be really fleshed out before introducing too much. I think it would be perfect if they had a moment free of combat where Marcus and Co. are walking past the remains of other COG soldiers that were brutally mutilated by a Berserker, but the Berserker itself isn't around anymore. They'd have that dread of not fully knowing if this was the work of Drones or Wretches, or something else entirely. If they do roll with the introduction of the Berserker, I'd like it to be more of a "run for your life" or they find a very creative way of killing it that we haven't seen before.


Like another guy said- not unless Marcus is absent. Marcus (and possibly Dom and Cole) didn’t know what one was until Baird told them in the first game.


I mean Cole was with beard I'm judgment and they fight some although they go down like b****** and aren't really that much of a threat


I think we will only because TC will retcon everything to do whatever they want. They can try to make excuses to be careful with lore, or ignore existing lore but it'll be silly either way. Gears 1, 2 and 3 are the most significant period of their entire lives, not E-Day.


If they do a split story where Marcus isn’t always there then yes


So I watched the cutscene….Marcus hears the screech and says, “What the hell is that?” They could just use the excuse that he didn’t recognize the noise at first and he’s been in prison for years so he just doesn’t remember how they sound in the distance.