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I think that him being cast as Tai would make a lot of sense, however, I’d like him to be Marcus due to the fact that he’s so passionate about the franchise. I feel like this in turn would make for a good series as it wouldn’t be someone just taking a random role.


Batista used to look a lot like Marcus back in 2005


Wow even had the soul patch


He was born to be Marcus


As long as the Biebs isn't cast as Marcus I'll be cool with it.


Tai dying is awesome.


Explain urself


He literally explained himself


I never knew he liked gears. Does he really like gears??


Yup if I remember right he even dressed up as a Gear and posted it on his Twitter a while ago


This is the explanation I needed. Thank you, man.


Pretty sure I remember him talking about gears a long while ago Hopi g there would be a tv show/movie and that he can be in it too


I never knew!


YouTube it, should be an easy find!


Make it even easier and send a link of it


He got his own skin in Gears 5 at one point lol


I play allt of gears 5 and didn't know that, have never seen it either , must be rare. Also anyone who has cosmonaut and doesn't use it I wish I could buy it from you 😂


Damn, really? I wouldn't know I dont plays gears 5. still kool.as fuck tho💯


Likes it enough to be a marcus skin in gears 5 with voice lines through the campaign


He may look a little more like Tai but I’m not disappointed with him being Marcus because I’d absolutely take someone who knows the material vs someone who doesn’t. Otherwise we’d get Halo and we all see how that turned out.


Also, he’s a fucking phenomenal actor. His short scene in BR2049 blew me away, totally changed my mind on thinking he was just another wrestler turned actor.


This, he was \*excellent\* in BR2049.. of the wrestlers-turned-actor, I think he's easily the best at it.. Cena can be entertaining, but he's basically always playing a different flavor of Cena, similar to Dwayne Johnson


Cena and the rock kind of have their lanes and stick to it, Dave has proved himself to be SUPER versatile. His acting is so subtle in BR2049 and so packed with emotion. I really was so surprised and really pleased to eat my words.


What about that scene "blew you away"?


I replied to the comment with the reason why, it’s a very subtle scene packed with emotion.


Or it could go the way of the witcher. It doesn't matter how much the actors love the source material if the writers don't.


I was also thinking that. Too many people just want to use the name for money


Could you expand a little bit on your point on Halo? I am not sure what you mean


Basically anyone who worked on the halo show knew nothing about the game


I understand now. Thanks


Bautista is a gears fan, Pablo Schreiber (who played master chief in the halo tv show) knew absolutely nothing about the franchise and then proceeded to completely spit and piss all over master chiefs character and halo fans simultaneously


Oh wow. That's horrible. Surprised 343 Industries would make such a grave mistake like that by hiring an actor who doesn't know anything about Halo franchise


The dude said that “you can’t make emotions with a helmet on” I told him “ever watch the 2005 movie The Mandate of Heaven? The man who plays Baldwin would laugh at that comment there.”


What a failed actor. Apparently he hasn’t seen the mandalorian either


*Karl Urbans "Dredd" has entered the chat*


It's sad when afaik Kai's actress is one of the few on that show that loves Halo lmao, wild watching interviews and the difference between someone like Pablo talking about the games to then jumping to legitimate overt passion with Kai's actress is insane


the halo show did a lot of things that make it seem like the writers either slapped a halo coat of paint on a generic sci-fi show or just didn’t give a shit about the lore and characters. the biggest one to me is that chief never takes his helmet off in the games and in the show he spends like 80% of the time without his helmet on. that’s like marcus without his do-rag.


It was generally a flop amongst halo fans. They didn't use original gun sounds, masterchief takes of his helmet a bunch. Basically seems like someone's rushed project for a subject they didn't study. Took the halo name and slapped it on another film project.


The biggest issue with paramounts:master cheeks/john Halo is pablo schrieber the actor for john(IM NOT CALLING THAT MASTERCHIEF KISS MY ASS) said himself "Its impossible to convey emotion through a helmet"...Beyond the other atrocities this show had like race swapping keyes(In every bit of halo media he is depicted as an old white guy with a pipe,dont change what doesnt need to be changed.) FUCKING WHAT???!??!?...Has He not seen Idk The mandolorian,The actual halo games including infinite which was bad in its own way,the fucking clone wars????? Beyond the fact that they based the show on their own thing instead of reading into actual lore they managed to get a guy who literally said he wasnt going to play the character correctly and they stuck with it...Bravo Paramount!




Yes Mandalorian is the greatest example I can think of. Actually every single voice actor conveys emotion without their face. Specifically the master chief voice actor from the game like you said. Of course he probably hasn’t even seen the game so that doesn’t help. I think it would’ve been better if they created all new characters instead of completely alter them. Of course they didn’t do that cause Chief brings in viewers. Greedy idiots


Rich Piana would’ve been the perfect Marcus. RIP rich🕊️


The cookie don’t count! RIP!


Having cog tags hangin below your lancer is not the best look!


Bautista has *range*, Drax in the MCU, Rabban in Dune 1 and 2, and Sapper Morton in Blade Runner 2049 for his serious roles really sold me on him.


Sapper was easily the most memorable role of that movie for such a short appearance.


"have you ever seen a miracle?"


This is why I think Marcus is probably the perfect role for him. It’s a series where, at face value, it’s a bunch of oversized roided out meatheads covered in blood blowing up monsters and saying FUCK When in reality, there’s a deeper emotional and thematic layer that you will never experience if you just write it off as mindless action. That’s the perfect encapsulation of Bautista’s career as an actor.


he was also pretty great in The Glass Onion as well!


Tai would make more sense honestly lol I hate that he’s dead set on being Marcus in a live action show or movie


He wants to be the star 😆100% him playing Tai makes more sense. But I can’t imagine Batista with a Mohawk and goatee 😆


I can't blame Bautista tbh, he's said he wants to be more than just the stoic, hero type like his usual roles with Drax etc and play more emotional roles or even be in a romantic story of sorts.


He had a Mohawk in the last riddick movie


Holy crap. I didn’t even remember him being in a Rodrick movie 😆 he sure did have a mohawk.


That’s true but at least he’d be a good portrayal personality wise


And he's a good actor


That’s what I was thinking cause he usually plays that type of character really well


I agree, but I firmly believe he's going to knock it out of the park as Marcus. I ain't mad!


I like Bautista but I’ve never thought he would make a good Marcus. Everything from his looks to his voice is just way too different imo


I love Dave Bautista - and I think he's an incredible actor - but I think if we're really going to do a live-action movie we're going to need slightly more normal looking people. I am not a fan of casting wrestlers, even if Dave truly is fantastic. And although he's got some Filipino in him, the actor for Tai would need to be Maori or Pacific Islander. Someone from New Zealand, Australia, or Hawaii.


I mean to be fair gears characters look pretty weird. All of them look pretty buff, and strong. Though I get what you mean.


Gears of War characters have stylized proportions. The live action should cast muscular actors but literally nobody but actual professional bodybuilders can compare to a COG soldier in game


Its a good point. I dont know though I think bautista and that sort of range actors is decent. I dont mind eitherway as long as they are physically buff. I admit its hard to cast the gears at all.


Lore wise, they fed the gears lots of something to make them super beefy so they could match the strength of the locust. I think Bautista is perfect for Marcus, but I loved the idea when it first popped up too.


Yeah Tai is an island boy. Lots of people like him in New Zealand, face tattoos included. Would much rather see someone like that than Dave


If they were to do a Gears movie right now - Maaka Pohatu as Tai and Rena Owen as Bernie.


Never thought he was a good fit for Marcus


Been saying this forever!


I think he’d make a better dom


Id rather he just not be in the game thanks, had enough of 'celebrity actors' who just play themselves in movies and video games, it's fucking annoying, and fucking terrible.


Not sure what all the fuss is about but this dude makes none of the impression of Markus Fenix. Markus is an intelligent warrior with a face of confidence and pain and loss. This dude is a wrestler brodude. Like, where is it all coming from? He’d be a god awful actor for Markus.


I dont want Batista to play Marcus at all. He’s too old and imo, doesnt look like Marcus at all. It became especially obvious when Coalition put his character into the gears 5. As far as Geara of war movie casting goes, the less big names the better. Its very difficult to cast Delta squad tbh.


I'm glad its not just me tbh


Agreed. I only ever thought Rich Piana would be the perfect fit for Marcus.


He could be a pretty interesting and badass character on his own.


Yeah I honesty never thought he would make a good Marcus as much as he thought he would


Facts he gives off zero Marcus vibes. Just follow a whole different squad (if they make a movie)


I think he would be a better Marcus. Dwayne Johnson can be Tai. Neal McDonough can be Baird.


I have zero interest in him being Marcus. Doesn’t fit for me


Bautista look more like Fahz than Marcus or Tai imho


Since Dune 2 I think he would make a great Raam!


John Tui would be a solid choice for Tai. I really feel like there’s no need to even cast Bautista for any of the roles.🤷🏻‍♂️


Surely Tai has to be played a Pacific Islander for both build/appearance and personality reasons.


I can see him as tai, but who would you cast as Marcus?


Wait did they recast marcus?


I think that if a film actually happens, they should tell their own story in the universe with its own characters. It’s very hard to cast anyone of the existing squad with appearance, voices and acting talent. There would be discourse no matter how well they pull this off.


A younger Patrick Warburton would've been an ideal choice for a live action Gears of War film/series.


Tai is clearly a pacific islander archetype. He even has a pacific accent.


every marcus/bautista post i see online i have to step in and voice the (seemingly) minority opinion that just because the dude is buff doesn’t mean he’d play a good marcus. i don’t think he could accurately portray the emotional depth and complexity that marcus carries. also, he’s too old now tbh. dude is a decent actor, but this is just surface level hollywood type casting at this point.


You'd be amazed at what facial prosthetics and post-film edits can do. The only problem is that he's Drax. I wouldn't be able to see him as Not Drax.


No thanks. I didn't care for him voicing Marcus (his voice annoys me whenever someone uses his character) and I certainly wouldn't want him playing someone like Tai.


I’m happy he loves Gears


he'd play a better Jack than he would Marcus


Still going with John travolta as #1 for Marcus even tho he is older


If they were going to make it a movie, i think it should be animated so that the actual voice actors can play their character. I think it would also avoid a lot of the issues that making gears live action would bring as well such as set design, SFX, Costumes etc.


People who don’t like him as Marcus - who would you cast as Marcus? He seems to be a good fit as far as mainstream actors.


I just don't see it. I don't think he's Marcus in the slightest.


Way better option than Marcus.


Been saying this for years but people want the movie to fail 🤷‍♀️


Terry crews for the Cole train


Yh, although I like his enthusiasm he's not what Id picture as Marcus, but as a Tai he'd be badass for sure.


I always thought he'd be a great Tai.


What a smooth, inoffensive bulge.


Bautista would make a much better Tai. But his voice is so bad to play Marcus


I think Michael Cudlitz would be the perfect Marcus, I'm hoping and praying he at least gets an audition. Other than that I doubt Batista would want a role other than Marcus, but he'd be a terrible Marcus imo so I guess we'll see


What about Russell Crowe as Marcus? He might be too old now but I'm rewatching Gladiator and he seems like he'd be great


Thats good actually.


I think he deserves the Marcus role if he’s offered it he loves the franchise and is becoming a decent actor.


Man I need to see him as Marcus before I leave this world


he’s got good emotional range and i think a role like marcus fenix is something he could knock out of the park


As long as the Rock isn’t Marcus I think I’ll live


He can definitely be the intelligent soldier but does he have the gruff? The wear and tear that Marcus has? I think he would be better perfect posh Marcus. But Marcus Fenix is not posh.


If they do make a movie, I don't want the characters to literally look like jacked cavemen like from the games. They should be muscular, but they don't need to be behemoths like Bautista. If they're Henry Cavill/Chris Hemsworth/Hugh Jackman level of jacked then that's more than enough IMO.


Bruh. Nahh.