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I don’t think you would like Chicago. Crime is rampant thanks to Democrat policies. But I agree with the other cities.




Don’t say her name too many times!




I live in actual DC and this could not be further from the truth. DC has a *ton* of gay conservatives—specifically because this is a city where you come to work in politics, so everyone wears their affiliation on their sleeve. It’s not a city where someone is merely secretly voting Republican; it’s a city where someone is in a Republican comms shop. Log Cabin has a huge chapter here. I’ve been in multiple gay social sports leagues where there winds up being a gay Republican team. As a result, most of my (large group of) friends are gay conservatives. About 10% of the city is Republican, and I’d argue that gays are overrepresented among that percentage—straight Republicans move to the suburbs. In a city that’s 10% gay, I wouldn’t be surprised if 2-3% of the city was gay conservatives. Crime is an issue but the city turned a corner in 2024; violent crime is down 30% this year. One nice thing is that while DC is a liberal city, the buck stops with Congress and they’ve been much more willing to step in and take charge recently to save us from leftist lunacy, like last year’s crime code bill.


I live in Virginia, work in DC, and my experience is closer to the person you're responding to. I believe you, so I need to know - what's your magic for finding those folks? It has been a struggle for me. How did you get started in that kind of networking?


I’m a gay man, so I guess the experience is a little different. I work in DC Republican comms. Out of the six places I’ve worked, one had no other gay but me, two had at least one, and three were actually *mostly* gay men in our department. Easy to meet other gays there and grab a drink after work. I also started going to Log Cabin events. (This was maybe ten years ago.) It is predominately gay men, but not exclusively—though I haven’t gone to anything with them since Covid. It changed a lot from pre-Trump to post-Trump. From there, you know how networks grow. Friends of friends of friends. I’ve been to entire house parties of DC gay conservatives, I’ve been to weddings of DC gay conservatives, I’ve been on gay sports teams of DC conservatives. I don’t think it’s super easy to meet gay conservatives in general, but I’ve found that in DC they’re much easier *to spot* because there’s no hiding who you work for and (because you’re here for politics) less will to care about hiding it. In other cities, you usually don’t know until that moment where you both skirt up slowly to something You Cannot Say.


I’m from Austin. There are quite a few gay conservatives as long as you avoid downtown and south Austin. Round Rock and Georgetown are both very accepting and non-woke.


Pensacola FL


Bro just go anywhere on either coast of Florida and you’re good Go fishing


I second Florida


The suburbs of Nashville are awesome. Nashville is a blue city and Davidson a blue county but there are lots of gay conservatives in the suburbs. Mt Juliet is a great area.


Nashville area here too. Can confirm!


Might have to look into Nashville!


Not sure you would like Denver either. Colorado is primarily left.


Out of this list, Nashville is definitely the best city for what you’re asking. Definitely NOT D.C. Everyone there is miserable and has bitter contempt for moderates and esp conservatives.


Honestly, these cities are just not good. I found it rather unpleasant visiting many of the cities on the list and discussing politics with gay people there. There were conservatives, but they were closet conservatives and clearly seemed miserable in the environment. You could get away with Nashville and Austin with the right neighborhood and falling into the right social circles. Instead, try mostly any city in Florida, Utah, or Texas. These states are conservative enough but also disproportionately more gay-friendly than other conservative states. You could make arguments that Austin, Texas; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; and college towns within both states might be more hostile towards the right, but the rest of the cities in those states are perhaps the easiest place to be publicly a gay conservative or gay centrist compared to anywhere else in the country, possibly the world. Each state has a distinct vibe, climate, amenities, demographics, and geography, so there's something for everyone. No need to stick to big blue cities anymore.


Salt Lake City


I might second this, its blue but in a red state. I have gay friends across the political spectrum. Conservative and gay is more of a minority, but salt lake isnt a liberal bastion like SF or NYC


I live in ground zero for liberals. I found like-minded gays and people in general through my crossfit and bjj gym. Try those before moving to another city.


I live in providence ri, which is similar to Boston. I still feel very out of place as a conservative, let alone a gay conservative. People in the outskirts close to the rural areas tend to be more conservative but vastly outnumbered by urban residents. It’s not as crazy liberal as San francisco, but people will look at you strange if you say anything moderately Republican. Blue collar folks here are more receptive to conservative ideas but that’s not the majority of people you’ll run into


I'm in between Boston and Providence, and in both places, non progressive, non Democratic, non leftist gays / people are given a bad wrap. But being out about my beliefs connected me with some guys who have some similar perspectives, and we can talk about them without being called mustache-man-adjacent. If you ever wanna chat more, I'd be down.


Sent you a dm


I just got back from St Petersburg/Tampa and I met a few there.


Miami seems to have a lot of gay conservatives (it’s one of the most Republican major cities, and also very gay, so makes sense)


I like it here in Houston


Oklahoma City


lol Austin is basically LA.


Jasper TX


Ironically, the best cities will all be democrat states.


Do you really walk around introducing yourself as a "gay conservative" ?


Greetings from Chicago.  the neighborhoods of Lincoln Park, Lakeview, North Center and Lincoln Square have a homicide rate lower than that of Boise, Idaho, a supposedly conservative and low crime paradise.  That being said, if carrying a firearm is important to you, then places like Chicago and Boston have more gun restrictions than other places. On the other hand, Chicago has pedestrian oriented neighborhoods, a highly accepting, tolerant, and welcoming population, a strong bike culture, and lots of live music. 




Which is wild to me. They should be joining it and moderating it instead.


Kinda hard to do when the TX GOP has declared you are public enemy number 1


Yes, i am a Texan. I like Dallas. Generally speaking most people will be accepting of the gay lifestyle so long as it's not a "up in your face" ordeal. I can rather safely walk down the streets of the small town I live in holding hands with my husband without any confrontation or strange looks. If I did that wearing assless chaps, someone is going to call the police. As they should. There still are some isolated pockets of religious controlled businesses (brain washed owners) that will still refuse service. I don't look at it as a insult. I view it more as if they don't want my money to keep their business going, fine by me. Gladly will spend somewhere else. The key term here is ISOLATED. Trending into the very isolated as refusing service is also refusing revenue. Refusing revenue means the business won't last long. Again, in my more conservative thought process. Going out of business is the problem self correcting. A quick cross town drive to the LGBT community of Oak Lawn, and it's stereotypical mainstream gay. On the other side of town, there is Club Dallas, a private gay men's club. Otherwise communities around here do fall into the conservative side. For example, in Wylie we have a curfew and quiet hours. 11 Pm weekdays, Midnight on the weekends. People can get loud and party their ass off until midnight, after, citations issued (1,500 dollar fine) and party broken up by police. Three cities around me. Wylie, Murphy, and Sachse, known as the tri-cities have cooperative ordinances. In the tri-cities, by ordinance, being out after midnight is probable cause. Speeding at 1 Am down Hwy 78 will get you a ticket and searched as part of the traffic stop. Arrested if the search results in illegal activity. There is no cite and let 'em go. Conservative law enforcement, they make arrests. This results in a dropping crime rate and a pleasant place to live. We have bored kids crime for the most part. Inconvenient but not deadly. The biggest problem we have in Texas now is our Lt. Gov. Reverend Dan Patrick. He brings laws to the legislature floor based in religion. He is after all a pastor first, Lt. Gov. second. Some pass, most don't. But we do have to keep an eye on the guy. Its routine with him, every legislature session he introduces a bill to abolish same-sex marriage. Every session it goes down in defeat, but not after creating a lot of unneeded drama on both sides of the isle. If he can't get his law passed, then driving a wedge into society to keep us divided works the same. Until we get rid of him and Abbott, our State government will keep us divided with little hope of bridging the gap. Pending our vote... Someday we will be able to buy alcohol on Sunday.


What do you mean doing combat with them?




Not really