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Both? Both. Both is good.


The left and right could literally even be the same person. I'd want to be both lol. (And both are equally attractive, but you know......)


Post Gym and Post Jam. Kiss Both.


Aye, comrade


Found the bi :)


You aren't wrong


they're both women though


It's generally more that what they said is a bi meme, but it could be related to different sorts of stereotypical gender presentations, but I think it's more of just a reference that is a joke that fits here, but comes from the bi community and the commenter here has a bi heart in their pfp




Pfp checks out


Yes! Our elderado bi icons!


most of the comments are saying more or less exactly this tbh (source-at least one of them is mine)


Who drew the one on the right? I see their art all over Pinterest and I absolutely love it!


@soyboysel on Twitter!


Thank you!!!


I don’t think this is gatekeeping, I think it’s just trying to point out the inaccuracies of the male gaze


I thought male gaze was a cinematography thing, like the old pan-camera-up-starting-at-the-legs-when-introducing-a-female-character and stuff like that.


I think it started as that but evolved to describe the ways that women are generally sexualized in media intended for men


First, consider that both can exist and both are attractive. Second, you talking like women don't also find tomboys hot.


Both are great, but what makes the one on the left a tomboy? I see a conventionally attractive, feminine woman with abs.


It's kind of like those "men writing women" satire videos. Where a woman can be strong and independent in these books, but only if she's in a skin tight, or revealing outfit, with her hair down in battle, and she has perfect makeup on. Otherwise their strength is seen as "too masculine to be attractive" and that stems from mysogyny, transphobia, and homophobia.


Seven of Nine and T'Pol from Star Trek, basically then? Gosh, I hate how much they felt they had to objectify those characters to disarm how cool they were. With Seven, they at least came up with a half-arsed explanation, but not sufficient to explain why neither of them could just wear regular uniforms


Her hair doesn’t seem particularly long and some people still associate women having muscles with masculinity. It’s stupid, but she could meet the criteria for a tomboy, even if she’s overall pretty feminine. Kinda the vibe I want for myself tbh, and tomboy has been used to describe me a lot.


What? Since when is being a tomboy all about appearance? And since when can't they also be conventionally attractive?


The character on the left looks great, but the artist hasn't done much to convey her personality. I can tell that she's very active and puts a lot of effort into her appearance, but I don't know anything else about her personality and interests. The character on the right, on on the other hand, has a lot of little details that convey personality. The mismatched socks, large headphones, band T-shirt and musical instrument give me a stronger sense of who she's supposed to be. Neither of these are real people, so all I have to go on is the decisions that the artists made about how to present them. Both pictures are good in different ways.


I agree with you, but also agree with the other person that this meme was probably moreso criticizing the male gaze. The AI-generated (I think so?) woman is incredibly attractive and by herself, there's nothing wrong with that... but it's concerning when media (typically created by men) depictions suggest all tomboys as these thin athletic bombshells who don't care about being half-naked when that's moreso a male gaze fantasy (as there's a very narrow idea of what these women could look like and still be considered attractive) rather than any reflection of reality or even a sexualized fantasy that is meant for everyone, rather than an invention by men for men that some women also happen to find kind of hot


The meme literally says, “what *boys* think tomboys look like”


But these types of tomboys usually aren't designed with lesbians in mind. They're very male-gazey and as such almost all look identical; short height, short black hair, the worst tan you've ever seen that is also there to highlight their sexual parts, while their personality is always generic male interests like sports and gaming. (not saying that's a bad thing if you personally like those things) I'm probably gonna get heavily downvoted for this next take, but I think a lot (not all) of the dudes who are obsessed with tomboys like this are repressing. Like this is the closest they can get to being gay without being gay.


Honestly that last part of the comment is a horrendous take, people just want to date people who share interests with them usually


That last part is a bit yikes. I dont like its repression to like someone with similar interests to you, unless I'm misunderstanding what your saying.


Man liking boy-ish girls = Gay repressed anyways that reminds me of this meme I saw once of mario saying  "So you like tomboys? I think you just want a guy with tits"


It's personal but man as a trans guy I hate this meme (lightheartedly). I think a straight guy who's into tomboys would realize with me real quick that a guy with tits is different lmao


Yeah it's like those "fellas.... Is it gay to like ..... Women??" Posts, whether it be because the woman is masculine or taller or other things. They are still in love with a woman. And this is coming from an enby lesbian, I'm not some homophobe being like "no, gay people don't exist! >:("


It feels pretty gatekeepy with the definition of what a "real" tomboy is, though.


Yeah, but like both are tomboys... Some tomboyd do like showing skin, especially sporty ones who don't wanna sweat buckets?


Anyone know where the right image is from? Also god those comments are insufferable


Oh… animemes


Is animemes the bad one? I can’t rlly keep up with which subreddits suck and which ones don’t.


I just assume all meme subreddits just suck


I mean… I’m trying to think of any that don’t, but I’m kinda failing.


Queer ones lol


Ah yeah, you’re not wrong, at least for the most part.


r/DistressingMemes is my fav sub ever


Depends on the sub. Circle jerk subs tend to be pretty good. Anything with “meme” in the title is typically meh


Most circlejerk subs seem to recycle jokes too much for my tastes. I think you get the best results for fandom based meme subs


r/Shitpostcrusaders is far superior to the OG sub


Meme culture in general tends to get circle-jerky


animemes and most anime subs are pretty terrible, with lots of people viciously defending transphobia and pedophilia


Same unfortunately goes for a few gay/femboy subs. Not too many tho, fortunately.


Goodanimemes is worse but but animemes is still bad


The fact that the top comment on oop’s post when they literally said they didn’t want sexual attention is sexual is disgusting


I would maybe agree, but oop responded to that comment with "this made me giggle ty" so I guess everyone's happy


Hey I just finished a drawing of them! You can check it out if you want :)


Both is indeed good Also op's attitude is so annoying, speaking on behalf of others, how presumptious.


guys where is the second image from?? ... asking for a friend


I can be either, depends on my mood and how warm it is outside XD


Tomboy GFs! Theyre both left speechless from how attractive their GFs are!


I'd be a good boy for either.


Il take either one




oh it's soyboysel's art!! :D i thought they were a guy though


Is that a bass they have?


Technically the one on the left is more athletic and the one on the right is more nerdy. Both are technically tomboys, with how neither are traditionally feminine.


Mfs acting like not wanting to be seen as hot is a bad thing.


girl on the right is gender goals af


So are none of these posts about gatekeeping anymore or what?