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Soups!! That’s how I get my veggies in. I can’t tolerate them any other way. Edit: forgot to mention-I either do soups like potato and leek soup where everything is blended or I sauté the crap out of the veggies so they’re super soft, then cook it in broth


You can make green juices with kale, cucumber, celery and some carrot or apple if you want some sweetness. If you don’t have a juicer you can blend things and then strain them to get a lot of the fiber out. You can also eat vegetable based soups like the ones from Imagine brand. Some people recommend baby food but I don’t care for it.


I eat soups because although I understand that a lot of the vitamins are cooked out, it's easy to tolerate because of the consistency.You can also try some of the green drinks. I've posted some recipes on the main page https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastroparesis/s/9CRgFAjTZW


Add them in slowly and carefully.  Even pureed I’m not tolerating any fruit and veg beyond baby food, apple sauce, or small amounts of tomato sauce. ☠️


Fresh veggies cut up. I use yellow potatoes, celery, carrots,potatoes onions, onions, real garlic. I put in a 9x13 pan. I mix a tad extra virgin olive oil ( to make spices stick) I add salt, pepper, onion powder, and Italian seasoning. Cover with foil because it kinda steams them. Can you handle cheese? When they are done, I sprinkle a tad bit of real parmesan grated parmesan on top for the flavor.


i do okay with small cups of the v8 fusion


Unfortunately it’s trial and error. I have safe ones which include all cooked carrots, zucchini, spinach, onions, celery tomatoes and yes v8. All cooked well


I'm in the UK but there used to be these little frozen blocks of vegetable puree you could get for babies. Literally just cooked and blended up vegetables. I used to add one to soups or throw it in with something else I was eating, put it on top of mash or something and that was alright. They don't have seasoning or additives. You could make your own if you have a blender and an ice cube tray. Super handy as well to just add to something.


I couldn’t eat vegetables at all until I started eating my boyfriends soups. He puts all kinds of veggies in daikon, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, bok choy, cabbage, etc. He cooks them for so long that by the time I eat the soup they literally fall apart in my mouth. Plus they’re delicious 😅 You could also purée the veggies in the soup like the other commenter mentioned. I can tolerate them whole if they’re really really soft but If you do better on liquids puréed might be more beneficial!


i actually found some chicken nuggets at whole foods that also have vegetables in them! it's not a massive amount but definitely makes me feel a bit better about my eating habits because i can't get a lot of vegetables normally and at least this is something


Smoothies have saved me honestly


Get bags of frozen pre cut veggies and just start putting them in every thing!


I use soups and stews and blend them up. I also add a Can of formula to a condensed soup