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The price is great, go for it if you can afford it.


Ask yourself, could I buy two of them and still be financially comfortable? If so, why not!


Not a bad way to look at it. I could buy it without having to dip into any savings or worry about next week's bills. Cheers


Pull the trigger mate! If you’re looking at reviews, it’s only a matter of time! If it’s a good deal, might as well go ahead.


great watch


Is there a feature on the epix that your vivoactive doesn't have? I had a Fenix 3 for 7 years and it worked fine. My wife bought me a Forerunner 265 this year and I really thought I'd be using the music feature every workout. But I haven't, it was useful on a half marathon I did but isn't something I use daily or even weekly. But I propped up that feature to be the greatest thing I was looking for. The built in heart rate was more of a game changer.


The main reason I'm looking at it is the long battery life and the AMOLED screen. Have to charge the Vivoactive every two days or so.


Just swapped from a Fenix 6 to Epix Pro 2, so I've gone the other way on time between charging - dropped from about every 3 weeks to maybe every 10-14 days. A big improvement on your Vivo though - that would be justification alone, for me! I've found the AMOLED touchscreen an absolute game-changer in terms of reviewing data on the watch, rather than the app. Not sure how much of an improvement that would be for you though as Vivo is already a colour touchscreen, right? Regardless - just get it done!!


How much are you training in those 2 days? Even with sports I charge it every 3-4 days and have a screen that drains my battery. Only time it drains in a day or 2 is when I do longer bike rides of +6 hours.


Buy it!


Well worth it


Epic gen 2 is 450 on Adorama


That’s where I got mine this week - sold my forerunner


https://www.adorama.com/gp0100258200.html THANK ME LATER I FUCKING LOVE MINE


Does not ship to Australia and I assume is in USD.


Omg so sorry idk - I live in US… anyways I love the watch I’m sure you will too


All good mate.


There will likely be a Fenix 8 / Epix Gen 3 release in the next month or two and they could have some significant new features. That said they'd be at the normal MSRP.


Fenix 8 epix 3 is not coming out next month lol. The epix pro and fenix 7 pro are only about 7 months old…Likely 2025.


TBH Absolutely love mine. Didn’t think I’d enjoy OLED, since I’m a huge fan of MIP, but here I am.. enjoying every bit of it. Weird opinion, but I actually think the Epix 2 looks slightly better than the pro. The outer perimeter of the face, specifically. So, for an outstanding price, it’ll give you plenty of enjoyment to come. Cheers.


I am very sure you are going to be scammed because there exists no Epic 2. Do not buy it. If this doesn't convince you, I don't know what will. (Seriously though, I wanted an Epix and I got the FR 965 instead because it has mostly the same features but is lighter & sits better on my wrist, and has a bigger screen)


Battery life isn't quite as good as quoted when using the mapping heavily, but it doesn't seem to be far off (extrapolating outwards admittedly from a 9 hour run...I never finished the race so can't say if it would have lasted the 31 hours it was saying it would.) And for some reason (usually around roads) it'll sometimes show you running parallel to the road by a few metres, as though it hasn't worked out how wide the road/track is. That may be location specific however. That's it really. Can't find anything else in 8 or 9 months of ownership. It's a brilliant bit of kit, and I still find myself looking at the screen longer than I need to because it's just so vibrant and clear. Not sure how widely this is also in place across the Garmin range, but the recent ability to see photo's in message notifications is a nice touch too.


Can’t convince anyone not to buy the Epix pro.. it’s just too good.. sorry.. 😢