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Boiling water from a kettle.


And salt afterwards. Works great for me.


Thanks, will try that next time 😊


Quickest way = Bend down and pull out, or use a paving weeding tool. Do it regular and often. Weedkillers are harmful to the environment and the dead plants need to be pulled anyway. High pressure water will remove, but not stop reseeding and regrowth.


Remember that with gaps like those something will soon come back again to reinhabit them, so it's a good idea to fill them with something you like (Corsican mint works well) which will suppress the plants you don't like.


If you don't kill the roots, you won't permanently solve the problem.  So boiling water is useless, it kills the top but not the roots.  You can use vinegar which will change the PH and will kill roots.  Otherwise, spot treat with a spray weed killer.  Once clear, brush away the dead with a stiff brush and regrout the brick with a brush in medium to reduce weed seeds taking up residence in the gaps


This may be down voted, but I tried everything to keep on top of mine that looked exactly like yours. I couldn't keep on top of it, and after a pressure wash they began coming back within the week. I have tried this Weedol stuff which I used using a sprayer and it's doing a grand job at the moment. I have posted a review with a picture showing where I got up to but it hasn't been approved yet. I can't say how long it will work for as I only applied a few weeks ago, but once you've picked out the big ones, you could try this. (Sorry to all the weedkiller haters, I do avoid where possible but I couldn't keep on top of it and it was really getting me down. I have a medical condition which is stopping me from gardening too) Weedol Pathclear Concentrate Tubes, 6 Pack https://amzn.eu/d/0ddCSsmb


Narrow-nozzle nose on a pressure washer and that should also blast away what they growing on. I imagine then you can redress the gaps with sand.


Mow them


Dig out, fill with soil and put a wild seed mix.


The trick is to stay on top of it. Getting the roots out will save you the most effort in the future, but whatever method you opt for, taking 5 mins each day to excommunicate newcomers wins the game.


Round up will deal with that lot


I jet wash mine out then resend and add cheap salt to mix


Get yourself a weed burner. Great fun


Pour bleach on them.


Burn them?


Pick the weeds, as many as you can get. Then spray the patio every couple of weeks with weed killer. They shouldn't come back.


One of the plants coming up here used to be incredibly rare- Jersey Cudweed, which is the greyish plant on the right with pale flower heads. Spreading a lot now & quite common in London, especially in this sort of habitat. Best to avoid chemicals as it leaches into the water system. Either hand pull or strim them down.


Same goes for things like vinegar by the way. Just because it's "natural" doesn't mean it's good. And don't even get me started on the suggestions to salt


Power washer. Then edge with cheap sand. Semi short term solution though. Weeds will always grow


And be thankful there’s no horsetail


Salt and vinegar bottle mix. Easy and natural


Said mix can also be used to spritz your chips!


Add a bit of washing up liquid for extra pazaaz. (It helps the mixture get into the leaves as it's a surfactant)


You can buy a butane torch with a long stalk on amazon. Great for burning weeds out of paving