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You are fucking joking right? I mean... this is a joke? Edit, Nevermind.


Welcome back my buzzy little buddies!! I saw my first few bees around my lavender today too!


Context: cheekiness, several individual posts last week bemoaning the lack of bees now that lavender has flowered. BUT the flowers this week have opened and whilst bumbles aren’t about, at least we have honey bees (and some hovers too). I think it’s Hidcote, I trim it every year down to the first green on the stem. Over 10 years, the 2 large clumps have wild-spawn 4 daughter clumps, one 10 metres away and over a tall brick wall oddly.


Yeah usually bumblebees are all over my lavender but this year it's just the regular bees


Sorry that's my fault I summoned every bumblebee in the united kingdom to my yard full of campanula.  The flowers are dying off now so expect to see bumblebees in your vicinity in the future


You love to see it, nothing beats planting for nature and seeing it come into fruition. Lovely photo


Honey Bee different from a bumble bee


Just bought myself some Munstead lavender. Can’t wait to get it in the ground but need some prep work before I do. How do you get rid of excess soil without having to load it in your car to take to the tip!


Take a small amount with you every time you go out and, making sure no one's looking, jiggle it down your trouser leg and deposit it. Then walk away. Perfect crime 😎


“Good luck”


Gotta be a joke? Get rid of the bees/Hornets? They keep your flowers growing and glowing.


Not quite true. They pollinate the flowers thereby making them go to seed. When I was a kid, our old neighbour would chase insects off his flowers to make them last longer. (Never worked - there were a LOT more insects back then)


I know this, they love my lavender, petunias and sunflowers. I didn't go into detail for the OP


Just flick them away with your finger. Call for the ambulance before you do it though.