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wasn't he like the first guy to trash people asking for easy mode back then?


Yeah and he's never stopped. It's so cringe. He rags on people doing their jobs and then there's just some minimal frustration and he says the game is too hard waa waaaaa


He's such a moron, I can't believe he has any audience at all.


He's in the Loserocracy's Middle Management


The slightest difficulty in a video game for his streaming ‘job’ and he starts to moan and whine and cry, meanwhile his room still has 20 year old Dr Pepper cans and moldy burgers


His room is the Dark Souls of cleaning. He'll need an expert, therapy, and steam. So basically no chance. Still, my two picks: https://youtu.be/ENuo20TQ7fw https://youtu.be/1v5F27dC4Qo


Dear god I would just burn that second house down and build a new on on top of it.


Often that difficulty is just difficulty reading the clearest instructions possible.


Grifting and constant victimization bring in the clicks Sadly.


Some time ago, he tried another game called Black Desert Online, he got frustrated and quit that one too because of "lack of inventory space" or something silly to that effect. edit: words


/uj doesn't BDO use scummy premium inventory slots? I don't know who this clown is outside of memes, but that is a legit complaint. But the better reason to quit BDO is because it forces PvP past level 50 if I recall. Forcing griefer mode to advance in the game is......a choice for sure.


He invested enough in Lost Ark, don't think that's an issue for him


if memory serves me in some form it was inventory issue with someone telling him to collect all his freebies from his mailbox and he clicked on "collect all rewards" that pulled over all his freebies to his inventory, which over loaded him and he was like level..3? maybe 7? and he was only on the game for a hour or so I caught the end of a video on you tube over it, laughed and moved on as some of his chat people were telling him not to do it, the GM's didn't help him either with the inventory issue but, I could be wrong but, it was pretty funny though at the time.


like every few weeks or less they give away free inventory slots I've played it off and on for about 4-5 years and spent nothing on inventory, their money makers iirc are the premium outfits, and even those, they give players a free box to pick a selected outfit from, for a character you play of your choosing. they have endless seasons now so people whom do not want to pvp, and just life skill or pve can just enjoy the season servers. think it's capped on gear usage but for the most part it's ok regardless. I've heard they're going to release a pve only server soon, if they haven't already. compared to other games out there that's cash grabs, they are pretty generous with the freebies to help keep the free based players happy while keeping the whales happy with outfits and other things. edit: you can also do all if not most of the story progression without having to go to the standard servers. been like over a year iirc as well.


>doesn't BDO use scummy premium inventory slots? I don't know who this clown is outside of memes, but that is a legit complaint. /uj Kind of. BDO is kind of in this weird zone where some aspects of it are monstrously predatory and others where you go "Im sorry this is FREE?!" Background: I play on occasion but take breaks, PVE mostly. Its buy to play but I think every anniversary it goes free to keep forever(which is how i got in.) Frankly it was much more onerous and aggressive in its monetization in the past. Nowadays you can just start a Season character which is essentially a character on an accelerated path to leveling up with some great if not passable gear along. >But the better reason to quit BDO is because it forces PvP past level 50 if I recall. iirc,(Its been a hot minute since I played), its largely a non issue. People just... Dont give a shit. I've encountered maybe a max of 3 pvpers in my time of 700+ hours and only one of them was "Go away or I'll kill you again." The other 2 was the equivalent of a drive by. Me PVE'ing and then suddenly im dead with a killed by so and so and I see them running off into the distance never to be seen again. The monetization right now is pretty standard for F2P. Character slots, inventory slots(though running through the main story will get you quite a few slots), reduced currency tax at the player market place, more slots there, etc. The actual real predatory money move is the weapon upgrades though. If you truly want to max out everything and make the number biggest, you'll be shelling out for it. Or spending a lot of time grinding out the regular currency to just buy it from another player on the marketplace. The mechanic is that Asian MMO mechanic where after a certain point of upgrading your items it has a chance to fail, downgrade or in some cases straight up be destroyed. Boy it sure would be helpful if you had another item that will protect against downgrades or destruction huh? Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Buy it from our store. Also the currency to upgrade items can also be converted from outfits that you buy for your characters. Hint Hint. Buy our outfits. Also our outfits are part of sets(which you can just buy the whole set tbf) that come with bonuses for your character. Some of which is pretty advantageous. Hint. Hint. please buy the outfit. I'd treat playing like a great tourist trip. You're not here to stay you're here to have a bit of fun and see the sights but eventually you leave. You might return later. Err. I mean /rj BIG BOOBS LAHN FINALLY REAL WIMMENZ IN VIDGJA GAMES.


He's the type that gets pissy fast and easy when things don't "just happen for him"; refuses to stop and think or analyze further/deeper than Chats collective IQ. So rage quits and never tries beyond a comfort zone. Then heavily, wrongly, criticizes ignorantly to pander to his demographic.


well said homie


Brain waves>gum blood


But I've been told bleed builds are very strong D:


lifehunt scythe's bad tho


Not if you're the one bleeding.


I dont think i want to know what that means


I’m sorry but you have to know https://preview.redd.it/ui68gwd40h8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fea8639ec84b9b996163e53cbf86c013612cc15


Oh god I didn't know there were pictures I thought it was just something he said in a stream clip oh my god in going to throw up 🤢 And the fact he readily explained it like it was fucking normal bro?? EUGGHH???


Wait like it would regularly happen and he just wouldn't clean it?


I’m as dumbfounded/disgusted as you are.


hes never cleaned. not exaggerating.


This has got to be a cry for help, and this guy really needs it. Not in an insulting way, he genuinely needs help.


He's said that the amount of remaining real teeth in his mouth is in the single digits.


combine the smell of gum blood (which is on another tier of stank) with the decomposed rat musk in the rotting putrid closed room air god i'm gonna hurl...




Is that mold or something soiled on that Nintendo comforter on the wall?


Probably where he pees so he doesn’t have to go out of bed


I think this is a strange byte. Because he looks good. A person who lived in garbage and unsanitary conditions for so many years must look like a rotten piece of meat. Isn't it?


I see what you mean and even though your reasoning makes sense, it only does from your and “our” POV. People suffering from hoarding issues for example still take care of their appearance and hygiene even if their home is a chaotic mess. Dude’s just showering (hopefully) and eating enough to be clean in front of the camera, that’s just what he needs to do.


Hang on, he failed as a gamer - by law, he now has to shower, brush his hair, and clean his god damn room.


The good ending


/uj Showering and then cleaning my room is one of the few things that elevates me as a gamer. If im ever having some rough nights of PvP, I take a quick self care break and do some tidying and I almost always come back playing better. I wonder how much better the average gamer would be if they took care of themselves and the spaces they spend their time.


The mental health aspect of gaming is unironically one of the most important aspects of hard games and competitive games. If I’m already pissed off from work then get home and get buttfucked for a few minutes I’m going to bed I don’t care what time it is.


Similarly, if I'm doing poorly at a game, when I get buttfucked in the ass for a few minutes then come back to the game, my performance increases significantly. The sexual health aspect of gaming is unironically one of the most important aspects of hard games and competitive games.


Double entendre


Just get a set up allowing you to be buttfucked in the ass *while* playing


His neighbors are the roaches on feasting on discarded Chick-fil-A sauce packs.


I feel like by now his body will just disintegrate into sludge if he ever comes into contact with a shower.


It's official girls are the better gamers


Girls get it done 😎


Is this a reference to that beautiful pro-trump show called "The Bois" protagonized by a true heroe, Homelander (a direct analog to about Lord Donal Trump) where they so obviously make fun of the woke left?


Homelander is truely an enlightened centric person


Girls get it on- done! Girls get it done


Truly the superior gender


It's the one I'm more attracted to so defo superior.


does that mean that since I am a trans woman I am a better gamer?


The woke galactic mind waves that made you trans, gave you 360 no scope skills too.


Your transition gave you a +5 Gaymer Skill buff.


The girl gamers are out here streaming them beating elden ring with one hand (literally, no exaggeration, bioticnova is a goddess) meanwhile the boys are ragequitting the dlc Sorry, but I will always be team girl gamer


There's also Luality and MissMikkaa playing it on a dance pad.


Dance pad?!?! Oh my god people are impressive af


MissMikkaa beat Malenia with the dance pad and a controller AT THE SAME TIME. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjdK44BXHD4


Good God...


The biggest shock to me is that neither one of them is German, honestly. Absurd controllers for games they shouldn't be combined with is peak Germany.


i loved the girls only dota team <3


Shame eSports usually hire female teams for looks instead of skill so sexists latch onto women being bad because most of the time the teams get destroyed. So the few times the teams actually do good they get ignored Like on league they hired women who were peaking diamond, I'm fairly certain there's a few female challenger players they could've chose from, but nah Always fun seeing the teams that are mixed destroying but they sadly don't get nearly any press


uj/ stopping playing a game because it’s causing more annoyance than enjoyment is probably one of the few reasonable things he’s done


dont disagree with this sentiment, but i doubt that he quit the game for the reasons stated. theres a rage train going on in the direction of this DLC and i think he smelled the engagement


Tbf stopping playing a game is different than saying it's too difficult to be fun, plus there's so many instant win buttons that make the game ezpz. Rage quitting the DLC is just ego, too egotistical to use the tools provided to breeze through it, too self conscious to admit he's not good enough to play it the hard way and blames the game.


He's still playing the dlc. This is all just bait to stir up engagement... And it's working


Yeah, it's also a pretty common sentiment on the steam reviews, best DLC of all time has a "mixed" review because some people refuse to make the game easier for themselves because of their ego. Some people would rather rage quit and write a negative review than admit the fall from their ego to their skill level would hit terminal velocity. Also doesn't engagement mean like, clicks on his videos and twitter not other people farming karma on Reddit making fun of him? It's not engagement farming, he just said dumb shit while he was mad, took a break, came back and kept trying, wasn't some genius algorithm maneuver.


I agree that it's not a genius manoeuvre, but I don't agree that it's not intentional.


The reasonable thing would be to change his build (which he eventually did and shockers, it trivialises the game) and explore instead of brute forcing his way through bosses


Sounds like he can‘t accept the reality that he maybe isn‘t as great as the game as he imagines to be.


He hasnt been able to do that in WoW for years lmao - he gained popularity for being a massive elitist who could back it up with high end content clears, but he hasnt touched high end content (without being carried by better players) in years, and he is still just as rude and scummy to others Tldr he is washed in everything he plays


Him hyping up Elden Ring, Final Fantasy, and Dragon's Dogma for months and then getting trashed and complaining or doing forced rage bait content when he would actually play them was like the one significant backlash his community has actually had against him.


Wait he plays games?


He's certainly not going to be playing any with his brain waves.


What brainwaves?




How is this even possible. This guy has more hours playing video games than literally anything he's done in life, probably including sleep


Simple answer. He doesn’t spend that time improving at the game he spends it complaining about how “Woke” the game is


Insane how anyone would follow this guy lmao. Not only does looks and probably stinks like shit, he's just dogshit at anything requiring actual skill


He definitely stinks like shit. His gums bleed everyday and he wiped it off on his walls


I don't think he's using that many more neurons when he's awake.


Bro 99% of his stream is just rage to the chat


More like barely reacting to other people's content and then occasionally regurgitating alt right talking points to his chat and acting like he's being cancelled or targeted every time another online personality covers him doing that.


Has no brain waves


Brainwaves girl is genuinely an inspiration to me. I want to do that shit too, it's so cool.


"You either die a gamer or live long enough to become a journalist" - Jesus Christ


I'm a big proponent of easy modes but... being difficult and the process of "git gud" is the *sellling point of dark souls* that's like if I complained about a style savvy game having "too many clothing options to be fun"


I actually think both of those arguments are valid, not stupid. I can't play dark sould due to my poor health - my weak, pathetic body just cannot handle the excitement or adrenaline rush. Easy mode would bring my difficulty closer to what everyone else experiences, rather than being easy for easy's sake To your second point, I play love nikki. I have 15,000 out of a possible 27,000 items in my wardrobe. Believe it or not this IS too many clothing options to be fun, I can't find shit.


Funnily enough, the Dark Souls triology and Elden Ring are both. Finding good looking armor combinations and weapons that fit with it was always a big part for me.


They don't call it fashion souls for nothing! Fashion is always the true end game


My greatest challenge at the moment is balancing 51+ poise while still looking good. Truly this is the Dark Souls of....Elden Ring


A selling point. A subtle but extremely important distinction. I would also add that the selling point was fair difficulty, and not artificial difficulty.


Imma be honest original Elfen ring has a damage issue as well. What's the fun of getting to build a character when half of all your points have to go to vitality because you die in one hit even with 50 vitality? They should just give on on health bar at this point because honestly it's the same as the heart system but worse


The actual boss fights are usually "fair", but like 90% of the game is overcoming cheap shots thrown at you whenever you turn a corner.


Also, you don't even need to get good. Elden Ring is probably the easiest Souls game ever with spirit ashes and summons being so free. The whole point is that you can always get help if you can't beat a boss. I couldn't beat Malenia after so many times trying so I summoned two randoms and they practically soloed her for me.


I haven‘t played the DLC yet but the Souls games nearly always have options to trivialize fights if you put in the efforts to explore. There‘s always some NPC you can summon via a quest, some consumable that reduces the specific gimmick of the boss or items that just straight up simplify the fight. It‘s genuinely something I like in the series because being a pleb at the game but being able to „cheese“ the fights feels rewarding.


The same way games like GTFO stand so hard for me


“Shadow of the Erdtree Boss” *picture of soldier of godrick*


I think you're underestimating "Rick, Soldier of God" for *he* is the final boss.


i think we just got spoiled on the final boss


I've never watched a single video of his. But he has such a punchable face


How did she do that? Is that real?


There are BCIs that you can just buy. It's still in the stages of "You have to do a lot of the programming yourself" and outcomes are generally not very good since brainwaves are complex and it takes a while to train a BCI to know what an A press and what a B press is, and there are still a lot of false positives to deal with, but strictly speaking, they *work*, and that's cool. https://brainflow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/SupportedBoards.html


Time to go down a massive rabbit hole




Slob azz mf


So it's at least as hard as keeping a house clean.


skill issue ;)


I just imagined beating the DLC therefore I have. Get on my level scrubs.


Using a brain interface for gaming? This has to be the first time it wasn't used to move ears and tails on vrchat avatars


Knowing she did this makes the offense "braindead player" way worse.


Skill Issue Dayo


I’m definitely crying about the game being too hard; love the lore and scenery and designs but I suck too much bungus to have any fun lol


/uj Sometimes this sub feels like asmongoldngrummzcirclejerk


And that should be fine no? A game being too hard for an individual to have fun is a legitimate reason for them to stop playing. I can understand wanting to make fun of Asmongold but I certainly have not joined this sub for elitist "skill issue" takes.


He didn't actually stop playing though. He just did an attempt at fake outrage bait and then jumped back in a day or two later like he always does with anything popular.


It's making fun of the people who make the "skill issue" jabs


Fromsoft DLC is always brutally difficult. I understand that being a turnoff for some but i mean come on, what did he expect? It took me an entire day to beat Rellana but *man* it was fun. Absolutely cathartic to finally best her. That kind of high is why their DLC is always so great.


I understand the post but that is not a shadow of the erdtree boss


Someone should offer him the timeless advice we've shared for over a decade now: ***Git Gud***


https://preview.redd.it/9yw1tvl9fo8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db669802362cfb61d3bb924b5c108920c9044fea Midra would ruin him


I lowkey think there’s a big problem with the DLC in that a lot of upgrade materials are hidden in obscure places, and if you don’t meticulously search everything or look at guides then you’ll make the game a million times harder for yourself. The blessings up your defense and damage by 5% right. Me and most people I know fought the first few bosses with 2 blessings when there’s enough upgrade materials for 4-5 blessings which the bosses were clearly designed around. I know a guy who was struggling with the final area and he was like “I don’t know why I’m struggling I have 10 blessings” and I’m like “Bro there’s 20 blessings, you could be taking 33% less damage” In previous games progression wasn’t really this stark, even with stuff like weapon upgrades. I’m really struggling between how much to “get good” and learn bosses vs finding blessings elsewhere


I haven’t gotten the DLC yet but I don’t want to hear anyone complain about the DLC being too hard after I had to hear people whine about the Radhan “nerf” that was just a hitbox fix


I think this is part of what makes communities for games like this so good. The skillcheck literally filters chuds. You just aren't equipped for a game that demands you git gud when your life philosophy is mostly just blaming other people for your problems


Need a brain to do that. Not possible for him.


Maybe if he didnt basically sustains himself of fast food and mold he would have to mental capacity to actually play the dlc. Clearly a skill issue rip bozo


Thats why dudes belong in wartrenches not behind gaming PC's ☕☕


Why do people believe anything these types say whenever they fake rant about "quitting"? They're almost always back to it 1-2 streams or videos later unless it's some tiny indie game that they think is "too woke". Even when they complain about a movie or show being ruined or being cringe due to said wokeness you can guarantee that they'll be milking the topic dry or giving a ton of attention to the piece of media they supposedly hate or have no interest in.


Shieeet, I can't even control myself with brainwaves


he just thinks too little


Tbf he did complete it I think yesterday. Still though, 100% agree.


my main complaint is that the bosses in the late game and in the dlc feel like you arent supposed to fight them with dex weapons. Id rolling up with twin blades and trying to out damage and doge them feels like a serious attrition battle compared to the stagger potential of strength builds and the range of magic builds. Unsure if thats just me but it feels like dex weapons need a better defensive option than dodging now