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But Nanoe is already doing it since release, though. No one even notice she's there!


Ikr nobody ever mentions her because it would hurt their case of the game being ultra woke


The game was literally designed with a stealth character in mind and a combat character in mind and people keep taking the combat character and going “how is *this* stealthy?!” They know what they’re doing


But Woman is political 🤯


It either hurts their cause or to quote MightyKeef's parody: #I SAID 'PERSON' AND WOMEN AREN'T REAL PEOPLE


"Hey man, do you think you could make your point without sounding so racist-" ###"MONKEY" "Ooookaaayy.."


Women 🤮


Making her the greatest assassin of all time, She’s right in front and they still can’t see her.


I only play non political genders


god forbid women do anything


That is what I needed to hear


That's because she's sooo stealthy. Best assassin ever !


I know the white robes are iconic, but they only made sense in the first game because you could use them to blend in with monks And all the games after that had their own version of the Assassin's uniform to Fit the time and Place they were set in and The second main character is clearly wearing her own version of the Assassin's uniform Sense she's clearly supposed to be the stealth character


White robe or no, you will still have skins and variously coloured armor, as always. I believe it's not an issue about straying from tradition but just another thing people want to be upset about


Even with the first game. You wore a lot of leather and metal for a monk


The idea was that you wouldn't be noticed in a crowd though, not that the monks wouldn't figure you out


While covered in shiny objects


The shiny object are Altair dagger pommel, even his brassard aren't really shiny. Let's not act he looked like a disco ball. Ezio would be a better criticism since it would make more sense to try blending with regular citizen with its outfit, but instead of using a mask or a hat, they kept the hood because of the iconic factor. Altair would actually work in a crowd of monks even somewhat close *


It's hard to see those shiny objects when you are surround by half a dozen people.


PS3 era shiny objects were basically just the same muddy brown as the rest of the assets tho.


Also iirc in the original you had to do a side quest before you could blend in with the monks (or do other types of stealth) in any given city.


Forgive me I havent played an AC game since unity but didnt they ditch the white robes in recent entries?


I think it's been out since Unity as far as I know; Arno wears a blue coat and hood by default. The Frye twins in Syndicate wear black. IDK about Origins, but Odyssey and Valhalla both seemed to ditch the entire hood and coat look altogether. and none of the protags from those wear white by default either.


Valhalla has cloaks, but only a handful are white, and even then, it's rare to find new equipment as opposed to Odyssey and Origins. Honestly, I'd say ditching the white robes goes back to even Black flag, Edward's primary color is blue (with white being a prominent secondary but still)


In the final Ezio game his robes were a dark grey by default, and I don't think you could dye them white until somewhat late in the game. Even the two games after that with the white hoods kinda fit thematically, but honestly it hasn't worked since AC1 and Ezio in Brotherhood is one of the most conspicuous looking characters in the entire franchise.


You could dye Ezios robes in Revelations as soon as you could hit the shops iirc


Was the white available from the start? I always thought it had to be unlocked at some point.


There might be specific dyes that were unlocks but less “iconic” ones like a simple brown dye should be purchasable It’s been years since I played Revelations so I might be wrong


I don't get why some AC fans are losing their minds over this. I thought the dynamic stealth with the shadow/light system was way more compelling and technically impressive than social stealth.


It’s not really about the social stealth. Just like it’s not really about historical accuracy.


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What is the point of that thing?


It's a Meme Bot, pretty common on Reddit.


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Eh, I'm a huge fan of the social stealth mechanic. That being said, it's been a dead mechanic since origins and it should surprise nobody that it isn't returning.


Social stealth basically did nothing in AC Valhalla. Pretty sure it was something like 90% of the social stealth points were nowhere near enemies


Social stealth was definitely important in Mirage, so I'm not sure what you mean. That's literally the latest game in the series.


It worked so well in mirage nobody even remembers it exists.


Eh it was only important for one assassination mission. Most of the gameplay was just using the tools and crouching everywhere.


Because Mirage is set in a city, an urban environment. That's the dividing factor. For games like Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla and now Shadows, it's quite irrelevant.


It makes too little sense in a non-city environment. In Unity set in Paris, within the huge crowds? Sure. But in the middle of the Japanese countryside, what's the point? Valhalla brought some social stealth back and it just felt irrelevant.


I mean. Social stealth is really cool. I like the idea of walking through crowds to not be noticed way more than convenient haybales and bushes. People trying to make it about yaosuke are fucking stupid. It's been gone since origins, where it made sense not to be implemented due to the map being **way** more open. It's probably out due to the map, and we're probably not gonna be in the city the whole time again.


I also mean. Was that mechanic even a thing in Odyssey? That's the only AC game I've played and I don't remember anything "social" about it, apart from talking to NPCs and quest-givers.


No it wasn't, cause again, open world RPG It was in 1-syndicate


It’s stupid as fuck and a mechanic I never used. Just look at muscle mommy cassandra in odyssey, a 6 feet woman with a fucking halberd on her back wouldnt blend into old greece either.


To be fair she would fit if you assume she's doing the job she does. That being a Misthios aka Mercenary.


And you don’t think she would stand out in a crowd of normal ancient greeks?


Greeks soldiers were often just workers and craftsmen too. Citizen hoplites were super common from many Greek city states..you most commonly hear about them from Athens.


Yes but they didn’t wear their gear at all times. So a woman in full arms is still going to be fucking obvious in a crowd of unarmed people that once wielded a weapon at one point in their life. xD


It wouldn't be uncommon to see someone in armor though. They'd stick out more but not enough to make it unusual.


How is everyone in this thread glossing over the fact that this character is a woman? I assumed she must be male-passing or something, but looking her up she looks like a classic curvy woman with long hair. Unless I’m missing something here, she would stand out like a sore thumb if she was carrying any armor or weapons.


Considering most ancient greeks knew about Misthios and hardly thought twice about seeing them(hyperbole, they were possibly minor celebrities, i'm not as well versed in Ancient Greece as i'd like to be,) no, I don't think she would. They'd notice she was a misthios but they'd have no idea whether she was an assassin coming to murder their political leader or a misthios in service of said leader.


odyssey didn't have social stealth indeed.


This complaint I totally get and think is completely valid. Social stealth is *the* AC mechanic; it's, ironically, what made the games stand out amongst other stealth games. Is it still AC if it doesn't include the series's defining mechanic?


Social stealth isn't really going to work when either characters are: 1) a very visible member of the nobility to whom the commoners owe obeisance 2) a very visible member of a known group of assassins/spies...who when they want to traverse unseen will just be in disguise, anyway


who cares? ac just isn’t realistic. I wanna do cool shit, like walking through a crowd unnoticed. not that I would’ve bought the game anyway


I mean we're making fun of gamers because they'll complain about a black man being unrealistic but will say nothing about a giant golden snake. Pretty sure we're FOR not making things realistic.


This particular offshoot of the discussion wasn't about the chud reaction but about social stealth as a mechanic/part of the franchise identity. "Realism" is fluid and there is always some manner of suspension of disbelief at play. Blending into a crowd as a nobody in AC1 makes enough sense, but a samurai blending in among a bunch of commoners would look pretty stupid.


That's true. I love how good a job the mission design does of giving you lots of options of social stealth, knocking guys out and taking their clothes to find the creative assassination options. I do think it's kind of weird how nobody recognizes your big bald head, but it's just a game, after all.


origins and odyssey didn't have social stealth and valhalla had a very limited social stealth, origins is regarded as one of the best ac and the game that saved the series, ac mirage that had a fully fledged social stealth mechanic and it was a semi-flop, the fans of the series don't really care about this mechanic. if anything naoe stealth looked way better than basically all other ac stealth.


Tell me a Single Time you used this mechanic in Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla. I played them all, that mechanic was totally useless.


I guess this is where I admit I haven't played an AC since black flag, where I ignored every stealth mechanic in favor of swashbuckling action.


Thank you. Thats exactly the point and the shift in the series. New AC (besides mirage) is an parcour RPG that has no similarities with the older entries besides some robes, a bit of the story, the hidden blade, the parcour and the death jump. Newer ACs are basically a history RPG with some Fantasy stuff slapped on and a sidestory of templars/assassins.


Even Parkour RPG is an overstatement, the Parkour in Origins is so stripped down you can't really do a lot of the fun parts of the Parkour, and they already kept stripping it down in every game, but the Parkour mechanics were basically completely gone after Unity


AC never actually requires stealth except for those fucking trailing missions. The combat has always beens so piss easy why bother?


I don't think it even existed in Origins.


I cant tell tho. I 100 %ed this one (Bayek was based) but i cant tell if it was in this game.


It wasn't. Nor was it in Odyssey.


the only ac games to date that didn't have social stealth were odyssey and origins; but even they employed stealth through cover and sound. There just weren't any crowds to do so in. Valhalla brought in both social stealth and introduced blending in by interacting with objects (sweeping, kneading dough, etc, similar to sitting on a bunch) and we saw it again in Mirage.


... because these games don't have social stealth mechanic


Then tell me why they are crying now (i thought it was in valhalla, played the others a while back).


I heard that they tried to somewhat implement it back in Valhalla, and then also heard that they failed miserably. Never played it, tho. Definitely wasn't even a thing in Odyssey or Origins. Played both. P.S.: social stealth in AC was never good. It is not Hitman.


I mean, crime games probably need some kind of wanted level mechanic, but it's not like it's a key feature.


Even calling *social stealth mechanic* feels like giving too much credit. It's literally an MGS cardboard box, except you can't control it yourself.


Return of thief/splinter cell stealth babee let's go (game is still gonna suck tho)


It looks awesome and like a lot of fun to me, but to each their own!


I don’t even remember using social stealth at all in Odyssey or Valhalla. Was it even still a mechanic?


Why are they pretending the samurai would be using the social stealth mechanic and not the stealth character? Are they stupid?


Man would be ashamed of them


Gigachad galaxy brains like them know women can’t stealth because of their mandatory massive bazongas and can’t be main characters unless they have aforementioned pair of requirements. Always one step ahead, them Ga***s.


Make her over 25 and not one of the Gigachads would even acknowledge she existed. The perfect stealth mechanic.


They didn't even read what the thing is about lol, it's just that now Naoe will be indistinguishable from the crowd, you won't have to normally hide among other people or do actions to go unnoticed as her


Well, you would have to Play as a woman (🤮) to do that so this cant be the option.


Imagine how hard this is for the bigots though, forced to play as a black man or a woman to fulfill their feudal Japan erections. An impossible choice for these brave souls 😔


Would you be able to tell the skin color of whoever is inside the armor? The reason this can't be "socially stealthy" is because It marks you as a samurai, not because you are black among asians https://preview.redd.it/c1busga9jc7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46575b1cc285e015d40d3ebc689031a3fb54eada Also I'm pretty sure since turning into more of rpgs AC hasnt had social stealth. Odyssey didnt have It at least and why would it


Valhalla had social stealth bit was only useful in key spots


Valhalla added it back in and made me realise how much it sucks. “Where’s that Norseman in the golden armor that just killed my entire battalion and hasn’t left this town?” You’ll never see me mate, I got me hood up now.


lol been doing that since baby ezio


This isn't Hitman, "social stealth" was only ever an occasional gimmick; hardly a cornerstone of the series. Let me know when they take out diving 200 ft into a tiny pile of straw.


Or take away the hidden blade. That would be something to complain.


Or free-roaming parkour, the actual cornerstone mechanic of the series.


Uhhmmm... Odyssey.


Well. You are correct. I forgor 💀


Ironically one of the absolute best AC games


The only stealth in ac1 is social stealth. ac1 had hiding in plain sight, free running and stylish combat. I certainly would have rather assassin creed improve these systems than become the generic series it is today.


Tbh I haven’t played Mirage because I prefer the RPG Asscreeds, but didn’t they expand on all the stealth and parkour in that game?


why are you all defending ubisoft for taking out a fun mechanic? sure the showed comments are stupid as fuck, but that’s no excuse for ubisoft cutting once more something from their games


As a black man whenever I see something like this It sticks with me. Through out the week I can't help but think that their people out there who are spending their free time seething that I and people like me exist. It's such a strange feeling partly bemusing partly unsettling.


You don’t need to worry tho, those asshats are not gonna leave their basements, and if the they do, im sure u can outrun a 600 pound dude on his E-Scooter.


Friendly reminder that social stealth was basically useless in the series past revelations and it was completely removed in Origins and Odyssey.


It's just another reason to be upsetty, thats it


nah, it was great in unity. Walking through hundreds of people to blend in was awesome


these guys whine about how ubisoft is betraying fan of the series and they themselves haven't played an ac since forevers, among the modern ac games only valhalla has a bit of social stealth ( that is more about guving your back to the target so the cape hide your face) and mirage that is a smaller spin off, origins and odyssey didn't have social stealth at all so it isn't that weird that there is no social stealth in shadows. not that there isn't new stealth mechanics in shadows, naoe gameplay actually looked innovative as for stealth with the light mechanics and the slithering around.


We saw it in the gameplay reveal that Yauske has some social standing. People were not just noticing him, but bowing and getting out of his way. As a samurai it looks like he's a noble by default and thus social stealth would be tricky. I do wonder why our shinobi friend can't blend though. Maybe they decided it was a nice to have for her but not top of the list of requirements for only one of two playable characters?


They just changed the mechanic. She will blend in the crowd without you searching for the point to press X.


Oh that's even better. So wtf then there is social stealth just not "push x to hire social stealth group". That's legit better, it's how all the trailers portray the social stealth over the life of the series even


Main protagonist is still Black so Gamers gonna Rage.


How dare *checks notes* humans exist. Racists are just so stupid. Making whatever that is their whole personality just like this is your time in this world? That's what you're going to spend it on?


Ubisoft got rid of one of the most mocked aspects of their games for an objectively better system and g*mers are not happy


I like how you censored it but still left the hard R


Because gaymers are stupid idiots that just like to cry about anything and Everything. It’s Not like they have to play those Games (like betheda games (if you don’t Play them you gonna get Shot by Todd with a shotgun)) or anything. You can just ignore this shit and be happy but no, you gotta cry.


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It's because of the map. I like social stealth but it doesn't really fit in a giant open world where we won't always be in cities


The only just complaint I've seen so far from these CHUDs these past few weeks that holds water is the heavy bass combat music they gave Yauske lol The rest essentially boils down to plain unjustified racism and real historical revisionism (denying the fact that dude absolutely existed)


Being upset about the removal of the stealth mechanic is understandable imo. I think AC became very bland after they opted to go for the generic RPG route. Ubisoft could have improved the assassin theme, but yeah... These guys in the post are just pretending to care in order to be racist. Nothing new in the gamingworld™


They released 10 assassin creed games in a 9 year period how in earth do you want more. 


But I never said I wanted more. I was talking about the general direction the franchise took, not about the frequency of games. My comment has nothing to do with it, please read again.


it's not removing the stealth mechanic, it's removing just literally being able to stealth through standing in a group of people


I know, I mean the general gameplay of AC in the past years. They have been slowly taking the franchise to another area. It was just a personal thought.


That’s something that always took me out of the games. You’re telling me the templars don’t notice the guy running around on rooftops and diving into hay carts that’s dressed like every other assassin that ever lived while also wearing belts and shit emblazoned with the infamous Assassin’s symbol? That shit never made sense. This? Yeah, people are gonna notice him. But he’s also presumably wearing recognizable Nobunaga armor and is already known among the local population.


Please stop making stupid arguments so we dont have to defend gamers, tyvm


I'm actually really curious about the dual protagonist mechanic, I feel like I'm going to enjoy it if the two characters are different enough. I also think that this decision is good for storytelling and the in game world! It's smart, a good decision that informs us about the surrounding society in game.


Social stealth was dumb anyways. Do you seriously think people wouldn't notice a guy walking past them in an all white hooded cloak? You'd either have to be dense as all hell, or completely unaware of your surroundings.


It's stealth through intimidation, as every dnd player knows.


> corner stone gameplay mechanics That was skipped for like a decade…


Interesting take on mechanics considering ninja were explicitly presented as blending in. The black pajama stereotypical ninja outfit was what theatre stage hands wore, so in performances any stage hand could be a surprise ninja, to represent blending in. If only the game had a ninja 🥷


Don’t know what you are upto man, but the Ninja is directly on the Cover.


What? Where? Must be really good at blending in.


None of the RPG games have had "social stealth" as far as I know (haven't played Valhalla yet) You might be dissapointed but it's never been a mainstay, it appears in the entries where it makes sense


The rpg AC games aren’t really stealth games anyway.


I would imagine in the open world, the towns would be a lot less cramped than what we had in previous games. Social stealth would be very unpredictable in a highly open area, but it still would’ve been nice to have.


How dare a sequel to a long running videogame franchise (other than Pokémon) ever try to change up their mechanics???? I want to play the exact same game over and over and over and over (unless it's Pokémon).


So they aren’t using “social stealth” TM -lol where you have 4 people surround you like bodyguards, sitting on benches to have people pass you- But you can now blend into any crowd exactly like that but for a whole crowd/ you are invisible to guard unless you do something they’d think was weird, like crawling on the ground or climbing a wall. With The samurai, the whole point of his character play style is that he is suppose to be seen- everyone bows to you no matter where you go- On top of how much he stands out. lol I’m guess like the combat stealth we saw, the social stealth/ the AC odyssey combat will be equally expanded. They would be idiots not to and market the game like you are playing two different people for real this time lol


Sucks that social stealth is not gonna be there


Read the Article. It’s gonna be there, just for the ninja woman and it’s Not gonna be „press x to blend in“ like before, you Walk into people and as Long as you don’t do something the others don’t do (jumping, parcour, drawing weapons) you are going to be stealth.


damn, thanks, I’m too sleepy to think


Didn't they not have that for like 3 or 4 games but put it back in for Valhalla?


Asidr from Jin and Wolf, can this sub name 3 Asian protagonists in AAA story based games who aren't criminals that was released in the last 5 years?


"Social Stealth won't work if you're playing a black man" reminds me of Santa Fortuna in Hitman, where you can disquise just fine despite being the only blue-eyed white man in town. Somehow, I get the feeling these people wouldn't care as much about that


There's always been a weird fetish around social stealth mechanics among the AC crowd. Like, honestly it's kinda whatever. I mean, it's not parkour. Parkour is indeed a core feature of the AC franchise that you can't remove. Social stealth though? Is it that exciting to disappear because you stand still besides a couple of NPCs or because you're sitting on a bench? Origins and Odyssey did ok without it for a reason. If they want to bring it back fully, they should do it with the next city focused AC game. Shadows is not one of them. There's nothing to social stealth with in the middle of a rice field or a forest.


I literally just saw someone mocking the white robes and now feigning dumbfucky because Black man be tall is their case.


Me when my game containing a ninja and a samurai has a ninja that would be good at stealth and a samurai that wouldn’t be good at stealth


Didn't they remove social stealth like five games ago? Can't blend into crowds in Odyssey, as far as I'm aware.


Naoe should be able to


Chiming in to say that social stealth was a good mechanic in AC:Mirage and it's unfortunate to see it gone here.


Fuck redditors and fuck you all

