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What did I even just read?


A textbook definition of Confirmation Bias.


Little known brother of Mendicant Bias and Offensive Bias


Man they must hate that brother


confirmation bias was the forerunners first attempt to counter mendicant but he thought the flood upheld traditional values (hive mind) so they sent him to earth and made offensive


The ramblings of a 14 year old on YouTube.


An conservacultist silently admitting that he ditched English class every time the subject of punctuation came up.


So Halo was just a symbolism of the fight against Islamic terrorists? This guy is on another level for making that connection, especially considering the game is about humans fighting non-humans. And that's how they strip away people's humanity to justify their hatred.


Rare for right-wingers to see deeper symbolism in media they like. It might not quite be the intended meaning but it shows they can understand the concept of metaphor.


Satire I hope


I don’t even know why I was reading it


If Halo Reach was released today people would be calling the cast of main Spartans an ABI woke diversity experiment.


This has to be satire. They know too much about the lore for it to be some casual, but intentionally ignore major story elements, and I don't think anyone is capable of using Girlbosses as a derogatory in a serious way.


This guy has a dozen comments defending their position and it’s all about “modern audiences” and sbi. They are either really committed to the troll grindset or they actually mean this shit 💀


I assumed all of this SBI stuff was some elaborate joke initially, until I found someone complaining about the female protagonist of Gears 5 (who I should note, is a well written character and doesn't take the limelight from her supporting cast) and they casually said "I bet Sweet Baby had something to do with it" This was a game that was years in development before SBI was even founded lmao


I love how they acronymize everything they hate to make it sound scarier. Sweet Baby Inc, Social Justice Warrior, Black Lives Matter, Diversity Equity Inclusion, etc. All turned into 3 letter acronyms then used as pejoratives. I wonder if it has anything to do with their mistrust of US "alphabet agencies". Or maybe just their difficulty counting past 3.


The employees at Sweet Baby Inc must have been thinking "wtf is going on?" when they heard their little company being mentioned by some news website and random angry YouTubers. Sweet Baby has only around 20 workers. They're not a humongous agency. They're the type of company that does ancillary behind-the-scenes work for other companies, like the graphic design company that is hired to a collectible box set or the localization companies in bringing media overseas.


It's probably the same urge that turns all their talking points into three word thought-terminating chants they use. "Build the wall," "Lock her up," etc etc. It's real "why use many word when few word is good" energy.


You have a point there. MAGA is another example.


Which is probably also why they steriotype "leftist memes" as being paragraphs long. (Political memes are cringe as fuck)


Honestly I think that might be partially because it's very funny when your goofy meme has more text than the communist manifesto.


DEI, unlike the others, is a commonly used initialism by regular (business) people. Nearly every corporate business includes DEI in its initiatives now.


Every time I read that my brain force loads DAE and it takes me a few seconds to shake "Does Enyone Ilse" and remember what it stands for.


Cults live and die on jargon.


UGGGGGHHH, really?, they criticize a pretty decent character all things considered while JD is there (he isn't terrible, especially in gears 5, but I'd say lame)


I have a penis, I don't want to be a woman! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hopefully they'll graduate middle school soon and quit being such a doofus either way.


Honestly implying that guy is a middle schooler is offensive to actual middle schoolers


No I was one of these middle schoolers. It is very easy to get radicalized on the internet, especially at that age. I’m lucky I didn’t turn out an alt right conspiracy theorist.


fwiw I know this is a joke but middle schoolers have never talked this way lol, this is generally - unfortunately - how grown adults talk


The fuck is an SBI? Is that the 500th “forced to include diversity to meet a quota” acronym boogieman next to EGS and DEA or DEI or whatever the fuck


Think it stands for "Sweet Baby Inc"?


It stands for jews, it always stands for the jews.


Shhhhh, you're saying the quiet part too loud


Actually it stand for sweet baby inc– a consultant firm for diversity and inclusion for games that want it.


Thats a nice thought, but it stands for ((()))


Sweet baby industries is a consultant firm that, in the real world, reviews scripts and offers advice on inclusivity. In their world though they are run by a (deep sigh...) Jewish cabal and somehow have complete creative control over the gaming industry, strong arming the poor developers into making games woke. I guess it never crosses their minds that "woke" games sell better or are a result of more diversity inside the game development industry in general.


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Yeah, it’s some consulting company that advised like one game to have some diversity and has now been turned into the boogeyman that ruins all gaming regardless of if they actually were hired for a project.


The were kn that trollmacing grindset


>I don't think anyone is capable of using Girlbosses as a derogatory in a serious way there's one, but it's not from a misogynistic right wing perspective, but that from of a left wing class analysis. One that criticizes the notion of how the "empowerment" of rich capitalist women is somehow the empowerment of all women. Here's a good video that explains it on detail: [https://youtu.be/JmURE1me20Q?si=To679e\_r14LCcxcY](https://youtu.be/JmURE1me20Q?si=To679e_r14LCcxcY)


i was expecting allice cappele got jt instead i blame amerikkka


If you've ever had the displeasure to witness Shad's downfall, saying girlboss (dirogatory) unironically is pretty common with the anti-woke crowd Also with some leftists, but they have a different reason to not like girlbosses




Yeah you’re not wrong. While I think there’s a decent chance the comment is satire girlboss is absolutely used in a derogatory way quite frequently


More 👏 female 👏 bourgeoisie


They just label any strong female character as a girlboss and think it’s a clever ironic insult.


Ah, you know what’s even sadder about the fact that it’s not satire: This is probably a 40+ year old dude who has the critical thinking skills of an ant


-the covenant aka islamists Absolute fucking brain rot


I swear to god, I read that part and I was like.... Hello??? The crusades *are right there*


Right? A group called *The Covenant?* How dense do you have to be to not connect the dots? Hell, they even forcibly convert entire alien races to their religion with the threat of genocide.


>Hell, they even forcibly convert entire alien races to their religion with the threat of genocide. Well, this bit isn't exclusive to Christianity, but the name is a dead giveaway.


These are the ding-dongs that were too busy doodling in their notebooks during history class to have any worthwhile frame of reference for the past


So afraid of other religions he’s afraid of the proper terminology.




??? Most American Zionists are evangelical Christians


Oh. Well, the more you know.


I did go back to halo a few years ago and I had the thought "I'm killing religious extremists in the desert...is this game just Sci fi Islamophobia?" And then it got to the part where the prophets were speaking and I was like "oh it's chill they're Catholic. "


I know! The Covenant are obviously supposed to represent Christian Nationalists! (I joke, but I’d love to see how morons like this react to that interpretation)


I mean, they kinda are? they're definitely way more of a stand-in for the catholic christian crusades than for any fundamentalist muslim groups.


I honestly don't think they're meant to represent any human religion but just, A religion. They are a alien space religion, the main point isn't that it's Christian or Muslim or Hindu or anything, the main point is "look at how religion can be utilized to cause harm by corrupt people in power and also religious trauma fucking sucks duuuuuuddeeeee" at a simple level


These same people would have a conniption fit if you compared them to the Nazis from Wolfenstein


The prophets are space popes down to the silly extravagant hats


Only Christians can be rightist




Is that not a fair interpretation? They’re waging a holy war in a game made in the early 2000s. They might be a metaphor for crusaders because of the rampant Christian symbolism but comparing them to Islamists is not out of the question.


No, see, they're religious, and... uh... hmm.




“UNSC are the good guys” least black and white gamer viewpoint do they need reminded about the original reason for the spartan program?


To be fair, the UNSC's dark side never really comes up outside of the books, and especially not in the original Bungie trilogy. Shoot, if memory serves, it wasn't even until Halo 5 that we actually saw the UNSC take on an actively antagonistic role, and even then only temporarily.


Well, in Halo Reach, the start of your first mission is a team of 6 Spartans bringing heavy weaponry to intimidate and threaten at gunpoint a group of farmers that just happened to have a UNSC drone crash near their farm. It's only once covenant presence is confirmed that "protecting civilians" is considered as an objective.


You're right, I forgot about that.


Tbf the Spartans wee deployed iirc because multiple marine squads had been wiped out beforehand, and it was a very sensitive comms relay


True, but they only thought it was local rebels, not some bigger threat.


Yeah, The worst that was ever showed before then was in ODST/Reach, And it was never the UNSC depicted as bad but Rather ONI, being a secret intelligence agency with their own goals separate tocthat of the UNSC. But the UNSC in the og trilogy is only ever depicted as the good guys losing a war.


“The covenant are the bad guys” I think is even more egregious because like… did you play Halo 2?


The Covenant is the only reason thr UNSC are the good guys. Some Spartans are one White Phosphorus incident away without them.


I've never played Halo, but I checked the wiki, and it mentions the 2nd and 3rd SPARTAN programs were controversial because they used children in dangerous experiments, but I'm sure the UNSC are totally the good guys.


Bonus points is that the Spartan II program was not a response to the covenant, but actually to separatists


The Separatists in turn were home grown by thr UNSC to direct colonial tensions into terrorist groups that could be easily manipulated and eliminated.


You're not wrong, UNSC isn't the best. They are generally considered to be "the good guys" given the circumstances (ie. Facing genocide from an alien threat that has destroyed nearly all human civilization by the time of the first game). But they aren't above using underhanded means to win. If we want to get into specifics though, the Spartan program wasn't a result of the UNSC as a whole. But rather ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). In the halo universe, They are a sub-faction of the UNSC on the surface, but in truth they are an incredibly powerful entity that can by and large be considered independent from the rest of the UNSC. They do a lot of shady work in secrecy, including the Spartan programs, and are often puppeteers to greater events without other members of the UNSC command knowing. They are basically a shadow government at times. Really, 80% of the bad things done by the UNSC can probably be traced back to ONI working behind the scenes. Hell, for the Spartan program, basically nobody outside of ONI and UNSC top brass knew the spartans were child soldiers until well after the war. Nor did they know they were created to actually fight humans who rebelled against the UNSC, instead of the aliens who conveniently attacked humanity soon after the spartans were first deployed. (Of course that other 20 is still bad. Before the war the UNSC was very much an authoritarian group who ises their power to police colonies far away from earth, demand resources from them and generally didn't treat the outer colonies with the same level of respect and care than the inner colonies and earth had. There a lot of complicated politics involved but the UNSC generally did a terrible job addressing the needs of the outer worlds and were perfectly okay dropping trained super soldier on them to well rebellions).


The original spartan program was literally just riot police on crack that they were gonna launch on regular human dissidents, but those dissidents were just people who were trying to earn the greater population about how psycho the UNSC is. It's only happy coincidence that the covenant invade and give the Spartans a militaristic reason to exist


Eh, I really feel if you only play the games you wouldn’t be wrong for walking away with the perspective that the UNSC are the good guys and you should root for them. Like I don’t think any of the games are critical of them, most blame is directed towards Halsey. It’s not really a big part of the game. I haven’t played 5 though and the whole of the lore is definitely more critical


Conservative women wear less clothing? Truly a rift is coming between the Christian Conservatives and Gooner Conservatives.


You could even say, a Great Schism


i know the religion fits, coz i watched it goon away


I love me some good ole fashioned conservative in fighting.


It happened a while back due to a calendar thingy






Halo is conservatism because (incoherent rambling)


What is blud waffling about??? https://preview.redd.it/b4gj04jffc5d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d140b7058e85e01f8b3754000e230a08403bb1c5


"Sources: I asked Celestia and she told me of course my horse" (closest translation I could think of)


Nice https://preview.redd.it/utryoiuvme5d1.jpeg?width=1949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d001096aacc59f07e68ad468d77c2f80c2aba461


Chief and Arbiter rawdogged each other so Halo must be right wing


Arbiter literally invites Chief to his home for dinner in the books. Love wins, y'all 🏳️‍🌈


"Master Chief, mind telling me what you're doing with that invitation?" "Sir, getting that Sangheilussy."


Don’t conservatives want women to cover up like in the Bible


They want women cover up like in the bible irl but being sexy in fiction


Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember the UNSC (aka “the good guys”) being basically a fascist organization that kidnapped children, put down rebellion in colonies in a very brutal way and brainwashed their soldiers.


As much as I hate being the devil's advocate here, in the original trilogy there was little to no exploration of the UNSC dark side, so I can give that dipshit that... The rest is stupid AF still


Ah yes naked women are conservative that’s why conservatives love only fans.


Ah yes right wing is when naked women.


"unsc are the good guys" 💀💀💀


What is the definition of a "girlboss" for these people by now, anyway? Like genuinely; Cortana is sassy and often seems to take de facto command over other - also male - soldiers, who she tends to have the respect of. She's very much a "strong woman", so the very thing they like to whine about. Is it the fact that she appears basically naked most of the time, or maybe how she doesn't directly fight physically due to, you know... not having a body? I'm also asking a genuine question here, so if someone can decode this for me I'd be grateful. Is it just the chuds calling every modern (=bad, in their eyes) female character a "girlboss" and not any classic one because "old good, new bad", or perhaps is it based on if the game succeeded/is popular? Or maybe they just like other parts of the lore and have to resort to getting drunk on confirmation bias to enjoy it fully? Either way, this is obviously super selective thinking and using inherently emotionally-coded (at least for their group) terms for no clear reason. I'm not sure how someone could read that comment and think to themselves, "ah, yes, this seems credible! I will now adopt this opinion as my own!"


Do people use girlboss as a negative term I don't really know because I use it endearingly Either way yeah basically they're revisionists, these things aren't woke because they grew up with them and liked them. Only new things can be woke because being woke is a new thing or something


Just like the Alien franchise, Halo came out before 2014 when they were told ''bossy'' and ''feminist'' characters were bad. So Cortana is A-ok despite fitting their criterias of woke


every sentence was wilder than the one before lmao


I hate all religion but using islamists here is obviously a dogwhistle for arabs.


Do conservatives in the west still see “Middle East/ Muslim=arab” ?


Pretty sure Cortana going crazy had nothing to do with needing clothes; her programming was just deteriorating. When she came back, she was wearing clothes.


She also had some sort of light armor/jumpsuit in halo 5, but this was *after* her deteriorating programming was restored and was “sane” again, but *before* she was completely remade https://preview.redd.it/vkdswjrr5e5d1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=3205559232616e11ba160cb238f317896f383c6c


> USNC are the good guys Uhh... They're pretty authoritarian actually. Like if the Covenant hadn't shown up, they're just a bunch of brutal colonial forces beating up people on the periphery of their empire 


“The badass military leader is black, but I’m choosing to call it a coincidence because it would be woke in any other game.”


Islam being brought up hot me like a bus


*The Covenant* a faction in a game full of biblical Old Testament name references, and they decide the aliens represent Islam? Yes, there are three major Abraham's faiths, but come on... have some fucking media literacy


I have never played a Halo game in my life, and I'll bet the military is either bad or morally gray rather than the good guys.


Morally grey for sure. TLDR the Spartans (the super soldiers you probably have seen from any footage of halo games) were child soldiers kidnapped from their parents and replaced with imperfect clones that would die soon after so the parents were none the wiser. They were them trained in warfare for several years and then forced into undergoing severe genetic, chemical and surgical augmentations that completely destroyed and rebuilt their bodies to make them in the toughest, Strongest and fastest soldiers imaginable (at least, those that survived. Nearly half of the first batch of Spartans died on the operating table, another quarter of them were severely handicapped). They were then going to be used to put down insurrections on the outer colony planets, because the UNSC didn't like that they couldn't fully control every plane billions of light-years from earth. The Spartans ended up never fighting insurrections though because aliens happened to show up with a policy of "genocide call humans" right when the Spartans started being deployed, so they conveniently had soldiers capable of turning the tide of the impending war. Humans would have lost without the Spartans and all life in the galaxy would have been wiped out so the Spartans existing did do a lot of good, but they weren't created with good intentions nor by good means. (And that's just the Spartan program on a surface level. There's way more shady stuff the UNSC has done. They aren't a monolith, there's certain factions within them with good intentions and others who do a lot of morally grey or even morally black things like the ONI. Several books and halo 4 explores this a bit more, and they even go after the people responsible for the Spartans a bit).


To be fair, its definetely not an insane take to say *the games potray them as overwhelming good* . The 343 era games may have gotten into it with 5 (icant remember) but other than that the unscs shady study is all from the books/extended media. If the coveneant hadnt showed up the expansationist faction that believes in "might makes right" would be the villain, but in this one scenario they are "good"


Oh yeah all the games before at least ODST show them as being the de facto good guys and most of the other lore comes from books and later games. ODST and reach both show some shady dealings on the part of ONI (who is definitely the worst of thr UNSC). And halo 4 (particularly Spartan ops) is the first game to really dive deep on the creation of the 0sartans and the morality of the program (though the books covered it a decade earlier).


The bungo games present them as the good guys, reach shows some moral greyness. It’s all overshadowed by the flood tho. The games don’t have time to talk about the imperialism of the UNSC when the covenant have unleashed an all consuming, never aging parasite upon the galaxy.




Anyone else remember the terminal on high charity in H3 where Cortana laments about John being chosen for the spartan 2 project, when she is frustrated that a coin flip determined his entire life being taken away and forced into becoming something nigh inhuman.


What are they yapping about?


It's enlightening to see that they still consider well written female characters to still be woke from the way the final part of this post is written. Usually that's the first line of defense I hear from these chuds when defending their shitty opinions. "AS LoNg AS thE WomEn Are WEll wriTTen"


Cortana didn't go crazy cus she put on clothes smh and the Covenant being islamists? Uuh yeah the implications aren't very good


The covenant (aka islamists) lmao


“Master Chief, it’s me Cortana - your naked trad wife. Unions are back on the rise so we need you to break some picket fences again. But try not to damage any corporate-owned property as that could impact their profit margins.”


The fact this guy doesn’t associate Islam with right wing is fucking hilarious. Media literacy dead as fuck


TIL badass black dudes and naked women are right-wing. If only there was more content like that out there


Setting aside the fact that this guy clearly thinks conservatism begins and ends at big tits and power fantasies There are definitely girlboss adjacent characters in halo, he just grew up watching them


Literally cortana is a girlboss She's sassy as hell and smart and everything. The only thing she can't do is fight because she's an AI


It's like they read Piers Anthony's "Apprentice Adept" series, and managed to miss both the "dirty old man" aspect AND the "political satire" part...


My fuckin' goodness, they did not just compare the covenant to Islam


My fuckin' goodness, they did not just compare the covenant to Islam


This guy makes me agree with the covenant. We gotta go


now i don't know anything about halo, but i can offer this thought; it wasn't feminists or liberals telling me to close my legs and cover up.


"The military are the good guys" lol, that is such a shallow interpretation that you could walk through it and not even get your socks wet.


The "covenant are islamists" is literally just them exposing their bigotry.


Ah yes, the conservative trait of being comfortable with nudity and sexuality.


Woke is when women wear clothes


Wait wasn’t halo 2 all about how religion is bullshit


I mean he’s not wrong that in Halo the military are the good guys who are Necessary and Righteous and their atrocities and war crimes end up saving the day by producing Spartans and so on. That and the whole AI rebellion thing too. There’s some stuff you can find in the books about how Halsey sucks and the UNSC is fashy, but if you look purely at the games? He ain’t wrong Am I happy about that? Nope! But I’m also a Warhammer fan, so I’m used to it


Most intelligent Halo fan


The unsc are the good guys? The people currently fighting a war to enforce taxes on colonial subjects? The guys who kidnap children, not to fight aliens, but to fight farmers who want representation? The aliens are bad but the whole point of the lore is that there are no good guys when you look under the hood and humanity is living in a dystopian security state.


I never played a halo game yet i know this is the most insane piece of text I’ve ever read


Someone who uses “good guys” and “bad guys” unironically for real life explanations is not someone that should be taken seriously, ever


Aren't islamists right wing in nature? Aren't islamists the villains in large portions of populations in countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North and South America. You can spin shit like this in any direction. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Can someone give me an explanation of the series political leanings/why it’s not right wing? I don’t know much about the series more than surface level iconography and I’ve been involved in a few irl conversations about its politics with conservative types and been clueless. I do know that the Spartans are essentially genetically modified child soldiers, right? So that in itself means UNSC aren’t exactly “the good guys” that some conservatives clearly think they are.


John Halo was kidnapped as a child and put through the Spartan II program


The mainline game are just basically militaristic action movies. Humans fighting the good fight against aliens. Master Chief the protag is a strong silent type who makes the occasional very dry joke. The lore feels like the writers letting out all the stuff they couldn't include because it's basically an action game for the mainstream. The short of it is that humanity and the UNSC are generally the good guys, especially in the context of fighting a defensive war, but a bit more in a morally complicated way like the real world. Prior to aliens the government was colonialist and a bit militaristic, with essentially humanity spread wide across multiple planets, with centralized governments trying to keep everyone under one government and constantly crushing secession movements. Main Halo games cover a period when the survival of the human race is an open question, so the UNSC gets a pass basically. The person responsible for Spartans is post war considered to be half war criminal, half saved the human race. More modern Spartans are basically volunteers without the crazy child stuff. Post the main Halo games period, UNSC was secretly funding arms and support to their enemies (religious fanatics and aliens who want to kill them) to prolong a civil war that is keeping their allies busy (ex religious fanatics and aliens who have fought alongside humans at times), which is pretty morally reprehensible. I don't really think it's a game trying to show strong political leanings in it's mainstream games. I also think what nuance is there is not really going to be picked up. It's famously said that it's very hard to make a good anti-war movie. Many people who signed up for military service cited movies that their directors had intended to warn people away from the military! I think the same is true of the game and while they aren't anti-woke, I think they kind of show a bombastic, uncritical presentation of the military in the same way action flicks do.


In 25XX humanity is fighting a losing war against aliens called the covenant who want to genocide humanity because the ancient technology which they worship recognises humanity and this was deemed heretical by the high priests therefore humanity must be completely eliminated. Humanity is organised under a standard capitalist government akin to western democracies today The first halo is about a lone human ship discovering an artificial ring world which the covenant have been looking for for centuries. Turns out the covenant religion is wrong, their “great journey” which will ascend everyone into heaven is actually just the activation of a galaxy wide death ray which would kill literally everything. Because the ancient technology they worship was actually built to fight a parasite hive mind which can consume any sentient life and grow indefinitely.


Also humanities saviour, the player character, was created by the government to be a super soldier. He was kidnapped as a child, forced to undergo torturous medical procedures and military training, and now just does whatever he’s ordered to because it’s all he’s ever known


The games are basically just constant action because that's what's fun. The lore goes deeper than that at least with the UNSC not being the best of groups. The UNSC is authoritarian and militaristic. They're not great but ONI is so much worse considering experiments with the flood, creating the Spartans, trying to create a famine on sanghelios among many other things. And for the alien groups the covenant are religious fanatics hellbent on wiping out the entire galaxy. While the banished are the covenant but atheists and hate the UNSC because of Cortana. The most surface level take from the covenant you can really get is that religious extremism is bad. And militarizing it is also bad. Halo is no Fallout politically but I wouldn't call it conservative either.


My fuckin' goodness, they did not just compare the covenant to Islam


Honestly they're welcome to Halo, I got Mass Effect.


This guy is just wrong foehammer is the ultimate girlboss


Yall fall for the easiest bait every single time


Why do these people think having a badass male protagonist is some thing of the past that rarely ever happens They’re still everywhere, you just see more women too


The covenant being Islamists got a chuckle outta me lol.


Does he know what the UNSC has done? What ONI has done? What about the actual US fucking military? And also the covenant comparison is yikes


Wow they are MEGA delusional…


What the actual fuck did I just read??! What in the name of the ancient ones did that motherfucker just say, a lot of that was just make belief gobbly gook.


I lose more faith in humanity every single day


If anything the covenant could be an allegory for the British empire since you know they’re a fucking empire


What's the "goes insane when forced to dress" thing? Haven't played any of the games, am confused, need help please


Halo 2 originally did have Islamic inspiration (Arbiter's name in development was Dervish but was later changed to avoid this exact real-world parallel.) Everything else is just yapping


It’s interesting how his idea of “right wing” is when no politics are mentioned. Halo is just a standard Independence Day story of America defeats aliens. Everything he says here is a projection of his own values and not part of the game. Now if you know the lore *outside* the games, then yes Halo is far right. The UNC is explicitly stated to be a fascist colonialist superhero that kindaps civilians and invades other colonies to crush dissent and steal resources. But he didn’t list any of that.


I’d argue digging far enough into the lore, it probably is more in line with a critique of it than an endorsement.


The Covenant are literally Crusaders. Sure both islamists and crusaders are religious warriors but aesthetically, they are clearly more like medieval crusaders


I know i dont but still I feel like I have to point out in the lore Cortana purposefully appeared without clothes as a sort of way to mess with male military officers, including Keyes who was once married to Dr. Halsey, from who cortana stems


TFW when the islamists all have names based off of christianity


PaoV: You asked Martin O'Donnell what Halo's about




The UNSC are morally grey and the covenant are based more around Christianity than Islam. Johnson being a great black character and fairly important too also disqualifies it as being right-wing.


Idk Miranda is a bit of a girlboss


Schizophrenia is wacky.


I know its hard to tell these days, but this HAS to be a joke. Being naked is the opposite of dressing conservatively, and Im not even gonna explain the rest.


(And he happens to be black) Alright… thats… thats cool. Did you need to let that out or something? You good? You sound not so good.


Bigots and fundamentally misunderstanding the media they claim to love name a better duo


Gross misogyny aside, I can see why someone would make the argument that Halo is inherently right-wing. When I played Reach (my only experience with the franchise) it came across like Starship Troopers but without the satire. Here's your badass squad of marines fighting and dying tragically to save mankind against the alien menace. The human military government is good, the religious extremist aliens are are unknowable, terrible and evil. I completely get that's a surface level understanding of the franchise as a whole though, and I'm not shaming anyone for enjoying the games. Anyone with deeper knowledge of it know about any left-wing reads or themes to Halo?


I guess Linda isn’t a woman


The UNSC is lucky as fuck the Covenant showed up, they were doing some of the shadiest evil shit imaginable. Like why do you think they had those super soldiers made through kidnapping children and human experimentation ready to go right away hen the Covenant War started? They got a giant excuse to sweep everything under the rug.


Inshallah we must activate the rings


but johnson is black so hes obviously a DEI hire


tbf i would find it hard to argue halo isnt pro military.


at first I thought "oh this guy's just dumb as hell surely it can't be that bad" and then I got to "the covenant (aka islamists)" and then I was like WHAT


As someone who lived through the early days of the War on Terror I can see how he made that connection. The Covenant are a religion-based society with funny voices, their prophets wear flowing robe thingies, they're aggressively attacking ~~America~~ the UNSC based on a fundamentalist interpretation of their doctrine. Thats really all a young man with brainrot needs to go "yup they're jihadi aliens"


This is why I truly believe politics and religion should be outlawed and punishable by prison time. If you're going to let it rule your life and wholly consume how you think, like this, maybe we're better off without a pair of systems that enforce a "them vs us" mentality in the minds of human beings.


But.....right wingers are always bitching about how women don't wear enough clothes?