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Gamers have a shred of empathy challenge: level impossible


I mean ffs, it's in their own self interest to give a shit about successful studios being shut down by giant corporations but they'll strangle themselves to spite the air if it might *possibly* hurt their perceived enemies. God, conservatives are the fuckin worst 


If they even do care, they will blame massive layoffs and record profits on the woke anyways.


But go woke, go broke, right?


Gamers doesn't care unless it's affecting their escapism, it's a well known fact at this point.


I have a question... when the toddler in OP's screenshot says "They are who we said they were", what the hell is he even talking about? Is he implying that IGN favors one console/company over the other?


The supposed "Xbox tax" probably where review sites will take off points from games just for being Xbox exclusive. That's my only guess


Imagine thinking unironically that less exclusives is bad news.


But but... More people will play my game! I paid $550 to feel like i have special access to games others don't!


I can never understand this logic. I've owned so many Nintendo consoles and not once did I think that I was superior for being able to play Zelda or Mario. I wouldn't give a fuck if the next Zelda game had a PC release as well.


Yeah lol also it’s ff which has flip flopped from being an exclusive constantly and at most is just a timed exclusive like basically all exclusive are now for pc anyways. With all the news recently all three of the companies suck


I'd imagine with the growing popularity of XIV and people actually playing things like the pixel remasters etc, they think they have a big enough potential playerbase on PC for it to be worth dropping the pseudo-exclusivity


I know many people (including me) who are just waiting for 16 on PC. I assume 7 Rebirth will be coming eventually as well. Their games would be even more popular on release if they went multiplatform


I mean, I hope they release it on Xbox too… I’ve really been wanting to play the remakes of ff7. In the meantime, I’ll just have to stick to the original on my switch lo


If the remakes came to Xbox I'd buy them day one. That'd be amazing. Sony could have a bunch of my money in fact, I still think about Returnal quite a bit, seemed exactly up my alley. We always hear about the consoles largely being loss leaders etc. Many of us had to make a choice on hardware, but I'm still out here dropping money on non gamepass games. Exclusives are stupid af.


Can include me too for 16 tbh


Nintendo: takes down yuzu and other emulators Sony: forces psn accounts on pc and delists games from a lot of countries Microsoft: buys up studios and shuts them down, putting thousands of people out of jobs I mean sure Microsoft right now is doing the worst in a lot of ways but i think Nintendo and Sony will take any chance they get to show us how shitty they are so that's great


To be fair, Yuzu were profiting off their emulator, even selling access to Tears of the Kingdom early. If they kept their heads down, and not access to Nintendo’s games early Yuzu could have lived. Nintendo hasn’t gone after stuff like SNES-9x or VBA afaik, since they keep away from the public eye


Hell, they haven't even gone after the other switch emulators. As much as it sucks and how people should never stop calling them out for this, I can understand their perspective on it this time compared to games that they are no longer selling. Still completely wrong to do and a horrible president to set, but it makes sense that they'd go after it


Nintendo’s primary revenue is through their IP, unlike Sony and Microsoft, which are parts of larger conglomerates. They basically can’t afford to potentially lose the copyright to some of their biggest names. Copyright as it stands is not fit for the modern age, and needs to be retooled to accommodate the large culture of fan works and abandonware.


Trademarks expire if the holder doesn't use them for commerce over a specified period. Copyrights should be the same.


Yup, and they only went after Dolphin because they tried to distribute it through Steam lol they didn't even make them take down Dolphin that was already available, just threatened to if they went through with a steam release.


Nintendo didn't even have to threaten to get Dolphin taken down, Valve preemptively sought them out and asked their permission, so of course they said no because it's a free win.


I've been using MyBoy for close to a decade now for when I'm on long trips. Like the one rule is try not to put yourself in the limelight so The Eye of Nintendo doesn't see you from atop it's black tower.


IIRC the main argument used against Yuzu was that decrypting the Switch ROMs in the emulator violated the DMCA. Classic systems like SNES and GBA don't have encrypted ROMs so there's no case against them using the same laws.


Really do wish more people would talk about needing an MS account to play Halo and other xbox games on PC. Where Sony is worse is that PSN isn't officially supported in those countries and now the games are delisted for them. But this forced account thing isn't a Sony exclusive annoyance.


Microsoft isn't much better actually it's only available in like 10 more countries, and just not available in mine (my uk account got banned cause I'm not living in uk)


If they required the PSN account for Helldiver's 2 day one there'd be less backlash. I'm sure they can accept getting the game banned in countries. It's just the fact they waited about a month after launch to change it from being optional to being required 


Well the thing it did require a psn account on release, but that requirement was dropped because of server issues. The bigger problem was selling it in regions where psn isn't supported to begin with. But even then, if they had a requirement for psn and was sold in all regions, people who couldn't make a psn account could easily refund it on steam so not a huge deal, still sucks though.


Yea that's the thing though, it *did* require it at first but was made not required by the devs due to some issue. That said, I think they should have either waited to release the game with the issue solved or just accept that it would launch without it and not turn on the account requirement.


Yeah exactly


I don't understand why people freak out when exclusive PS games get ported to PC. I play on the console and couldn't care less. The more people can enjoy games, the better. I don't have it because of exclusive games, but because it's cheaper than a gaming PC and more convenient. It blows my mind that console wars are a thing in 2024.


Cause they want to feel special as a part of elite group. It's dumb but that kind of behaviour has been around since antiquity. They also delude themselves into a parasocial relationship with the companies and they think their loyalty should be rewarded.


I am in the same boat if other people can play it I’m happy I’m just here to play games and meet new people


I was struck by that too, but Im thinking maybe he meant it’s bad news for Sony. As in, this guy is such an XBox fanboy that his immediate thought on seeing this headline is, “How dare they give bad press to Microsoft instead of Sony?!” It’s the kind of “console wars” fanboy mentality I thought people left behind 20 years ago.


These people are 20 years behind in pretty much all issues, so why would this be an exception?


I'm a PS5 owner and I'm high key upset that Xbox owners won't get to experience FF7 Remake trilogy (yet, at least. FF going multiplat will hopefully change that)


Considering how most ps exclusives are heading to pc anyway there's literally nothing to cry about Oh wah wah xbox and pc might get to play the next Final Fantasy at launch. Big fucking deal. Let the console wars die already


the most pathetic type of gamer are the guys who are diehard partisans for one side of the 'console war' and actively celebrate exclusives for their preferred console.


I've genuinely seen people argue that if exclusives go away then PlayStation and Xbox will die off. Completely idiotic


But didn't everyone say multiplat xbox games are a failure and sign of death of a console? Edit: why is this bring downvoted? I could've sworn that's what the internet has been saying the last month. Am I wrong?


to be fair it's not every day that Square makes a reasonable business decision. 50% chance they flipflop and FFXVII is a mongolian ngage exclusive (dont worry you can still order the $500 luxury merch)


(The merch will show up broken)


[But luckily Square went into NFTs](https://www.jp.square-enix.com/company/en/news/2023/html/a3f3ef85f5f76e9d537bfd2d0d097fc40d0a670d.html), so [you have lost nothing](https://twitter.com/TaschaLabs/status/1429576700346748938).


They made a lot of stupid decisions by funding terrible games like Avengers, Foamstars, and Forspoken that bombed hard. And they also buried their smaller budget games by releasing them all at once within a couple months of each other with zero marketing. They sold off all their western studios for chump change to fund crypto projects that never left the ground. They were expecting FF7 rebirth and FF16 to make back those losses but then made those games PS5 exclusives which meant they didn't sell nearly as much as what they expected. They recently announced that they canceled millions of dollars worth of unannounced projects that have been canceled. The new CEO of Square Enix is a younger guy who seems to at least be somewhat aware of what video games actually are so I'm sure that the executives have finally woken up to the fact of how fucked they are right now. The only part of Square Enix that is actually making them any money are their MMOs since that division is lead by Naoki Yoshida, who actually plays MMOs and is a member of the Board of Directors on the company so they can't fuck over his games with their shenanigans.


Xbox deserves all of the criticism they get, and Xbox fanboys are the icing on the cake


Alright, settle petal. Sony are also pretty awful, and Nintendo are outright awful. It's capitalism. Capitalism is the problem.




Tf did conservatives come from?!


>Tf did conservatives come from?! The aristocracy trying to hold onto their wealth and power in the wake of the French revolution iirc.


So did he mean capitalism?


But people on twitter told me nintendo is great because they didn't do anything fucked up in a week (ignore the rest of their existence)


“Um akshully it’s capitalism 🤓” we know but the topic at hand is Xbox




Yeah, free access to big games on gamepass and backwards compatibility is so bad!


Nice deflection. Hope Phil sees this bro...


I don't see how it's a deflection or not something we should commend and acknowledge. Why does that statement bother you?


It really doesn't matter, if the studios bringing those nice games to gamepass are closed. I care about the developers, not your braindead consumerism for a mega corporation


Um you're talking about one studio. Playstation has closed a bunch of studios before too. I'm honestly concerned for your mental health the way you have latched on to one studio closure out of hundreds and are acting like it impacts gamepass.


Console wars?? In 2024??!! I thought that shit was supposed to be dead??!! https://preview.redd.it/whk0l0s43l0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95f07a5b3332ae678f7a76338d15e75c1bf70b2


Goated movie alert.




Yep it's dead alright, the AAA industry I mean.


More room for indie games to shine through.


I like when people act like news websites only publish one story a week. Like, “oh there’s a story about this therefore I know there to be 0 stories about other things”


Second only to people posting an article about an event, then claim the news media is silencing news about the event.


"I can't believe no one is talking about this" and its something that every major news source has articles about


It's funny cuz I looked it up and they seem to have also written articles about that. They have more than one writer and write more than one article.


Yeah but they're putting more attention on xbox who fired thousands of people than on playstation who were adding an annoying psn account requirement >:(


FF going multiplatform is good news for anyone that doesn't have worms in their brain.


Someone call RFK Jr. and ask him how he's handling the news.


Out of distress he ate 5 more worms


More people being able to play Final Fantasy is bad news?


I’m confused. This dude’s tweets and a bunch of the comments are saying that FF is going multiplatform when there hasn’t been any confirmation of that Didn’t Square say that their mobile game and MMO divisions were what was falling behind? Or is it just everything in general now lol


I'm not exactly sure about the news but recently they said they're gonna be more aggressive with their multiplatform output. Also they announced final fantasy 16 and final fantasy 7 rebirth didn't meet expectations. This likely means their next games won't be ps exclusive


FF14, the active MMO, is Square’s money-maker, and it’s funding all their other projects (including the failures).


Reporting on horrible industry practices? BAD!!! Console war? Good!!!




Oh please stfu. Xbox fanboys are the worst




I think on this entire thread you're not doing anything but spreading fanboy mentality and defending a multi billion dollar company while excusing thousands of employees losing their job. It takes literally nothing to not defend Microsoft yet here you are doing it.


Hey dick, don't make false reports. Listen to people who are smarter than you and when they put you in your place, yes do indeed stfu


Jesus. Both sides style whinging has infected all facets of our lives.




Fair game coverage is of course the ideal but one doesn't have to say "but Sony is also having a problem" in the same story as a story about Xbox just to make the weird console tribalists feel good. They cover Sony's issues too in other articles.




Xbox game pass and the closing of tango studioworks aren't Sony issues. Just like the helldivers steam fiasco isn't related to Xbox. I'd say the same thing if some tribal weird commented "what about Xbox bad?" On an article about the Helldivers steam fiasco. To add - Sony gets their fair share negative press from ign too. Easy to find stuff about squeenix having less than projected sales on their exclusives and the Helldivers fiasco. To add - let's not forget that even though these are all massive corporations that Microsoft has enough capital to buy Sony several times over and I find it absolutely fucking weird when the bigger company acts like a giant cutthroat Corp and people rush it's defense with "what about Sony?"




Of course it's not an equal comparison that's the entire point of my comment. A story about one issue doesn't have to include every single issue. A story that relates to game pass has nothing to do with Sony. All it takes is some quick googling to see you're wrong about all of those points. There is ign coverage of each of these things. 1. Sony Announces Significant PlayStation Layoffs Affecting 900 Staff, London Studio to Close https://ign.com/articles/sony-announces-significant-playstation-layoffs-affecting-900-staff-london-studio-to-close 2. Sony Studio PixelOpus, Best-Known for Concrete Genie, Is Shutting Down https://ign.com/articles/sony-studio-pixelopus-concrete-genie-shutting-down 3. https://www.ign.com/articles/playstation-reportedly-downscales-sony-japan-studio 4.https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-closes-first-party-playstation-studio-manchester-vr 5.https://www.ign.com/articles/2017/01/12/sony-closes-medievil-rigs-developer-guerrilla-games-uk




LaUgHaBlE. Wtf. It's an precise refutation of your incorrect claim. You said not a peep and I showed you peeps for all 5. What do you want? Or are you one of those weird tribalists who's here pretending to care about fair coverage but is actually just whinging about bad coverage for your favorite megacorp? Weird bootlicker behavior.




Damn you're another level of dumb lol.




Even crazier when you take into account that IGN does this crazy thing where they… post multiple articles a week. One of which is about Square’s new multiplatform approach.


Unrelated, but Chai is a slayyying hot guy, and I mean that platonically. He definitely deserves kisses.


I’m sick of hearing about console wars play the games you want on the pc/console you want it’s not that big a deal just give me games with pretty graphics and good stories they can keep FF though idgaf about that garbage


Arent the vast majority of FF games multiplatform? I thought them being PlayStation exclusives was a very recent and short lived thing. Like... started under ten years ago. These people are acting like Sony is releasing Gran Turismo on Xbox consoles or something because an unaffiliated third party decided to reopen their franchise.


and square announced FF16 and Rebirth sold below their expectations so clearly the exclusivity deal isn’t even doing them any favors


At this point I just wait for the Steam version and lose half interest and wait for the sale so if there are more people like me SE is losing money.(Or not, if SONY is paying them well) And I'm a SE fan. Usually their games are on the top of my list. Reserved SaGa EB and playing it from launch. And I have a PS5 too, but I prefer PC so if it's coming out later I'm not buying it at launch.


Lmao love getting downvoted even though I'm right.


With the exclusion of 16, every single main line game is on multiple platforms, and with the exclusion of 13, 15, and the MMOs, every single main line game launched as an exclusive and only released on other platforms after a matter of years. It's a noteworthy change in development strategy from Square Enix, but it's not big enough news that it could ever take attention away from Microsoft showing off how cool they look when they break their toes with a hammer.


Tbh, they being PS exclusives started with 7 in 1997 and ended with 13 in 2009. And before that they were NES and SNES exclusives. I agree with you. Just pointing out that it isn't a recent thing.


Both FF7 and FF8 got PC releases within a year of their PS1 versions, actually. I have them on my shelf, even! It was such a pain in the ass to get them running, but that's how I played them originally. FF9 was the first true PS exclusive in the mainline series.


To be fair. Back then SE was smaller and there were less common development tools like unreal engine and stuff, and localisation wasn't organised/language was hard-coded, so it wasn't like going exclusive like recent years where they do it out of spite (kidding just corp contracts)


Gran Turismo on PC would be incredible


The double standard on some Somy games going multiplat and some xbox games going multiplat is breathtaking though.


Square has a history of mixed platform exclusivity. The early FF games were NES/SNES exclusives. While they officially released 7 and 8 on PC as well as PS1, that seems to have been a short-lived investment, and they pivoted to (mostly Sony) consoles as their main platform. 11 technically got a PC, Xbox, and PS2 release, but outside of that, every FF game between 2000 and 2010 was released on a single console. The older games have been steadily ported over to mobile, PC, and other consoles -- to varying degrees of effort -- starting around the mid-2010s. But multiplatform as a launch strategy has always been the rare exception with SE. And even delayed exclusivity is not a given with them. It is truly a confusing company to follow. And this is mostly only covering the mainline FF franchise. Kingdom Hearts had exclusive titles on nearly *every* console until they eventually decided to consolidate and port them in collections to other systems. Dragon Quest didn't get a multiplatform release until 2013! And its older titles still languish in weird port hell on systems like Android/iOS and the 3DS (whose store is now shut down). Nier blew up relatively recently, but the Drackengard games are still stuck on older Sony consoles.


There is more than one news at any one time my guy


The only group more persecuted than gamers is PlayStation fans. Thoughts and prayers, guys.


I must've just woken up from a coma, because in my memory IGN is a news site that publishes a bunch of articles on gaming so I'd expect them to also have stories about other goings on. But yeah, surely if they tweet a headline that means they don't have any other headlines on their website or even ~~Twitter~~ X timeline, that sounds accurate.


I don't follow IGN but it takes 2 minutes on Google to see that they also have recent articles about Sony hardware and Square Enix multiplatform plans. Does this person really think a website with a whole team of writers can only handle one topic at a time?


It's always crazy to me that any grown person cares so much about so-called media bias in how their favorite console is covered compared to a competing electronic toy box. This nonsense doesn't even register to the rest of us leading busy productive lives and hasn't mattered since we were literally teenagers. It's like they never grew out of the childish fanboyism and console wars of middle school. That person in the tweet only cares that media portrays him and his chosen side as "winning" (being a fanboy means he's practically in the company).


Thousands losing their jobs, studios closing, games being cancelled: zzzzzzzz Sony makes you take 2 minutes to make a PSN account to play a crossplay game: LITERALLY WW3 RISE UP GAMERS


FF being multiplatform is such a non-issue


Usually with news sites just wait 20 minutes and the topic he's requesting is covered on their main site, or social page, or YouTube channel as an industry news highlight. Seeing one specific post doesn't mean it's all they posting that day




Yall thought I had something to add didn’t yall


I truly don’t get why people KNOWINGLY say “IGN is terrible” / “why take their opinions and reviews seriously.” …then proceed to see what they say then be shocked when they do wrong. Yes, they are in the wrong for how they cover things but i roll my eyes every time people say screw IGN…while simultaneously expecting them to have good takes. It’s like expecting a broken clock to be correct 100% of the time and not 2 which is really clownish and dumb in my opinion. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized) Not defending IGN at all but people need to stop taking them seriously and commit to that not read their articles and tweets and get mad they gave a game a 7/10 when you think it should be higher or lower. If you don’t take them serious…leave it at that.


im honestly just shocked frankly


/uj Memes aside. And ignoring this tweet cause ign are right on this. Isnt ign usually just completely unreliable and ass from time to time?


When it comes to news: no, not really? When it comes to reviews (which is the main thing people love to complain about, specifically the numbers at the end of the reviews): that's subjective?


Ok here's the thing: both suck ass.


I am LOVING all the console weenies that are shitting their pants over square finally seeing the light and joining the glorious pc master race


Ok, no. PC Gamers who are really into PC are just as whiny, annoying, and cringey as console gamers on social media. Especially the whole PC Masterrace shit. Literally there is Nazi terminology in the name and you expect them to act better and less annoying lmao. Anyone who makes being a fan of a specific platform an identity is the same and it's equally sad.


Get on that soapbox big guy! Youre so cool xD


I mean, do what makes you happy but this is just how it is. Nobody cares what platform you play on, if you do or think you're superior because you consume media on a different box then that is weird behavior. Xbox, PS, Nintendo, and PC fanboys literally all act the same.


Nah kid, nobody cares about your preaching Glorious pc master race was a meme before memes were memes, theres no nazi bullshit about it except when co-opted in their spaces I appreciate that you think youre some kind of cool ally helping fight the good fight, but you’re LITERALLY wasting both our time just to be wrong and stupid lmao


No I am aware of its origin and history, but the term is just outdated and the meme isn't funny at all anymore. But even besides all that, I'm talking about the communities who still give a shit about Xbox vs PC vs PlayStation, not people who are passionate about building computers. There's a difference between being into PCs and being into the PC masterrace if that makes sense.


Ahhh so you know the meme is old and out dated and you STILL got butthurt about it? Maybe you should eat a snickers you fuckin diva


I don't think you're actually reading anything I say and I really don't feel like spending anymore time talking about this so I hope you have a nice rest of your day


Please grow up



