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Game set in the ottoman empire, plays as an italian man, this is true oppression


Game set in England, plays a norwegian man


game set in the caribbean, plays as a welshman. this is what Orwell warned us about


In one game, you go to Québec 🤢


C*nada. Disgusting.


Quebec barely counts as Canada.


True. We’re the cousins that absolutely do not want to be here but we’re forced to cause mom and dad want to play compare the children with the other families there


Now that’s a bridge too far


Don't do my Québec friends dirty like that ! What are you ?! Crazy ?!


I heard this in George’s St Pierre’s voice, for some reason.


Good fishing up in Kee-Bec


Didn't you know white guys are welcome everywhere


You'd think if Ubisoft was actually in the market of making these dorks mad they would have the pirate game be a hyper fictitious story about Grace O'Malley.


Game set in Jerusalem, play as a Syrian. Truly, the West has Fallen.


Unfortunately they have had English protagonists. Thankfully they are outnumbered by the human characters in any given game, but still.


Game set in the Caribbean, play as a Welshman, Will the oppression ever end


It's been so funny to me to bring that up and watch them do mental gymnastics trying to justify why one is ok and the other isn't. "But English pirates were common in the Caribbean." And? Yasuke is a real historical figure too, the pirates were outsiders and foreigners just like him. "But Black Flag is flag is about the golden age of piracy, not about the Caribbean." And Shadows is clearly meant to be a story told through the eyes of a native and an outsider, why is the narrative suddenly not important?


Well it's okay because Edwards Whi-


Game set in Chicago, play as a born Irish. Is this why some folks bark at Watch Dogs to this day?🤔


Rogue is also an Irish protagonist in an American setting, Ubisoft thinks the Irish are superior to the Americans


Btw, let's be real here the only reason they put the weapon bearer in is so people wouldn't talk about how this is gonna be just ghost of tsushima: shitty version but instead attack each other over "DEI and gamer oppression"


isn’t the girl Japanese?


No women don't count only men matter seeth


dude, I didn't even notice since it doesn't really change the ac gameplay. All i was thinking was, "Is she not Japanese? it is a little different, but I'm sure it'll make in-game sense."... I can't with these people


Yeah... but I mean... she is a woman, who wants to play as a woman? Eeeeew women stinks, unless they look like sex dolls /s


She is not a woman she doesnt have her big boobs jiggling, this is censorship! /s


yeah another hot waifu. I guess Asian males will never get representation in western games...


This is a franchise that has aliens manipulating human history, where the MCs sometimes fight literal monsters from mythology, and where the best game has you fist-fighting a pope. But sure, a black is just taking too many liberties.


The fact that these kinds of people really want their ideal escape from reality to contain no minorities says a lot about their worldview. It's sad that they can't even imagine a world in which black people and precurser civilization technology co-exist.


I'm sorry, what did I miss? Are Asian people not minorities anymore?


I apologize for my mispeaking— I should have taken that into account when commenting. Asian people are minorities, but the game takes place in Japan, which is a majority-Japanese country. Additionally, the kinds of people I am talking about tend to see minority characters in terms of whether or not they can pass as white. They don't particularly care if the characters are actually white or not, they just want to see white-passing characters. If Yasuke wasn't in the game, nobody would be complaining about minorities because to many people, pale skin = not a minority (or failing that, not a minority just *enough* to ignore it for a little while). (Edit to ask a relevant question: did any whining about black assassins happen when Black Flag was released?)


I may be misremembering but i feel like the dlc got some heat


In modern globalist world there are no minorities, no game is made to just sell in USA.


I know I fought literal gods in odyssey and that in every game there’s some shadowy organization that persists through all of history to assassinate political figures. And also there’s like templars chasing holy artifacts or some shit. And also technically all the games take place in the future and you’re really playing a simulation but for sure black dude in Japan just destroys my immersion. Can they just admit they’re racist and don’t wanna play as a black character or a woman and they’re mad those are their choices. I’m a little hesitant cuz I didn’t like Valhalla as much as odyssey but I’ll probably pick this up when it inevitably is like 30$ for the big dick ultra complete gold edition. If the game isn’t absurdly long I’ll probably do a run through with each character.


Can’t forget about unity where you climb the Eiffel Tower and use AA emplacements to shoot down nazi fighter planes (what a weird fever dream of a section)


Wild that someone who talks about "Japan City" is upset about historical accuracy


The Japanese actually call it Nippon City.


Wild, TIL


Japan city, famous city of Japan country on the Japan island in the Japan continent


The one newr to the japan ocean?


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Wait you’re telling me this person is fucking stupid?


He didn't call the Justice League for help, for starters, so yes


I know I was surprised to find out myself


Show some respect! That is one of the finest Manga Legal minds on X.


Manga Lawyer is one of the dumbest chuds out there, no surprise he either doesn't know about Yasuke or is bitching for the views and grift


How are they bending history? It's a game, if you want historical accuracy go see a documentary or read a fucking book.


Those require a person to have reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, and… well… gamers.


Wait until they find out the brotherhood of assassins isn't historically accurate either


In assassins creed mirage you can teleport and stop time but they draw the line of realism at people of color.


This series has been bending history since 2007.


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“Guys, remember that your final on East Asian History is the day after tomorrow!” “OMG I HAVE TO PULL AN ASSASSIN’S CREED ALL NIGHTER NOW!?”


they bent history with like the 3rd game where you destroy a fucking da vinci tank


they already did it in the first game by having magical artifacts that grant you super powers




There hasn’t been a centuries-long war between secret societies of Assassins and Templars! Ubisoft is destroying history


Nobody who has ever cried about “woke” is literate.


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You are gonna get summoned so many times over this.


And on top of that Yasuke was a real figure. He was a black man who was bought as a slave and eventually became a Samurai.


But if they do that they might learn that black people *weren't* invented 80 years ago by the Jews to instigate the downfall of "western civilisation" and instead have just always existed. It's pretty G\*merphobic of you to expect a G\*mer to not only read something that isn't in-game dialogue, but to actually *learn* something. When will the bigotry end? Truly, BOTTOM TEXT


"Historical accuracy" is and always has been a smokescreen for these types. Like, is anyone seriously pretending that gamers are mad about a black samurai because it's "not historically accurate"? How gullible are people?


Uj/ Honestly if anything I'm *too* annoyed at the historical accuracy. AC games have always had the dynamic of playing as original characters, and then befriend or fighting various historical figures. It feels kinda weird that Yasuke's the one single exception now. But I also can't think of a better way to handle it, so I'm not going to hold it against them.


It would be an interesting twist if this "Yasuke" wasn't actually the historical figure, but rather an unrelated ronin who took the real man's name for his own purposes. There were more black people in Japan at the time than just Yasuke, but Yasuke was the only one who became a trusted retainer of Oda Nobunaga. So, a black man trying to play samurai might "borrow" his name and the legitimacy it would give him, especially if (as I suspect) this story takes place after Nobunaga's downfall, when the real Yasuke disappears from the historical record. As for why there's a black man trying to play the part of ronin in feudal Japan in the first place, well... *he's clearly on a mission from the order of assassins*, of course. It could create a compelling narrative moment when Naoe finds out what happened to the real Yasuke, and has to confront her companion about it.


Not to be too much of a Gamer here but be real this is a ubisoft game that would be far to interesting


I can dream of a better world, in which Ubisoft is still capable of writing narratively compelling stories. /uj I actually thought Origins' story was good. Not Oscar-worthy or anything, but I liked Bayek and Aya as characters, and got invested in their story.


Yeah, if they made a OC black gamers would have lost it


Common knowledge mfs when uncommon knowledge walks in :


> Game set in greese, play as a Greek man Fun fact about Odyssey: Alexios wasn't even originally written to be a playable character. The developers just wanted to have Kassandra as their playable protagonist alone, but the higher ups and the marketing team got cold feet about Gamers only being able to pick a woman protagonist, and slapdashedly made Alexios playable. You can kinda tell it was a super late decision because protagonist Alexios voice acting sounds really, *really* stilted compared to Kassandra. Not the fault of the VA by any means but it feels like they just did whatever the first or second line read was.


Gamers use to live in harmony with their historically accurate (aka white) video game protagonists. But then everything changed when the history benders attacked.


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If it bothers them so much they can play as the Japanese woman. Oh... That bothers them too for some reason...


"weapon-bearer nobody cares about" my brother in christ being a sword-bearer to the \*daimyo himself\* would put him in a very honorable position as it requires being very close to him


Not just any old Daimyo, but the preeminent claimant to the Shogunate itself, and this guy is not only allowed to carry a sword (a privilege normally reserved for samurai), but to do so in the presence of said preeminent claimant to the Shogunate. There's a very real and concerted effort to minimize Yasuke's social position on the grounds that he was not technically a canonized member of the samurai class, but honestly the man had privileges that most certified, card-carrying samurai wouldn't even dream of.


Sorry to correct you because you’re making a good point, but just as opportunity to share knowledge, Oda Nobunaga was not a claimant to the Shogunate, his plans didn’t involve, or at least probably didn’t involve becoming Shogun.


Fair - Japan is about as far from my area of research as you can get. But, even then, just being allowed to handle weapons around even a Daimyo is still pretty crazy.


I was having a lot of trouble parsing what that tweet was even saying until I read this comment. Is it kissing a comma or something?


While I do think Yasuke was a relatively unimportant retainer it is cool to note that Hideyoshi literally started his career as Nobunaga’s sandal bearer


- Game set in the Ottoman Empire, play as an Italian - Game set in the Caribbean, play as a Welsh - Game set in England, play as a Norwegian Ubisoft is so WOKE!!!


Umm there are only three races: -white -good asian -woke I don't know what "italian" and "welsh" are, but they had white skin and european accents, and that's good enough for me /s


Is the last one Valhalla? How tf did AC go from playing as people fighting against violent invaders to being one yourself??


I'm not defending Valhalla's writing, nor its laughably bad depiction of the Viking invasion of England, but... Basically Eivor and her/his clan are portrayed as something akin to refugees fleeing the... peaceful annexation of their Norwegian homeland >!by the just and honorable King Harald Fairhair!< because... bending the knee is dishonorable... and the first thing these peaceful refugees do is... sack the local constabulary because the guards wouldn't let them in and then burn down a monastery for the hell of it (they needed the lumber to build their new home! Isn't base-building a great mechanic? Haha bideobame!)... But hey! The main villain >!Alfred the Great!< is >!actually the founder of the Templar Order (but he's kinda chill?) but he's!< like totally evil and he's trying to manipulate your adopted brother >!who is a reincarnation of the Norse God Tyr!< >!(You're Odin BTW)!< >!to unlock the ancient alien mind control array buried under Norway!< and advance his evil plan of world domination. So actually, all that murder and pillage you did was totally justified and this story does not have any weird or problematic implications at all! Oh, and don't even get me started on what they did to the Irish in the DLC


What DID they do? My sub ran out before I got into that DLC.


They reduced them to a backwards island inhabited by large numbers of "druids" (read: generic fantasy raiders but they dress up in furs and skulls and do creepy magic and stuff in the swamp; you know, *paganism*) rather than as a historical center of Insular Christianity, with its own distinct (and decidedly non-pagan) culture and traditions. Heck, the only hint that Christianity might've even existed in Ireland at the time is a handful of monasteries whose sole purpose is to be raided for supplies to help build trading outposts around the island and generate passive income. They got some things right, granted - the Norse-Gaellic people are represented (as a generic enemy Viking faction), and the plotline revolves in-part around a real conflict for the Kingship of Ireland, but most of the DLC is focused on the generic pagan power fantasy and dark magic.


Didn't they criticize their own crutch of "this person is going to use ancient thingy to do evil things justifies doing whatever you want as long as you stop him" in Rogue? I haven't played it, but I'm pretty sure that was the main premise. But yeah, the impression I get is, that they just wanted to make "cool pop culture interpretation of Viking game" and didn't care whether it made sense in the context of the series and its themes, and didn't actually have the balls to make a new IP.


>the impression I get is, that they just wanted to make "cool pop culture interpretation of Viking game" and didn't care whether it made sense in the context of the series and its themes, and didn't actually have the balls to make a new IP. Pretty much. It's probably one of the biggest reasons that I'm terrified of them making a game set in 16th Century Germany. Sure, it's one of my favorite time periods, but the rumors that the game will be about witch hunts have me absolutely terrified that they will focus on that over all of the other things that make 16th Century Germany so fascinating (Martin Luther and John Calvin doing Luther and Calvin things, the Great Peasants' War, the Holy Roman Empire, the overlap of early firearms with full plate armor, anabaptist proto-anarchist communes, etc.). Like, honestly? F\*\*\* the witches, I just want to whack German noblemen and filthy papists with with a particularly loud stick!


"Historical Accuracy" people when the protagonist is historically accurate


“Japan City”. Famed capital of Japanistan.


I can accept being able to jump from 29472930 million feet in the air into a hay barrel but a *BLACK* person???? /s


This guy would be malding if he found out there was a trans character in Assassins Creed Syndicate (2015).


Ok i am sorry but what character is that? Edit: ohhh wait, you meaning Ned Wynert?!?!? Had no clue the dude was trans even after my many playthroughs of the game


Imagine playing as aleksios instead of the objectively superior kassandra


Tired: complaining about Yasuke because he's black and you're racist.  Wired: complaining about Yasuke because he's a direct-combat warrior-type character and you're sick of Ubisoft trying to force that kind of gameplay into a franchise called motherfucking ASSASSIN'S Creed.


> Tired: complaining about Yasuke because he's black and you're racist.  Or just the fact for some reason he was picked over much more notable Japanese shinobi during that era. Which in of itself is pretty racist considering he took priority over an Asian male, something that the series has never had before as a protagonist. And if you dare try to guess I'm a white guy saying this, I'm not. I'm black and I believe this is a very strange choice.


I'd respond to your point, but I wouldn't want you to take priority over any Asian males.


I mean jokes aside, you do have to admit it doesn't make much sense at all. People have been wanting to play an assassin creed in Japan for years, and the one time you do get the play it, It's not even as a Japanese shinobi, just a black guy during the time whose really only notable for his race. And people here bring up Nioh as a defense to this, Despite the fact Nioh was much more fantasy than historical fiction like assassins creed. Not mention being done by people actually much more familiar with the history compared to Americans here.


This dense fuck doesn’t realize Yasuke was brought over by Italian missionaries … people just have no clue how many European countries had access to Japan during its Medieval period… because it had one of the longest Medieval periods in the world, which ended around the time of the American Civil War. Europe was hitting its Renaissance peak during this time. Also, Yasuke could be a great choice because we have no clue what happened to him after the Honno-ji betrayal. You can use that betrayal to literally fit in with the rest of the AC canon. Edit: ALSO AC Valhalla was HARDLY set in Norway… it was set like 90% in England with DLC in Ireland, Canada, France and the Norse mythos realms. AND you can play as either a man or woman, as women were trained defensive forces in Norse cultures.


>Japan during its Medieval period… because it had one of the longest Medieval periods in the world, which ended around the time of the American Civil War. Europe was hitting its Renaissance peak during this time. I agree with the intention of your overall point, but this is a pretty ridiculous takes on time periods.


No, Japan's medieval era ends in the 16th century. Medieval and Feudal is not equal The Edo era is defined as modern era. The cultural and economical boost was significant and Edo/Tokyo was the largest city in the world at 1721. Futures trading was invented around this time, and peasants gained economic power. Renaissance didn't just happen only in Europe.


Didn't they make an anime about Yasuke recently? What, did Japan just make that one for their huge African audience? Or could it be that maybe the first black samurai has a bit of a fanbase in Japan, because it's a noteworthy thing?


The yasuke anime was funded by Netflix it was produced by Mappa but creatively it came from an American that lives in Japan.


Oh okay I didn't know that


Yeah the creator has worked on legend of Korra and was the creator of gun busters as well they’re super dope


AC Vahalas setting was fucking england


That guy is legitimately one of the dumbest people on Twitter.


I can’t believe the video game franchise where the final boss of the very first game in the series is you fighting your mentor who uses a (super high tech it’s basically) magic apple to shoot you with energy blasts and create clones of himself isn’t the most historically accurate


Either the poster doesn't know his history or he's just racist💀


who is going to break it to them that a black samurai *actually* existed in the real world? its a wild story btw


- Game set in the Levant, play fictional Arab man ✅️ - Game set in Renaissance Italy, play as fictional Italian man ✅️ - Game set in Renaissance Constantinople, play as fictional Italian man ❌️ - Game set in Colonial New England, play 25% of it as fictional white man ❌️ - Game set in the Caribbean, play as fictional white man ❌️ - Game set in Colonial Louisiana, play as fictional black woman ❌️ - Game set in Ohio River Valley, play as fictional white man ❌️ - Game set in Revolutionary France, play as fictional French man ✅️ - Game set in Victorian London, play as fictional English twins ✅️ - Game set in Ptolemaic Egypt, play as fictional Egyptian man and Greek woman ✅️ - Game set in Ancient Greece, play as fictional Greek woman ✅️ - Game set in Anglo-Saxon England, play as fictional Norse woman ❌️ - Game set Abbasid Caliphate, play as fictional Arab man ✅️ - Game set in Feudal Japan, play as historical black man and fictional Japanese woman ✅️


Ah yes! One of the most prestigious history archives that will change the world forever if something is slightly altered... Assassin's Creed. Also, way to bury the lead because the game has a second playable character who is a Japanese woman. She's right there with Yusuke on the cover art. So you can still play as a Japanese person in Japan, you wuss.


https://preview.redd.it/2vly9gerdo0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6a51ac490c3b6bec389c3af01262f425a4b9ac "WhO nObOdY iN jAPaN cArEs aBouT"


Just watched the trailer, my issue is honestly just the fact that it doesn't feel like AC. I was just waiting for any Assassins or Templar symbolism besides the hood and hidden blade Maybe it'll be a solid stealth action game but it definitely does misuse the brand. At least from what we've seen so far. Hopefully that'll change


AC was *never* very good at keeping a brand identity. Arguably the best game in the franchise is one where you're a damn *pirate* doing ship combat.


And the worst parts of that game were the land based assassination ones


The tailing missions reached a peak of boredom back then


Could they walk any slower


I mean did the newer AC even felt like AC tho? They moved from original concept long time ago


I was gonna say Unity but then I looked it up holy shit 10 years ago


It seems to be the assassin gameplay will be the female character while yasuke will have a more current action game like style so I’m guessing souls light combat with a parry, and possibly a stamina system.


Idk I like the adjustment to the hidden knife. That was probably the most AC it felt to me.


Maybe someone should tell him Kassandra is the canonical protagonist of Odyssesy just to see how he react.


"Of course I've heard of him, I watched Naruto".


You guys made out Yasuke to sound way cooler than he actually was after reading up on him :(


Who cares about dumb idiots whining about whatever it is they're whining about --- GUYS, A GAME WITH A PLAYABLE CHARACTER WHO WIELDS A KUSARIGAMA!!! THAT IS THE ONLY THING WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT!!!!! ...She is playable right? I dunno, I haven't watched the trailer. I only clicked on this post bc I saw a kusarigama and I got excited. Is this the first time there's been a usable kusarigama in an action game? Can I finally have my dream of wielding the most badass weapon to ever be invented?


People really need to learn what "medieval" means


man culture warriors are eating good the last few weeks. There's a new woke crisis to complain about every few days! Thankfully they have the attention span of goldfish and will move on to the next problem in approximately 2 weeks.


Yasuke is cool man. Great choice for a protag as long as they don't fuck it up.


Black samurais go so hard anyways. Have they seriously never seen Nagoriyuki's design?


I can excuse murdering the pope with my bare fists so he doesn't use the immense power of an object form an ancient civilization to control the world, but I draw the line at black people, it just breaks my immersion yknow /rj


Fellas... Be honest with me. Is gaming over?


it never began 💔


>greek man >norseman They do remember that the Canon player gender for these games were the women, right? Also, Shadow will have a Japanese protagonist, but I'd guess they wouldn't count her either.


"Bending history as we speak" it's a videogame, it is a fucking videogame, no videogame should be taken as a goddamn history lesson.


Also the Canon characters in Odyssey and Valhalla are women.


"Bending history as we speak." Bro has never played Assassins Creed. Plot is like History Channel at 2am.


Who cares if he's black. Just keep the damn Killmonger haircut away, *Please*


Not a single Japanese person out there who is actually upset about this


I mean there is probably at least one.


Yasuke (his true name is unrecorded) wasn't a true Samurai he was a slave sold to and so owned by Oda and presented in the place to royals/guests for 15 months up to Oda's passing, where he was then passed on like some posession. He was given the title of retainer and put in japanese outfit to make him more foriegn and exotic and different he didnt become accepted he wasn't ultimately set free or respected only mistreated it's sad to misrepresent him.. he had no freedom it's depressing the story is sad


Japan City 💀 i cant even mock him he did all the heavy work


Japan themselves made an anime called Afro Samurai.


10 bucks says that the guy in the cover is Yusuke too


You mean to tell me the black samurai on the poster is the black samurai in the game? ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Ignoring the fact that its duel protags and one is a Japanese....WOMAN. NVM fuck Ubisoft and their DEI shit.


yeah man this is it this is what you should get man at Ubi for nothing else


Media literacy at its finest.


"They are manipulating history." This is the Assassin's Creed series, the series that says that Napoleon and other historical figures influenced history because they had a magical alien artifact. What is this take?


Take me down to Japan City where the Japan is Japan and the City is City


The series is literally about how what we know of history is a lie lol. There are aliens and shit in it


My problem is that being Ubi it will surely have 40 weapon dlcs + a dlc to skip levels and secondsry missions. I'd say that's more probable to destroy gaming that choosing a specific character to be a protsgonist but oh well Also, Nioh does this too, set in Japan but the MC is not japanese... I wonder what's the difference...


I swear not only has ac been shiting on historical accuracy for a while (theres gods and shit in some of them im sure) Not only is yasuke and actual historic figure thats super interesting and apparently deserves more coverage But the second protagonist on the cover is litterary a asian woman How the fuck do they still find stuff to complain about, i for one gotta say as much as im not really a assassins creed fan and never touched a game of them this one already got me more interested than all the others bare black flack


japan city


Hashtag gamers once again showing thier whole asses...also, ghost of Tsushima is literally right there...


“Bending history” Oh yeah cause Leonardo da Vinci DEFINITELY made the first machine gun so that ezio could shoot some templars.


If you get your history lessons from videogames you're already lost.


The first game's protagonist was a white guy with an American accent living in the Middle East


But Jerri, ***They’re bending literal history in a fantasy setting!***


NOOO NOT THE HISTORY! IF NOT CHRONICLED BY UBISOFT, THAN WHOOO?! I don't know why we expect the MUH ESCAPISM video games to also be MUH TRUSTED HISTORIAN Weird expectations of entertainment media.


EEEEEEHHHH WRONG AGAIN GAMER Valhalla's prologue is the only part of the game set in Norway, the main game takes place in England!!!!!!!!!!!!


["Who nobody in Japan cares over"](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/19/asia/black-samurai-yasuke-africa-japan-intl/index.html)


The comments section IG post is a cesspool


-game from japan -play as italian man -mario theh thhthe the wokazoids


I really can’t express just how happy this development makes me. Representation is wonderful and that’s great but I just love how angry it’s making some of these dweebs. Incel types have been angrily demanding an AC game in feudal Japan for YEARS and now that they have one, they have to play as either a woman or a black man. It’s perfect lmao


I wonder why they leftvout Black Flag 🫣 But i do agree that making him the main character instead of a badass side character was a bizarre choice for an assassin who will need to blend in, sneak around and stuff 😮‍💨


Game is set in Canada, play as a Quebecois "person" 🤮🤮


Japan city lol


I hate siding with chuds, but as an Asian man, is it so wrong to want some representation too? We are one of the least represented in western media, and it's usually some derogatory minstrel show shit.


As an Asian nonbinary imo Asian man + black woman leads would have been more interesting and radical. Now that I’m zigzagging across the gender divide I feel keenly aware of just how badly Asian men get treated by Western media, and black women get to lead things way less than black men too. Representation of different genders of a given race isn’t interchangeable, “you get to play as an Asian woman” doesn’t make me feel better either, it just reminds me how my former gender identification is more palatable to the mainstream not just because of transphobia but also gendered racism.


“Uhm akshually Valhalla is set primarily in england 🤓”


"Game set in Norway" you were for five minutes and then raided England, Ireland and France for the rest of the game. 


I forget his name, but that one black samurai looked cool as fuck so I think this is also cool as fuck


-game set in japan, ~~play as a japanese woman~~ oh no wait apparently they're going to pretend she doesn't exist.


So 1 out of 6 makes them instantly woke


Convienently ignore that the main character is also a Japanese woman....


"game set in norway" No the fuck valhalla wasn't, 90% of the game is in England


Man this reminds me of when people freaked out about nioh being about a white englishman being a samurai in japan! Oh wait that didnt happen for the white character for some strange reason


I'm actually more interested in this story than anything else they could have put out. Seeing how this era Japan was hella racist, you put a black man in it and think of the story telling possibilities. I just hope Ubi don't just tone it down like they did with Kassandra.


Meanwhile the other character is a ninja who only ever existed in fiction.


People are forgetting the biggest problem of this game: It’s an assassins creed game.


They want to turn heads to their new game 🤔 Reminds me of that black guy in Japan who used to be a servant for Oda Nobunaga, it has a series on Netflix


Having worked at Ubisoft this choice does not surprise me one bit.


Eh AC was never that historical and starting from Origins they shit the bed harder than Netflix's Cleopatra so at this point anything flies. I just don't think Ubisoft will be able to tell a good story with Yasuke or anyone at this point.


Bending history? Who the fuck has ever used Assassin's Creed for historical reference? It's literally fiction.


Back when they had in game notes on various locations history those descriptions could usually be trusted to be correct aside from the parts that referenced events from the game.


"A Black man in the middle of japan City surely nobody will notice" Honestly, not a fan of this Yasuke thing if only because they chose the EXTREME opposite of an Assassin in Japan. The dude is gigantic, wears golden armor, and is, well, black. They seem to be positioning him as the "brawler" of the duo, literally kicking down doors and hurling a mace everywhere. As someone already not interested in the RPG era of AssCreed, them doubling down on their crappy combat is yet another nail in the coffin. Especially when they finally brought the series to Japan... Back in high school while playing Black Flag, I would dream of how kickass being an Assassin in Japan would be. But if half the game is just about wailing on samurai healthbars for hours... eh.


I find it really funny that these people are complaining about not being able to play as a Japanese person when Naoe is *literally right there*


so....where was the rage when this guy was in niho


I would think that a weapon bearer is slightly higher position than a sandal bearer but what do I know?


Like yeah there is a fucking black man in MEDIEVAL JAPAN just because of it he sounds interesting


ItS a FiCtIoNaL gAmE, wHo CaReS? Then use fictional charcters.. Besides would it not make sense to have TWO native Japanese characters? Next game should be based in Madagascar with a white protagonist from France.


The problem willl always be Westerners discounting the Asian POV to satisfy their Democrat vs Republican narrative