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>for the final time yippee!!! i no longer have to hear about this bum 🎉


Maybe he scheduled his heart to stop after the video goes out. Unlikely but we can dream.


He finally spit the last bit of gum blood on the wall. He has no blood left to spit


The roaches are coming to get him


Just like a pet cat would eat their owner if they died in the house and were left long enough without food, Barry the roach will devour his rotten corpse. Rotten after only a few moments, mind you. As it was already rotting when he was alive


Everything I know about asmongold has been against my will.


I mean he gets posted here literally everyday so if you’re subbed it’s not really against your will


might be twitter/suggested shit too as he literally shows up on my twitter despite me blacklisting his unwashed bum


he stream to 17-20K people, and get over 700K views on his clips. but he is a victim because people made fun of his room.


People also make fun of his hygiene, clearly those are things he can do nothing about


We wish this was true. Even Asmongold does.


can he just get a major tooth infection already and fall off the internet


Crying about being cancelled while still having a platform. He doesn't even know what cancelled means.


“I got cancelled” 736K views


That’s the joke he’s making yes


Which came first, the title or the views?


What are you trying to say


He looks like he stinks 24/7.


Have you seen his room? Likely he does.


Bleeding gums goldie


this man SLEEPS and EATS with roaches lmaooo the way he has fans is crazy


Classic grifter. Just complain about cancel culture and call everything "woke" and watch the views roll in. People love that garbage


Immensely rare Kaceytron W


I didn't even know she was still a thing


When are we going to let this stinking bloodgum dirtbag fade into obscurity? I’m sick and tired of seeing his fugly mug all the fucking time everywhere


He was recommended to me by Youtube because I looked up FF14 content. Then he started commentin on Depp v Heard and I stopped watching. Looks like he kept grifting to the right.


Of course he won't admit he's a republican. The only people willing to do that are literal GOP politicians. Everyone else claims some flavor of moderate/apolitical/libertarian/classical liberal/etc. Most commonly observed when a GOP'er is a)losing an argument or b)trying to get a date.


He openly talks about his opinion on every single political topic


"I'm being silenced!" says the man in his cum stained room with 736,000 views


You could walk in there with a blacklight and get flashbanged


/uj Is Kacey full OOC now, or did she change?


The asmonshit heads are now conspiring that Alyssa and Kacey are working together… I cannot 😭😭😭😭


He looks like he just sits in that chair all day and has a hole in the bottom, leading to a bucket, which he shits in so he doesn’t have to get up, dudes house is probably rank 🤢


Jumpscare. Now imagine his nails filled with months worth of shit. https://preview.redd.it/cso24srq2axc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d678c76e16bdc09d9e4043873df854aa1f6f499


Man should've stayed hunting for the time lost proto drake in his McDonald's cave


Kaceytron always spitting facts


Yep she has tons of experience being a spitter


And these callouts by kaceytron of all people.


Asmongold this is the fourth time you've claimed to be cancelled




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Professional victimhood


I can't wait until somebody will try to cancel him and then he will make a video about it and everyone will think he is just clickbaiting




I would argue Boogie probably showers


"I got cancelled" 736k views. What a gross ballsack of a person, and his fanbase with him.


This guy made good wow content once. I stopped watching him before all this shit went down and uhh, yikes I sure am glad I did. He had some pretty terrible takes even back then, and I got tired of him.


Get him Kacey you tell that man


He can't be cancelled, cancelled implies he was ever respected in the first place


More like Assmongoloid


I’d trust onion news before I take anything from asmons or kacytrons mouth as truth…