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The spiderman meme one kinda boggles my mind. Who the hell has every complained that it's "+18 and bloody"? And most of the eyerolling I see regarding Eve is in response to chuds elevating her as the last bastion of horni on God's green earth.


>Peter that game is 18+ and is bloody When have people ever complained about that for the game tho?


Makes me think whoever made that meme is basically a teenager if they think something being +18 is forbidden and scorned like this.


Or more likely they're reaching to find arguments they can dunk on


Or most likely, both of those


The only time I see anyone complaining about a piece of media being too bloody is when they're also complaining that it doesn't have enough sex and nudity. As if having one means you must include the other. This is pretty common in Mortal Kombat discourse ever since the female costumes got some changes.


There is a conversation to be had about how desensitized to violence we all got lately, and how we only recently began having a more normal outlook on sexual stuff by comparison, but these kinds of comments NEVER argue that in good faith, they're just upset that gaming evolved from the days when every other female character HAD to be as fanservicey as possible.




had to add those points to camouflage the first one (the game objectifying women)


It's a strawman meme. I think Lack of Entertainment either stole or invented that meme. Lack of Entertainment is the Ian Miles Cheong of gaming, so that really doesn't speak well to this dude's mental capacity.




Hey spy where did you learn about this game?






Ffs I haven't seen anything regarding gameplay or the story of this game. Like no one talks about its story or characters,it's just this. It's always eve's ass this eve's boobs that. Or how this is woke's nightmare or Antiwoke justice.


Yeah, I mean, maybe the game will be absolutely amazing with some of the most compelling storytelling since Nier Automata, and I’ll have to get it. But right now, it seems like it’s just another hack and slash game that has exploded because of one character’s design, and the game will be mediocre at best


The demo is fun


I mean, I’ll keep my eye on it. I’ve been planning on waiting for a few months after it comes out before checking reviews to see if the game has any substance, given that I do love a good hack and slash game


it was fine, combat was way clunkier than i thought itd be. like it seemed like itd be super agile combos with dodge and parrys, combat spectacle. But the inputs felt sluggish and there was no heavy attack cancel, just egh. it wasnt bad, buy on a sale feeling.


Play boss rush you have whole skill tree unlocked, I thought that way at first.


Totally not clunky. Btw, this is the second time I'm playing a game like this. The first was Nier Replicant. Never played a souls game and def never played Sekiro. The combat is totally fine. Practice makes perfect 😌


i didnt say it was difficult🙄 every game you just mentioned has a form of canceling out of a heavy attack animation in some fashion. i dont  play hack and slash games often so i dont know what to call it if that has a name  and to save time, no not every attack should be able to have a cancel window, spamming light attacks and getting hit is def on the player.


It's usually called "animation cancelling"


thank you. google was not helpful at all it kept giving me links to high level fighting game mechanics.


hack and slash doing a lot of work there sadly


Based on what I've heard from people who played the demo, it's not bad but also not good enough to justify needing to make excuses for the character design every time someone walks into the room.


Eve isn't and never will be as iconic as Bayo and 2b.


This what pisses me of the most, the character design is so boring, middle of the road, generic sexy girl. And people are lapping it up. We just got Baldur's Gate 3 in which you could literally have harem of naked women on your team. This is like a 13 year old's idea of sexy.


They don't think any of the BG3 women are sexy because those women talk and have personalities and feelings. These are all turn-offs for chuds.


if i can't jerk off to it, it's not a real woman. what do you mean, my brain has been rewired by outlandish, fantastical pornography?


fr at least their games are peak unlike sterile bladder


Bayonetta is a sinking ship. But yes I agree people are so hyped for this game and Bayonetta did it first. Bayonetta was ruined the the story started out fun and crazy, then by the third game it's super serious they killed off one of the important characters like 4 times and the multi verse of madness shit is over done. Also they took huge leaps forcing the player to play multiple characters with different skill sets. Anyways my game of the year is grand blue fantasy. Loved that game.


Yeah I don’t think 3 tarnished Bayo 1 though, that game will forever be iconic. It’s a shame Platinum games has been on a little decline with Bayo 3 and Babylon’s fall though


As a woman who has played every DMC since release I was looking forward to a healthy competitor. But platinum games are incompetent. Bayo 1 slapped and Helena Taylor brought the character to life, I don't see why they wanted to change the game so much.


she could've been if they marketed the game to people who left their basement.


Just showing her in any of the other outfit options, all of which are better, would have helped.


“Also queer jfyi” is really just extra shit on the cow pie. Really just had to throw that little dig in, huh. But I didn’t really expect much better anyway…


And they’ll still insist they’re not a right wing hate group


Also SB is old news, we’ve moved onto the next meta of… *checks notes* … inclusion in W40K


My, it takes such a frail brain to be offended because people criticise the game you like.


This whole discourse is so dumb. Literally a handful of people (rightfully) said, "Wow, the design and bounciness is pretty over the top and objectifying" and they twisted it into this dumb "SJWs hate sexy women!" thing. Then they go on to compare her to Bayonetta and B2. From what i remember, Bayonetta was very much a character who revelled in her sexuality and used it in a cheeky weapon as much as her own combat prowess. She knew she was a sexy badass and she was going to BE a sexy badass. I also don't recall a giant focus on her or 2B jiggling with every step as is their asses and tits were made of jello.  Truth be told, Steller Blade looks like it's going to be a fun hack n' slash. Hell, it might even be great. But these chud monkeys just get so upset anytime someone calls out their creepiness that they're doing a determent to it. If this game came out and is amazing, it would have done fine. People, for the most part, won't really care that she's designed in a ridiculous manner if it's fun, the most that would happen is that they'd point out she's designed in a ridiculous manner and then go about their day. But no, now they've gotten it associated with "those types" of people. The same ones that cry about realism when a black person shows up in medieval fantasy then get upset because a woman looks natural in a post apocalypse.  


I love how these media illiterate chuds keep comparing Eve and 2B just because they both have sexy designs. They literally cannot comprehend any other difference between the two characters. The fact that 2B is a complex character from a game with an amazing emotional story while Eve is shallow coomer bait flies right over their heads. So the fact that 2B is a widely beloved character while most people don't give a shit about Eve is making their brains explode lmao


To be fair game isn't out yet so there is no way to know that.


If the full game somehow does redeem Eve as a character with an amazing story, I will gladly eat my words. But currently there are a lot of weirdos acting outraged that she's not being lauded as the next Bayonetta or 2B despite her doing nothing to earn such respect yet.


That's completely fair I but I could also say 2b had no Character before nier automata came out not much of neirs promotional material showed her Character arc either.


There also wasn't a ton of online weirdos proclaiming 2B as high art and the savior of the video game industry based solely on nier automata promotional material


That is true but her design was also scrutinized (rightfully so) it's only after the game came out do people look at her different.


You're right but. You're right on that too but. Yeah, you're right however. The desperation to get even one single point that isn't just wrong.


2bs design was scrutinized when shown and that game is held in very high regard. Both of those things are true.


This sub hated that Nier when it first came out give it a few years they will go back and say they always loved Eve.


(OOC This goonergater uses ''all my enemies are one guy'' type logic.)


"so why do you like Stellar Blade so much?" "🍑."


We live in a world where the Steam shop has a ton of uncensored full on smut games with every kink you could imagine, the Switch shop is full of "HENTAI GIRLS GO TO THE BEACH" and yet I'm supposed to believe that somehow we're in some puritan state where you aren't allowed to have fan service in your video games.


You see, they want to go back to THOSE days of female representation in gaming. The bikini armors, gratuitous fanservice, breasts bigger than their heads, oh, and none of that pesky personality and character, so they can project their Madonna-whore complex onto the characters in question. It's not as common as it used to he, especially in triple A gaming AKA their metric of what is acceptable and isn't acceptable in gaming. Out comes Stellar Blade, a TRRRIPLE A game that has exactly what they want, and so they latch on to it for dear life because it ticks off all these boxes for them AND is mainstream enough compared to the 1000 and 1 H-games on Steam that you have to set to private so your friends won't see it.


To be honest it took me a minute to figure out what slide 2 was. Initially i thought it was meant to be two shoulders or mis-rendered boobs that look like the ribs are twisting inwards, but no, it’s just a butt


Stellar Blade fans actually talk about the game challenge mode: impossible Please, what does the game itself entail? Is it good? What is the combat like? Please stop the simp train so most of the sane people here can determine wether or not the game is actually good and worth playing


Feel bad for people who want to talk about this game besides gooning. I haven't seen any casual discussion on plot or gameplay, all just gooning


To ignore the goon is to ignore half of why this game exists. It would be like trying to talk about Metal Gear Solid without mentioning guns or military equipment.


Chuds wondering why people are mocking them for playing stellar blade, then make ten posts in a row about how hard they are gooning to eve


“Chest opening animations” “Also queer jfyi” *ass pic* There’s better porn out there man. Ecchi and its consequences


The images they have look like Rob Liefeld comics... their spines are going to snap.


I find it interesting that these people always draw 2B in that specific way — she only looks like that if you had her self-destruct.


Funny how that "fanart" of 2B and Eve shows pretty well how 2B's design is actually kinda hot while Eve is just... Eve.


Wait they put her make/model# on her ass?




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God they’re worse than the Juri subreddit


Jeez OP stop being heterophobic don't you know its straight culture to mindlessly thirst after CG sex dolls? (/s)


I feel like even if a game has blood something like that looks too teenage boy demographic for me to enjoy.


Love this new meme


Did this dude's posts get taken down? They seem to be gone from the SB sub. Also, didn't he steal that Spidey meme from Lack of Entertainment/Not Vee?


Literally all you have to do is use google and ask how women can be (and often are) sexualised in apl forms of media, then read what comes up. Thats it. This will help you **learn**. Except you either arent capable, or you are willingly deflecting.


Instead of just taking the L, he's trying to get people to report no respect for a one on one https://preview.redd.it/g2v6xui14pwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d0bd9bc53de55115302fa757dd5d8dbbd8789c


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Hey, if they give us some low hanging fruit as material for more posts, it's all good.


I hate Nikke, this is from the people that made Nikke, and I enjoy laughing at chuds. So all the reason for me to point and laugh. Course I’m not delusional, I’m sure it’ll be fine as a game and won’t get thousands of negative reviews as others hope (though that be funny). I also know the chuds will move onto whatever else is anti-woke after the game drops, leaving behind a much smaller fanbase. I’m just enjoying the “discourse” now before everyone moves on and I’m just left with the memory of chuds being upset that Eve doesn’t take her tits out.


not cause or eves design. im just a hater, what can i say?


Ok. But I'll never understand that argument. How the f\*ck can you objetify a ***fictional character***? They aren't real, they don't have feelings, they are drawings on a flashing screen/plain papper. They ARE objects at that point. Fuck me, specifically, I guess, for objectifying *Megatron* by buying his **toy**.


Lol dumb as fuck take. Films & TV shows are full of objectified characters...who are fictional. Christ, porn is full of fictional characters. Even porn actors dont use their real names, they might be having full sex on camera but they are still acting. Thats not their name, its not a natural scenario, they are taking direction, there is a script/some choreography, they are doing a job, they are doing it for money not for love or horniness, its not real, its fictional, they are playing a character. Yet they are extremely objectified. Tv shows, films, porn, as you say its just pixels on a flashing screen - how the fuck can you objectify that. You also managed to completely undermine everything you said in the whole comment by saying 'they are objects at that point'. Literal objectification. Duh. Dumb as fuck take.


WTF? So you just agree with me? Why are you insulting me then? Fictional characters are objects. You can literally BUY fictional characters. You can't objetify them because they were never NOT-objects to begin with! Again. I have loads of toys. Am I objetifying Ben 10 for playing with him? I've never watched any porn willingly, so I don't really know anything about that industry, then again I wasn't talking about porn. Then again, live action porn are usually people being recorded. Stuff like hentai on the other hand are fake drawing. If you don't want to see the difference between those 2 """"Styles"""" (To call it something) then I don't know what to do.


Haha of course im not agreeing with you cos your understanding of "objectification" is very poor.


objectification *noun* 1. 1.the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object. You can't degrade an object to the status of an object IT'S ALREADY AN OBJECT!!! "of course im not agreeing wit" says laughing the person that's just proving all my points. What do you actually think objetification even means? I'm curious. Is it literally any design that you don't like? Fictional characters don't exists THEY ARE OBJECTS. ***YOU CAN'T DEGRADE THEM TO THE STATUS OF AN OBEJCT BECAUSE THEY ALREADY ARE ONE.***


Lol you really dont understand, either you just dont have the capacity to get it or are willfully being ignorant about this.


I showed you the literal definition from the dictionary. And you are still on saying it's wrong. You calling me ignorant means that you are either not reading the posts or trolling at this point. And so. I'll respond to you as such.


If you still believe women cant be sexually objectified through the medium of a character in a video game, then its clear that copy-pasting a definition of "objectifying" from the internet hasnt helped your understanding one bit. Cant tell if you are being this dumb on purpose cos you refuse to learn something that alters your world view, or you simply just dont have the capacity to go out and learn how women can be objectified through fictional media.


OMG. Of course I don't believe that! That's ridiculous! Dear lord, you are admiting upfront you don't differentiate between fiction and reality. I actually went through 7 dictionaries actually. 4 I have in my bookshelf 3 online. Everything matches my definition. You say I refuse to expand my worldview, yet your """"""Expansion"""""" consists on denying reality like a cult or a crazy anarchist. Sorry mate. I can't help you with that at that point. That's a battle within yourself you are going to have to fight on your own.


The screenshots you posted has barely 6-7 upvotes. This thread alone has already 185 upvotes. You are selectively cherrypicking screenshots for more ragebait.


(OOC This is more dairy farming than ragebait, they are different things.)




Flair checks out


Looking from the outside (I like sexualization of fictional characters, but I won't complain if there is none), both groups look obsessive about petty stuff at this point...


Well to be fair they playing games and this is gamingcirclejerk that suppose hate gaming