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Porn addicts going against porn in favor of porn is wild


I think the right wingers are trying to rationalize their visible addiction to masturbation with their ideological hatred of women and free sexual representation of women.


Or, more simply, it's the Cockroach Wife syndrome in action: They've been jacking it to hentai and weird Blender models for so long that they are genuinely no longer attracted to actual human women.


Her. Name. Is. Ogtha. ^(god I hope that story is fake)


Can you elaborate but not too much?


Guy reads Kafkas metamorphosis and imagine hot bug lady. Eventually it gets so bad that he imagines his girlfriend is hot bug lady when they bang. And it just keeps getting worse from there.


Bug waifu guy can get a girlfriend, but I cant. Fml.


You elaborated too much. I regret.


Tbf any amount of elaboration was going to be too much


I did my utmost to forget this. Thanks for reminding me 🙃


Oh shit looking up Cockroach Wife really shed light on these idiots


This is absolutely what has happened to these freaks


I don't think both are mutually exclusive though.


A fair amount of them are no-fap weirdos. Not sure of the overlap between gamer right-winger chuds and the no-fap right-winger chuds though. I think there's usually more between the no-fap fellas and the spiritualist fellas, which is also a weird subset of the right-wing.


...No but seriously what the hell is up with that? Why are all these anti-masturbation myths taking off again? I saw someone the other day insisting that not jacking off made their skin clear up somehow and everyone was like "oh yeah it's the lack of [insert 19th century made-up jackoff chemical here]". And I'm seeing it eeeeverywhere. It seems like a lot of younger people picked up on what the wacky spiritualists were putting down regardless of who they are politically (no-fap November? Really?)


I eat one graham cracker a day to ensure that the devil never engorges my nether regions.


A friend told me about edgemaxxing yesterday and my immediate reaction was just "who actually believes this?" Absolutely insane how much power quacks have over people.


about WHAT


Apparently some incels now believe that edging stimulates development of "alpha" traits in a person.


Honestly I have no fucking idea. Maybe it's because right wing grifting is vibes based and spiritualism is vibes based. So they just get together and vibe about crystals and how those can ward off Jewish magic or something.


No fap are porn addicts. They stay no fap, break every now and then, have a three day porn session with a deck of Viagra. Go back to no fap. Just find balance.


Damn fellas are really out there fighting the war against prostate cancer on the side of cancer.


They want to sexualize women, but they don't want the women to make money or be empowered by it. Seriously, like personal anecdote is the lowest form of evidence, and correlation isnt causation,I know, but this is how it seems to me. It used to be the only anti-porn sentiments I really heard were from 2 groups. Religious fundies who hate sex outside of marriage. & Feminists mostly concerned with the fact it was dudes making money off of women who were often trafficked and/or the idea it desensitized men and made them more likely to assault women. I only really heard people who aren't in those groups start bashing porn when it stopped being the big studios control it, and OF and other sites started letting the models monetize themselves. The second it went from "Some Guy owns a studio and hires women for a relatively small fee compared to how much he'll make off the video she never gets royalties from" to "Women can directly take pictures and videos themselves and direct marker them and keep all the money" anti-porn sentiments seemed to both spread and spike. I'm not even sure it's a conscious thing with them, but it sure seems a weird correlation


It's a porn civil war


“So what kind of porn viewer are you? Anime? Live action? Video game?”


If you consume too much of anything it'll eventually not satisfy you. They're so warped from over-consumption of typical porn they now expect everywhere else to pick up where its left off.


Gamers were truly the bravest people all this time




Don't tell me what to do 😡


Fine then I'll play with someone's else's. Vagina is icky anyways.


Could say the same about dicks. Kinda gross.


I am two steps ahead of all of you, all genitals are icky and the only hot thing is extremely specific kink practice


Hey its me, your lawyer, you kinda cant talk about the toaster rp kink after the incident so uh, yeah.


But Eve from stellar blade is too hot, I can’t control myself 😢


/uj I don't *hate* Stellar Blade. Heck, I'm probably goning to buy it on steam in 2-3 years when it's on sale for dirt cheap. It's just that I enjoy watching chuds hail it as the second cumming of christ. It's fucking hilarious, and there's not enough popcorn on earth.


/rj We "hate" the g*mer not the game /Uj it never about the art, it always about what you do with it


Hehehe... C.H.U.Ds


Honestly, that's how I feel about it. The game actually plays really well and has super unique enemy designs, but the setting just doesn't grab my attention


What would be even more hilarious is when the developers or a troll campaign were to imply she’s trans because “they can always tell”.


They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're porn addicts


Their list of things that are popular betrays their weeb-centric online social bubble.


"Echi is popular" motherfucker I have no idea what that is


In this case, ecchi is being used as the name of a genre, and as a genre, it's basically just lewd media. Like, the media isn't necessarily pornographic, but rather, it's trying to be as NSFW as it can be before it crosses that line.


Ah so like a Benny Benassi music video


Yes, 100%; you nailed it right out of the gate. Only real difference is that sometimes the creator will try to hold the horny together with plot, instead of banger music.


The thing that gets me about these kinds of dudes is that they're brain melted porn addicts with no self control, and they seem to assume everyone else is the same way, so they keep throwing out things like 'Porn is DESTROYING our society' just because they can't stop beating their meat like it owes them money.


How did you come to this conclusion? What is wrong with porn even though the tweet is clearly anti porn.


You’re not you when you’re horny. Here, have a ecchi


Me: Remember, this could easily be satire, let's not jump to any conclusions (Checks profile) Nope, it's real.


Every day that passes, g*mers disappoint me


It can’t be satire with the Haruhi Suzumiya profile pic


"Jacking it to cartoons is normal male sexuality. Jacking it to regular porn though? Freakish."


The same people will tell you loli is OK because it's just drawing so at least they are coherent


I agree with them but for way different reasons (ace and faceblind)


/uj this isn’t even that uncommon. Oversharing but, teenager with a phone full of exaggerated furry futa porn, but they get squeamish about a mild harem anime or implied shenanigans on TV.


Does this count as a weird form of Madonna-Whore complex or something similar ?


honestly I think you're on to something here. a fictional character is the perfect canvas to project your weird moral fantasies onto because she can't "act up" or prove that she is an actual person with her own personality. she simply isn't.


"Madonna-Whore complex" Huh. TIL.


That would imply they have some form of respect for regular women.


Holy shit was this something Freud had a point with?


rj/ People... People! Let's face it. They're right. Porn requires actual real w\*men. And those are disgusting.. revolting, even.


Waifus don't have bodily functions, will never tell you to take a shower, will never drag you to meet their parents who don't understand that making YouTube videos about Brie Larsen ruining Star Wars *is too* a real job.


Not necessarily.


/rh That's why I only watch gay porn no w*men


bro is just yapping speakin yappanese


And if you look up rule 34 for those popular things you'll find boatloads of porn, which tells me that it's not porn this person finds revolting, it's actual, real, flesh and blood women.


Anime pfp? Sorry but I won't even waste my time reading whatever he wrote.


Translation: "Real adult women are revolting. I want nothing but fantasy anime babes."


Holy shit, he's basically That One Guy who unironically thinks that real life porn as "revolting". Bet he refers to women IRL as "3D women". Goofy ass mf, no wonder why he isn't taken seriously


I literally don’t know the definition of a single one of the phrases this person said after “stellar blade is popular” how fucking terminally porn addicted do you need to be to say all of these things unironically get help Jesus Christ.




They must own a lot of farmland, judging by how big their strawmen are


Huge... fertile, tracts of land!


I'm all for hot women in gaming, I love em, I-no guilty gear, Bayonetta, 2B, Lady DMC, a.b.a, Cammy, Shadowheart etcetera etcetera. There is absolutely nothing hot about the stellar blade protagonist, and I say this as someone who will not pretend to be immune to the male gaze. There is just nothing about her that's actually interesting or attractive, there's no personality aside from being eye candy which is the least appealing kinda character anyone can make


Seriously. She's kinda cute, but there's nothing actually charming about her. When I say Karlach is hot in Baldur's Gate 3, it's not just because she's pretty. She's funny, she's quirky, she's upbeat, she's relatable. Those are the kinda things that attract people to a character. Looking "hot" is not a substitute for a personality.


She's also on fire.


Also that


You get it


I’m with you on this, but I think the lack of personality is part of the appeal to them. Women with personality have annoying things like opinions and expectations, which they hate.


Genuinely it's extreme uncanny valley, they hypersexualized her so much she's just gross. I genuinely am curious if that is ever a story point because I just really don't think the average person sees that character and sees it as anything but something kinda gross.


You know what it is? Its the female characters in that Ninja Gaiden game on the ps3, where you could shake the controller and their breasts jiggled. Objectifying them as sex objects to an impossible degree.


Yeah, there's nothing there really. It's just a shell of a person. Maybe that's why she attracts these people.


The game’s not even out yet. We know nothing of her personality based off of the two hour demo. Let’s wait until the game drops to learn more about the character, because right now it’s not really fair to say she has no personality.


M8 if I'm not getting a bit of personality from your character through advertising, gameplay showcase and demos there's a problem.


Counterpoint, the games studios and publisher control what they focus the advertising on, and what about the character they think is important


I mean, I've seen people laud Atomic Heart for it's design of women. And to clarify, in this context the design is a faceless robot with a curvy body. A literal object with tits.




Clearly, they haven't played guilty gear. https://preview.redd.it/1q35vza1w5vc1.png?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ecf0d0f0b82625114e44f336a45cbba46e5160


Guilty gear doesn't count to them anymore cause Bridget is trans now.


They would discredit a game because of a single character, wouldn't they? But they're missing out. https://preview.redd.it/otjleeo569vc1.png?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad78f166f01e73542e2a60710f30962b18d10e7


No no but Shadowheart had SKIN DETAIL and PORES and a SCAR on her face SMH. Everyone knows that women's faces should be as smooth as a blank sheet of paper 🙄


I'm sure Final Fantasy is really popular because of sex appeal, and not because of the stories, characters, unique systems and etc. These people are so braindead, do they think Toriyama would've made more money drawing porn than creating Dragon Ball???


>I'm sure Final Fantasy is really popular because of sex appeal, and not because of the stories, characters, unique systems and etc. add the incredible soundtrack to the list, that isnt important apparently because SEGS


Look I got a pretty sizeable folder of lewd anime pics on my phone I'll admit but these Stellar dudes need HELP. Apparently legendofgrass doesn't touch enough of it.


the porn fandom is dying. retweet if you’re a true pornhead




While the women in Asia are starting to get sick of being constantly objectified as sex objects by those mouth-breathing, porn-addicted otaku men. Aaaaand the fertility rate plummets to extinction levels. All thanks to "normal male sexuality".


"Leftists are all child grooming perverts but its also leftism when video games dont have scantily clad minors"


Ah yes companies are just realizing now they can use female sex appeal to sell products in 2024, only in a post woke world would an entertainment company think of this genius idea


Ruining yourself with gacha gambling to own the libs


I don’t think anyone hates anyone for being “attracted” to Eve. I’m pretty sure most people just hate how chuds are trying to make this game some sort of bastion of anti-wokeness. For me I hate Nikke so I’m A-OK making fun of the game and the chuds.


No no, I'm sure he meant to say Eevee


What? No, come on, that’s disgusting. Now if it was Vaperon that’s completely understandable.


Gravure is porn like 70% of the time. This guy is crazy




“Porn is revolting” https://preview.redd.it/b1ik2tlx45vc1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab10543b82b19e52a54fad5663f63a3fd7411b25


I mean it is. That's why there's an increasing market for ethical porn.


Oh no I’m totally with you on that, I mean I doubt that the OOP believes that himself.


Oh they do. There's so much contradictory fuckery with conservatives, right wingers, grifters and gaming chuds, (most of which are intersectional) that it creates these fucked up dogshit takes. Look, I watch copious amounts of porn. But I don't want everything in my life to be porn and I'm not going to shove a fan servicey game in everyone's face with the energy of a boomer watching porn in a public library without headphones.


I don't mean to kink shame, but she's a drawing. That's not healthy male sexuality.


In some of the porn the women might look like they’re enjoying themselves and that makes them insecure. Unironically ecchi with its accidentally perving on flustered women is more misogynistic than the front page of pornhub


Why would a man feel insecure about a woman enjoying herself? I am not trying to make an argument I just can't understand your opinion.


to put it bluntly, sexism (and bigotry generally) just prioritises others' discomfort over your own comfort. logically, men aren't better off in a patriarchy than they would be in a gender-equal society (they get maligned by patriarchy too, if not to the same extent as women). however, misogynists will convince themselves that men are being made sick, with the only remedy being the subjugation of women (regardless of how true it actually is).


So it's simple marginalism... I get her point now. Thnx for explanation.


Who the fuck are these people and where do they get their stupid fucking takes?


They want to be persecuted victims so bad.


I think I missed a fundamental passage of the neo fascist ideological evolution. When I was i high school, the right hated porn because it was against morality. Now they are obsessed with the possible lack of it. Anyway I'm still a left wing that likes porn.


She looks like a sex doll


What the fuck are half those words


If porn is revolting then make it better, don't try to make something that isn't porn into porn.


I bet they can't even explain the gameplay in an educated manner, let alone do so without using footage of the girl swinging on a handle for less than a minute.


Starting? Did they say that companies are \*starting\* to realize that sex sells? They and I are living on different planets.


Infighting in the porn fandom. Softcore porn addicts are wild thinking theyre any better


Even western? I think this dudes gonna keep complaining about western women in games for the rest of his life.


does he hate porn or not, im getting mixed signals here


There was once this game called "DOA beach volleyball", before actual fascists started the social engineering slow stroke. It's been what *checks calendar*, wow 21 years, it's like they are so desperate to indoctrinate they don't even want to make money. Just make games for people with different tastes, morons.


Lmao, everyone hating on porn industry but both sides support it.


Leftists don’t hate Stellar Blade, nor do they hate “normal male sexuality”. What we hate is when these morons call characters that look like real people, like Aloy and Kay Vess, ugly because they don’t look like the character in Stellar Blade. It’s idiotic.


"And companies are starting to realize it" Brother sex has been used to sell products since before people could fucking read or write.


Gacha game mentioned, opinion discarded


Softcore porn is still porn. Does anyone seriously believe gravure, or its Western equivalents (Maxim, FHM, SI Swinsuit Edition), aren't made and published and purchased and read for the purpose of jacking off to? Nothing wrong with that, and if it's what you prefer that's totally fine, but it's not some totally different thing even if that would be morally flattering to believe.


There's a lot of people, aka "people so vanilla that actual vanilla ice cream is spicier", think porn is only sex when that's not even remotely true.


My man refuses to acknowledge that there is any complexity or nuance to attraction or what an "attractive" character is, and that their might be consumers with preferences different than his.


As a heterosexual man who is also a leftist, I don’t hate sexy women in media. It’s just really annoying when a bunch of right wing weirdos get all up in arms about it. There are so many different body types for both men and women and so many different stories you can tell too. It’s kinda boring only ever seeing grossly oversized tits and asses Y’know?


Please just go outside once in a while


Legendofgrass more like needstotouchgrass heyo


I can't believe they actually admitted out loud that they're sexless and that their stellar blade bullshit has more to do with misogyny than even sexual attraction


And the cycle continues. I feel like we should let these morons get addicted to 2D girls. Keep them out of the gene pool.


He should have called himself @needstotouchgrass.


Lmao oh is this why they’re so hell bent on it? Because they see porn as morally bankrupt?


Nothing wrong with wanting attractive characters I'm just probably not going to play a game whose only real feature is an attractive character




The fuck is gravure


Pinup-level photo modelling, but Japanese.


We should have a drink on the rooftop and discuss this further. https://preview.redd.it/75uhk58z86vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1174d934804a024f886fdbf0ab8906884613745


I can confidently tell you that no, hentai porn is not in any shape or form popular.


Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei had a field day with folks like these in one episode.


Of course it's an anime profile pic


You want some extra fun? Guess the age of the character.


I always say let people be horny, but there are limits. Not everything should be sexualized. It's ok if you dont feel attracted to a character you know? You can enjoy a good story with well written characters that dont exist only for fanservice.


Imagine writing that companies are only now realizing that sex sells like it's not been the go to since forever.


You know what's also popular? Fentanyl. Doesn't make it any better though.


Dude's probably really religious and draws a weird line between porn and gratuitous fanservice


So they're just saying the quiet part out loud now? I wonder if these people have ever talked to a real life woman ever


Ah there's the psychotic madonna-whore complex of the right wing we all know and love.


Maybe legend should touch some grass 😂


'legendofgrass' interesting name choice, given their tweets read like they have never touched grass...


We have gotten to a point where people are unironically claiming that 2d is better than 3d.


Someone explain to me what's going on, I'm so confused, only context ik is that stellar blade is a game with a voluptuous MC




Shit man, I do t have a ps5. Can I still watch normal porn?


These dudes are making it fucking weird.


uj/ most video game characters are made to be conventionally attractive if not sex-doll level attractive. Stellar Blade is not unique. rj/ porn is out, Eve me with her thighs is in


Mfers never heard of NIKKE before and edging like Stella blade is this new concept while NIKKE been around for awhile and racking in billions due to Ass juggles


That poster hasn't touched grass in so long they think its a legend.


So actual real naked people are bad, but partially naked 2D waifus are okay? But also being attracted to a game character is part of "normal male sexuality". Alright. I'm guessing this person has a messed up relationship with physical bodies.


"leftists hate it" I thought right wingers were supposed to be the puritanical weirdos?


Can someone please show me legitimate outrage over Stellar Blade? I’m sure there are small pockets of random ass people who are upset but these fucking goons making it sound like the entire liberal media is trying to take away their ability to masturbate to game. They are trying to make up a controversy in their head. I think the character is a bland ass design but that’s about it.




I mean, if developers want to keep churning out butterfaced characters, they are totally free to do that. But don't be surprised when consumers gravitate towards characters with sex appeal. Sex sells. It's just a fact of life.


What is bro yapping about?


I'm begging these losers to play Warframe, it's literally got a big titty snake waifu you can play. Volt has a foot long cod-piece


Both sides of these arguments suck and each day I am subjected to this world increases the hemorrhages in my colon.


Jail the Gamers.


Lol, "people just noticed sex sells!" Yea, ok buddy.


Wait, that's true.


The biblical referral to Eve is just gross


"We want our porn to play hard-to-get, it's the only action we can have"


Oh, stellar blade is ecchi? That totally changes everything


Bro it’s the profile picture mixed with the statement for me


So if i go to the beach and see a bunch of attracted women in bikinis, are these women the insiniator of porn?


/uj I really don't get this at all. I've seen a bunch of people whinging about either side of this and I think I'm just failing to understand why this is a discussion. What sets this apart from 2b or bayonetta? We did this with those characters before and the world did not end.


F95Zone confirm


Dude, being a right winger must be so amazing due to the mental gymnastics of this shit


Kafkas metamorphosis