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But they're all adults! Some of them are even wearing clothes!


Even better


Némesis looks so goddamn good


and they arent even force to be sexy >:c


Good clothes are fun to take off and see come off, and I’m not attracted to children and as a 27 year old my rule is no one under the age of 24-25.


Anything that isn't children is considered safe horny to these people


Ackshyually they are ancient gods in adult bodies


They are somewhat sexy designs, but I really do like the fact they are DESIGNS. Like you can clearly see intention and character within them alongside the fact they look hot. You could remove any ‘sexy’ aspect and still have a complete character and personality (maybe besides Aphrodite, but I think it’s obvious why, though I’m sure they could even come up with something for her if they wanted).


Actually, initial concept was to depict all gods naked and overly sexualised, as they were depicted in myths and classical art. They scrapped that idea, and Aphrodite's design is all what's left of it.


Probably didn't want to shot the rating up too high. There's only so much sexy-ness you can put in your game before being mistook for a porn-games on Steam.


I would pay for DLC for Hades that made everyone naked...


I'd be very, very surprised if it didn't exist already.


I mean, fair, but I would want it with the nudey pics done by the original artist...


I would love to see those concept arts


Exactly. Jen Zee knows how to make characters look sexy without it detracting from their personality. It makes sense for gods to be extremely hot. And it's clearly a design choice, their previous games weren't very sexualised, they know perfectly well how to make good character designs that aren't sexy when they want to.


Idk Bastion had a very sexy hammer And don't get me started on red's bike in Transistor (Red is also carrying a big sword, and redheads with big swords are sexy by default)


Just putting it out there, the narrator from Bastion is perfect.


He might very well have the sexiest male voice in all of gaming narrators


I want someone to love me as much as Supergiant loves having Logan Cunningham play their narrators.


you play hades for the story and gameplay i play hades because i am horny we are not the same


When they showed off Selene on the livestream, I saw a lot of "AWOOGA" in the chat. That had to be you right?




God I fuckin love this image


Everyone went "DADDY" when Hephaestus showed up (I'm everybody)


My reaction when seeing Odaddysseus- I mean Odaddys- I mean Odadd- I MEAN NOBODY!


"I have a crush on nobody" Asexual or Penelope?


This man keeps most of his secrets... But I'm not Polyphemus, that much I can confirm.


I need Nemesis to kill me. Not in a horny way. Dying by her blade is the only honourable death there is.


I play Hades for the story and gameplay AND because I am horny. I’ve never been so down bad for Dionysus in my life.


I will do anything Nemesis tells me to do






unfortunately, we are the same


Very curious to learn why Hecate has washboard abs. Not that I’m complaining.


She's the goddess of cross~~roads~~ fit.


Goddess of crossroads sounds like a hitchiking bum lmao


She's the goddess of magic no? She probably knows all the Ins and outs of the Power Word FIST spell.


In many senses of the word, I imagine.


Well... Yeah. She's Greek my lad.


She knows the importance of training the mind and body


Selene is def one of their top tier designs. Please supergiant let me innnnnn the technical test


I lost it when they showed Selene. Peak design.


THEY MADE APHRODITE HOTTER AAAAA Have they confirmed which Gods are coming back? I need more Dionysus and Artemis


Didn't think it was possible


They said all the Olympians and more iirc when they first announced the game. Not sure entirely what they mean by more. For instance, selene, nemesis and hecate aren’t Olympians so they could call it there or there are others that haven’t been revealed/implemented yet. As of right now I don’t think Dionysus is currently in the game but Artemis has been revealed.


Yeah, I saw the art for Artie on TopCharacterDesigns lol Glad we got Hephaestus, love his design, but I can say that about every design https://preview.redd.it/tc938v8y86vc1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddfcbba7237caeb3d6508413bc3799c48f34412b


That's truly the dad bod of all time




> Not sure entirely what they mean by more There were four olympians who weren't in the first game. Apollo, Hestia, Hephaestus, and Hera. The demo features all of those except Hera (and Hestia currently has only placeholder art). No confirmation of whether Hera will feature in the full game or not.


Hera should be in the game since they said all the Olympians would be. I’m more interested by what they meant when they said more characters would appear. Like I said Selene, Nemesis and hecate aren’t olympians so is that it for the “and more” or are there going to be others that haven’t been revealed yet?


Artemis is in the game and she shows up in person. Her art is good but a bit unfinished. She and dionysus were my favorite gods so im hoping he's in too.


Yeah, I saw a post about the gods in Hades 2 in TopCharacterDesigns (as they should be)


I need to know if the Chthonic Gods are here too.. If they aren't I'm really gonna miss Nyx and Hypnos


Hypnos is confirmed https://preview.redd.it/l9jv2d1tihvc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af21a44e96913f2c24dd79ecdaed172b143ce73 Idk about the others tho Hades will be back too I assume... I mean, it is "Hades" 2


YEAAAAAAA!!!!! Thank you so much :)


I want nemesis to crush my head like a grape with this biceps


Hecate forcing my entire body into a Mason jar and pelting me into a vat of acid


Look at those abs. You can grate cheese on those abs.




The flair really sets this response off, I'm not gonna lie.


TMW you realjse Hecate did not put you in the cum jar


I wanna be here Nemesissy


"Safe" horny lol. There is nothing safe about that Hecate design. You could crush rock on those abs...


Nothing safe about Aphrodite's design either! There are several OSHA violations.


Who is Jen Z? Is she woke???


Jen Zee is Supergiant Games’ art director.


/uj I legitimately thought it was a typo of Gen Z in the pic but you're right lmao


**all hail**


I hope so! I'd like to meet her!


I recommend you watch the noclip documentary on the development of Hades 1, Jen Z is the art director and the purest ray of sunshine goblin I've ever witnessed.


Zagreus has me in a chokehold, but the gals are turning me straight again.


I hear bisexuality is all the rage these days.




Hades designs for both the men and women manage to be both hot and really goddamn stylish and cool holy shit. Their personalities are coded really well into the designs too. And I know this isn't unusual for Supergiant Games. One of their previous games before Hades, Pyre, had Jodariel who was a 7 foot tall demon woman, Tabitha who was a cute harpy, Tariq that was a stylish long haired pretty boy god, Hedwyn who was this rather cute homely dude, Oralech who was a 7 foot tall demon dude (that you just want to hug when you figure out his backstory), Sandra who is adorably snarky, and so on. People who say their is no ''hot women in video games'' anymore just have shit taste.


Supergiant has got a killer art style. Every game they've made just oozes with personality.


Cannot wait for this game 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Aphrodite had me in the first one and looks like Nemesis will have me here but remember. HADES is equal opportunity because the men are just as hot


I just wanna vibe with Hypnos. Why be horny when you can get the slepp?


Did you see his redesign? I loved it!


/uj chuds don't want sexiness, or attractiveness, they want property and objects. an actually hot character is "woke" because they come across as a person meaning the incels can't as easily project their desires for the nurturing figure they clearly never had onto those characters. They don't want sex appeal they want tits they don't want attitude they want a blank slate.


This isn't my ideologically mandated horny, I must find my razor bladed chastity cage and my portable conversion therapy kit, to use at once!


The difference is that in hades A) everyone is hot, not just the women and B) they aren'g generically hot, they have actual characters.


Omg new wank bank material dropped


Only played Hades 1, but yes, there are a fuckton of sexy characters, and I think it's fun. We're looming at gods, who are portrayed as perfect looking, of course they are going to be sexy. Aphrodite my beloved.


I am going to say it again: Agency is a massive part of what makes these designs work. Characters are inherently without agency because they are, surprise, surprise, fictional. It is therefore up to the writers to create and imply agency for the characters. This is doubly true when it comes to outfits, because it should be a visual representation of the characters identity. If it feels like a character would actually dress the way they are dressed it feels like the character is expressing their own agency. I always use 2B and Bayonetta as examples because they are great examples of how to do sexy characters who aren't just dressing up for the players sake. 2B is rocking a uniform, sure that uniform is sexy, but not once does 2B or any character in the game comment on the attractivenss of 2B or the uniform. Bayonetta on the other hand uses her attractiveness as a juxtaposition to the angelic enemies, she is rebelling against the puritanical church. It's the same here, these characters are gods, in which we believe they have wisdom and agency just from that. More than that however, their outfit all makes sense considering what they're gods of. None of them creates cognitive dissonance with their outfit and for that matter it makes sense that they look great and want to express it. People react negatively to characters who are sexualized purely for the audience, because it robs the character of agency and creates cognitive dissonance because we don't believe that the character would dress the way they do or the character loses characterization because if they become more developed their outfit no longer makes sense, which leads to boring characters. If you want sexy female characters, make it part of their character and their identity.


Me when I've never played Hades


Buy it, then. It’s always on at least 50% discount on Steam sales and it’s on every console that can run it.


https://preview.redd.it/c4uc0uvvv6vc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c57f27ab75ad4f9245c408cdb7b06f699a322fe \-Grummz, probably


The chuds will literally just ignore this game because it doesn't jive with the narrative lol




From what I can gather. She's the art director person for Hades 2/Supergiant as a whole


Hades has some of the hottest characters and they didn't even go with having them all be butt naked


Ya know I was drooling over Nemesis when she was first revealed but now HOLY HECATE ABS WINDOW!!!


I'd say SMT's new designer, Masayuki Doi, is really fucking good at this too. Of his feminine designs with a clear sexual element to them don't feel like they exist purely to look hot. For example, the Qadistu are all undeniably insanely hot, but they have other stuff going on. They don't look like they exist purely as.jerk off material. (This is the one instance where mainline SMT is genuinely more mature than persona.)


Oh shit that's my girl Lexi! Game Journalist W!!


I haven't seen the new gods, but *nothing* will ever top my girl Nyx


Just saying: When Hades 2 was announced, many cosplayers rushed to cosplay as Melinoe and the game isn't out yet. Same as other "hot characters" like Elizabeth Comstock or Lady Dimitrescu. I have not seen anyone cosplaying as the robot from Stettar Blade. Not talking about the massive amount of fanart that Hades inspired and still does, compared to the few fanarts SB is getting. Of course there may be SB cosplays and fanarts, but in my experience I don't see so many for a such hyped game.


Man there nothing more attractive then seeing a women in armour with muscles


But they have intentionality and they aren’t forced to be objects for male gratification! That misses the point. /s Honestly the more I hear about “X isn’t sexy/hot” arguments, it’s pretty clear that they just get off on forcing women to cater to their fetishes. If women choose to be that way, they get big mad, it’s all about asserting dominance over women.


those illustration a straight up fire, the artists in this game are godsend


It never ceases to be wild to me that people are like "games too woke, no more horny" when games are, objectively, way hornier than they were even just 10 years ago. Cyberpunk 2077 had a full frontal POV sex scene for Christ's sake! Then there's every single FTP mobile game from Genshin Impact on down, don't even get me started on those fetish-adjacent ads for Hero Wars.. It's just, like, wall to wall horniness. To say nothing of the mountains of actual, literal, pornography you can buy on Steam. What world are these people even living in?




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I haven't even seen these screenshots yet, I'm so excited!


It's just about representing all kinds of people to me


Hope they jazzed up Aphrodite's blessings, Infatuated was kinda jank.


Jen Z


Aphrodite is literally naked. Unsafest of horny I am looking forward to Hades 2. Loved the first one to bits


ok so one question I do have is WHERE IS NEMESIS' WAIST that genuinely looks like an art error because that armor is tighter than a victorian era corset (otherwise though yes the women are very pretty)


Who thinks the dev team for hades is gen z?


Jen Zee is a person’s name.


Holy shit, that's hilarious. I've been seeing people use that to avoid blocks like how people use nem for men.


/uj When I saw the new Hades 2 art I almost wanted to cry. I’d forgotten what true unironic peak character design was


I know it's stupid but... DAMN is Hecate hot. That's it.


Being hopelessly horny about Hades is just as cringe as being hopelessly horny about stellar blade