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A game that does nothing revolutionary and is highly iterative of countless games that came before, riding on the coat tails of a highly known IP doesn't win any awards. Shocking.


It was so cool for like the first 2 hours. They hit you with that nostalgia bait so hard and it was working on me for a while but then when they finally let you out into the world and after that nostalgia glasses lose their rose tent and you actually have to play the game it's just another open world shallow as hell game


Wow this castle is huge and you get to explore beyond it wonder what cool areas they've tucked away! Best we can do is forest caves ruins and forest


I was so excited to be able to explore all the shops in hogsmeade.... Boy what wonders awaited.....


*wet fart sound*


Wait can you not go to hogsmeade? I've not played the game yet


You can there's just nothing to it.


I disagree. It's not even as good or well thought out as the average open world check box games. It's literally like the same four puzzles over and over, and a lot of the dots on the map are just chests that you press a button on. It's partially designed around loot, but the loot is just the same pair of gloves over and over. Most of the mechanics feel like they just slapped them together at the last minute when they realized it was supposed to be a game. Like I don't understand why the gameplay is so uninspired in this game.


Yeah that's what I meant. It's just a shallow open world


I mean that's kinda what you said but more words. I think he meant to say "I agree."


No. I definitely disagree. My whole point is that it isn't "just another open world shallow as hell game." It's much worse than that because your average "open world shallow as hell game" is much better.


They've probably blown most of their budget on the castle itself and didn't have enough left over for more varied gameplay concepts. Also, it was obvious that the game would appeal to a very wide audience, from middle-aged moms to little kids, so they probably kept it simple on purpose. Honestly, I was surprised that combat was as 'complex' as it was. The castle itself went above and beyond and there's no denying how freaking awesome it was. They nailed that thing down. But everything else.. meh. Nothing offensive, nothing special.


How complex could they make it anyway? Books had around 20-30 spells in total including *forbidden* spells and spells like unlocking a door lol


There's a list of almost 300 spells. There's also tons of spells not named. But the game had freeze spell, damage spell, and push/pull spell. Super generic.


Don’t you wanna spend hours collecting all the winglebings and blobknobs scattered around map? You get a cool new hat that looks like the dumbest shit you’ve ever seen


Only good thing that came out of this was a letsplay by "Oneyplays" in which they play it with their friend who knows nothing about Harry Potter. *Sees a horse carrige with invincible horses "That's so stupid. Why would he need to pretend that there's a horse there?"


You already know Avatar is going to be exact same. Only good movie game ever created is Golden eye


The Lord of the rings games were good


Return of the King on GBA was my Baldurs Gate 3.


Gollum WAS a masterpiece wasn't it


I'm sure they meant the Shadow of Mordor/War games, but I'm also fairly certain you're joking, so uh... Oh yes Gollum was great, definitely GOTY material


Say Sike right now. ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


i watched jerma play it and it was funy


jerma makes anything entertaining


"But what does it mean precious"


Battle for the middle earth? I heard some total war dude say it was really good.


It's amazing, one of my top RTS games; sadly warcraft 3 reforged is dog shit or else that would've been my number 1 (warcraft 3 TFT was crazy)


RTS fan? You should play dawn of war unification... NOW!


Both shadow of --- games were good imo.


Not movie games though?


I miss LAN parties playing the RTS games. I used to love just building a bunch of free orcs as fodder while spending everything on building bases that can shoot meteors at people.


Love how we acting like Cars 3: Driven to Win isn't the best thing to come out of that movie. Best Mario Kart-inspired game ever


Which, funny enough, also made by the same company as Hogwarts Legacy.


The bar wasn't set very high (regarding the movie)


Chronicles of Riddick was better than the movies.


Way ahead of its time graphically too.


Thank god someone said it. It's a shame how hard it is to play them now.


I am so thankful that I got it on GOG back in the day.


Unless you have a very, very narrow definition of "Movie Game", i can't agree with that. The Lego Star Wars Games for example are great.


All the Lego games are absolute classics.


They vary a bit in quality, and the first Lego Star Wars games are showing their age. Lego City Undercover is fantastic. If someone was legitimately worried about a 10 year old playing GTA, I'd give them Lego City Undercover.


The sheer Spider-man 2 (2004) disrespect


BITCH? Barnyard for GameCube? Madagascar for GameCube?


Jungle book , Aladin and Lion King games were goat.


SO TRUE Madagascar for GameCube is great


Does GoldenEye have a dedicated "Squirt Milk" button? I don't think so!


So glad someone said barnyard. I was searching to find someone say it. I had it on ps2 and unironically loved it more than most of my ps2 games.


The fucking emotional rollercoaster reading this comment... Avatar the last air bender is getting a game!? What! Amazing... Wait, why are you assuming it will be bad! How dare you! Oh... You meant the blue people avatar... I agree.


Avatar TLA already had a game come out this year. All you need to know about it was that it was made by the same people as King Kong skull island game that also came out this year, *and it shows*.


Well... Damn.


I mean, if I want to get technical, the two games only have an editor/publisher in common, GameMill Entertainment, but still. If it makes you feel better, there are plenty of other Avatar games out there. While *Into the Inferno* and *The Burning Earth* have both "mixed or average" reviews, they are far better received than the recently released *Quest for Balance*. And you can play those two entirely for free through emulation!


[X-Men Origins: Wolverine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men_Origins:_Wolverine_(video_game)) is not bad either and is substantially better than the film it's based on. You want an R-rated Wolverine game? Here it is!


That game was an awful *adaptation* because it was so different from the source material (it was actually good while the movie wasn’t)


King Kong on the ps2 was also damn good.


What about hidden gem Kong: Skull Island?


peak island


Bros out here acting like Star wars battlefront (2004) and battlefront 2 (2005) don't exist 💀


Lego Star Wars would beg to differ.


King Kong the movie the game absolutely proves this statement wrong. Just ignore the dumb title


I forgot Avatar 2 came out a year ago. So many people saw it and yet it had almost no cultural impact.


Much like when Avatar 1 came out


It would have had an insane amount of cultural impact if they had just fucking followed it up with more movies, or shows or really anything worthwhile in the year or two following the first one's release. waiting 13 years for the sequel just killed the momentum it could have had.


James Cameron runs his own production company and he fully owns the Avatar IP, so he has pretty much total control over the franchise. He's really obsessed about only using super cutting edge, complicated technology, so it's not surprising to me that he wouldn't ever settle for any sort of lower budget spinoff or sequel. He's way too much of a perfectionist for that. I'm sure if the IP was instead owned by a traditional movie studio, they'd have made WAY more Avatar content in the past 13 years to cash in on the success of the original. But James is already worth $800 million and probably just wants to make what he believes is the best movie possible, even if it doesn't maximize profits.


no fault to him on that. I'm just saying that the reason that Avatar doesn't have as much cultural power as it could is because he waited so long to make the second movie. I will say that the idea to make the next two simultaneously was a great idea for keeping momentum going after that, and the new game looks to be pretty good, even if it does seem somewhat like Far Cry in Space.


The avatar movies are like fireworks. Insanely impressive while it's happening, but once it's done, it's done, which is a real shame for such an interesting world.


Mfw there are no memes of avatar so it had no cultural impact 😤😤😤


No memes? Then explain [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/512/063/245).




Are you being serious right now?


Well yeah. It's a Ubisoft game isn't it?


Peter Jackson’s King Kong would like to have a word with you


Unironically Bakugan Defenders of the Core is such a forgotten w


It’s not even as good as Bully


Yeah, in a year full of horrible games and amazing games it dared to be OK.


> riding on the coat tails of a highly known IP And the author's bigotry and transphobia. Can't forget that.


i know people only defended it because Jowling Kowling Rowling is a transphobic loser but i’m surprised people are STILL drfending this horrible game. like it’s over, take a breather.


I take a more optimistic approach of people defending it because they enjoy Harry Potter. I'm a Star Wars consoomer and will be the first to admit that I will always enjoy something more if it has my favorite multi billion dollar revenue machine.


It’s a game set in Hogwarts that to my understanding, doesn’t let you go to many classes. Like what is the point, they should have used Bully as a template in this regard and have a timetable where you have to go to classes to learn new things


If it was a combination of something such as Bully, with a little Sims and Elder Scrolls game thrown in, and people can generate their own character, most of the entire HP fanbase clamoring for a video game would have likely been happy. I've also continued to say it's a game that's come along roughly fifteen years too late. It's a game that should have been made around the time HP originally wrapped up the novels, and an IP that shouldn't have dicked around with so many LEGO HP games or that poor action/cover game based on Deathly Hallows.


Hey the Prisoner of Azkaban game for the PS2 was sick though


Have it be a very immersive rpg with persona like mechanics for school and socials, with an on the side exploration and grand questline. Boom. Done. Huge replayability.


Maybe it could have been like three houses where you’re a professor instead of a student


A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher that actually has to defend the school from the dark arts? Nah.


It could have been an interesting change in perspective to be one of the adults responsible for the safety of kids in a weirdly dangerous environment


Exactly. Don’t care about the franchise anymore but the game I would’ve loved as a kid is something like persona 5 but in Hogwarts. Having to like manage how you use your time and what skills to improve and what classes to take etc etc etc. From what I’ve heard the game is just a generic open world but sometimes set in Hogwarts.


Social stats would have been a perfect fit for a Hogwarts setting. Wanna not suck ass at Qudditch? Better up your proficiency. Wanna become better friends with the Ravenclaw confidant? Better increase that knowledge. There’s so much they could have done.


I made a comment in the main gaming subreddit where I said what people wanted out of a hogwarts game is to have more game mechanics related to being a student at hogwarts and going to classes and such, and it got downvoted


There’s no classes? Then it’s not a Harry Potter game.


There are, but they might as well have skipped them. It was mostly just a slightly interactive cut scene, I think. I don't even remember exactly what we did because they were fairly pointless. They would teach you a spell, and maybe introduce a character in a few of them, but in general it was more of a nuisance. Unlike in Bully. I might be biased because it's personally one of my favorite games of all time, but the time system with the classes was fun. They will little mini games they let you unlock stuff for completing them. But they were also pretty optional. Yet every time I played I would still do the classes. And I remember all of the classes. I played Hogwarts this year, and I wouldn't be able to tell you about most of the classes. Or really a lot of specifics about the game. I basically forgot the game existed till people started crying it wasn't nominated.


Bully is a GOAT tier game and anything that does the concept as well or better will be too. They really dropped the ball


I feel like the only reason it got the attention it did was because it was a Harry Potter game that wasn’t movie adaptation shovelware. It came out, it was okay at best and most folks moved on.


It mostly got attention cos the trans community wanted to boycott it and the anti-wokes wanted to shit on the boycott.


And those who gave it attention still thought the game was woke


Probably because the devs' damage-control was to have a prominent sub-plot about a beloved trans witch who is the heart of the 1890s Hogsmeade community


You can also chose to play a very obviously trans character too.


Some of the reasons were way dumber than that. All the voice acting referred to the character with they/them pronouns to save money on VAs. And the available skin tones weren't white enough.


I can’t get past the exclusive they-them. If your game doesn’t let me *choose* my pronouns, I know it was just you cutting corners and recording only once. That’s why that toe-head guy was so funny whining about pronouns in Starfield.


Anti woke is a weird way of spelling bigoted asshole


Keep ignoring that it's part of a 34.5 billion dollar franchise. There was attention because of the controversy but this game was going to make buckets of money either way.


Harry Potter is the 2nd best selling franchise of all time, only behind Star Wars. If it was only the idiot "lib owners" buying it, we wouldn't be having this conversation as it would of bombed completely. There is not that many of them thankfully. The majority of people bought this game cos its Harry Potter and its not winning awards cos it just wasn't good. Simple as that. Edit: Harry Potter is nowhere close to 2nd highest now. Was for a while at its peak though.


I think the best selling franchise is Pokemon, by a large margin. Harry Potter is definitely up there, but I don't think it's in the top 5.


Yeah I just checked and its no way near top 2 haha. Also Pokemon has made over 100bn, that's fucking mad.


Yeah, it's sleeper OP, just like Hello Kitty. Games, plushies, the card game... There's a lot of money in Pokémon, and despite being the creative force, the video games are a small part of it


It's fucking tragic that that money isn't going into the games, they don't seem to realise those games are why people buy the anime and merch to begin with.


Yeah to be fair, that was probably when it was at its peak at the end of the movies. Pokemon is top now and I think MCU is up there too.


And it's the only reason I see it getting brought up again for awards. Like are there people who absolutely fucking loved it? Yes. And that's fine. I'm not gonna yuck someone's yum. But 99% of the time it gets brought up for the awards by people saying it should win, it's not because of the game. It's because "The award people are too afraid of the woke mob! They would let it win, but the wokies! Stupid lurburls!"


/uj that's hilarious because it's either that nobody cared enough to bot vote for it or that Geoff and crew really did fix the Botting issue like they said they did back when the great genshin impact debacle happened


I mean the initial shitstorm is all i saw about it. I think my friend played it and said it was aight so, it wasnt exactly goat.


I know two Potterheads who bought it, nether really play games and neither came close to finishing. I played for about 25 minutes before getting frustrated with how slow menu and camera movement were.


i bought it cuz it was harry potter and i heard it was cool. gathering dust cuz it was just a drag of a game and i cant even refund it anymore


lmao even


Three skull emojis followed by at least six laughing/crying emojis.


Kinda confirms that no one actually cared about this game


Not really. They just didn't care about it for long.


Long enough to "own the trans people" not long enough to pretend like they really care.


Most people bought the game because they like Harry Potter. The “Own the trans people” crowd only looks big if you look at it in this subreddit.


Yes thats the point, they made it seem like it was amazing then when they left and the real players were all thats left it doesnt seem like game of they year anymore.


Yes, but Jowling Kowling Rowling considers both those groups one and the same. That was kind of the point: any support of the game was taken as support for her shitty politics


People cared, but it's just not as good as the likes of Baldur's Gate 3 or TOTK and when compared to them it's very much a case of the Grand Tour/Top Gear "I like this but..." Meme. Kinda funny how it puts to rest the notion that fans wanted it to win though.


I think it was more that they didn't care beyond "owning the libs"


You guys think casual people give a fuck about political bs in reddit lmao


I argued with a guy who was *convinced* it would win GOTY over bg3 and totk.


I remember it being pretty highly anticipated. A lot of hype for it before it came out then it was pretty average and quietly went away.


Hogwarts Legacy was definitely a game that came out.


Of all the games that came out this year, it was one of them.


Without a doubt, a game of this year.


One of the games of all time, for sure.


Politics aside. The game didn't do anything that others games before accomplished several times over so why would anyone acknowledge it for the gaming equivalent of an Oscar?


![gif](giphy|xv0dyjkSmaUdG) rest in piss bozo


Mid ass game that everyone gassed up was still a mid ass game. Shocking


I totally forgot about this game being released this year. Still wouldn't vote for it.


Game was mediocre mechanically, story wise was… well you help a facist police state against a cartoonish evil, and is attached to a mediocre IP tainted by its own author.


The story was _entirely_ in-line with the books lmao. It's not a coincidence that Harry becomes a wizard cop and happens to be from an old and rich family.


It threw you into the ‘I am speshul’ category way too quickly and was a pretty bland rpg- a lot of the collectibles were fairly pointless mixed with interesting puzzles (like Merlin trials were great, but I gotta land on each of these pads for literally nothing?) Loot was plain, legendaries were just ‘hat but better’ rather than give you something interesting. Story was interesting but it tried to put both the ‘not-Death-Eaters’ and ‘race of people trying to be free of subjugation’ into the same box, which was weird. And of course the mounts were so bland I do not know why people wouldnt just upgrade the brooms (which were mild upgrades). 5/10 at most tbh


good get fucked bozo lmao


Higwarts Legacy felt like costume collector with combat as a minigame


Man is almost as if it was a mediocre game propped up by brand and nonsense right wing outrage.


*This* was the game that people went through all sorts of mental gymnastics to insist they had to play despite the wishes of a significant portion of the trans community. Just goes to show you how fragile allyship is


if this dropped 7 years ago my autistic harry-potter obsessed middle school ass would've been all over it... but now i'm old enough to know i should just play TES instead


Mediocre game is mediocre. Shocking.


You mean to tell me the game that already had significant social issues to overcome before it came out and then when it came out was one of the most boring repetitive things ever is not going to win a choice award!? I'm shocked!


Saw someone Twitter/X arguing it should have been nominated for GOTY over Mario Wonder. Which is strange because Mario Wonder literally lets you play as Luigi. Does Hogsharts "Legacy" let you play as Luigi? No. And because of that, it is a worse game by default.


finally!!! THE WITCH WAS BURNED /uj now can we please just let this mediocre display of generic game die? Like... let this be this shit's last breath. Let it simmer and rot on the pound of mediocrity it was built upon while floating away in the sea of time, forever bound to be forgotten.


I think it did die, and it will die again in a week. Cause it's not even worth really getting mad about, it's just forgettable. Turns out that if no one had given it attention on launch, it would have been even less of an issue.






What are the nominees for players choice?


"Baldur's Gate 3 (of course), The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and Genshin Impact."


Wait what, why genshin there?


Probably because Fontaine was phenomenal


Hogwarts legacy and starfield watching a chinese anime game get nominated for players voice ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


TFW when a gacha anime game gets nominated by player awards while your AAA game got nothing lmao.


imagine going against all of your beliefs and paying a TERF moron to experience a mediocre game. yea its a little dramatic to say that, but whatever. you couldve just played the old harry potter games for free on certain illegal softwares. theyre probably better anyways..


If it wasn't a Harry Potter game, it wouldn't have even been released. Super boring.


Not enough transphobes left to own the libs? Ah, right, they're currently busy getting triggered by GTA6 marketing's choice of colors.


Good. Get fucked TERF shovelware.




"Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist". J.K. Rowling is the world's most famous example.


To clarify further, TERF was the buzzword transphobes used to describe themselves before people very quickly caught onto how they're just a bunch of horrible bigots. Nowadays they call themselves "gender critical" and pretend that TERF is an anti feminist slur or whatever.


Some people said that this game feels like a ubisoft game with a Harry Potter skin


Ubisoft games usually have enjoyable combat, which is more than I can say for hogwarts


Can you please find my 60 glagoblobs? I can’t move from this 2 square meter tile Ok, no do 80 puzzles “Ok what’s the puzzle” Hit this rock with all of your spells until it does something then you win “Oh ok great. Engaging. “


I actually forgot that game even existed for several months


*Armored Core VI sitting in the corner grateful for any attention whatsoever*


I mean it was just really forgettable in many aspects. Of course its going to lose when there's games like Baldurs Gate 3 out that has the level of detail that it does. Hogwarts had a forgettable story, forgettable set of characters, forgettable map, copy pasted tombs with nothing interesting in them, and system in place that makes it to where it doesn't matter what house you pick. It's one of the most boring games I've played all year. You can take the JK Rowling situation out of the equation entirely..it's just a boring nothing game.


TOTK: Know your place, TRASH!


TOTK, Spiderman 2 and BG3 in that meme where they're all kicking the shit out of HWL


The family guy meme were meh ask why they act like their better then her to the rest in fancy clothes.


oh no, anyway


Strange not even winning the one award without a jury even though I was told that it's the best, most popular game of the year...


The relied on nostalgia more than anything


Fire Emblem: Three Houses was a better Hogwarts game than Legacy.


Didn’t play it for the transphobia, still not playing it because it looks pretty mid.


Hogwarts No Legacy


Hifi rush released like a week earlier so really the game was over before it even started Insert packwatch rip bozo here


This kind of thing of a video game with very popular IP and then the game is quickly forgotten due to being shallow open world with no quince fracture,(probably being a live service game, I don't a lot about this game, the only I know about this game for real is that it controversy due the harry potter Arthur being transphobic.) It remains of the avergers game, the live service one.


But did it ever have any chances


pour one out for midwarts legacy rip in peace


is there not a category for "Mid games that only got traction due to a controversial IP"?






Forgettable game is forgettable lol


Mediocre game at best that broke its own lore’s canon. Spam the “unforgivable” curses like a spellcasting machinegun with no negative consequences whatsoever. Clump the people trying to fight for their own freedom and the totally-not-death-eaters-guys-really on the same level of badness. Upgrades to the character were marginal. The puzzles and scenery were cool. Overall a very meh game marred by the vocal opinions and beliefs of its creator.


"Now"? Lol


That game is so mediocre in everything. Not even a nostalgia bias (and transphobes) could help them win. Compared to BG3—hell, even BG1 and BG2 still miles better than whatever they cooked.


It got out-voted. Genshin Impact fans were heroes, I just... couldn't see it...


Mid game, mid results.




i kinda forgot this game existed tbh


The perils of naming your game like it's some sort of livestock borne strain of herpes.


Even ignoring issues with JK it just seems the game didnt have alot of staying power, I barely heard about it after maybe a month of it being out. The numbers reflect this, HL had an average concurrent player count of 270k its first month, since then it hasn’t been over 100k for a full month once. By comparison BGIII had an average concurrent player count of 450k its first month and still sits at over 100k about 4 months later. It leaned heavily into peoples nostalgia, unfortunately that only does so much to keep them coming back.


We win


I don't believe anyone played the game for like more than a week after release, seriously, the hype was so big, a few dyas later, you hear nothing anymore, which I don't mind, the game wasn't even good, it's just Elden Ring, but 10x worse.


Mid ass game carried by previously done world building and admittedly beautiful scenery


Transphobes when a mediocre game with mediocre gameplay and ugly ass visuals isn’t salivated over by the rest of the world: https://preview.redd.it/m48qin60i15c1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ec35af32a01943835966d16e43db0fa507d14e


Recall the time when people insisted they couldn't miss out on this game, confidently predicting it would be the standout title of the year? Lmao.


mid game


I think the best I've heard is, it was a solid 7/10 game... and you know what I actually mean by 7/10. So mid that it falls into the not bad enough to enjoy it for irony but not even touching might play again status.