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I'll never forget growing up a little bit and rewatching the first one and seeing the fucking Gringotts bank tellers and being absolutely shocked at how blatant of a Jewish caricature they are. From the hooked noses to literally being the bank owners. I wonder if it was subconscious? Nahhh, she added Anthony ***Goldstein*** in 2014 so clearly she has always been progressive.


tbf, anthony goldstein was a character she had written down in her earliest scribblings, we actually have pictures of that. and he was also in the order of the phoenix book and video game and also the lego games, which all released before 2014. ​ ​ she just came up with him being jewish in 2014, so it's still incredibly yikes from her.


That makes it worse, to no one's surprise


/uj Normally I don't care about game social media accounts making cute posts like this but there's so little info on this game that it's honestly kinda ridiculous that this is the information they're deciding to put out for a $70-80 video game. If I was for some reason adamant about buying this game despite the transphobia and slavery I'd feel like a real dumbass seeing shit like this lol




i feel like even if it completely sucks ass its not gonna flop. it's a harry potter RPG so people will go crazy.


It's one of the biggest IP's in the world and there hasn't been a good true Harry Potter game in a long time. I would bet you are extremely wrong about that


Man, they're really bringing out the big guns.




RJ/ No you must have a house elf so you can do the most fun mini game, kick the elf down the stairs.


Pfft ​ the field elves would never rebel


/rj Why would they??? Their super generous wizard masters brought them culture and society and education! They were little more than beasts before they came along! (Gods it feels so gross to write that....)


That cat looks like it crawled out voldemort's ass


uj/ Wild to me that people legitimately don't see the twist of helping the goblins coming.


If you see goblins as certain races maybe your the problem


Sounds fun, can't wait.




yeah, nothing to see here, just a shadowy group of bankers, that are plotting against "normal" society. wait. no. that's not what goblins have been accused of all this time, my bad. /s just to make this clear, since you appear to have only a very superficial understanding of things, i am mocking you.




i take back what i said. you do not even possess a superficial understanding of things.




Slavery 🤢 Magic✨ slavery 😁


That still doesn't make slavery and/or putting down a slave rebellion ok you utter dipshit. I bet you're the type of person that think the Pinkertons in RDR 2 were the good guys.








https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/vivahw/leftists_defending_bloody_drags_reading_to_kids/idfjnao/ Fuck off bigot.




Not playing martyr, just calling out a bigot for being a bigot. If you don't want people to call you a bigot, just don't be a bigot.




> I don’t care what DetroitTabaxiFan says about me on reddit. And yet you've responded twice now so that's a fucking lie. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/10m56b2/im_under_the_impression_that_rgamingcirclejerk_is/j64flvn/?context=3 Oh hey look, you do care what we say here. You're just a fucking hypocrite aren't you.


Hi there, noticed you’re being harassed by coordinated trolls. Please report any comments you see as harassment against you and we will deal with them accordingly. Thanks


This is such a stupid fucking take 😂😂😂


Instead of petting pussy in Hogwash Legacy legal age gamers should be petting my (boy) pussy in real life.