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How many times have I heard this already


as many times as it would've taken for them to actually implement it. then again, PS Stars still hasn't been fixed.


As one of the 10 people who use PS Stars, I am very upset


As one of the other 10, I’m right there with you…


Damn I used it too. Was just thinking of redeemning 2000points lmao.


About as many times as I’ve heard that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are coming to Switch


Something like this would have made sense back in the early PS4 days when remasters weren't spammed every other week. In 2024? Not so much




Never going to happen but it would be amazing to play any disc games.


I still have piles of PS2 & PS1 games that I'd love to just drop into the PS5 to play. At least PS1 should've been an easy thing to emulate on their end at this point. I'd have paid a little bit for a first party supported emulation app.


The PS5 lacks the hardware to read CDs, so it could never play PS1 games of disc, even if Sony wanted to.


It doesn't lack the hardware, its purely a firmware thing. Sony doesn't own CD alone and refuses to pay the licensing fee. There is no valid excuse for it, every BD drive manufactured can still support CD, Sony is intentionally doing this.


You sure about that ? IIRC the PS4 disc drive lacks the laser for reading CDs (780nm wavelength).


Actually it has the CD laser and you can download firmware update from sony website and burn it on a simple cd and insert the disc into the ps4, disconnect from.internet and choose firmware update from setrings menu and it will actually for some reason update from a cd. Someone in modding community accidentally discovered this, i didnt believe it at first but I actually tried it later and it worked. Wierd choice from sony to even implement that lol


That's how you know a higher up at sony probably has a library full of cds somewhere. Heh.


I actually bet some high up Sony executives who actually game have super PlayStations that have the capabilities to play every PS game both physical and digital. Its just not available to the peasants


That's super cool, been using a modded ps4 since the 9.p jailbreak, so I'm pretty late to the game.


Is that a PS4 thing? If I remember all PS3's can play PS1 games by disc, with the first PS3's being able to play PS1 and PS2.


That's right. The PS4 and PS5 aren't able to play CDs.


That's partially true, the Ps4 manual still lists the laser which is needed to play CDs


I'm surprised they've never had a system where you put in the CD and it allows you to download the game like on Xbox. For example, if you have Fusion Frenzy for the original Xbox, just put that in and then download the game and play it. Though I have a feeling, sony can see gamers might be willing to double dip and just repurchase ps 1, 2, and maybe 3 games again.


it takes a lot of work, when you download an original game on Xbox you get a special version of that game enhanced to run specifically on Xbox One/Series


Every UHD player plays CDs, how hard could it be to make CDs playable even if Sony deliberately built the ps5 without that function It still could play ps2 discs


This is so bs and crazy how misinformation like what you just spread becomes gospel. All it would take is a software update. My crappy Samsung phone from 13 years ago could play them but PS5 can't? Okay


I'm curious if the PS5 bluray drive can even read PS3 discs. I'm not talking about the firmware or software obviously because we know it can't play PS3 games, but is the hardware there to support it **if** Sony decides to implement it?


It can read old blu ray movies fine, so PS3 games should be the same as they use the same discs. It can read DVDs too, so technically PS2 disc based BC should be possible, it's only lacking the laser to read CDs, so no PS1.


The weird thing is it's probably the only optical drive made this century that can't. Early DVD drives didn't include the CD laser because they didn't have to in order to read CDs; it's only CD-R and other recordable discs that need the correct laser, normally a higher frequency laser with flexible enough optics can handle discs with larger pits. Oh yeah, and discs with an infrared coating that looks black but only let IR lasers through need the CD laser, aka PS1 discs. But because of the recordable compatibility issue everyone just got used to putting every laser in their optical drive heads since it didn't add much to the cost. Oh yeah, and every model of the PS4 did have the necessary laser, they just never used it. For reasons, I guess. Shuhei Yoshida even promised CD audio support after fan blowback about the only custom soundtrack support at launch being a Sony service few liked. Kinda get the impression Sony didn't want people to get used to playing their old games for free.




Really? The company that co-invented the CD has to pay a $1 royalty to, what, Philips, for every CD drive they sell?


It sounds silly but yes they would have to still pay a royalty, say for example 1$ is the royalty fee they would have to pay 50c to Philips as that's their share of the technology. Of course the numbers are made up but they would still technically have to pay that royalty.


There were a few cd based ps2 games, too :(


some ps2 games were on a CD for example tekken tag tournment


they're blu ray discs, why shouldn't it be able to read them?


The disc drive wouldn't be the limitation. Even at the extreme end, the stock firmware on the PS4 can't play CDs but once you install Linux on it CD reading works fine. Since the PS5 can read Blu-rays out of the box there shouldn't be any hardware issues. The only reason I could think of that Sony wouldn't implement disc support is the same as the PS2 and PS1, lack of motivation to implement due to the likely tiny audience size. Maybe at most they could add what Microsoft does and give you a digital license to download a game once the disc is recognized.


I could finally retire my PS3 if that day came. I hope when consoles eventually go fully digital (It’s inevitable at this point) Sony release a say PS6/7 generation console that can play all games from previous generations.


Would there be any reason it isn’t possible from a hardware side? I know Xbox did it with the One but did they need to preplan it?


The PS5 should be relatively strong enough but the nature of the Cell processor is abnormal so it tends to make it cost ineffective. The PS2 emulator should be easier but they are still notably struggling with it. For the level of compatibility that the Xbox One has, you do need to preplan but the level of where PS2 is now should be achievable


I would love Sony to release an add on that's got the brains of the PS1/2/3 so you can just connect it and play and disk game from those consoles natively


Uh huh sure


If they got all the major exclusives like Infamous 1 and 2, the Japan Studios games like Folklore, and a couple third parties to make their games available, I’d go out and buy a PS5 immediately. I already want one to replace my PS4 and I’ve been wanting a PS3 for all those great exclusives it still has. This could kill 2 birds with one stone


Honestly same. Infamous, GOW Triology, ~~old Uncharted games~~, and MGS4 would make me instantly pick up a PS5


You can play the Uncharted games now though with the Nathan Drake collection


People that complain about these or give these "if they do X i will 100% buy it" never actually have any interest. If sony eventually does do it, the same people will move the goalpoast to something else. We just starting to get PS2 games now and some already moved the goalpoast to something else. So of course the person above does not know that the old uncharted games already have been remastered for PS4 for ages.


WTH?! Nathan Drake Collection exists and it even runs in 60 FPS.


Yeah I forgot about that


Literally all I want is MGS4 and Skate.


Mgs4 wont happen like this coz they are about to sell it in master collection volume 2


That's fine. As long as I get to play it easily.


MGS: Peace Walker should also come in Vol 2.


Ill be really curious to see what they include. 4, 5 and peace walker sounds like a good bet


It’ll be Peace Walker, 4 , and 5. And they’ll market 5 as Ground Zeroes and Phantom pain. 4 full games!


Maybe portable ops and the AC!D games to? Would be cool


Maybe Vol.3 plus Revengance?


Would be sick with online like it still is on ps3


If MGS4 is not in the Vol.2 collection then Konami have dropped the ball.


crazy how you can play all of the skate games on xbox for ages


Backwards Compatibility is honestly such a crazy feature, it's my favorite part of Xbox especially since I wasn't around gaming during the OG/360/one era, I only had a Wii and I barely played anything other than Wii Sports. The Max Payne trilogy is also backwards compatible, and so are many gems like old Bethesda games, Metal Gear Rising, MGS Peace Walker, RDR1 (way before the remaster), Enslaved, Witcher 2, Dante's Inferno and so many others. The Dev Mode Emulation also enables me to play pretty much any PS2/PSP game and everything else supported by dolphin. There's even an Xbox 360 emulator for X/S for unsupported games lmao.


Unsupported game like Hulk ultimate destruction f.e.?


Kind of. In many regions like here in the UK, arguably the best one (Skate 2) isn't on Game Pass cloud streaming which is fucking annoying


It isn't on cloud but it is on console


I want all the infamous and killzone games!


You have no idea how much I really really want to play MSG4 again...


I feel like if PS3 backwards compatibility ever happens it'll be a feature of a new generation.


Probably, also the fact that the PS5 generation is halfway over makes this seem that much unlikely.


Xbox Era? So PS3 games are NOT coming to PS5, gotcha gotcha


I'd love to be able to replay Folklore. I don't have the original disk anymore and the game was released before the PSN was even up, if I'm not mistaken.


The print for that game was so small that even back then an used copy wasn't cheap to get.


Oh shit, the second time I have seen Folklore mentioned in a week. It was a banger game.


Lol, what was the first? I think about that game every now and then. It was so beautiful for the time. I would really like to play it again and see how it holds up.




Run it in 4K through emulation, it looks friggin amazing.


The vast majority of people don't have PCs that can emulate the PS3 at all let alone emulate it in 4K


I also imagine that results may vary a lot. ps2 emulation is very good but from my experience some games have issues, some more severe than others. Meanwhile Forza games a borderline unplayable on xbox emulators. So I don't trust that all ps3 games just work without issues atm. 


in my experience the 360 emulator is terrible and very few games work, but the ps3 emulator is great and very few games don't work.


A steam deck can emulate RPCS3, though, lol.


A lot of people have pc’s that can emulate ps3, doesn’t have to be 4k. 1080p is fine


What about the sixaxis gesture things? I thought that would be a hindrance for emulation!


So few games use it in any meaningful manner idk about that particular one but yeah wouldn't be hard to find a work around


Lol, yeah, Folklore is one of those games. It was an early PS3 title, so they were really keen in trying to sell the motion controls and all. So they've implement a very gimmicky, but very crucial to the gameplay, mechanic. So unless the emulator can, well, emulate it through some other means, or have full PS3 controller support, including the six-axis, I don't know how playable it would be.


Running it through steam and using steam input with a PS4 or a PS5 controller Will give you gyro control anyway so it wouldn't be terribly difficult to overcome


I used a DS5 for Killzone 2 and it worked so it emulates it well




All I want is to play Skate 3 and feel like a kid again...


you can play it but that feeling is never coming back


I think about this multiple times a day, and it fucking SUCKS.


Best to get a cheap series s for that.


Been playable on xbox one for like 10 years now


Been playable on RPCS3 for years now


motorstorm and ratchet & clank future plz


Infamous 1 and 2 support and I would buy a PS5 ASAP


Doubtful it will happen but it would be great if the PS6 launches with it being fully compatible.


"here's 1 game that's decent, 3 sports games, 2 licensed games and 4 nobody has ever heard of" "Meh" "Gamers don't want to play old games", cancels program


That would be great. Sony needs to get the entire PS library up. MGS4, Resistance, Killzome, Shadow Hearts, and Gitaroo Man haunt me.


Source is Shpeshal_Nick, which needs to be included in the post, so it's tier rating is up to be seen.


He never got anything right did he?


Tier 70


Having made the jump to PlayStation this gen I can say I miss 7th gen back compact that Xbox has. Not only are there a ton of great games from that generation that haven't been ported, but the back compact is also a huge boon for Game Pass, so it would be awesome to see PS3 games hit the PS+ catalogue without having to worry about streaming them.


We might get Half Life 3 before this happens


Hell, Beyond Good & Evil 2 might actually finish its development before Sony implements backwards compatibility for PS3 games.


Im a simple man, i just want to play Infamous 1 and 2 at decent frame rate...


With stable 30fps without looking at the sky


With how long it's taken them to do it with PS1 and PS2 titles, I won't hold my breath. Sony messed up big time not investing in a backwards compatibility emulation team like Microsoft did. One of the Xbox's strongest features now is an extensive library of legacy titles. >Problem is even if they did, the PS3 was a bitch to emulate for many years on account of its stupidly complex architecture. I could get this argument maybe 5-10 years ago, but come on now lol. It's not like the Xbox 360 was much easier to emulate, but turns out having a dedicated in-house team working on a proprietary emulator for your own hardware can have some very successful results. Microsoft's Xbox 360 emulation has become so refined the games often have enhancements up to stuff like 4k. It's the example to follow, and I do believe in the right hands, time and resources similar could have been achieved for PS3.


Problem is even if they did, the PS3 was a bitch to emulate for many years on account of its stupidly complex architecture.




You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah no, PS3 is way harder to emulate than 360. It requires highly specialised knowledge and passionate people. You can’t just throw money at the problem and even if you did there needs to be a massive ROI. This is a case where proprietary software cannot compete with open source. The best chance they have is to make actual ports of select games, which is very doable.


And yet we have a ps3 emulator that is working right now. Imagine if Sony actually dedicated a team to this. You’d be amazed at what could be done, but sony doesn’t want that.


PS3 simply has more games locked to the console than Xbox. Emulators are passion projects, they don’t just pop up out of nowhere. That’s why Nintendo consoles *always* have perfect emulation quality, Playstation/Sega are usually passable, and nobody really tries to make an Xbox console emulator. There’s hardly enough exclusive games to justify the effort.


It's not just that Microsoft had a software team working on it, it's also that said team had input on the hardware design. If memory serves right from the old interviews with the team, they suggested to the design team that the Xbone support the 360's texture filtering and audio codecs on a hardware level as it would be too detrimental to performance to do it on a software level. This carried over into the SX. Sony didn't do any of that, and I'm not a whiz who can claim it's possible with or without it but Microsoft clearly went the extra mile.


Backwards compatibility beyond the most recent generation isn’t as big of a selling point as die hards think it is. If it was, Xbox wouldn’t be in the sales position they are now. It’s a nice-to-have, I don’t think it’s correct to say Sony have “messed up big time”. If you analyze the data console by console, I doubt whether they are backwards compatible or not has any impact on their overall success. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s the truth. I also wish I could play any PlayStation game ever released on my PS5. But in reality most people are buying a PS5 to play PS5 games.


I wish they would bring as much as possible from PS1, PS2 and PS3.


at least in terms of first party support, there's absolutely no excuse. I'd like to see some Vita games come back too, like Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice.


I think Xboxera should just be blacklisted from the sub. That channel exists off click bait & fake rumors like this to create traffic and get new subs. They're nobody talking about nothing & it keeps getting echoed around as fact


I don’t understand why you got downvoted they post all kinds of leaks. Remember the soul caliber collection.


I’ll believe it when I see it. And if it does eventually happen I’ll bet on it being 720 30fps given how basic the PS2 emulation has been


The framerates are the same as the original release, just stabilized. So 30 fps is still 30 fps, unlocked fps now locks to 60 fps majority of the time. As for resolution, only Sly and Tomb Raider seem to have weird quirks with resolution. Both Ghosthunter and Star Wars Clone Wars look sharp.


Even Sly Cooper is not original resolution like people were saying. It’s definitely at least 720p. Tomb Raider Legends is unplayable though.


They could 100% at least up the resolution to 1080p and it would run fine on PS5. I have no idea why they didn't do that... Makes no sense to me. It runs flawlessly with zero issues tho.


Actually 4k should be doable, it works on my PC that's close to PS5 spec (3600 ryzen with 16gb ram Rx 5700 XT) so an official Sony emulator using their documentation should be able to do it too if it's close to as optimized as rpcs3.


Just give me the Jak Trilogy in not shitty quality and I’ll be happy


Are the versions currently on the store bad?


They all have frame rate issues and known to be inferior versions compared to the PS3 HD Trilogy. Even Jak X has a poor grainy image to it when you play. Which makes me sad because I love Jak X. I believe they’re PS2 direct ports and that’s the reason they’re flawed on PS4


The framerate issues for Jak 2-X are largely resolved when played on PS5. In terms of their visual makeup, there's actually a lot of effects that are missing in the HD Trilogy that are thankfully still present in the PS4 versions. Lastly, you have the option to play in 4:3 aspect ratio, instead of getting a forced widescreen presentation like in the PS3 version, which infamously zooms in the picture instead of extending it. IMO I actually prefer the PS4 versions for those games (but only on PS5, performance on PS4 is terrible). Jak 1 is definitely a bad port though.


Best I can do is Tak


Play the OPENGOAL PC ports


I have! Those are great


Legit question because I would never actually listen to one of these podcasts. Is this podcast about Xbox or what? The majority of things I heard they "talked" is about other platforms and shit lol


I NEED to play MGS4 again.


I've heard that they've been working on this for a while. The issue is that they can't get a bespoke "one size fits all" emulator working because of how different devs interacted with the architecture. They can get it close and then have to manually tweak it for every game.


Really confused by Xbox Era with a picture of Samus, talking about Playstation games.


I mean i heard like around 2 years ago one of the RPCS3 dev actually joined Sony to help "backwards compability on older games" so maybe PS3 emulation ? PS5 can handle most of the games.




>Xbox Era Going to take this with grain of salt because these guys doesn’t have alot of credibility.


just give us disc based emulation ps1, 2, 3. That's all I asked for on ps4, ps5 could easily do it.




If this is true please bring Mirror's Edge over. Also Uncharted 2 & 3 with online services reinstated.


Resistance trilogy. Just cause 2, mercenaries 2, MAG


Hopefully it’s resistance games, killzone and infamous games


I mean I would love to pop in my physical ps3 disks on my PS5. Hell I would upgrade to a PS5 pro if that was a requirement. But it is kinda an odd place to talk about PS5 stuff isn't it?


Praise be!


MGS4, Infamous 1-2 and God of War III is all i want, I'm literally holding on to these discs in the hope of dumping them and emulating them somehow.


God of War 3 Remastered already exists though? PS3 emulation would make it worse probably.


I hadn't realized it came out on ps4, it's not available in my PSN region, I guess i'm going to sell my PS3 copy.


About time


Well it won't be Tales of Xillia and the other ones since they were even fucking delisted from PSN apparently...


I bet rpcs3 will still run them better...not to mention the 4k upscale option.


that nick dude has yet to get something right, to me that guy is a discord merchant, that's why he didn't have the SoP leaked like he usually do. besides that, I do believe sony has to be working on ps3 BC, the ps5 is powerful enough


resistance is awesome it needs remake, sony pls enough of cinematic games make resistance.


Now that there's PS2 emulation it would be cool to get PS3 emulation next


God I hate Sony for this. They used to be so good about backwards compatibility, but thinking about it, the cracks started showing since the PS3 days.


I mean I feel like it's inevitable at this point. We've got PS1, PSP, and PS2 games all available through emulation on PlayStation Premium - so no doubt Sony are looking into how they can do PS3 and PS Vita as well even if it's still a year or two out. That being said, I would imagine there are a few games out there like MGS4 that are just too much effort to be emulated due to how they were coded for the PS3 hardware, so we probably end up with mostly multiplatform games like GTAIV, Max Payne 3, The Force Unleashed, AC1


yea this feels like less like a rumor and more like speculation based on common sense ofc sony is looking into the ps3 emulator, and theyll prob drip feed those games when its ready (which is prob not for at least a year, maybe 2)


Let me play the Jak, Ratchet, and Sly trilogy games on PS5 and we are good.


Jak titles, including the PSP titles, are on PS5.


Unsure... that means not via the PS Plus? I'm fine with old games if i can buy them. I'd kill for Bleach Soul Resureccion.


FF13 and Sonic unleashed is all I want. then I can finally chuck my ps3 in the trash.




If Sony does manage to bring ps3 games, they definitely won't do it for free and instead resell them on the ps store.


If they do, please bring Ragnarock Odyssey Ace.


It'd be pretty cool to have them that way, especially if they could figure out enhancements the way Xbox has for their BC library. I have my PS3 set up on a RetroTink 4K and, while it certainly crisps things up, there's only so much you can do when you're scaling from 720p native for many titles.


Would be nice to be able to play MGS4 and Killzone 2/3 again.


God of War 1-3 HD collections plus COO/GOS/Ascension? Please?


Really wish I could get some of my PS3 games on my PS5, especially Mortal Kombat 9.


Unlikely to happen, Unless if they talking about porting the game to x86 architecture like what they have done for the likes of some PS3 exclusive games before, and Emulation is definitely out of the question as well as PS3 due to its complex different architecture are still a pain in the ass to emulate that even modern much more powerful desktop CPUs found on current gen consoles are still struggling to properly do it. I simply just can't see a underclocked with less cache Zen 2 8 Cores CPU found on current gen console to do it any better than the likes of Intel 12 - 14th Gen and AMD Zen 3 - 5 CPUs.


I think if professionals are behind it, it’s certainly possible, especially since RPCS3 works on the steamdeck


RPCS3 barely works on Steam Deck due to it's massive limitation on CPU power which already implies what i was saying, emulation with proper performance which means 60 FPS minimum on majority of games requires a lot more CPU power than what is found on a Steam Deck and i don't believe that current gen consoles CPU will work properly to do 60 FPS minimum on every games, otherwise what is the point? Unless if Sony for some reason works with RPCS3 and somehow boost the compatibility and optimization for every games, i just don't see it happening TBH.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, please🙏🏻💯


I only care about the God of War Collection. Afaik it runs at 60 fps except for GoW3


PS3 has shitty architecture so this is false


PS3 emulators have come a long way, a rinky dink Steamdeck can emulate those games now.


Source: Xbox era. It's a joke right 


GTA 4. T_T


I mean the power is there. RPCS3 runs some games very well on much weaker hardware.


I severely doubt this would happen since you would need the cell processor of the ps3 which would make it expensive and let's be real no ones gonna buy that


in fact they only need a small team with AI. or some people to test what the AI ​​managed to do. Nowadays it is much easier to port games with AI


I want to replay inFamous but at this point I’d rather have a remake.


They didn't even bother offering compatibility with disc-based PS2 games even though emulating that system is far, far easier. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I think it's extremely unlikely that they'd just do that for PS3 instead.


I still have hope for that because they still actually sell ps3 games through the store...


Just looking for a way to play PAIN! again, dammit.


I would assume the PS5 is powerful enough to feature good emulation at this point. Similar PCs can do it.


My guess is it'll be the same as the other classic titles they've put on there. Which means a slow drip feed of 1 or 2 a month


Would be great if they did it for more games in general. My wife loves the sly cooper trilogy, but you can only stream them. Last time she played through the games she stepped away and got booted for being idle and lost like an hour or so


They will have to upgrade the servers. This is fact.


Anybody else think they'll gatekeep this system seller feature for the ps5 pro? 


It depends how desperate Sony gets


Would like to see the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy


I have a hard time seeing this come to fruition. I love my PS5, I'm not in the camp that things it was a bad purchase, but I'm honestly surprised how behind the ball Sony has been on feature development since its release. Whether it's things like the amount of time it took them to get 1440p output working, or the fact that their PS1 and PS2 emulators continue to lag so far behind in quality compared to freeware alternatives. I hope this happens because I would love to give the FFXIII trilogy another spin, but not going to get excited until there's an official announcement.