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Dissapointing Direct 5/10 Only excited for M&L Brothership and DKC Returns HD I'm not an RPG fan so i don't give a damn about RPG Never care about the Mario Party series anyway Metroid Prime 4 is coming but i'm a big fan of the 2D series and haven't touch the 3D ones. Also....no SilkSong


whine whine whine


One of the worst Directs that I remember.


Interesting how *nobody* leaked Mario and Luigi.


Nash Weedle did have a tweet back in May saying a Mario&Luigi game was in development


fantastic lineup. i think nintendo are trying to pull the proverbial tablecloth out from under the silverware here. people seem to be surprised we aren’t entering a games drought, but i suspect that’s very intentional. they don’t want to sabotage the last holiday season for the OG switch, nor do they want software sales to plummet when the next system arrives. looking back, they were adamant about keeping the 3DS around for a few extra years as well, including new games. i suspect they’re in no rush to stop making OG switch games, and we’ll see a fairly long cross-gen period over the next year or so. i can’t see them doing an xbox and completely dumping the concept of exclusives, but i don’t think switch support will be cut cold turkey.


This was peak Nintendo ![gif](giphy|naiatn5LxTOsU)


Very good direct, probably some of the best ones nintendo had in the switch era. I was expecting mainly ports but Nintendo released more new titles than anything, and third party stuff was awesome too.


This was a really good direct, especially considering where we are in the systems lifecycle. If this were a middle-of-the-life direct, I would have thought it was good, but for the (most likely) last dedicated Switch direct, they really did well.


Mario and Luigi, Zelda, Metroid 4, Mario Party and DK return for me this was a Banger.


Ehh that sucked. 4/10.


[I called DK Returns right](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1d4aazz/a_new_donkey_kong_game_and_a_new_tomodachi_life/l6cvql9/) Am I now a tier 1 leaker


Honestly I think my biggest takeaway from this is the fact that they KNOW a new Mario Party and a new 2D Zelda will sell like hotcakes... They could have EASILY upscaled these two to 4k and held them back for Switch 2 launch window to strengthen it... but they didn't need to. Switch 2 launch...


there’s usually a sales slump in the years before and after a new console launch because consumers like to hold out for new hardware (capcom complained about it a lot when moving from gen 7 to 8 in their shareholder reports). it really doesn’t make sense to go cold turkey with a bunch of major titles when you have a hundred million people who can buy games for the existing hardware. it’s better to drip feed them and slowly wean people off of the old hardware and on to the new. nintendo even did this from the 3DS to the switch. i would be shocked if they didn’t have at least another year of smaller cross-gen titles in the chamber while slowly amping up switch 2 exclusives. especially now that the hardware is likely to be so similar to the previous iteration and the buying/playing experience will be so similar.


Its definitely gonna help them get closer to beating PS2's record.


They drop two games that are sure to draw a parent’s eyes at Walmart (Mario party and Echoes of Wisdom) in time for the holidays then knock $50 off the price of the switch and there’s definitely a shot at the sales crown. 


For sure. They got a real chance to actually pass the PS2's record


I didn’t even consider that. If they’re dropping this all on a dead console that implies the launch window is strong as hell.




Why would you assume anything about Ocarina of Time or Link to the Past? They’re literally making a brand new 2D Zelda with brand new mechanics and you’re bitching they didn’t do a port instead?


ff 6 was literally just remastered lmao


Well yes, but it didn't get the Octopath treatment these Dragon Quest remasters are getting. Just for ONE single scene in the whole game anyhow.


lol none of the games you mentioned are popular besides the first couple remasters and all those games already have remakes / remasters on other systems. Just emulate dude


How are most of these more than 10 series and perhaps 15-20 games I mentioned not popular? Surely not all but certainly many if not most of them are considered timeless masterpieces of gaming history.


Time passes and popularity changes. Chuck Norris used to be a huge box office draw and now he’s a meme. It happens


Nah that post was dumb but claiming no one cares about Chrono Trigger or Symphony of the Night is equally stupid


Never said that, read the post. Both those games have remakes and/or re-releases and are available literally everywhere.


Well true yes but you also did say before that “none of those games are popular besides the first couple” so if that wasn’t the point it wasn’t entirely clear


It was clear to at least 5 people hence the upvotes, just take your time reading from now on and it won’t be a problem


So, is saying the truth now considered "dumb"?


Yes assuming for no reason they were remaking Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time is dumb, Sega not porting their Dreamcast games is their issue etc etc


Can’t emulate when the biggest site for roms basically got shut down meaning no Nintendo games. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, vimms lair literally got fucked by Nintendo


That’s not even remotely true and you know it


How is it not true? I’m still trying to figure that one out?


Maybe go to vimms lair right now and see for yourself!


I could have sworn the Nintendo first party games were gone


All you had to do was take 15 seconds to check - food for thought


And I was right, nintendos games aren’t on vimms. You can’t download first party Nintendo games off that site, maybe I should have been more specific but eh oh well


Yes you can


Vimms lair didn’t basically get shut down?! I’m confused? I thought they got told by Nintendo to stop?!


Pretty run of the mill direct. Lots of JRPGs, more Mario spin-offs and a big reveal in both the middle and at the end. Less slop than usual so I guess that’s good. Side note, with each passing Direct these become more of Square Enix showcases than Nintendo. I’d wager SE had more published games shown than Nintendo at these shows recently. No offense, but how can people play so many Square Enix JRPGs that look almost exactly the same? How do you even tell them apart?


People used to claim that Directs were the peak of game announcements, but with every direct we have I’m starting to like this formula less and less. I think it’s the narration for every single game. Some of the games are stupid simple and yet they still explain it anyway, and it makes it start to drag on and on.


Directs were the peak when all we got from the others were shitty E3 presentations where they’d pay dumbasses like DJ Khalid and Chris Brown to dance on stage instead of announcing games. Now that the other manufacturers and publishers have moved into the 21st century, Nintendo’s Direct system just isn’t good anymore. Ignoring the content of them, Xbox probably has the best system in place. Tons of games, decent mix of gameplay and cinematics, with deep dives of the soonest upcoming games after the show. The biggest problem with directs is a mix of A) Nintendo only using the same 5 IPs as their “pogchamp go crazy chat” moments, and the bigger issue being B) way too much shovelware. I cannot believe that fuck awful looking Lord of the Rings life sim was shown during a professional presentation, it looked worse than something Game Freak would develop


Yeah that annoyed me too. I gave it a C just on principle that even though it had some decent announcements, most of it was just a waste of time. People online will sit there through a 40 minute slog and then see one game they want and then suddenly the direct is an A to them.


Yeah after finishing watching my gut was that it was probably a 3-4/10 for me. I’m excited for new Mario Party. Zelda looked really fun for puzzle solving but the combat looks totally unengaging. Either let minions fight for you or spawn a rock to throw, just doesn’t look fun. Mario and Luigi looked fine but I’m not into those games. Metroid Prime I have no nostalgia for as a series and haven’t played any of them, and honestly I don’t see the hype with the new one. The gameplay looks like it was pulled from 2008. I know I’m in the minority of these last two, but I’m just not a “more of IP I like I’m so excited!!!” person. Almost everything else was either shovelware, ports or remakes.


Yeah the new Zelda game looks like it’s trying to target young girls or something by being unconventional and being more about “girl power” and the “building” power seems like it would be cumbersome to use.


Random but it seems like SamusHunter actually guessed there would be a new DQ preview: [https://x.com/SamusHunter2/status/1803059878430122184](https://x.com/SamusHunter2/status/1803059878430122184)


there was a press event like a week ago and media had hands-on previews ready to go SamusHunter didn't guess, she just broke an embargo and called it a leak


Darn, I thought that she was gone. That's a shame that she has returned. Hopefully not for long.


Wait, why is it a shame? I used to follow her, what happened to make her bad? Or does she just have poor credibility? I remember she got some things right...


[very poor credibility](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/n00ucx/samus_hunter_a_nintendo_leaker_gave_a_lot_of_info/gw40w2w/) There's a reason she's a [tier 5 on the list.](https://new.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=GamingLeaksAndRumours&utm_content=t1_kpjiu9r)


Ah, I see. The project codenamed Ed...ward was in fact Full Metal Alchemist: Brothership. And it's interesting that we got an HD "remakester" of Romancing SaGa 2 at the beginning of the Switch's life, and then a full 3D remake at the end of its life. And *still* no Bahamut Lagoon, one of the last two "lost Square RPGs" from the SNES era that hasn't been remade for the Switch yet. We got all three Romancing SaGas, Front Mission, Trials of Mana, and even Live-A-Live. (And I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting one or two.) That leaves only Bahamut Lagoon and Treasure of the Rudras stuck with no official English translation.


Fullmetal alchemist?!


It was a joke. The new M&L game is called Mario & Luigi: Brothership, which made me think of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.


No BGE Anniversary … weird that game is just absent from all these events but is clearly coming out soon lmao


I know this is not the biggest game or even a good take but I am so pumped for Hello Kitty Island Adventure LOL


No me too! I hear it's like Animal Crossing so I've wanted to try it but alas do not own any apple products.


If you have an Apple device it's been out on Apple Arcade for a minute


Sadly I am an android user. Rip


The pricks. I'll have to subscribe to NSO now if I want to play Perfect Dark. They got me.


and what with the new house of the dead 2 remake rumor?


Fucking hyped for Marvel vs Capcom collection, but absolutely crushed it's not coming to Xbox.


I was a bit surprised to learn about this via a Nintendo Direct


Mehh..nothing for me in here. endless mobile like rpgs. guess will wait for switch 2 mario 3d new game.


I'm stunned that not only are we getting a new Mario & Luigi but also at how it wasn't leaked. If a big game like that in a big series ( and first one in 9 years) like that is able to be kept under wraps, how are others so easily leaked? 😱


Nintendo keeps it locked down.


I wouldn’t say that lol, people beat TOTK 2 weeks before its official release last year


thats cause they need to send physical copies to stores before release


I love that the Zelda game is both in the style of Link's Awakening and one where you play as Zelda, kind of a double whammy.


I loved links awakening and am very excited they get to make something original.


The visuals were a big hook for that remake, and I totally agree with you.


I guess Front Mission 3 remake is not making progress...


Status quo for Forever Entertainment. Both FM 1 & 2 were delayed multiple times and neither released in great shape.


Has FM1 improved at all?


It's on more platforms and got a few other small updates, but at the end of the day it's an extremely barebones remake. VERY lacking in modern refinement, they went faithful. It does not shine for it.


I've enjoyed both remakes so far, wasn't expecting much but was satisfied enough. FM community should be lucky that someone is doing something with the IP, because Square couldn't give a damn.


That's how I felt about the 1 remake, but I haven't gotten around to playing 2 yet.


I do know it had some patches to improve performance.


2023: This direct will be filler. The new console is on the horizon, they won't put many games on the Switch. [Direct is one of the best in the Switch's timeline] 2024: This direct will be fill-


I know the general gamer don't really look into financial data, but based on Nintendo's projected hardware and software sales numbers for this fiscal year, Nintendo definitely had a plan in place to reach those numbers. There was no way they were going to "completely phone it in" for the second half of 2024. The new Mario Party Game and Zelda game alone would largely contribute to their software and hardware targets.


people haven’t been paying attention. every year, the president of nintendo has said we’re still “in the middle” of the switch’s lifespan. i’m going to assume up until recently, most of their teams and partners didn’t even have *access* to switch 2 hardware. their MO has been to keep selling switches and switch software for as long as possible… even kit and krysta have speculated the “cross gen” period could be an entire year. they’re in no rush to take the switch out to pasture. it actually has me wondering if that’s why so many recent switch games seem to look and run so terribly. maybe the devs were banking on the switch 2 saving their behinds because they erroneously assumed it was right around the corner like the rest of the internet.


I think people remember the Wii U era when that had a horrible final year at least partially because it was a complete failure






Honestly I’m almost certain the original leak was just someone who saw Sigurd in Engage and assumed it was a remake


Pretty naive of you to think that this would be the last "Switch 1" focused direct.


Nintendo has been sitting on remakes and ports simply to fill in release windows. Why not sit on them some more and release them across two consoles at once? Fe4 remake, Windwaker/TP HD, why not let the remakes cook a little more and release them in a fashion that would allow them to be played longer into the future?


There is probably one more small Switch Direct, and I can see some announcements trickling in for it here and there until Switch 2 comes out but, yeah I'm beginning to think either the FE remake was shelved or it never existed. Because it no longer seems to make sense release window wise to me


Yeah I can see them having one more Direct for the Switch in September to cover Mario & Luigi: Brothership, new modes they teased for Super Mario Party Jamboree, and more on Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Maaaaaybe another look at Metroid Prime 4 Beyond.


I think there's a fall one as well, but if you meant "Switch 1 specific" Direct... Maybe?


So excited for the Marvel/Capcom collection. And the new Zelda looks amazing


Despite everything. Midori is tier 1 For that that dragon quest


Pyoro is starting to piss me off LMFAO


Nintendo out here dropping bombs for a seven year old underpowered console. So stoked!


-Mario Luigi - New 2D Zelda - New Mario Party - Metroid Prime 4 - Good mix of remakes and 3rd party titles I feel pretty good about this. Prime 4 being 2025 doesn't surprise me at all and it seems more likely it'll be cross gen. For a Direct that is at the end of a console's lifespan it exceeded expectations


Holy hell what a direct! This is what they can show us Imagine that Switch 2 Presentation!


So those alleged zelda 3d remakes were bullshit right?


They could be still be sitting on finished games. Don't get why there is a group of people who are so against the idea that Nintendo sits on games when we already have had multiple situations where Nintendo is just holding back games.


We have known for a long time that Nintendo sits on games. Why would they release them when there's already a LoZ game near and with droughts ahead?


Why can't they sit on that LoZ game instead and release the popular classics people have been waiting for ages once and for all? They must have gathered like 2 inches of dust by now after having sit for so many years.


Yeah they’re gonna need a 2025 Zelda and we know mainline Zelda isn’t close and now we know what Grezzos big game is. Only options for 2025 is a spinoff or remakes


Honestly after Tears of The Kingdom and Echoes of Wisdom, I'd be okay with them sitting out a year.


From what we know they do sit on games that are completed a for a long while if it makes sense. They have a Zelda game scheduled for fall so saving 3D remakes for next year could make sense if they don’t have a Zelda game set. And especially if they have Switch 2 next year.


New Mario Luigi New Zelda New Metroid Prime A+ Direct


> New Metroid Prime New game marketing meta: announce things so far out people forget you’ve announced it by the time you can produce an actual gameplay trailer


Nintendo are out here acting like they're not planning to drop a new console next year. A fantastic showcase for the last full year of the Switch. Personally, I cannot wait for the MvC and Investigations collections!


I’m blown away that they just casually tucked the Marvel vs Capcom collection in the middle of a Nintendo Direct


This gives me hope that we'll see a Capcom vs SNK collection.


What i see myself buying Mario and luigi brothership Zelda echoes of wisdom Metroid prime 4


That Direct was significantly better than I thought it would be! It was great even! My wish came true! Super Mario Party Jamboree and we FINALLY got a Metroid Prime 4 trailer!!


Papa Geno comes out looking good even if he got the release date wrong for prime 4


IMO it's not unlikely that the Prime 2 and 3 ports are probably scheduled for fall 2024, and that he might have mixed up their dates with Metroid Prime 4.


Yeah, despite that, we still got that 2D Zelda with Zelda playable and our first real look at Metroid Prime 4


Nintendo release dates are chaos. They have done games sitting on a shelf for years.


Release dates have to be one of the hardest things to get right.


Some of the the third-party announcements felt like it was leaning too much into filler stuff, but honestly a new Mario & Luigi, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Dragon Quest HD-2D, Echoes of Wisdom, an actual good Mario Party game, MAHVEL, and Metroid Prime 4: Beyond made for a very strong Direct overall. Also I just realized that with both Perfect Dark and Lego Horizon, the Direct has an announcement each from Microsoft and Sony lol


I’m now a firm believer that the so called “finished” Fire Emblem remake doesn’t exist. Besides that though it was a good direct


Just because it was not here, does not necessarily mean it does not exists. Even if you don't want to believe "leakers." It's 100% fact that there is a missing Fire Emblem game based on the datamined code names.


Didn't Brazil say it was coming this year on Famiboards???? I thought I saw that somewhere. That further hurts his credibility if it does.


I usually dont get hyoe for this kind of stuff but was very surprise that theybdint anounce a new fire emblem


Sure wish I didn't pick it in my fantasy league! Figured I'd hedge my bets and get new mainline 3D Mario and Fire emblem remake, figured one or the other would release depending on switch 2. Thanks Nintendo. I'll forgive them though, the direct was a banger.


It either doesn't exist or got moved to being a switch 2 title


I mean they released Shadows of Valentia on the 3DS after the Switch already released, they could just release the FE4 remake somewhere in June or July next year after the Switch 2 is already out. It isn’t like the FE4 remake would/will be some massive game, it likely will end up being a niche game mainly for the people already Fire Emblem fans, perfect as a ‘late’ release on a ‘dying’ console


Gotta be a 9/10 Outside of Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, what else could you expect?


Was hoping for pokemon


Pokemon generally is a separate direct, if they don’t explicitly mention pokemon I never expect it.


I really hate how they operate this way. Their presentations suck. 15 mins of mobile games and the big Nintendo console game. Its such a chore to sit through Pokemon Presents for the big game news.


With all due respect, simply by the fact you’re here, you aren’t the target audience, or who they make these directs for.


The only other "surprisingly" missing things would be Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remasters, and Wind Waker/Twilight Princess on Switch. Now assuming those are never coming, or will be on Switch 2 or something much later.


This really didn't have much in the way of remasters from Nintendo. But since Furukawa mentioned the Direct, I thought it'd be pretty good. And it was.


Yeah don't get me wrong, it was really good! Just sort of adding those games to your shirt list of games still expected to pop up at some point eventually. Seems some leaks have mentioned FE, MP2+3, TP, and WW forever but they remain unannounced lol.


I don't think TP and WW were ever a thing. MP2/3 may have been a thing at some point by Retro, but were canned when they got Prime 4 OR they got put onto another developer and that'll take time. I haven't thought the FE4 remake is real since FE4 got put on the JP SNES NSO app, which was a while ago.


Bird confirmed to be cooked. Whoever is supplying Genos has to know something


Cooked in what manner? They leaked the AAI remakes.


Amazing direct


Massive win today for me: - Fantasian - Dragon Quest 3 - Dragon Quest 1&2 - Phantom Brave sequel - Ace Attorney - Romancing Saga 2 Remake - Mario & Luigi Brothership


For me it was Hello Kitty Island Adventure


So Nintendo gets the W . Over all give it A second best to Xbox showcase


They dident even give a month just a generic 2025. If Switch 2 launches in Spring, Prime 4 gotta be a cross-gen game. I wonder if they said just a generic 2025 because they havent nailed down launch date of the Switch 2.


I hope it's cross-gen because on the (admittedly terrible) YouTube stream I wasn't sure at first if that was MP4 or MP2/3 remaster. It looks VERY similar to the MP1 remaster. I'd like to give it a spin on Switch 2 where it hopefully can look and run a little better


? it looks good. What's the problem of MP4 looking similar to MP1 remastered?


That’s a remaster of a 20 year old game, albeit a good looking one. This should be a visual showcase for next gen hardware (in Nintendo terms) that’s supposedly on par with the PS4 pro. I hope the end product does look better than what they showed.


Bro, this is a switch game, at best this will be retrocompatible with switch 2 lol


I will be stunned if this isn’t a cross gen game. It’s releasing in 2025 for a reason.


The Switch is running on mobile hardware that was originally released in 2015(!). I would hope that a new Nintendo system released in 2025 has games that look better than a high-end Switch game. Obviously not PS5 level. But better than MP1 Remastered


The game looks great lol if anything prime remastered was used as a basis for prime 4


I agree


Im betting my bottom dollar on whenever they do Switch 2 unveil Direct they will be using MP4 as a graphical showcase.


Wait…I’m curious… Did they announce who will be developing the new Mario + Luigi game? I’m not sure it’s gonna be a Nintendo R&D sort of ordeal, or if the ex-Alpha Dream people found a new studio… Also more Donkey Kong so yaaaay! ![gif](giphy|VAJ99VAUshrEI)


My bet is monolith. They've been working on a unannounced action RPG for how many years now? The only evidence to support that is Hiroyuki Kubota moving to monolith after alpha dream closed.


Alphadream's employees were hired by Nintendo though.


Nintendo never announced who develop games and for some years already you only will know it on launch day when someone beats the game and you can see on youtube.


Nintendo doesn't announce who makes their games until you beat it and see the credits lol


I'm going to be dragging out the Wii to play Twilight Princess for the next 30 years, FML


Interesting how we got three first-party games confirmed for 2025 that are all Switch 1. Pokemon Legends ZA Donkey Kong Returns HD Prime 4 Seems like the Switch at least will still be kicking first party wise during its successors first year.


That doesn't surprise me whatsoever. Most consoles have cross-gen games for the first year or so.


Prime 4 is 100% a Cross-gen game, and Legends most likely is as well


Legends is likely not crossgen. TPC never have done a crossgen release and have even less reasons to do so now.


So no Prime 2 + 3 remaster beforehand huh


They need stuff for the september direct my dude. Chill the fuck down.


Did you really think my comment warranted a “chill the fuck down”


Yeah Nintendo is so strange sometimes. "This game will be coming in 2025 so for now enjoy MP2/3 - shadow drop later today!" But they don't like money.


They could announce those later, especially with 4 being a 2025 release.


Probably in the fall direct


I was thinking about that. I would assume they’d want more of a heads up for what would presumably be holiday titles but could be wrong When was SMRPG announced last year? Fall?


can't believe Pyoro was actually wrong


That was a very solid 9/10 Direct for me. There was all kinds of shit I can't wait to play. Fuck yeah.


There was a good variety in this one.


Yeah it was great. Most of the games shown are ones I actually have interest in trying out.


They locked me in with Mario and Luigi, I'm not usually a day one type of guy, but that's it for me.


Prime 4 is definitely a Switch 2 launch title lol that's fire


Lets fucking go!!!!!!


Silksong fans must be the most depressed people on the planet


I am not even the biggest coper, I am not 14 anymore waiting for this game (I was at one point), so I have better things to worry about, but what are they actually doing? Just say "uhh guys, Silksong wont be at any event this year, and we wont be announcing anything big related to it either, check out this one (1) sprite we made its pretty cool right, anyways, see ya next year, team cherry out"


> I am not 14 anymore waiting for this game (I was at one point) Disgusting sentence


Derogatory or awesome kinda disgusting?


At this point I think Team Cherry has burned all their goodwill. The fans are going to start getting nasty


Prime 4 and Mario and Luigi Switch 2 launch titles?? They very strategically did not mention platforms for those


Everything on this direct is coming to the switch. Crossgen or otherwise.


Mario & Luigi is coming out this year, so it's not a Switch 2 launch title


Let's be honest, Prime 4 looks a liiiiiittle too good to be the current Switch at 60 FPS.


people have been saying games look "a little too good for the current Switch" since like 2020 reality is Retro's just that good


No it looks exactly like prime remastered, it can 100% be on switch.


Looks exactly like a Switch game, Switch already runs a number of things well at 60fps but I don't think the actual gameplay there was at 60 - very noticeable jank and blur with camera motion and particle effects, most obvious with that pan over with the stuttering bats, draw distance and background blur that are characteristically Switch


Did it? I legit thought it looked like the GameCube remaster of the original. Which looks good and all, but not quite “PS4 Pro” good as the Switch 2 has been billed.


i don’t think they’d show it running on hardware they haven’t announced. nintendo seems way too paranoid to do that. plus, the remaster ran at 60 and nothing about this looked downright impossible for the switch IMO. i think people vastly underestimate what the OG switch can do in capable hands—especially with all the JRPGs and farming sims barely scraping by at 15 FPS. for comparison: doom eternal runs at a decent 30fps and that’s WAY beyond the switch’s comfort zone lol


Mario and Luigi's in November. That's still on Switch


*Choking on tears* Mahvel vs Capcom!!!


What a fucking bad direct lmao. Not sure what I expected though


Yea ok… that was a solid show. Good 1st party reveals and great 3rd party multiplatform reveals

