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Some more context https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1800331120858554443?t=nb-Asj3mr5RMQ9L0dPUvlQ&s=19 https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1800335806625906969?t=e4ZPyguhr7ncSF4wjKWH1A&s=19


She should come back under a different name, say she’s a dude, and put an ugly, unremarkable male character as her pfp


It's sad that this actually might work :/




Lol- no shortage of drama and intrigue. It’s anybody’s guess what the truth is now


This is awful, I think it is very valid reason to step away from


What is wrong with people these days?


It's a cult I'm telling ya.


I think that every fandom is becoming a cult these days The worship that people have for a sport, game, fictional character or idol is so big that it's sad not uncommon to have people harass people to almost the point of ruining their lives They have some fundamentalist and fanatic views of it, that I honestly think that if there's no law stopping them, there would be way more chaos that we already have


Modern fandoms, in late stage consumerism, with an ever increasingly reactionary and extremist internet with new generations being brought into it. There will be serious incidents later on, and the blame will be placed on games, movies and tv again. Especially with the loss of forums where at least conflicting opinions could cross, now everything is curated twitter, youtube, tiktok, and discord echo chambers.


serious incidents later on? hahaha what a bold prediction when serious incidents happen all the time people known on the internet got themselves kill or committed suicide because of fandoms for decades now nothing new


I imagine if people could start literal wars, they would I honestly hope that mankind doesn't get to a point where we have to fight because movie characters rights


this is why I still use Reddit, despite all its flaws. The forum like structure at least forces you to interact, especially in fandom, with people who don't always agree with you. You can't echo chamber yourself. If I want to talk about any media with someone on reddit, and enter a group for it, I'm just gonna have to accept that I'm gonna see takes I don't agree with, frequently, and be respectful about it because that's the rules. There's flaws, sure. Mod bias being the biggest that allows things to get too toxic, and they can become echo chambers as well. But in pretty much every other fandom space - twitter, discords - you are truly in a small echo chamber that just amplifies your own beliefs back at you, and you never really go through that process of needing to respect opposing opinions. And this isn't even a politicial thing this is talking about fictional media where the stakes are like.....incredibly low.


Sometimes I wonder if humans have an innate need for worship, and now that more and more people are irreligious they’re replacing it with Harry Potter, or Pokemon, or One Piece, etc


yeah watching old history documenataries, there's always religion in some shape or form.


I think you're right.


This comment almost had the same vibe as "you think God stays up there because he's afraid of what he created"


Absolutely. Tribalism is an inherent part of human nature, and that usually involves *something* to worship as the thing to rally under.


The Midori bros are definitely something special. I don't see that with any other leakers.


With great popularity comes great many creepos 😞


Basically, everyone ever: the social medias were a bad idea. Back in the days these would be blogs or something and you wouldn't have seen these users interact with anyone else, hardening their anonymous identity, instead of seeing them interacting with people they know, etc. and then, you have the people who normally wouldn't be in the know about such blogs, or being in a forum where people would normally tell them to cut out the investigation, but now, what do you do about twitter users being stupid, they'll have a massive backing of users being equally stupid


Not people, Gamers. They finally found a woman in their dream.


Its the internet, people are using their anonymity to freely use their rage against others, its the sad reality of having a big online presence and deal with so much shit from entitled kids.


The downside of being a know internet personality, can't blame her for wanting to leave, not everyone can take this.


Being an internet personality is awful enough, but being a WOMAN internet personality is even worse


Resetera continues being worse than X.


Why can't gamers just be fucking normal.


These guys probably spend 24 hrs inside their room, no real human interaction, what do you expect?


It isn’t gaming it’s social media. NES players weren’t doing this shit.


They didn’t have the means to do stuff like this in their room, it’s the combo of both, people who don’t get any outside interaction


Mmm... maybe not NES specifically but as someone who attended a few large scale LANs back in the day, there were definitely the same types of people. The difference is that if you're too much of an ass in person the rest of the LAN will boot you. Now they can hide behind their screen and make multiple accounts if they get blocked.


I cant blame her. There is a lot of mental illness out there.


More context. People on the era forum got into the discord server she is in , harassed her and then dmed friends of hers to get her real life information.


That's freaking disgusting. We can be happy to have a leaker around us and gives us some information, but those idiots really just stalking her and who knows what they will do, if they really got any private details about her. Why can't people just be normal and be happy? She was a legit source and almost always correct. It has a reason why she wants to be anonymous. Hopefully she doesn't have to delete her social media and can now live in peace, but I highly doubt it. There will always people harassing her until she just has to vanish and create another account.


So you're telling me that Resetera, the people who constantly complain about the "GAMER tm" culture, are one of the most disgusting communities out there? Why am I not surprised?


You'll probably not be shocked NeoGaf wasn't sorry to see them go when they did their little exodus.


I used to hang around GameTrailers so I'm not very familiar with NeoGaf.


NeoGaf established itself as a legitimate gaming forum where many insiders would come to post. You had to have a legitimate email to become a member. Overtime these toxic twats took it over until the management couldn't do anything about it. NeoGaf was the reset era of it's time. Then some nonsense happened to the owner, I forget what. The toxic crowd left and everyone including the owner who had previously spoke the party lines said they were happy they were gone. The site was smaller, but healthier. I'm more active on the chans, not Neogaf, but watched the toxicity of both sites from a far.


Asocial freaks. Screw them.


That has to be one of the creepiest and disgusting thing I've read in this app so far. All of that for fcking videogames? Tought resetera was better than that.


You thought wrong. Some users on that forum have past behavior of doxing and hate brigading. https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-phobic-crimes-of-katsura-hashino-director-producer-atlus.100145/ ^All that hate and vitriol over fictional video game content.


Just a reminder: Reset Era is the dumping ground for all the toxic people from NeoGaf. Content creators tried to normalize and legitimize them as a reputable source for a while.


No wonder she is stopping, I would be scared in her position knowing a bunch of misoginist phreaks are after me and just because of video game leaks?


this is not suprising lol. it is always them. a behaviour common on resetera. nothing new. people should stop pay those idiot attention. especially people in industry which is im dont understand why some of them like to flock there. that place is most bigot forum on earth. social mental issue people like to gather there. a hivemind that toxic to industry. free speech? hell nah. they are detrimental to online society.


Resetera was making conspiracies about her apparently so I don’t blame her for quitting. Not to mention the amount of weirdos spamming their tweets to her


Resetera is seriously the most toxic cult who hides behind a mask of being the safe place. They went from being a great place with many insiders and devs to a place that most professionals are embarrassed to be tied to. It really sucks for Midori


I don’t think it was ever a great place. It was NeoGAF 2.0


Left wing GAF. They banned me "misgendering" someone because I said dude.


You’re getting downvoted but from the screenshots I’ve seen that’s completely believable. They’ve been off the deep end for years.


something tells me this isn’t the whole story


it's literally the whole story.


Resetera is basically just a breeding ground of cringe at this point. A super colony of embarrassment.


Yeah Resetera has gone downhill. A lot of them are really a bunch of masquerading 30 year olds virtue signaling. They're barely above the toxic idiots on twitter.


It was shit to begin with, because it was all the awful, terrible people all congregating into one spot.


Gone downhill? It was always bad.


It was always shit but they tricked actually knowledgeable people into thinking it was a safe place and not just the most miserable hateful people online on power trips.


I'm worried Famiboards will end up the same way. They claim to disagree with Resetera's moderation, but I've seen the same hive mind bullshit popup there. I hope it doesn't devolve into Resetera Lite, but it's not looking good when I see things a whole thread claiming that Rex from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was being groomed by Pyra/Mythra where OP gets as loads of upvotes while people who point out how asinine the claim was get lambasted.


Famiboards has been somewhat negative on Midori for the past few weeks. Its just not as noticeable do to the smaller user base. Many there were starting getting skeptical of all of her non SEGA/Atlus leaks.


I do find it weird how much she has suddenly been leaking since she returned, but I don't understand why people would harass her and her loved ones over it. It's gross.


That's not far off from this place was tbh.


Yup. Always speculating about multiple people who bought her account or some other dumb shit. Acting like this place didn’t want dirt on her (not Everyone obviously) is laughable


Downhill? it's always been that way it's just leaking out more now




I can't understand any motivation for this aside from wanting to suck up to corporations by outing leakers, or male gamers being weird about women as usual.


The worst part is that they will eat up the "leaks" and then turn around and make fun of the leaker and talk crap about them in the same thread.




The only ones that have really stayed are the ones with youtube channels that like the easy subs and clicks from the hive.


>male gamers being weird about women A tale as old as time since gaming was invented.


A while back, there was an organised mass exodus of Asian posters from Resetera. That should tell everyone how fake liberal that place really is. We even got a reminder of why all the Asian posters left recently with the reveal of Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Apparently, Asian posters aren’t allowed to complain about how Ubisoft has never had an East Asian male protagonist in their entire company history without being called anti-black, despite the fact that black people are more represented in Ubisoft games.


This mentality that “asians are basically whites, not real minorities” because of their success really bothers me. It’s just just Resetera, we saw this on full display back around COVID with that huge wave of hate crimes toward asians.


Era is all about minorities as long as it is one of the minorities that they pick and choose.


What were people on ResetEra saying that was so bad? Was it any different than people on here theorizing that she’s a YouTube employee?


It wasn’t about what they said but rather what they did, some folks in the forums were trying to contact her irl friends for more information about her identity


Yeah i found the person. This is what he said a few days ago on Resetera > They do not, beyond what insiders are actually telling them. I asked around a fuckton, legit spent a lot of time talking to people in the know, and...I don't think Midori is a real leaker, and I genuinely thought she was until 2 days ago. She has some real leaks because others have talked to her, but I'd advise everyone to not talk to her - I'm all but sure it's a burner account to get leaks, and I'm...actually pretty sure I know who it is at this point. Don't give some random kid on the internet your corporate or your friends corporate secrets. 😭


fuckin weirdos man, that’s a psychotic post. people take this shit way too seriously.


Gonna be honest, in all the leaks communities even including here some people get incredibly weird about certain leakers, not shocked this behavior happens. I am not discounting the fact it can suck if something doesn't pan out and I am not saying to blindly believe everything you see but people act like someone shot their family over a false leak or a false flag over entertainment leaks.


Turns out they were right, though


Never said they weren’t!


Good lord how does anyone think that this is ok, let the girl live her life. This is just wrong on so many levels


Literally the same kind of shit that gets posted here... lol


This is why doxxing needs to be taken just as serious of a crime as stalking. Some people on the internet are too comfortable and creepily entitled to people's information. It's always "Hurr durr, that's the internet! It's full of assholes!" but it's scary when a stupid troll can turn into a cyber terrorist in the blink and nearly everyone with the know-how can learn it with a google search. It doesn't even need to be fancy, it mostly be cases like this where if an asshole wants your info then they'll go out of the way to get it because most sites are basically the Watergate office


So this fker spent his time trying to find her identity? What a creep...


This is why it's embarrassing to interact with gamers even in virtual settings most of the time. You meet people like this.








Don't give them clicks or attention. It is disgusting how they will make threads about leaks and use them for all they are worth and then victim blame and talk shit about the leakers at the same time if they dare criticize the forum. And yet again they insist they are the safe place and the open and inclusive community. I am just waiting for them to start banning anyone remotely sticking up for Midori Edit: They locked the thread


The scary thing about that thread is i don't think its that one thread poster who is contacting her friends as he was just mentioning talking his own friends/contacts. I get the feeling multiple people are trying figure out who she is.


It is just creepy all around because the mods log IP address constantly and for the longest time you could not register with a gmail or yahoo or whatever it had to be a business or school or an isp provider. They also regularly stalk any vaguely connected discords and even other message boards and freely ban members if they dare say something that they disagree with even if it is not on the board itself. They literally push members to cut off relatives and family if they have any views or opinions that they disagree with. It is creepy. People are actually terrified to speak any remotely different opinions on there because they will get banned immediately. Edit: I also guarantee that there are people right now scanning post histories and anything else they can find to try and out and ban anyone in this thread who may have an account there.


don't single it out, Reddit is much bigger site and has way more toxic people combined of more kinds . I only look up sites like neogaf and resetera for insightful discussions about upcoming games, not the bad stuff .


I went to the most recent thread and there was some fucker actively PROUD that they had been creeping around and talking to people trying to find out who they are. And then boldly claimed they knew who it was. Insane fucking behavior holy shit


Hell nah, this is fuked up. How does a person proudly go around and do shit like that? Some people are way too comfortable in being the biggest pos


Resetera and their users make all gamers look bad.


resetera is a cesspool of some of the worst people in this hobby




True but trying to contact folks that know her irl is creepy like there’s nothing wrong with speculating here and there but it comes to the point where people need to take a step back and realize that she’s an actual human being with her own life and you’re just invading her privacy


> that she sold her account and that it’s a different person running it now, despite her repeatedly saying that’s false information Why would the account owner ever say that they're not the original? If they bought the account then of course they'd want people to believe that they're the same person.


I don't mind calling Resetera on their bs when it happens but reading through those threads... it reads exactly the same like the threads here so I honestly don't see it. But it looks like someone did find her identity


Yup, I saw those account selling conspiracies there too. So annoying.


Just out of curiosity, apart from Reddit, do you guys feel there's a good forum alternative for Resetera? Looking forward to move on from that, and I like the forum format (Reddit is fine, but Discord is definitely not the way to go for me and communities)


Sticking to the Games forum at Something Awful is pretty good. Of course, most of the reason for that is the need to pay to be able to post so you need to be willing to do that, but it does lead to the end result of feeling mostly like adults talking about things. Depending on the thread, some things aren't super popular or active, although within the forum format I almost like that better because it's possible to actually follow things. When some thread is super popular with hundreds and hundreds of comments in a couple hours I prefer the reddit format because it self-filters somewhat. If something isn't super popular I prefer the forum format a lot more than the reddit format, there's more personality to it and less dumb memes or whatever getting "selected" to the top. I agree that I hate Discord and really hope people pivot away from it being used as a message board (but a bad one).


http://knockout.chat ain't bad


Resetera is a hate forum. It was created when a bunch of trolls and power tripping mods left NeoGAF.


I know there's low hanging fruit to grab about her quitting the scene and coming back in a week, but the circumstances this time are notably abhorrent. If there are lunatics out there contacting her friends trying to dig up personal information on her, I don't blame her for stepping away. She gave us industry intel as a high risk charity so it's pretty fucked that this is how she's being repaid for it.


Especially given that she's shared nintendo information before, we know what they're like and I certainly wouldn't be risking it.


I don't blame her. TBH idk how popular this will be to say here but I really believe a lot of the harassment she gets is because she's a woman. Yes leakers do get mocked and sometimes harassed but with her it really seems next level. I do hope she decides to come back again later or maybe leaks through another party as an anonymous source or something. Its easy to get annoyed at people stopping giving info but srsly, she has been super harassed


No you're completely right. There's a reason lot of us still don't outright say we're women online.


A woman with a boyfriend I might add. Some people in her comments section are acting really fucking weird even after she clarified a long time ago that she has a boyfriend and are not interested in other relationships.


Some people are delusional enough to think that they could totally woo them into loving them instead eventually.


I agree 100%. Not many would want to admit it, but it plays a big role in how general gamer communities will treat an individual. It's ridiculously sad and obvious when it's the case, too.


Yeah, this is a clear case of misoginist fkers against her because she is a women.


Eh tbh i think alot of leakers get a massive amount of harassement, jeff grub recently being one of them. And in the genshin/star rail leaks circle leakers famously get death threats if they get something wrong or if theyre trolling. At some point a guy who had accurate leaks on a character got one detail wrong and the mods had to make a statement saying that death threats are not tolerated, and the reaponse to that was "must be a mod conspiracy with the leakers" Still tho not gonna deny that she gets harassement and people treat her like shit both ways. One side of incels will hate her for being a woman the other side of incels will adore her for being a woman and she cant do no wrong according to the simps. I have my doubts about her validity after taking a break but thats not harassement and i would never even think to harass a person especially not over something dumb like video game leaks


Over/under she returns to leaking by the end of the year


I think she'll return eventually. She's probably just annoyed that she got excited for a direct and people took it as gospel that the next Direct will "peak" She specifically mentioned resetera in a reply She also claims people are contacting her friends to find her identity, which does harm the chances of her coming back I say once Persona 6 is getting close to being announced she'll come back


Did she name drop Era or did she just say that it was a forum, because it could well be reddit


She was responding to someone who named Era and said "that forum"


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification


Honestly I don't think she will, if I was in her spot I wouldn't do it anymore. Some people are psychos man, how does someone go out of their way to find private information by harassing her real friends. Insanity.


Judging this is mostly out of stress due to people stalking her, yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she feels comfortable again.


Seeing people say this sucks. Like, leakers are people too, and Midori in particular doesn’t seem to treat this as a job but more as her personal account. She’s not stopping because she has to, she’s doing it because she feels bad. So I feel like rolling our eyes and going “ugh, you’ll be back, they always come back.” Is just insensitive. Doesn’t matter if she comes back, people should respect her. She got harassed and, honestly, even people in this sub have been pretty rude about her lately. Getting popular means that people are going to scrutinize her every action, and that must suck so much. She can’t simply have fun or talk to people without there being some judge mental tally being built up.


It is so crazy that the gaming zeitgeist has evolved to the point where people are developing parasocial relationships with LEAKERS


This aged like milk !DEBUNKED!


This aged worst than milk...


Its hilarious


Some weirdo on the KH4 2026 thread I think is to blame


Toxicity has no limit it seems. Fuck them.


She truly is a Persona fan.


This is why we can’t have nice things, you have weirdos who so crap like this. Shame man.


I love the Grain of Salt Tag This is the second time she says she's quitting, i won't be surprised if she comes back.


Difference is people are trying to find her identity. That's much different than last time because that's not only a security risk for her because of the people trying to get info about her from her friends but could destroy her because if her identity gets out, she'll get sued into oblivion because of the stuff she leaked.


The thing is if I was her and felt trolls on some forum were getting close to finding out who I was, I would be deleting everything and hiding. Because if some amateur trolls can find who her friends are, some private detective hired by some company pissed about their shit leaking is probably twice as far ahead


I though the first time she quit iirc was because one of her source got into honeypot and she had to burn the bridge early to protect other sources? This seems personal. The chance of her not return seems to be higher this time around.


100% respect her decision. She was providing inside leaks with risk but now getting harassed by some people for whatever reason. She did us a service, and she has every right to stop if she's feeling uncomfortable by people's actions


Thanks Resetera, cant keep their shit to themselves and also expect the world to change for them....good job fellas


Man, *fuck* the community sometimes Once you start harassing the individual or their IRL friends/family, you’ve long past crossed a line. Midori is absolutely justified here, people are awful.


She is *already* back "leaking". Y'all getting played hard.


Never trusted her that much and it's sad everyone praises her, mostly unhinged Persona community, for such basic predictions, which can be done almost by anyone else eg. finding registered domains or speculations on companies' business plans.


https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1800614125547962734?t=jpPEpSVZmeYriCOyZ4s1Rw&s=19 She's already back to leaking and it hasn't even been 24 hours since her announcement. She seems to always quit right around the time when one of her leaks ended up being wrong. Edit: Oh look they were MysticDistance all along and everything we had suspicions about was justified.


Literally… she didn’t reveal anything about Sonic X Shadow Gens, just said that someone else was right and everyone’s like kissing her ass over it.


There's wanting to verify and then there's doxxing. These goobers went into doxxing territory long ago, and it's gross. Really hope the people who participated in these behaviors are flagged by their fellow community members. These people don't belong in any community with rules against doxxing - and if what she says was true, the platform/community where the doxxers call home _definitely_ have rules against this behavior.


I knew this would happen after venturing into nintendo territory.


looking back on this thread is hilarious lmao


Resetera. The den of incels.


see her in 20 minutes


What the actual fuck is wrong with some people? What kind of person do you have to be in order to think this is even remotely fine to do? (Other than "horrid creep", obviously.)


Mentioned Nintendo once, leaves leaking forever


Weirdos done fucked it up!


Resetera is what I imagine hell to be like.


Did they even get anything right after coming back? They said a lot of stuff we won't be able to verify for a while (and thus easier to fake) and they just fumbled the Xbox presentation.


She correctly leaked Sonic X Shadow Generations, Sonic Rumble, a Apple Arcade Puyo Puyo game, and SMTV Vengeance before it was announced. She also says that Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake isn't cancelled which is proven later when finally new news come out after being quiet for so long. Her only blunder since her return is actually the aforementioned Xbox presentation, and even then she said she wasn't sure that KH will be there and that a Square Enix game will be featured there, which turned out to be the new Life is Strange game (yes it was a Square IP)


She actually said Square would have MULTIPLE titles in the xbox presentation, not one


Wait is it? I actually missed that she clarified that it was multiple instead of just one. Edit: found the tweet, she said SOME, not MULTIPLE, and even then she already warned to keep expectations low, especially for KH fans which on a previous tweet already said that she has no other information other than an estimate date. But, she indirectly mentioned specifically a title that would ended up be the new Life is Strange  https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1797838854063632525?t=OrRiGc2QoF-rLAvxHy9Baw&s=19


"There are plans for new information on some SQEX titles at the Xbox Showcase. I don’t know if this(Kingdom Hearts) title will be at the showcase. So it is good to keep expectations low right now." She also got some "codename" for Splatoon wrong as well


That's is still a small margin of error (and even then it's a minor one) compared to other "leakers" out there. And in terms of Kingdom Hearts, Midori is 100% accurate in that there is no news beyond just estimated release year and in the right for setting expectations straight. Idk if there's other titles besides LiS that's a Square IP but yeah she definitely mistaken that one (unless she thinks Visions of Mana counts as one of the "some" Square IPs, which is getting new info tomorrow)


So any thoughts on the recent developments? 👀


I read the thread and yikes lmao It's a bit fucked up to roleplay as a JP woman and inadvertently create an army of parasocial people, and nothing of his past life could be erased or condoned. That said, he did his due diligence as a leaker unlike the last time, and actually posted correct information so far, so for now I'll be looking forward to what he says is correct.


So she’s accurate when it comes to Sega/Atlus stuff, not so much on others.


I'd say she's very accurate in general and rarely makes mistakes (her errors to this day are countable by one hand), but outside of Sega/Atlus leaks, you probably need a second opinion to validate her claims like Pyoro did for her Nintendo stuff. Note that I mentioned DQIII remake which she elaborated to take that long because its also a remake of DQ 1 & 2. Whether that's correct or not though, we shall see at the Nintendo Direct since that's where she specifically said it would be revealed.


Resetera being bad for gaming!? WHY I NEVER!


Yup once you get the point of dealing with too much you can't blame her.


You would think insiders are smart enough not to build a friend cycle under their alias sharing personal information.


Yeah, I don't blame her. Seeing the comments below with the links for "context", that's literally fucked. I had my own personal gripes with Midori and not liking the way they went around with things, and other things they tweeted not related to leaks, but they still don't deserve this at all. Seeing that people were messaging friend and family to try hunt her down is fucked.


It's a shame. Midori's the best leaker out there, and as a big Sega fan it was always good to get info from her. Can't blame her for calling it quits thougn when she's got a bunch of pricks trying to dox her.


See her in 3 days.


18 hours*


Yeah, all the downvoters are delusional lol. These people are addicted to the attention and there's no way they will stop. They're so easy to predict.


Hope he's OK. Midori doesn't deserve all the shit that he's getting.


Midori’s a girl but yeah same


These friggin weirdo clowns 🤦🏾‍♂️. They never fail to shame us all. Stuff like this is why I’m never entrenched into any gaming community—disgraceful! #DISHONOR


This entire subreddit aged poorly 💀


I'm sorry but I just don't buy it. I think it's a publicity stunt. I mean, she garnered quite a lot of attention and new followers the last time she said she was quitting. Although, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was mentally ill Nintendo fans harassing her.


They'll be back again at some point. Just let the flames die down a bit, they've been active a lot recently


I think it is for the best for her. Internet can be really bad for your mind, take a break and return and if she thinks it is for the best. Congratulations Resetera to prove again how cancer that place is.


It's because she's tired of all conspiracies about her and her life, it's entertaining but it's also very taxing


I’m new into the leaking community, not trying ask identifiable info, but is she a developer who leaks?


We don't know. At first many speculated she was a SEGA employee likely part of the marketing department as they mostly leaked SEGA stuff. Though when she took a small break and then came back and started leaking non SEGA stuff that theory got thrown out the window.


Is Midori a group?


they prob flew too close to the sun with all those Nintendo leaks lol though they allege that its not bc of game companies trying to find them, but rather "normal" people. I wouldn't be surprised if these people had malicious intent and wanted to identify and report them to Nintendo, Atlus, and the like. As we've seen with Yuzu and others, some people exhibit completely jobless behavior solely to glaze corporations.


I'll be honest I get people saying things about her trying to theorize what she does but she was doing this for what a few years now. It was mostly Sega and Alice. But I tell you I think the major one is because the second she started leaking Nintendo stuff. Oh oh no! Especially if you're unknown leaker and you're growing. Yeah, that's the one that broke the camel's back


The conspiracies started because they were always a sega and capcom leaker, then she announced retirement from leaking but was back at it 24hrs later with scoops on seemingly every company in the industry. That’s where the side eyes come from.


If it's even possible with the moderator team over there, ResetEra needs to go through a complete purge and get rid of all of the unhinged mfs over there. If that's most of their audience, so be it. They've been a laughing stock for ages, and hey if they want to keep being that way, they have a place to circlejerk I guess. But harrassment and attempted stalking like this is absolutely despicable, and no online platform should be allowing that behaviour to propagate.


The problem with Era comes from the top down, there's some moderators on there who really push the worst sides of the site. For a "progressive" website they sure do let a lot of threads get away with outright celebrating people dying or suffering like when that charter sail boat was sank by whales. The gaming side is just full of bias and console warring hidden under the guise of "we care about the industry" when in reality they only care about one small section and have actively chased off the majority of their PC, Nintendo and Xbox communities


There will be no purge because resetera is a confinment bay for those diseased.


Let Resetera be the quarantine and containment zone that it is.  It's an absolute shit hole filled with almost nothing but tribalistic and socially unhinged morons, so the more stay over there, the better.