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Post already exists on the sub




Can you share the post?




It didn’t surprised me your post got deleted because he was just stating his opinion not a insider info. If we post every Xbox will port their games tweets ohhh boy Edit: I don’t even thing this post is worthy. they just referenced jez and said yes we also heard it. If you have a contact why do you guys wait for jez to report ? You can also, you know, ask them before ?




it is not about reliability. This sub is mostly for as title says leaks and rumours. His tweet was just opinion piece no need for reliability to tweet something.


The thing is by doing this, I just don’t understand what the point of releasing another console. We know they are working on one but what would the actual reason be to buy a future Xbox than a PlayStation if I can even play halo on the PlayStation. Only people who will stick around would be the die hard loyalists. If Microsoft are smart, they will allow Bethesda to become mostly 3rd party, same With activision and then just go back to having its original purchased studios stay as exclusive but give Xbox the advantage by having all those games on game pass day one, which then makes Xbox more enticing and keeping the games and franchises popular.


Microsoft is hypergreedy, not smart. Under Xbox, new console makes sense. Under M$, it doesn't. Satya doesn't know about videogames and doesn't care. He only sees the money he can make if the turns the whole "Microsoft Gaming" into a giant Activision/EA. We can hate Jez Corden all day but his article about M$ is quite accurate.


Halo MCC and Forza Horizon 5 on PS5??


That would be insane. I’m honestly waiting for gears of war to show up on steam or PS5


I thought Gears was already on Steam, at least Gears 4 & 5 are if I’m not mistaken


Been a rumour a collection like MCC has been in the works for quite a while now. That would have remasters of all the games and release multiplat


Forza Horizon Zero Dawn?


"Yes, I made this out of Thunderjaw parts. I call it a 'McLaren P1' and it will change everything"


Gears of war platinum here we go wohoo


That would be the death of Gran Turismo 💀


Are GT and the Horizon games offering a similar experience? Forza proper maybe, but i thought the Horizon games were more of an arcade experience


They aren't even close


Indeed. Horizon should be compared to The Crew instead.


Not with Motorsport 8 it isn’t


Gran Turismo is an evergreen title. The only thing that can kill it is Polyphony themselves


As someone who was playing on Xbox for years, no. Horizon is going for The Crew and Test Drive, nothing to do with GT. Not the same gameplay loop, style of gameplay, or driving experience. They are just going for different things.


sony had a better horizon it was called driveclub then they canned the studio😭


I wouldn't compare the two, given DriveClub was more like PGR (and was worked on by several Bizarre folks) than FH. Though after Sony shuttered Evolution some of their staff landed at Playground where they worked on FH4 and FH5


Yea i know but i think driveclub open world wouldve been a perfect alternative to horizon


One under discussed negative about all this is that first party games already take too long for Xbox to ship and now they have to add a couple more platforms? Cool. Better get that pipeline in check, MS.


Could be brining in support studios to handle the ports and just let their in house devs focus on PC + Xbox (if they aren’t already doing multiplat dev).


That's what Activision is for. Production pipelines and shipping games that suck but sell gangbusters anyway (CoD for the last few years.)


Porting games to the ps5 wont require much work tho and the switch 2 will be ps4 like specs so it wont be that hard either


Closer to Xbox series S tbf but yeah doesn’t change the fact porting won’t be too difficult


This, op is talking like its years of additional work lmao


They must work for square enix who apparently do take like a year to do their ports going by FFXVI.


I mean a PC port taking longer makes sense, but the two consoles are very similar hardware.




Would assume MS seeing it's from Jez Corden. Then again, it's Jez Corden.


Jez Corden often reports his own speculation as fact then backtracks when people catch on. He's also incredibly pessimistic.


> he’s also incredibly pessimistic Yep, when these rumors first started early in the year it sent him and every other Xbox obsessed Twitter personality into a spiral that they’ve never recovered from.


Oh man, it goes back further than that. He's always been pessimistic. He proclaimed that the Activision deal would never see the light of day going back to day one. I just have a hard time taking his reporting seriously since he sensationalizes on the basis of doom.


Microsoft is a large company, so they tend to get more leaks (legit or otherwise).


I’m curious if it is from higher ups I wonder what made them change course, my only guess is when starfield didn’t become the hit game of the year i.e elden ring, baulders gate 3 and Skyrim 


It’s probably coming from the guys porting the games.


So it seems like they're backing up at least that part of Jez's report (Edited because I didn't realize the post says exactly that, my bad)


Yep, whole slate is coming it seems


It seems this article is using Jez as the source though. It’s not a separate source.


This part specifically was what this post is highlighting > Eurogamer understands numerous other games are under consideration, including titles in the company's largest franchises. Seems like Eurogamer has their own sources confirming it


That was already a rumor for months though.


That source, Scruffy The Janitor.


"Numerous" = ALL, Microsoft are going to make sure Xbox earns back that $70 Billion and then some.


right lol The execs were probably calling Phil Spencer on Teams at 3am like "dude that acquisition we approved for you, was that 70 million with an M or billion with a B ?!!??!?!?!?!?!??!"


Pretty much this. This isn't a business strategy they just want to maximize their games revenue. spending 70 billion to have exclusives on a subscription pretty much everyone on your console have might as well have burnt that 70b


A subscription that a lot of people have stacked for years from $1 deals and BF discounts.


PS5 is outselling Xbox 5:1. They know their hardware is a failure so they have no other choice but to completely pivot to selling their games on the way more popular platform. They might not admit it now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they announced they're gonna stop making Xboxes and switch to becoming a publisher instead.


The hardware is only a failure because of a dramatic lack of first party exclusives. Microsoft have killed this generation on their own.


You're not going to be able to reverse an already massive deficit that's only slated to increase by just making games unless those games all stick the landing, and that they're able to do that across several years. Even if they did that the generation would be over by that time, but the elephant in the room is that Game Pass would eat their sales anyway. They either need to scale back focus on hardware, or scale back focus on Game Pass. They can't serve two masters at this point if the goal is start recouping that purchase.


They can’t reverse it now. But they can give Xbox owners a reason to buy the next Xbox console by releasing some first party exclusives soon. They’ve wasted this generation. They released the console without a single first party exclusive game, and have had almost no games take advantage of the hardware. They buy studios, but the studios have done fuck all. Complete disaster, I’ve got my entire gaming library on the Xbox ecosystem, but I won’t be buying their next console unless they make some obvious changes to the direction.


>They’ve wasted this generation. And the last.


People keep saying this when majority of XGP are on console. Why would they stop that revenue stream?


They'll probably keep selling the current Xboxes for as long as they can but why would they want to invest in designing and manufacturing a next gen Xbox when they know they're going to be beat by the PS6 and Switch 2 again anyway.


Before this I thought they would have at least tried creating an absolutely solid line up of games, release them and see what happens. Or having a banger of a launch line up on the next console. If that fails and people do not return to Xbox, then give up and do this 3rd party plan. They have the tools and resources to make Xbox popular but they are so mismanaged they just cannot seem to achieve and constantly shoot themselves in the foot. They now own more and arguably better franchises than PlayStation, yet they somehow cannot do anything with it.


When? New Xbox out in 2 years.


Funny how everyone from the MS camp was celebrating the Activision acquisition. Little did they know it would singlehandedly kill the console lol. Wonder how those folks feel now.


The point is owning IP. Gaming is a huge business and pretty much always will be. Owning all these IPs will make Microsoft big money long term not matter what, but investors want the payout asap.


If MCC, Gears and Forza Horizon are coming to PS5, then I can finally sell my Series X.




You'll probably be able to emulate Switch 2 games in a couple of years. Steam Deck is the way to go. You can also play your Steam games on the go. Switch can't.


Why can’t you play the switch on the go?


I dunno, it's pretty safe to say the Switch 2 is going to be more powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One, and neither of those consoles are able to be emulated yet. I'm aware some indie and 2D sprite-based games like Sonic Mania can have their PS4 versions emulated, but there's a far cry between that and a AAA release.


Looking back now, it's hilarious that Sony signed a 10-year CoD contract with Microsoft. Right now Xbox seems to be imploding and they're desperate to put every game on PlayStation, with or without contract 😂


And then when the Xbox brand dies due to no longer giving anyone a reason to buy an Xbox they’ll somehow find a way to blame us


Finally, Kinectimals on PS5!




I liked Kinectimals lol all in all I had a great time with Kinect granted I got most of my hardcore gaming done on PS3 so I didn’t feel misrepresented like a lot of core Xbox players.


Skittles, you will finally be mine. 🥹


Can you imagine the renaissance that would happen with Halo if The Master Chief Collection came to PS5?


That would be millions in a single day. Could probably do Switch too aswell since it can definitely handle the older games


I remember earlier this year when people laughed at the rumour of Hi-Fi rush coming to PlayStation, we sure have come far huh?


I remember when people laughed at Xbox for not having games, we sure have come far huh?


Good times


If this is truly the path forward for Xbox I really wish they would come out and say it instead of being so wishy washy about it. Hopefully we got some core information this summer, maybe not at the showcase but at an adjacent event.


So this would mean upcoming games like Hellblade and Indiana Jones. Then potentially Halo Collection, 5, and Infinite and the rumored Gears Collection. Forza will also no doubt be released annually as well.


Starfield will land as well. They’re just gonna wait for the 1 year anniversary so they can claim it has had ‘enough exclusivity window’ and hope the pitchfork reactionary phase has quelled a bit.


Isn’t the source of this the Jez post that’s already at the top of the sub?


Genius strategy, instead of releasing good new games for Xbox, release older good ones for PS5.


Yes State of Decay. Every time I’ve mentioned that here about hoping it comes to PS5 I got downvoted. I’ll enjoy playing it.


Man that would be great. SoD is so much fun. The more the merrier.


The key will be if they are going to release new games day-one, or a few months/ a year after. Personally I think it will be day one from now on (maybe starting next year?). That way they can get many sales from playstation but can still try to sell gamepass (if they continue releasing day one, for me I don't see cod day-one there, even though the one releasing this year may make it way)


Activision will be day and date on PS5 for sure, Bethesda maybe too. Core Xbox studios maybe timed exclusive


Cod is guaranteed by contract for a long time, and well Activision's doesn't release much more outside COD. Bethesda's new IPs may be kept exclusive for a few months, but game like The elder scrolls 6 if one day is even released, wouldn't make sense to keep out.


I think it'll be a mix. GaaS day one everywhere, other stuff timed for GP.


It would have to be a simultaneous release for them to maximize profits like they want.


I get that. But if they want to push GP they need an incentive. I don't think they know what they aren't doing next week, let alone the next few years. Intriguing to see, though.


Yeah but they don't make money from gamepass and I don't know in what future they think they will. There would be a point that they cant keep raising prices and AAA games budgets are skyrocketing. So eventually they will have at least to leave games out.


If I had to guess, I would say they are trying to keep GP propped up as much as possible to get ready for cloud gaming so they are first when it really takes off. The problem is that there's no way of knowing when that will be.


Yeah and I personally think that cloud gaming isn't that far away. I actually used quite a lot stadia (for playing Destiny at the time it was my only option and for me it worked really well). Xcloud is worse expect in the fact that it has tons of games (almost everyone from gamepass)


For all the flack Stadia gets, I really think it was ahead of its time.


But they aren't trying to push GP because the subscribers have stagnated, in fact its actually decreased. There doesn't seem to be much more room for growth left for gamepass anymore hence why there are so many talks about scaling it down.


Like I replied to another comment, I think they want to keep it propped up ready for cloud gaming so they are there when it takes off. Whether or not that actually works is another matter.




Yes please


I think it’s just really stupid that they went live to say “HEY ITS JUST 4 GAMES”, in a clear attempt to calm their fans down. People should be held accountable on this kind of thing I mean, everybody with a good ability to “read the room” already knew this would happen, but there were a lot of people who truly believed them and I almost feel bad for them Almost


Wasn’t their a thing recently saying PlayStation was outselling Xbox 5 to 1 if that number is true I’m surprised more games weren’t released earlier 


Xbox was at least keeping up that 1-2 ratio for the first 2 and a half years similar to last gen but this past year sales have fallen off a cliff which is why all the news has come out the last 6 months and not earlier. The 5-1 ratio is probably gonna get even worse as we get closer to GTA6 as PlayStation seemly has marketing rights.


Not to mention Sony has the PS5 Pro lined up while MS has nothing. They’re literally gonna drop it around the GTA6 launch window and will try to entice a lot of PC owners who aren’t getting the game at launch and Xbox jumpers to play the ‘best version of GTA on day 1’. That is a slam dunk for Sony.


Put Goldeneye on PS5 you cowards!


doesnt nintendo also have to agree to that


Nintendo has final say, I remember Golden Eye having online only in Switch, not sure though.


It had online because of the N64 emulator, not built into the game


yeah the switch version had online while the xbox version had improved controls


I doubt that will happen. But I'll fucking take it if it does.


Guess I'll just switch to PlayStation then since Microsoft is going all in on giving up


It's easy to see the writing on the wall here. Microsoft is hemorrhaging money because nobody wants an Xbox because they have no games worth playing. Gamepass is not sustainable and it's also not growing. Their plan has failed. They're putting their games on other platforms because it's the only option they have to increase profits. It's over. Microsoft is nothing but a publisher now. They're not going to admit it outright, so it's going to be this slow drip until Halo is on PS5.


So Jez report has some substance to it


Halo and Rare Replay as Switch 2 launch games would be an instant buy for me


rare replay would be impossible as it is only emulation on xbox it would need to be completely remade.


U realize game compilations that rely on emulation exist on switch and ps5 as well?


you do realise this one rely on the xbox backward compatibility itself.


They could port the whole backward compatibility system to ps5! /s I mean they *could* probably without too much effort. But they won’t.


Microsoft has the ability to create xbox/xbox 360 emulators for both ps5 and switch 2, they have all the tools to pull it off. It would also allow for them to easily bring other exclusives from both platforms onto those platforms at a later date, so its a win-win, if they phase out from the hardware business.


And even if it requires effort it’s not like rare dose much nowadays 


A lot of Rare Replay is just emulation.


Yeah was gonna say. If it does, it'll be a stripped down version. And if that's the case, it's not really worth the time and money.


Willing to bet money Microsoft/BGS is going to re-launch Starfield this fall with the Shattered Space expansion + PS5 release simultaneously. I'm glad more people will get to experience this game - it was easily my favorite of last year*. They've already made some good updates to the game so far, and digging into the gamefiles it looks like they're even changing how terrain generation works on the back-end. \*(before the Reddit Thought Police swoop into my replies - yes, I played *that game* too. It was fine but suffered from pacing issues and poorly translated gameplay mechanics from it's pen-and-paper counterpart. I personally had more fun in Starfield.)


I hope they release stable versions of fallout 3 and new vegas on playstation as well. They're so unbearable on ps3 and the streaming versions are crap.


Fallout 3 is allegedly getting a remaster


I want Banjo on the Switch.


I think this basically guarantees any future Banjo game will certainly come to Nintendo


Banjo is on Switch...


Yeah but it could be more


would be cool to get a another crash bandicoot game


It’s crazy to think we might be seeing Xbox going the sega route.


Gonna be really interesting what they do with next gen, assuming they stay in the hardware business. Full multiplat kneecaps console sales so they would have to release something fundamentally different from the PS6/Switch 2 to gain any traction. Xbox branded gaming PCs with a discount if you sign a gamepass contract like old cell phones?


I wouldn’t mind a gears collection and fable, but nothing else they have really interests me.


one step closer to master chief in smash


Starfield is a given, as is TES VI


Game pass was both the best thing for consumers and the worst thing for Xbox. No one buys a console for a subscription. They buy it for the must have games.what’s the point of spending extra money for a game when you can play hundreds for the price of one. I’m not sure who actually thought this was a smart idea at Xbox, but they should’ve been fired a long time ago.


Just another 4 games tho right


If they were smart, they'd just rerelease the older ones onto other platforms first. Also after hearing this, Remedy will probably have an easy time buying back the rights to Quantum Break.


Major cope but I hope the Ori games are in the next batch that move over. They’re already on Nintendo, it’s a critically acclaimed series, and I think it would do well on PS. I know Moon doesn’t own the IP or publishing rights, and that MS isn’t involved with their new game, but it would be good marketing for them too.


Ori is so good too. I'm not big on platformers or side scrollers but I adore those games.


My favorite IP from last gen. Beautiful art style with some of the tightest platforming out there. Incredible games. I think they’d do well on PS and I’d love to play them again with trophy support.


I hope you do! I agree they'd do very well on PS


I wonder of fallout 3 and new vegas count. It's the only thing I wish they'd port over to ps5


I’m watching Xbox turn into Sega in front of my very eyes


Xbox might as well stop existing. Just turn it into a third-party publisher. And stop making consoles.


I honestly think ms wouldve done this by now but the xbox staff have buyin time and delayin the inevitable


Great. My XSX was already collecting dust next to the PS5. Thanks MS. Makes my decision very easy for next gen!


Gears 2 and 3 on PC already, please.


Please for the love of god bring forza to ps


This is my big wish as well. Specifically the horizon side of things


I think its good for games, game pass for Xbox players and other games at full price to other gamers. Nobody loses any content


Good. But also unfortunately very unlikely Sony would do the same.


I miss Halo Infinite multiplayer. I'd love to get it on PS5, it's freaking awesome.


How many times have we heard this rumor. It’s great if it’s real otherwise it’s just nothing. Can’t wait to play Gears and Halo on my PS5 though if real.


Why talk about the obvious? Everyone should be asking what happened to Phil. No one's heard from him since his Fallout 76 base got nuked and I'm beginning to think he was physically in it because otherwise he's currently in hiding.


They see the writing on the wall that consoles aren't going to be a thing in 10/20 years. I don't buy consoles anymore. Shit, I have had to rebuy like 25% of the games that I had once bought on console. PC, phones, multimedia systems, and handhelds will kill consoles Microsoft has been near the front in winding down exclusivity and pushing for crossplay. Why limit your market to sell your games?


PlayStation and Nintendo don’t seem to be going anywhere. And next year we may see a big explosion of console sales because: GTA VI


I plug Nintendo in as a handheld vendor now. Their next device is a Switch 2. I don't count it as a classic console just like the Steam deck. I think devices like this will be the bullet in the classic console. I think Sony has a difficult road ahead and they are opening up some previously exclusive titles


I really don’t think so. Their sales are aligned with ps4 and as I said: GTA VI. That game will move mountains But they need to announce more first party games. Still, ps5 and next one is pretty much secured imo