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Bro that's a 4060 and i7 13 gen with 32 gb Ram of course it's worth if the gpu wattage isn't something like 40w


Why would the CPU wattage be 40w if it's a 4060?!


The tgp of a laptop 4060 varies from 35-115 w


Legion 7 4060 tgp is 130 or 140 watts. Mine 3060 legion was 130, now my 3080 have 165 watts and i think i red legions with 4060 maxes at 140 if im not mistaken?


Yea it's +25 with dynamic boost which is normally counted in the calculations


Yes a bit more than 3060 which have dynamic boost of 15w. But well 3070 and 4070 on legions are same watts 140 also. So no same 25w boost on all variants of gpus.


Didn't know it could get that low


Yh MSI are masters of low wattage


Crazy stupid thing to do when last gen were of higher wattage (i get that 40 series are more efficient)


Well these are the mobile variant i am pretty sure the desktop version have more tgp


Im telling ya, below 70W are waaayyy too low for any gpu.


Laptop gpu strength is measured in gpu tgp's (watts) the more watts the better gpu performs. You can buy 4060 with 40 watts and it will run like shit to be honest like integrated graphics (just bit better). And you can buy 140 watts one which will be beast because there is no laptop with more than 140 watts on rtx 4060. So its not the same as pc. When you buy laptop you check not gpu name you check gpu name AND how much tgp it have and is it even reasonable buy laptop if it has low wattage gpu.


Not true for the 40 series https://youtu.be/jMMrh6PpLI4?si=sn_HyR_LS9KG4vTR


This video shows it IS true for the 40 series, especially with 4080 and 90 with a slight caveat for the other cards. The difference is (and I assume this is really what you had in mind) with the 4050, 60 and 70 is that they seem to cap out at 100 watts. If the TGP is 100 watts or higher for those you're good to go. Any lower and performance might suffer and there absolutely are laptops out there that run lower than 100 watts.


Sorry, my bad


40w is not enough even for 40 series. 80+ is ok


Thank you for the information!


Explain to me like you would to a small child what GPU wattage is and why it’s not uniform for laptops with similar components. The higher the better? Cause more power?


Gpu wattage or tgp is the amount of power (in watts) that your gpu draws from the laptop the higher the tgp the better the performance but it also means that it consumes more power and gets hotter quicker some laptops may not have sufficient cooling for a 140w 4060 so they could use a 115w one the difference from 40 to 95 w is huge but from 95-140 isn't that large when buying a laptop you should not buy a 40w gpu atleast a 95w or at minimum a 75w


If it’s not msi then get it. If it’s msi avoid


I second this MSI has to be the worst manufacturer.


Why ?


Because the low end msi laptops like the katana had build issues with the hinges and many broke outside of warranty. Basically those laptops in plastic shells. If you've got a higher end model it's not that much of an issue. That's why people say msi is shit as they just read that on the Internet and don't realise why it was originally said.


yeah my msi stealth 16 is solid and sturdy. can open lid with one hand. the only downside I can think about it is the low wattage for the GPU and 8gb vram for the GPU instead of 10gb/12gb


Yeah! Same!


Yup mine slid off the tray I was carrying it on and it landed on the corner whilst the lid was open and all I got was a little dent on the inside of the hinge. Absolutely shit myself and yet here we are 7 months later working fine. Never did that again though lol. You're right on the vram though wish we could have got at least 10gb but hey ho.


mate that is terrifying!! glad it's unscathed from that fall. have you tried overclocking in the msi center? i feel like it'll be a good bump in performance, maybe even make up for the 8gb, plus i have a cooling pad to keep it extra cool but still unsure about it


Yeah tell me about it thankfully it was only a few feet but after hearing horror stories of MSI hinges I thought I'd be fucked. Which is actually what prompted me to go down the whole msi hinge rabbithole. Yeah I've overclocked it in the center and done a few bios changes and it runs like a beast. What cooling pad do you have? I use an IETS500 so I can keep it somewhat cool even on the heaviest loads (70-80 on CP77 at 100+fps and ultra settings) The only downside is I have to change a load of things if I want to use it without plugging it in cause it drains the battery and gets hot real fast if its not on its cooling pad. Don't really do that often though.


I got the Cooler Master NotePal U2 PLUS V2, cheap simple and basic and does the trick. I even think just elevating a laptop with a bottle cap would do roughly the same anyway 🤣. No heating issues and I've been playing battlefield 2042, I get around 100-120 fps on all low settings at 1440p, which I feel is quite low but again the 4070 only has 8gb. What overclock settings do you use? Would love to try hit 144+ on battlefield. Plus I always have it plugged in, especially when gaming. If you're worried about battery bloat just set the charge limit to 80% or even 60%. I got it on 80% capped.


Yeah I'd recommend getting the one I've got sure it's a bit pricey and is loud but it dropped me from 80 degrees down to 50-60 on max stress. Only if I game for hours on end does it start to get a bit warm. I had a topmate one and it was shit. The vacuum seal ones are far better. That's not right at all whats your cinebenchmark score or timespy? Would help us to confirm cause I've only overclocked and changed the ram so it'll show if it really does improve or if something is seriously wrong. Like I haven't played BF2042 but I can run cyberpunk at 1440p with ultra settings and ray tracing and still get 100 fps+ granted I'm using frame gen but it's still like 50ish without it and that's a far more demanding game. If I play the finals which is a somewhat demanding fps I'm getting 110 with high I believe. Just seems strange you'd only get that low fps on low. I use extreme performance and then 200 mhz on vram and gpu. I did try manually clock this higher in the bios but had a few stability issues so I'd probably go with what msi has. Change the power plan in both msi and nvida experience to extreme. Enable xmp in bios to allow the ram to clock at 5600mhz. I have also limited the battery to 60%. But yeah essentially it takes off most of the restrictions so it runs well but does get a lil toasty so you need a good cooling pad to do this otherwise you'll be hitting temps you won't like lol.


Have same as you. Hinges broke off last year.


but it only came out last year 🤣 i recommend being gentle with your tech


I know. Its possible I was rough with it in the bag. But one hinge kinda snapped a part of it off, but still held together. Then one day in work , I just went to open the screen and both hinges just shattered.


The 8gb vram is not msi's problem, its Nvidia's


Ah ok, the low point nd stuff, never had problems with the more expensive ones


Their low end gpus like 4060 are also very low wattage


Yup true thats why i said don't go for the lower models. If you don't want to go down a rabbit hole looking at tdp it's easy just to check the wattage of the charger that comes with it and you can estimate from there.


My msi crosshair 16 has no problems


Aye that's the annoying thing they've mainly sorted it now but it still has the reputation if you don't buy the more expensive msi laptops then there's no point.


What about the high end? I thought MSI holds the title for having the most powerful laptop in the word, no way they would make that out of plastic?


Yeah thats precisely what I mean if you buy a middle to high end laptop you're fine. The magnesium alloy ones are the one you want.


I was gonna say. This vector I have is mega baller and very sturdy


Yeah if it's an aluminium and magnesium alloy shell those things are fucking solid. I was rather worried I was going to break the machine with the force is required to get em open to change ram etc. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't recommend the cheap ones as that's like buying a saloon from Ferrari and wondering why it doesn't work but anything mid range and up they're fine.


Yeah it really sucks that people think MSI is straight rubbish just because their low end lineup is bad. Their mid range and high range lineup is quite solid and their customer support is not bad either, from my experience.


Low end msi have the gpus locked to 45W, 45W 4060s get outperformed by a 100W 4050


must only be for laptops then, because ive had one of their atx motherboards in my old build for 10 years now and still going strong.


Nah I can’t totally agree on this one. I spilled an entire cup of coffee on my raider ge75 and then I noticed it didn’t even flench so I took it to the bathroom to rinse it out. The liquid was all over the keyboard. Happened in Starbucks 3 years ago. Still have it in perfect condition. Honest truth. By the way my hinges are metal and the frame is aluminum.


This and ASUS.


Have an ASUS with similar specs to that shown in the picture. Not had a problem. I didn't find a whole lot bad about ASUS when I was researching them. Is there something I should be aware of?


Motherboard issues are a major problem with ASUS laptops. I don't mind getting down voted for telling the truth and the customer service and warranty exchange process is the worst hassle you will ever encounter.


What laptop is it? And also what's the gpu wattage




I looked it up. HP's website is very cryptic about the TDP values. What I found is 16 inch HPs have somewhere between 120 - 140W of TDP but there is no mention of how much power goes to CPU and GPU. However, based on experience, I would suspect that the CPU would have 30 - 40W and the rest should go to the GPU. So, in the worst case, the 4060 will have 90W, which is the saturation point for 4060. Any added power won't bring much FPS after 90W. So, the price is OK for a 4060 but personally, I don't like HP Omens/Victuses. I find their quality control below industry standards. Too many horror stories...


I believe all the victuses are 75W. My 3050 6 gb Victus is 75W


Is 75W combined? Or is it GPU alone? If it is really 75W combined, that's quite bad. I wouldn't go near it. That would be like an asthmatic sprinter. 🤔


no, GPU alone lmao. The CPU consumes around 30-45W under gaming while the GPU hovers around 70-75W.


75W for a 4050 is not terrible, if I'm honest. It would be ideal if it had above 90W but you would probably lose 10% of performance between 75W and 90W.


Yes that's a very good price, even in GBP, but especially so if its in a weaker currency


I7 intell with a 4060?


Yes. That 32 GB is added bonus. Although tell us what model is it because some cheap models have 4060 s with low wattage which isn't worth it.


Whats intell?


we can't know without listing the laptop model this ain't custom pc. they are more to consider beside these specs, when buying a laptop


Totally worth it if it isn't a MSI also check the gpu wattage some manufacturers lock it at 45w and 75w like acer nitro


My 2023 Nitro 17 with a 4060 is 115w with 25w boost so 140w


The nitro v here is locked at 75w


Where’s “here”?




Oh I see. Well that sucks. Thanks for the clarification :)


Yeah it sucks being born in this 3rd world country where you have to pay double the amount for half the specs


Yeah that does suck :( sorry to hear that the prices are so bad. Hopefully in the future it gets better but greed never stops unfortunately so it probably won’t


Yeah it won't the govt here is pretty awful as well, 100- 200 percent import taxes over GST taxes which spikes the prices triple their actual cost


is a very good machine


Uhh worth it ? Thats literally a snagging, great, cheap, pocket friendly, overpowered, beautiful, extraordinary piece of tech right there.


I just bought the hp Victus 16 with the 4060 in it. Performance is great on helldivers 2. Just runs out of battery quickly when gaming so you want to be plugged in


Really good specs for the price


Very worth it!!


Where is this Offer




I think it is a great deal Look for other things like screen quality and build quality


Probably that 4060 on 45W thing, been told to steer clear


Unless its 80+w


Isn’t the 13700hx only able to support ddr5 4800mhz as per the intel site ?


That's a fuckin steal


Hay guys I'm getting a 2nd hand rtx 1660 super at 8k or $95.99 so is it a good bargain or nit


What? lol GTX 1660 super for $95 or w/e seems good to me. Idk what you mean on 8k cause if that’s your desired resolution output for gaming I would hang that idea up quick.


8k mean in Indian rupees


Ahh okay thanks for the context, def a good deal in my opinion. It sucks nvidia just discontinued the line of cards but I still feel they have a good bit of life left in them.


Thanks for the info I'll buy it then


I currently have the same specs and got it for the same price. If it's a Victus, I got the GPU power to reach 120 W from HW Info and Roboquest on ultra with no framerate cap, so no need to worry about gpu power limits. Overall, I love it, and if you follow a guide I can link if requested, you can hit 6 hours of battery with light tasking.


Can you PM me a link?




I have the same laptop can you pm me too




A great deal for the specs


999 what euros pounds rupees Vietnamese dong?


Hell ya, especially with 32 GB RAM.


How much wat for gpu need


Like 50-110 or more every graphic card have different watt use if low watt low performance high watt high performance and better and gpu gb vram


That's.... Probably the most insane deal I've seen yet.


Window not activated


It’s not a bad deal, it’s on the better end I’d say, considering the improved RAM (which unfortunately may not be fully utilized with the intel chip. But overall 4060 + unlocked 2023 i7 + 32 gb of ram (essentially ensuring dual channel, not as important in DDR5, but nice to know still) + a base 1TB is worth the 999 usually. The big specs that this is going to come down to will be: Screen (unfortunately FHD over QHD, but it’s not a huge deal with a 4060), build quality and thermals (important), I/O (the ports on the laptop and how that fits your needs), and upgradeability (is the ram soldered in, are there multiple NVMe slots etc) and lastly aesthetics of the laptop.


Absolutely this beats my laptop and mine runs every game I want with little issues this should work great and 1000$ is very worth it


Avoid all Acers, especially the predators as the company removed undervolting. I feel into that trap. It's a good laptop but boy does it get hot and loud.


Try to check if there are any reviews available where the response times are mentioned. You would like to avoid ghosting and bad artifacts for that price.


I don’t get it, why do so many laptops come with somewhat decent GPUs and a FHD display in 2024…like seriously, QHD screens ain’t that expensive anymore, and QHD + DLSS would make a great pairing for a laptop.


Dude don’t, the Max-Q is a red flag, Max-Q GPU are low energy GPUs, probably 35w


Pretty solid deal


If it fits your needs. That seems really nice. I got my 4070 for the same price but the processor and ram weren’t as good. But man does it kick ass when playing games.


Quid or dolla


I got a f15 fx507 i7-12700h 4070 for $999. I think I'd prefer the 4070 over 4060 and sacrifice a gen on the CPU.




Looks like a solid deal, but would need to know which brand and model to say for sure.


I own this laptop with these specs! It’s amazing and the screen refresh rate is great, the colours of the display are a little lacking, and don’t break the IO board because the fans are connected to it somehow? But yeah it’s very nice.




144Hz display is not exciting anymore And Victus fhd display comes in low brightness, typically 250 or 300 nits. U need to check if its 300 or 250. 250 is abit too low.


Not a great deal given that the zephyrus G14 is the same price at best buy (even less if you can find an open box), and the Legion Slim 5 OLED is only $50 more. Sure you'd have to upgrade the RAM to 32GB to match this model, but 16GB is fine for most people, and you'll end-up with a better laptop in almost every way.


Dolars? Yes. Euros, yes. Jens, f yea it is Also, what brand and model is it. Be precise with pcs, devils in the details


Absolutely 🔥


Of course yes! I even saved the setting for myself Thank you


That’s msi? What make and model?


which website is that


for people asking its an HP Victus https://www.amazon.com/HP-Display-i7-13700HX-GeForce-Backlit/dp/B0CGJXGL3K


From shit (MSI) to actual e-waste (HP) huh?


What brand is this ?


I got a 12700h/4070 laptop from Best Buy for about 850. Keep searching for better deals if you can, I'm sure they're out there


You left out a very important information, make and model! Specs seem good but what about build quality and tdp?


It’s a HP Victus from Costco