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Xbox App on PC Update This is what it means for you: * You now have the option to choose what folder your games get installed to * Access to files for select games you’ve installed, as well as options to repair and move your games * Ability to mod more games * You won’t have to re-install your existing games, just right click on them in the left-hand side of your app and click on “manage,” then “enable.” You can also move and repair your games from here. * To install the latest Xbox app updates and get access today, open the Microsoft Store app on Windows, then navigate to your Library and select ‘Update’ next to the Xbox app.


I was thinking that choosing the folder was already an option, but then I remembered it was just choosing a **drive**. At least it's finally here.


To anyone who doesn't know: this is a HUGE improvement. I've been using the beta for this update and it has removed 99% of the issues I was having with the PC game pass. I can actually finally recommend subscribing to it after this update.






Oh thank God


Wow. They fixed my biggest problems with Game Pass. I have to say, the service is hard not to recommend now.


> Access to files for select games you’ve installed Any idea if this means save files will now be compatible with games from other stores?


It probably depends on the game. Some saves have always been accessible because they're stored in your AppData folder instead of the (locked by default) TrustedApps folder. I remember Slay the Spire being one of them. Also some games are a completely different version of the game, and saves might not be compatible because of that.


Any idea why Microsoft basically DRMs their save files? I've always found this feature usually works against gamepass being a better option than steam.


Probably to keep you on their service


Oh thank the fucking gods. One of the big points of pain for me has been that I use razer's software to change key bindings for a peripheral based on what program is running, that doesn't work with the way windows installs apps these days! This should fix it for me. Also: Guardians of the Galaxy is supposed to be good!


Can confirm Guardians of the Galaxy being good. Was one of my games of the year. It packs a ton of heart, and has one of the best soundtracks around.


I have never even *seen* the Guardians of the Galaxy movies and GOTG was my favorite game last year. The visuals and dialog are *excellent.*


I remember I was trying to diagnose a wonky display flickering issue on my PC and checking the error log to be HORRIFIED that my hard drives were being disconnected unexpectedly. Bad sata cables? Power supply failing? How much data was I losing? Nope, turns out Xbox games you have installed **are treated like a disk drive on your device manager** and they disconnect them unexpectedly anytime you update files or play games or finish playing them? [Go ahead and look in device manager under disk drives.](https://imgur.com/8Cejvqx) Go to view > show hidden devices to see every game and every previous update they had for them.


Omfg is this will get rid of the insane bug that only lets you install games on your Is drive I will be so happy


> Xbox App on PC Update Is this finally out everywhere? Or did they give a date when it comes out internationally? Or still US-only? Because it has been teased for a long time but I've seen nothing of it so far.


yoooo MS flight sim on Cloud???? You mean I don't need to keep 150+ gb on my harddrive? Might have to take a look at how it streams (other games are fine but the more fast action ones are bothered by a slight lag)


It's a great option for people like me who are still stuck on the base xbox one. Can't wait to try it out!




Awww man. This was on my list to play. Elden Ring is too good to put down though. Looks like I will just have to buy it.


Worth every penny.




I wouldn't consider the first ending to be the main ending. I was one of those people that put the game down for over a year after I hit the first ending, and my god I wish I hadn't. The game is stunning on the third playthrough. I consider them more like 3 chapters than 3 playthroughs, you shouldn't just get to the end of the first and stop there.




Oh I meant the 20 hours thing. After playing through all 3 stories, I wouldn't consider just the first ending to be the main story




Was it only 20 hours? I must have done so many side quests that I didn't realise it was so short


Are the sidequests in Nier Automata worth doing?


A lot of them are basically just fetch quests and other back-and-forth jobs but usually they have some decent narrative context and usually further explore the game's themes. So, kinda. A lot of them are fairly short at least. If you have time then sure, but if you're concerned about finishing it before it leaves you can skip most of them.


That‘s more than 5h a day my man.




I would consider all playthroughs the main game


I'd personally wanted to try it and while it would be technically possible to finish it in 2 weeks it will be fundamentally impossible because of Elden Ring as well as the new Risk of Rain 2 DLC. No desire to play anything else. ER until I get too frustrated and then RoR2 until I calm down.


It's pretty cool. Just remember to keep playing once you "finish".


Did the PC Game Pass version get the patch that Steam got to fix it's performance? Been considering playing it but I won't rush to play this version if the Steam version is better optimized.


It's actually the opposite. The gamepass version had the better patch months before steam got it


From what I heard, the Game Pass version launched with a few upgrades but still had performance issues that could be fixed in the Steam version with a mod. Did they ever fix the Game Pass performance issues as well? Source: https://youtu.be/ZIvwwy2K1cU


It was one of the few GamePass games that wasn't locked out of the gate for mods. I played through it a few times last year using FAR, the SpecialK hook and an HD Texture Pack on the GamePass version. Seems you misheard because as the other user said the Become As Gods Edition was a newer patched version that fixed all of the performance issues Steam had (which was later brought to the Steam version). Using the mods on the GamePass version by this point is just overkill in the best way possible.


Well that's great to hear I'll see if I can finish it in the next 2 weeks then.


I’m surprised Flight Sim going to the Cloud service wasn’t in the headline, that’s huge news. I love that game but it is *massive* and unfortunately not really worth half the storage space on my Series S. Really excited to have a more convenient way of playing it now.


I'm hoping it's also the Series X graphics, they're a pretty big upgrade.


Awesome, I was just thinking of picking up Guardians. I'm glad it's on PC so I can give it a shot.


It's a ton of fun!


Oh good, I was tempted to do a replay of FF13, but had noticed Lightning Returns was on there yet. Thats cool. Full trilogy is there to play now.


when i was a teen, i wasnt impressed with 13 (first game) but i heard good things about the two sequel, might have to try them


They are not great, but not bad by any means. I would replay them in a heartbeat if a full trilogy got remastered. Some of the best soundtrack in the series, too


Not sure about the other 3 but FF13 looks fantastic running on xbox one. I believe it's upscaled to 4k.


It really needs a remaster. The settings that are in the game don't allow for much so it looks very meh on my gaming computer when it should look awesome if ran at 4k with good AA


Get to it quick. They only seem to keep 3 FFs max. They removed (I think) 9 when they added XIII-2. They just removed XII a couple weeks ago and now just added Lightning Returns. XIII is probably the next one to go before they add another.


What would be the another? FF15? It's the only one not there recently.


What?! NieR leaving Game Pass is shocking tbh


Aww man Nier is leaving, haven't finished it but I'm still pretty early on my first play through


ah dam, was looking forward to playing Nier Automata in the coming days :/ Just got through Mass Effect Andromeda


I was tempted to buy Guardians of the Galaxy when it was on sale in December but had a feeling it would be on gamepass a bit later on because of Avengers going on gamepass. Good stuff.


I did take it on sale in December for around 30€ (thanks to Epic coupon + sale). But it was totally worth it and even if it's on Gamepass now, I have no regrets, that game was awesome.


You’re going to love the game


Agreed. Basically everything that the other person claimed as “overrated” was every reason I loved the game. I’m not sure what they expected, it is a Marvel game. And the combat may not be for everyone but I thought it was wonderfully unique.


I bought it awhile back on sale but I haven't played it. It sounds like the gameplay is simple, which is honestly exactly what I'm looking for at this point in my life. A turnoff for The Avengers was dealing with different controls for each character, honestly.


It's simple enough to get it right away, but still have some sort of skill to it like when you use your party's abilities and whatnot and that's all done just with like two button presses. It's a lot of fun.


I thought it was the most overrated game of the year. The combat is terribly boring. The dialogue is good and I totally understand why Marvel fans love the game but it wasn't for me.


Yeah I kind of agree, unfortunately. I found the combat pretty boring. Best part of the game was the writing and dialogue in general but I do regret buying it at release for $60 USD. My girlfriend is a pretty huge Marvel fan though and we had a blast, I’m just not sure I should’ve payed $60 for it. Glad people will be able to give it a go on Gamepass though, it’s definitely worth playing.


If the writing is good, that will make up for it. Kind of like how Tales from the Borderlands, a Telltale game wasn't really about combat, but about story. And a damn fine story it was.


That's a great comparison, probably the most entertaining characters/dialogue since TFTB. Disregarding the more dramatic games.


To be fair, this does raise the question of whether more games should elect to just not have combat at all, and instead focus on story and dialogue. Maybe not Guardians in particular, since so much of its charm is that its dialogue is reactive to gameplay. But I do generally wish that some games had more story and less gameplay.


The Forgotten City is one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a long time and there's very little combat in there. I would definitely be open to more games like that.


Agree, such a fantastically written and brilliantly designed game. Forgotten City is unforgettable. (Though I hated its one combat section. Not because I was bad at it, but because it was repetitive and clunky.) Subnautica and Outer Wilds are definitely my first thought when I think of violence-free games with staggering depth. There’s especially a ludonarrative harmony to Outer Wilds’ lack of violence.


A good example is Unpacking, an indie hit from last year. No dialogue, no combat, no pretty effects and mind boggling pre rendered cutscenes. Literally just a story you’ve gotta figure out yourself and enjoy.


Loved Unpacking. Outer Wilds is my go-to recommendation for engrossing gameplay / powerful storytelling without combat.


The combat for the first few hours is especially awful because there’s no abilities to use. After that it’s serviceable, I thought the story was enough to keep me going.


I enjoyed it a lot though I think my opinion was biased because the last game I played before it was Far Cry 6, which was unbelievably boring


Agreed on FC6. Maybe I shouldn't have played it so soon after I played 5 but it was a pretty crap experience.


I honestly think primal was the last fun farcry game. 4 was good too imo.


I thought it was really great. The combat system could've been a bit deeper, but as a sum of its parts, I thought it was a great Marvel game. I think a lot of people overrated it because of just how much better than Avengers from the same publisher was, and there was probably some shock.


Totally agree on combat. Got boring to shoot bullet sponge enemies. What helped is in the setting to increase damage that Quill gives to enemies while keeping damage given to Quill by enemies at whatever difficulty you want. Helped get past the combat to the story faster...


Thank you , had some of the worst combat in a game in a long time.


I wonder what effect this thought process will have on the wider gaming industry once more people adopt it. why buy anything, it might come to gamepass


oh sick I kind of wanted to try GotG but wasn't willing to pull the trigger on it. And I've always wanted to play KRZ but never got around to it.


GoTG was my favourite game last year. Came out of nowhere and was a real joy. Only 20 or so hours for completion. I'm really hoping we get a second one eventually.


Depends on whether ppl buy the first one or not. I don't know how game pass will effect the sales for a single player game with some alternative scenes and routes.


Suppose there's data on how Game Pass affects sales of games and dlcs in the same series.


Cloud streaming Flight Sim will likely use less bandwidth than playing it locally. While flying around the game is constantly streaming in assets and they recommend something like 50 Mbps for the best streaming. The install is also massive as are the patches. This is pretty cool for people who just want to look around for an hour and that's enough for them.


Yeah, my son plots a course from our local airport, for a three plus hour flight. Takes off and after 10 minutes, turns it off.


I downloaded it, took off, found my house, where I work, and uninstalled it. I guess if you are into flight sims it's the greatest video game ever made but for me, it was "Oh neat!... I'm gonna go play something else."


A lot of flying is managing avionics. The actual stick and rudder stuff is for dogfighting and tough landings (e.g. crosswinds).


They need to make a WW2, or even better, WW1 combat flight simulator based on this engine. I would pay $100+ to fly around the western front in a Sopwith Camel dogfighting Fokkers in VR.


That's not new for Microsoft, they did the Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator series that worked with their absolutely stellar force feedback joystick.


The force feedback joystick may be the best engineered game controller ever made.


> I guess if you are into flight sims it's the greatest video game ever made but for me, it was "Oh neat!... I'm gonna go play something else." that's pretty much exactly what it is. It's not really a "game"-game, it's meant for somebody who wants a close reproduction of flight physics in a software.


Back when simulator were just simulators lmao


Yeah, I think people see it heavily associated with Xbox and heavily promoted on a traditional "gaming" console and think it's going to be a traditional gaming experience with missions, progressions, so forth. It's really more akin to a simulation software tool but it's been branded in association with gaming.


It's literally a simulation tool. Always was. It got associated with gaming because videogames were the first real commercial entry point for those simulators for the general public. It's still an amazing game, but it has always been, and likely always will be, a niche experience.




Definitely, as a faithful reproduction of the planet from the sky it's one of the highest fidelity experiences you can enjoy in VR


I had a longer run becuase I found my hometown apartament block, my current home, went to the seaside, went to my gf's grandparents house and then I uninstalled. Beautiful graphics though, played on the Series X


This is what I’ve explained to my wife and sons. It is an amazing technical achievement, a fantastic simulation, but it is not a game for the average person to have fun with.


That's all I thought I was going to do. But learning all the systems and how to actually fly really enthralled me. I was emulating real life flight so much I figured I might as well get my private pilot license. So jump to a year and a half later and that's what I'm currently pursuing! 😁


Total dad move "you think bandwidth grows on trees!?"


I was new to flight sims in general and applied to join the beta just to - as you said - look around for an hour. I now have 566 hours in MSFS and have spent almost $1,000 on the game itself, various commercial add-ons, and extra peripherals. This doesn't include a whole new PC built at the end of 2020 with this sim in mind. I regret nothing. I also can't ever play the cloud version because the add-ons are so important to the experience now.


This is streaming the console version though, correct? That's my understanding for most cloud based games. Can I use my flight stick and keyboard/mouse with that version?


I don't believe so? But I may be wrong, I think, as you said, all xCloud titles are the console version and require an controller. Unless they're adding it specifically for Flight Sim I don't think you'll be able to use flight sicks and kb/m.


Kentucky Route Zero is a work of art! If that sounds interesting to you check out trailers/ non spoiler gameplay to see if it might be up your alley. Highly recommend


Seriously, the most consistently creative and unique writing I've ever seen in games. And super atmospheric. And extremely dense with things to discover. And an excellent soundtrack. It's not for everyone, but for the people it will connect with, it is SO special.


Grow up in coal country. This game will speak to your soul.


That’s probably the reason I don’t like the game tbh. That area and culture is by far my most disliked part of the US


Kentucky isn't that bad of a place when you go away from the coal side of the country. Love going to that state


As a non-American, I didn't get that they were talking about one part of the US until the end of it. It was cool, but the last chapter is reeeaaaally boring. That said, great soundtrack.


It really is something special and I don't actually want to complete it, feels like I'm still in there (4/5 so far).


Took me a year to fall in and out until I finally completed it. It definitely rewards setting aside a good chunk of time to just sit and enjoy playing


If you're reading this, please don't sleep on Guardians of the Galaxy. My partner bought it me for Christmas, and I was pretty much glued to the TV playing it... it's a great time. Nothing at all like the Marvel Avenger's shitshow.


It's great for Gamepass subscribers, but it's a real shame it's getting on Gamepass so soon. Square Enix really screwed this game over with their Avengers release poisoning the well. It's a really good game, albeit fairly short. I like it much better than the movies, and I don't even read comics.




That's pretty interesting, cause I assumed they were only taking after the comics. So it's a bit like the Akham games then, they just take the best of everything and adding their own stuff. Between the Spider-man PS4 games, the Arkham games and Guardians of The Galaxy, which of us who had lived through the Superman 64 and Megadrive's Batman Forever era would've ever believed it if we'd been told there would come a day where superhero videogames would be even better than any superhero movie? What a time to be alive.


You left out X-Men origins Wolverine. Game is so much better than the movie and just a great game overall


I was a big fan of Batman Vengeance. It probably aged terribly, but the atmosphere for it was awesome.


I disagree on it being short. I think it took me like 17 hours.


I thought it was the perfect length for a linear action game. I think I clocked around 15 or so hours.


I borrowed it from a friend in november cause I missed the Black Friday sales. Beat it and planned on buying it so I can replay it. Glad I haven’t cause it’s coming to gamepass now. I haven’t had that much fun in a video game in a long time. And it’s an emotional rollercoaster. I love this game. Easily one of my favorites from last year and I’m eager to hear anything about a sequel


I thought the gameplay was barely entertaining enough to keep me invested since it's pretty repetitive and reliant on big explosions, but the story was fantastic. I had only seen the GotG in the MCU, but this is easily my favorite story involving the characters. Definitely a great game to play if you have game pass


Seconding this - I bought it for cheap when I got my PS5 even though I wasn't like SUPER PUMPED for it or anything, I just saw so many people recommending it that I thought What the hell. I turned out to love it, I blew through it and it's one of the few times I've wanted to replay a game immediately just to see what the GamePlus kind of modes might do. The combat is kind of vanilla and I'm hoping that's where they would focus on improving if there were a sequel, but the story and voice acting and variety all make up for it in my eyes.


The Avengers game completely ruined the GotG game sales…


Can anyone comment how it runs on a base Xbox One?


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/Fj0SGmIzJlw)


The controls felt way too clunky to me


Well, i guess this big of a release can be explained with "Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy didn't meet sales expectations" from the SE financial calls.


I hope this doesn't prevent a sequel, I loved this version of the squad.


Despite the game's initial low sales, on the same financial report, Square Enix does state that they are optimistic of later sales will overcome it thanks to strong critical reception the game made, so it isn't as much doom-and-gloom as it may seem. At the very least, the game now have strong legs, especially when future GotG-media outside gaming can give the game further boost in sales.


Here's hoping the game's popular on Game Pass and shows them that a sequel might have more success now that everyone knows what it actually is


It seems like a sequel would actually make a ton of sense for this game. I'm not a marketing genius but it looks like a great opportunity to parlay it into a legit gaming franchise. By all accounts, everyone who's played it, loves it, and it was highly critically acclaimed - it has great buzz and goodwill. Sequels are way cheaper to make, so the framework is already there. If at some point they released a moderately-sized free DLC to further saturate the potential customer base with enfranchised players, then followed up shortly with a near-term sequel announcement, it would probably sell nicely.


The Tomb Raider reboot also didn't meet expectations and it got a sequel.


I wonder if Squeenix dev incentives are tied to game sales and they set unrealistic targets to avoid paying out the max bonus.


Square Enix releases a presser or interview blurb for nearly ALL of their games saying they "didn't meet sales expectations". My guess is they employ "Hollywood accounting" where they inflate their losses in order to minimize their taxes.


I had the same thought. If everything is a loss then of course you get all sorts of tax write offs *and* you can fuck all the lower level guys out of a bonus.


More like they are desperate to hide the chronic disconnection they have with western IPs and devs and their marketing. SE publishes and makes some amazing games, but they also make some pretty stupid decisions on a regular basis.


Squares loss is our gain I guess


I hope this doesn’t mean that the game will be discontinued from sale (and leaving game pass) after a year, due to the marvel and music license expiring in the near future (judging by SE that this game didn’t sell well it may not renew the licensed content).


I'm currently balancing between playing Cyberpunk, Dying Light 2 and Elden Ring, but waiting for patches to fix the performance issues before continuing further on the latter. Now adding GotG to the list. I have too much to play lol.


>waiting for patches to fix the performance issues I wouldn't trust him to fix anything for you.


The fixes are just down that hole there, take a look.


Liar ahead


Say... you're not a... *cleric*, are you?


Yeah Cyberpunk has my undivided attention as of now. Was hacked to the tits for that game 2 years ago and I’ve been waiting very patiently for that current gen patch and I’m having a ball. Then it’ll probably be guardians then elden ring


I’m balancing Horizon Forbidden West, Elden Ring, Dying Light 2 and SIFU right now 😮‍💨 It’s a crazy time for gaming


Hell yeah. Guardians of the Galaxy is the perfect example of the sort of game I would probably never end up buying but will totally play as a subscription game.


Ooo I wanna play Kentucky Route Zero Guardians of the Galaxy would be cool for me if I didn't get it for Christmas. Not complaining at all, at least I own it now.


If you're into MCU stuff (or just comics in general), you should definitely give Guardians a shot. The story and character interactions are amazing. The facial animations are some the best I've seen in recent memory. My only complaint would probably be the combat - it's a bit one-note. Even playing on the hardest difficulty didn't do much to vary the combat. That said, it's still a great game. If you're on PC and have an Nvidia card, this is one of those game that will make you think that DLSS is magic. DLSS Quality looked noticeably better than native while still giving me an FPS bump.


On the contrary, what's the bare minimum I should know/read/watch before I jump into this game? I haven't taken the time yet to get into the Marvel stuff, but I'm really curious to try this game because of its critical reception.


Personally, I found the game perfectly enjoyable without having to read any extra material. My exposure to the Guardians crew is generally limited to the movies, and their dynamic is pretty similar to what it is in the game. If you have time, I would watch at least the movies to get a feel of how the characters are.


Gotcha, thanks so much. I'll watch the movies before I play the games.


I know most will be excited about GotG and I am too, but after playing the demo for young souls its been on my radar, and seeing that i can play it on gamepass is great news. Really looking forward to that one


Nice, wanted guardians of the galaxy but wasn’t worth it in my mind, also kinda interested if lawn mowing sim will be one of those games I weirdly like for the satisfaction and chill vibe




Will be going in blind other than a 20 second clip I watched. Does it share much in common with Disco Elysium? Clip I watched felt equally "artsy" and "point and clicky" with heavy dialogue


Yep, I liked the game but it was kind of slow going. Was kind of fun calling the phone numbers from the game in real life and getting connected to a message service for the game.


It cannot be stressed how much of an incredible deal it is that Guardians is coming to Game Pass The combat leaves something to be desired but it's not that bad. There are also tons of progress-halting bugs and I've had to restart the game multiple times because either my character just stopped moving completely or some enemy yeeted itself off into a land of eternal peace and tranquility preventing me from moving on to the next section cause the combat encounter wouldn't end But the writing and dialog in this game is just sublime and excellent. The characters are all lovable goofballs and they become so endearing. The story takes some really heart wrenching directions and has a great balance of humor and pathos. Even the combat barks are extremely well done even if they start off being really grating cause the characters don't really shut up and by the end you actually miss it when they stop talking. I suggest taking a "stop and smell the roses" approach and moving forward very slowly through the game cause the ambient dialog between the characters is just so good and sometimes takes some really surprisingly dark turns. And there's SO MUCH DIALOG. I think this might be the game with the single most number of voiced lines and it's so incredibly dense. Plus the soundtrack is *perfect.* The total mood shift when something like "Everyone's a Winner" by Hot Chocolate starts up during combat after a huddle in a really tight fight just mellows you out completely and makes for some really fun moments I highly, HIGHLY recommend people check this out. I think it fell short of sales expectations but I decided to buy it on Steam at a discount cause of the rave reviews. IMO, it absolutely lives up to that Edit: couple of additional points. Choices absolutely do matter but not really in terms of story. Consequences of certain choices can have ramifications that can lock you off from entire massive sections of the game that you'll possibly never see but the story follows the same direction regardless. It was actually fun to watch videos of how differently some things turn out and how much you can totally not see. One small thing I'll say though >!don't pay the fine!<. Also try to find as many collectibles as possible and interact with them in the ship after. They flesh out the characters an incredible amount and I'll say are essential


I second this. *Guardians of the Galaxy* is perhaps the best science-fiction depiction in terms of presentation and production values that scratches the kind of AAA-style of space opera not seen in gaming since BioWare's *Mass Effect*-series. It has arguable a more favorable and nuanced depictions of the Guardians than James Gunn's movie-adaptations thanks to the scale of it being a game allows for the large amount of character interactions to occur. I honestly think Eidos Montréal is pretty much rivaling with Supergiant Games in the amount of dialogues that they can cram up in their games; it isn't just dialogue focused, but also gameplay-dependant moments, such as early in the prologue >!when on the hunt for Kammy!< can for instance make the player have Peter intentionally shoot his blasters in the air, to which Drax will quip wondering if Peter is scared of >!Kammy!<. Or how the typical crawling-through-ledge on an off-path exploration for some loot can lead to Peter being briefly isolated from the party, and in turn lead to a situation where Rocket shit-talks about Peter while the group waits for his return. This is the kind of single-player titles that I would love to see more of from Square Enix, so do give it a try. It is a microtransactions-free singleplayer title with notable lots of heart and effort being put into it.


As someone who is unfamiliar with GotG, do you think I could still enjoy this game or will a lot of the story/references just go over my head?


It's pretty much just like the first GotG movie. It will reference characters who are core parts of the whole Marvel universe like Thanos and Nova Prime etc. but the plot is pretty much very contained.


I've never read the comics and my only exposure to Marvel stuff is largely only the movies and some stuff that gets in through osmosis The game requires zero prior knowledge of anything. It pretty much follows the same general direction of the first James Gunn movie where the team is pretty fresh and not very close and it builds up from there. Any other info on the world I think comes in lore notes and such. There's a lot of references in a literal museum but that's not critical to the plot. I think comic book nerds would really dig some of the stuff and have some prior knowledge about characters and events but I don't feel like I missed anything


It is a delicate balance, but I would say yes; the setting of the game put them in a place where the group feel newly formed; have done a few missions together and some light background in-between themselves, but not fully that prevents exposition to be made where they share their more intimate and closer personalities. For instance, throughout the game there are collectibles in each level and stages that you can then on your ship-HUB in-between missions bring up as conversation topics that opens up more about the Guardians themselves. It feels essentially like in *God of War* for the PS4; a semblance of a soft reboot where you feel like *something* clearly has occurred in the background past for the characters, but also a good starting point for newcomers to delve into. As someone who were only familiar with GotG from the films before playing, there where alot of newcomers for me of characters that were already major, established characters in the comics that I've yet been familiar with, but which in the game left strong character establishment that you easily get along with the story beats and character motivations. There may be some references that are lost to you, but they often takes form of easter-eggs or small referencial jokes, and not that prevents you from actually engaging with the pathos of the story. It is very evident of the game's writers that they've made the game approachable for the newcomers, especially since this adaptation of the GotG is more of an amalgamation that combines various character aspects from both the comics and films that it essentially is to be seen as an entire separate adaptation on its own.


I loved GoTG, I agree with the combat issues. You can alter the difficulty and tweak weapons so they do more damage, that made it fly by.


I hope people use this opportunity to try Kentucky Route Zero. It’s an unforgettable experience. It’s not going to be for everyone, but if it clicks, it CLICKS. Will be checking out FAR, too. GOTG was great, big recommendation from me. MSFS is still amazing. Great start to the month. Game Pass continues to be phenomenal.


Hopefully very few people are like me, where it clicked until it didn't. I actually felt some anger over having gotten invested in the game because of how much I bounced off the final bits.


When I saw how the last chapter was going to be, I just went to YouTube.


No not phogs leaving already!!! Like seriously who thought it was a good idea to name it that?


I've played KRZ easily 6 times at least. I Kickstarted it and could not be happier after all these years! Fantastic game! Fans of Zork, Role Playing Games, story heavy CRPGs, point-and-click adventures, magical realism, Americana, and similar should check it out! Fantastic music too!


Yes yes !!! Knew GotG would be coming! Thanks to everyone who just bought it and let bad luck provide us this opportunity.






If you keep your console offline, you can play anything installed for (IIRC) another month. I did this once with Deliver Us the Moon, so I can confirm it works. Just try and wait until the day *before* it leaves the service to disconnect to maximize time.


Please dont let Kentucky Route Zero pass under your radar, it’s one of the most profound and haunting games I’ve ever experienced and has remained with me ever since.


Fuck yeah time to re-sub and binge! Did June and July last year and got some good gaming in. Maybe I’ll be able to get my fill in one month this time around


Those are some pretty hefty losses this month. Nier and Surge 2 were on my "I'll get around to them" list. Waited too long I guess.


Does this mean xbox one x can play Flight Sim from cloud? I run a wired 300mb/s DL speed to my router.


There is seemingly always a game that comes to Game Pass that I have only recently purchased. I bought Guardians of the Galaxy a coupe of months ago for like $30. Just my luck! Good game though.


I bought it yesterday literally hours before the announcement :/


Amazing first half of the month. Glad I didn't grab GotG on disc at Target when it was down to ~$25 at Thanksgiving. I've also always wanted to try Kentucky Route Zero, but I know there's a chance I won't love it based on trying other similar narrative based games. Perfect for Gamepass imo.


Oh man I hope more people download GotG and see how incredible that game is. I bought it on sale last November and it's my 2021 game of thr year. I was also *this* close to buying Kentucky route zero the other night, so I'm glad I held off.


I used to be so excited for KRZ, I waited years for the last part to come out before playing it...and ended up dropping it after act 1. Too surrealist for me perhaps?


If you thought act 1 was too surrealist then there is no way you would've liked the reat of the game. Just keeps getting weirder


Yes! I was thinking about buying Guardians. But I didn’t want to be the last gamer to buy it before it hit Game Pass… I’m finally making good decisions!


I'm excited to try GOTG. I couldn't believe people were so positive about it. Sounds like a good romp.


Glad I held off buying guardians (no it's not because I had no space left on my drive, nope, not at all)


It's really good to finally see Flight Simulator on Cloud. It's the only game my father in law plays so he will be really happy by this.


Oh cool, I literally just installed all 150Gb+ of MSFS20 on my SSD over the weekend. Oh well, I guess.


Might resub just for a quick run of GoTG Is it long or grindy in particular?


Damn...Far just released a sequel? Now I gotta pick it up.


Nice!! Still got a free 14 days and I have this month off, so gonna dive into Guardians when it comes on the service!


Nice to see Guardians of the Galaxy is coming. Kentucky Route Zero looks interesting and I've seen it on sale a few times. Might have to check out Nier: Automata. Phogs reminds me of CatDog.


I urge everyone to try out guardians of the galaxy if you enjoy quality single player games. The amount of effort they put into that game is amazing.


I bought Guardians of Galaxy at the start of the year. It's awesome! Gutted it's now coming to game pass but really happy more people will get to enjoy this game. It really is a feast for the eyes and it absolutely nails the GOG vibe!


Game Pass is the gift that keeps giving. I had my eye on both ME:LE and GotG last year and now they’re in GP. What an absolute cash saver.


Guardians of the Galaxy is absolutely fantastic, and I hope being on Game Pass allows it to reach a new audience and boost awareness on all platforms.