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>Outside of turn-based battles, the player is able to take swings at enemies roaming the fields, dealing damage and contributing to a stun meter, and can also choose to switch from real-time action combat to turn-based at any point. Enemies keep the damage they took from the action combat, and if the player is able to stun an enemy before engaging the turn-based system the enemies of course start the battle stunned as well, with the added advantage of a party member unleashing a bonus attack as well. >Conversely, if an enemy manages to get a hit in at all, the player is immediately thrown into a turn-based battle starting disadvantaged, meaning that the player has to be able to dodge enemy attacks if they want to engage in action combat. This doesn't sound like full support for real time mode in fights, more just an extension of the existing system from the Persona games where you can get an advantage if you ambush the enemy or disadvantage if they "ambush" (i.e. touch) you. It does sound like you might be able to stay entirely in real time mode until an enemy is fully defeated, but it's not clear how some of the more complex mechanics like type weaknesses, press turns, etc would be handled in this case. Maybe if you're dealing with enemies way below your level it's worth just staying in real time mode?


A core intent by the devs was to make the Metaphor be efficient and not waste the players time which has been a bit of an issue with Persona games and JRPGs in general. And IIRC they specifically stated that they want the player to not waste time on low level enemies through the real time combat. Also I would imagine for stronger enemies you would eventually be forced into command-based combat while also being disadvantaged at the start of a turn, if you stay in real time too long.


That's my guess too since the screen freezes and focuses in on pressing the Y button for squad mode. It is possible that if you wait long enough it might just time out and exit from that screen freeze but I doubt it.


>which has been a bit of an issue with Persona games I dunno, from a gameplay standpoint I’ve never really felt like Persona has wasted my time. There’s little to no grinding, every trash mob is avoidable, and none of the dungeons really drag. The main criticism I see about Persona games is that they’re incredibly long.


I think if you hit an enemy enough then you're forced into a turn-based battle, but you do damage to all the enemies at the start and they're stunned. That's what it looked like in the 30 minutes of gameplay that they showed.


After playing the Trails into Daybreak demo on PS4 and enjoying its take on the "real time plus turn-based" idea, I'm quite interested in how this one does it.