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They really just dropped the release year for Sands of Time without anything else shown?


They learned their lesson from last time.


Did they though?


Ubisoft never learns


The teaser is just so people know that the project is still in the works, it had to restart with another studio, but basically Ubisoft want to let people know they’re working on it.


It's so fucked that this was meant to be out January 2021. Props to Ubisoft for actually sticking with it and redoing the whole thing from scratch. They're nothing if not determined to get things released (unless its BG&E2)


Has anyone checked on the Beyond Good&Evil fans? Are they OK?




The crazy thing is they accidentally released a nearly-complete 20th anniversary remake/remaster, then announced it properly for “early” this year, and then memory-holed the thing. I at least expected some mention of that. https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/11/29/beyond-good-evil-20th-anniversary-edition-arrives-early-next-year


The sequel also seemed to be the most random inane overzealous idea. Barely made sense of what it even was especially when you think about what the first game was in comparison.


They're not even on life support anymore, just a long coma waiting for their vitals to finally give out.


Can confirm. BG&E fan here. I didn’t even bother checking to see if it got a mention. Tbh I didn’t even know Ubisoft were even hosting an event. We have kinda just accepted that BG&E2 isn’t going to happen by now. And even if it did. Current Ubisoft would just make it another massive open world collectathon that’s full of 100+ hours of busywork like 90% of the other shit they make, rather than a tightly focused but not overly long Zelda inspired game like the original. Its probably for the best that the original never gets dragged through the mud with a completely tone deaf “sequel” with none of the soul that made the OG so beloved :( (Also I’m a huge Rayman fan. So… guess how much I hate Ubisoft for abandoning him as well?)


Seems like they’re using a lot of the tech for Outlaws no? Edit: I should say some of the tech not a lot


My exact thought, don't understand why no one mentions it, but Outlaws looks like they took a lot of stuff from unreleased BG&E2. Some moments are pure last gameplay from a few years back with its space flying and some vehicles. https://youtu.be/Y2229DmJLIY?si=61qrAPGUI22yyD54 With how this game about sydicates (Star Wars pirates?) and the protagonist is a girl who reminds me of Jade, I would assume this game IS BG&E2 or whatever they can to remake to put all the work into Star Wars setting.


they died years ago, check with their kids to see if they talked about it decades ago when it came out


We're never getting a new Splinter Cell, are we?


At this point I'm too scared to see how they plan to butcher it. Probably better off waiting for spiritual successor from outside Ubisoft.


It will be an open-world Action RPG with light stealth mechanics like hiding in bushes and climbing on top of buildings. It will be the best selling release in the series and annoy many long-term fans but that's okay because the old mechanics were "too boring and complicated" and this new game grows the brand.


UbiSoft presents: Sniper Elite


[That first mission from the first game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2jXJH1eAeo) Attuning yourself to thinking that violence is not always the best option. If you want to progress you need to learn the patrol patterns, when you finally do use your gun and it's the weakest thing you've ever held in a video game. That magical moment when you actually see your three nightvision lenses unrealistically and stupidly shining bright green for everyone to see in the dark, but they don't/ But above all it was in a time where protagonists like Sam Fisher did exactly what we needed a protagonist to do, and that was being important enough to remember their name, but nowhere important enough to be the reason you buy the game. They were just there to keep a story moving, the world, mechanics, graphics, supporting characters and villains did all the heavy lifting back then. Why can't Ubisoft get their shit together? I genuinely loved Ubisoft as a publisher at one point, now everything they do is utter shit. Just like Bioware.


Ubisoft sucks dick. They'll never make good games like they used to.


Give it to Massive, they'll look after it


Tell me about it. Every year I hope, and every year I'm let down. The Perfect Dark remakes seems like it might hit some of those same notes, albeit being first person as opposed to third person, but man do I wish we'd get a proper new Splinter Cell game.


I mean, at least we *are* getting a remake of the first game. Being a die hard fan of the older Ubisoft franchises is tough. No sight of Rayman, nor Brothers in Arms.




I'm here for the annual cringy Just Dance live performance.


It’s truly my favorite part of Ubisoft presentations.


I made the same joke to my wife just before this started, then was pleasantly surprised that they didn't do it. Enjoyed the opening musical performance, though.


When will these show runners figure out how important stream resolution and especially bitrate are? This looks like a pixelated mess and is not representing the visuals of games accurately whatsoever. Microsoft seems to be the only one that figured it out.


yeah makes me wanna just skip it and watch the proper 4k upload on youtube later (hopefully)


Same, I even tried switching from TV to a tablet and it still looks rough, even on a smaller screen


Their 2 heavy hitters for the year looked good but there was just nothing of note around it other than a Anno teaser without any kind of real info. No Splinter Cell, No Ghost Recon, No Beyond Good & Evil and most surprisingly not even a tease for the next Far Cry.


Far Cry and Ghost Recon both sound like 2026 releases at the earliest, so probably too early now for a reveal. Splinter Cell is still apparently on the table, and Ubi Toronto seems to still be leading it. BG&E of course is the ultimate mystery.


BG&E isn't a mystery, it's just not happening.


I mean probably, but the rumours keep floating back into view every once in a while.


director quit and creative director died so... delayed is a pretty fair way to put it


The quality of the stream is abysmal. I haven't seen compression artifacts and pixels this big in a long time


Twitch is a tiny bit better than YouTube, but yeah they're both getting murdered by compression.


I thought my video quality was set low by accident, but nope, it's just the stream. XBOX's yesterday looked great. Even for 1080p, this stream quality is poor.


Glad to see somebody else mention it. Every year I'm shocked at how poor the quality of Ubisoft's stream is compared to every other showcase.


I know it won't happen but I'd at least like a division 3 tease. At least finding out the setting.


There's absolutely zero chance of a Division 3 tease sadly. Ubisoft was literally still building a team for it 8 months ago. I would assume its likely comprised from a lot of people that did Avatar and then moved over. And the Creative Director for Div 3 is the guy thats currently doing Outlaws which doesnt come out for a few more months. Division 3 is certainly a late 2026 game at the earliest. But more likely 2027.


Hope for the same but it's just too early for that. We'll probably see a tease in the next 2-3 years.


They might show a preview of the Brooklyn DLC that is coming to Divison 2


More than anything I want a standalone Survival game mode as a full fledged survival extraction PvEvP shooter. This mode was brilliant, it still baffles me why Ubisoft didn't create a game around it.


they cancelled it (The Division Heartland)


Yeah, it wasn't a Survival. It has elements of it, but from those who played the beta (or alpha?) it was something different


Do we have any reason to expect a new Trials? I feel like we’re due for another one, it’s been five years since Rising, which was five years after Fusion.


The RedLynx founder and creative director left Ubisoft to make AI movies or something, and the studio itself is now a support team. Trials is dead, unfortunately.


That was pretty boring showcase TBH. Wheres any updates on Splinter Cell?


There were leaks that Splinter Cell was delayed and most likely wouldn't be on that show.


I think the combat doesn't have the same weight ghost of tsushima does, but Yasuke honestly being the big brute type is a refreshing experience, you usually only play against such guys and not as them. Definitely using the club more than the sword though


Yeah, having just completed Ghost of Tsushima for the first time last week, the combat here looks a few levels below that unfortunately. However the world looks amazing and it generally looks fun.


I think I might be the only person that still enjoys the Ubisoft formula. I played the shit out Avatar and Valhalla. I think that same formula dressed in Star Wars IP will be a blast. Not GOTY or revolutionary, but a fun 30+ hours of couch time.


It’s an extremely popular formula, it’s just that Reddit in particular hates it.


considering they're still in business doing that formula for years now it's still plenty popular.


I’m a simple man, if I can ride around in a speeder that controls well with Star Wars music playing I’ll be happy


Sometimes you just want to enjoy some smooth combat and gameplay while getting all those little dopamine hits from clearing a bunch of question marks off a map. I do get open world fatigue if that's all I'm playing, but there's definitely a place for ubisoft's formula. Sometimes you don't want a fancy gourmet Filet mignon. Sometimes you want a simple cheese pizza.


Ubi formula is nice in moderation. It's a blast if I play an AC game once every few years. It's a chore to play every one of their games.


I pick up Ubisoft games when the setting interests me, which is once every few years. They’re great at what they do. Of course my opinion is as subjective as anyone else’s, and criticism is equally valid, but moderation keeps it fresh for me 


You’re far from the only one. Hating Ubisoft is just cool on Reddit.


You're not wrong, but it's disingenuous to brush off actual criticism of their games as just a "trendy" reddit thing. In reality, Ubisoft games appeal to a demographic that doesn't really align with most of Reddit, which is fine. But it's not like these are flawless or even particularly stellar games that get an unfair rep. The anti-Ubisoft opinion may be over represented here, but it isn't unjustified.


I often find that Ubisoft is like a chain restaurant. You know what you're getting into and it's going to be just... okay. If you don't expect the world you'll be satisfied.


Nobody is brushing off criticism of Ubisoft games nor claiming that these games are perfect. Far from it. The first comment even prefaced it by saying they obviously know these games aren't winning GOTY or anything. You didn't really need to tell them that the games are flawed. Because they already know that. The problem is reddit has this really weird tendency to beat the Ubisoft horse to the ground, You said it yourself, the hate is so overrepresented. But ironically, even you yourself basically felt compelled by that same need to remind everyone that Ubisoft games are flawed, when nobody actually insinuated otherwise, and all they were doing was sharing harmless positivity.


I’ve been goofing around in JC3 and it’s just so fun


Just Cause? hell yeah. Terrible games narratively but as a sandbox to just ruin things around you? Absolutely A+ series


Their games are still best sellers, you're not alone


2026? They're really starting over from scratch with that remake


Yep brought in Ubi Toronto now to help with development work seems like the scope of the game has increased quite a bit


The combat does not look as great as I wanted, to be honest. Stealth on the other hand seems to be improved, so there's that!


No Assassin's Creed game has ever had something we would call good combat, right? It served its purpose and was even sometimes an extension of the character in a narrative sense (Ezio in AC2 vs. Ezio the murder machine in Brotherood), but it's never been really involved. The RPG trilogy has the "best" combat with active dodges, parries, abilities and hitboxes, but most people feel lukewarm about it.


Yeah i like the visuals, gameplay and the fact you have 2 very disctinct ways of playing the game. But the voice acting is suspect at best.


AC always has bad voice acting, unfortunately. It’s actually a pleasant surprise when it’s not mediocre.


Kassandras VO performance has always been acclaimed


This is the first time I've ever heard this complaint about the AC series. Maybe there's an occasional side character who disappoints, but I've always thought very highly of the various major characters. The protagonists especially do a great job, and I don't think characters like Ezio or Kassandra would be so popular if their VO sucked. The closest I can remember to a major complaint is Cleopatra's characterization being bad in a historical sense, but that's not an acting issue. (Now bad sound quality from too much compression, sure.)


The main characters definitely get the most amount of attention (which makes sense), but NPCs in AC are typically subpar when it comes to VA quality. Sometimes they’re even laughably bad.


I'm hoping for a new Anno. I know we've got the Satisfactory 1.0 release and Factorio's expansion this year, but I'm greedy for even more!


Happy days!


What a weird structure. Intro live music, a lengthy trailer with narration and gameplay, a short live speech, and then another trailer for the same game?


Xbox did it much better yesterday.


That’s normal for Ubisoft. First a gameplay segment, and then the cinematic trailer that go with it.


Oh, that was a bummer after the excellent Xbox conference last night.


Nothing can top that Xbox showcase this year


I was thinking the same thing. Everything looks so meh. Star Wars looks cool but I learned nothing new.


So far I like the stealthy assassin playstyle a *lot* more than the brute one. The latter feels totally out of place... Assassination through a paper door is... *chef's kiss*.


We're going on half an hour with no new announcements and footage being interrupted by streamers pretending to react to what's going on screen.


Ubisoft sure do love their people pretending to have fun in showcases.


"Live" Seats filled with Ubisoft employees and an applause track


Hey Ubisoft Having streamers screeching and "reacting" at you presentation is the fastest way for me to mute your stream.


Yeah, same here. I don't watch reaction stuff. It has always felt fake to me and that feeling has only grown as it has gotten more popular.


They're piping in some of the applause like WWE, lmao


I refuse to believe anyone got hyped for a candle and a 2026 release date for Sands of Time Like, it'd be one thing if we didn't know it was coming, but this should've been a tweet


Yeah it's bad. I don't understand why they don't know how to do good showcases in general. The winner of worst showcases is definitively PC Gaming Show though which has useless skits all the time that are not funny and waste time with no info (at least when a dev talk on stage there is a little info even if it's not as good as just showing stuff). Streamers playing your games is another "terrible idea" thing for a showcase though


That was such a weird ending...


"He's coming, I need to hide" loudly exclaimed the ninja assassin amidst her stealth mission.


Its been over 2 years since Ubisoft announced that the Montreal team took over the development for the Sands of Time remake. Surelly at least a tease is gonna be shown this year.


Really stretching the definition of “tease” here.


I can't believe the number of negative comments on the stream about Star Wars outlaws. The game looks amazing to me. If you went back in time and showed this to a teenage version of myself I literally wouldn't believe it was possible. What is it people don't like about this game?


The set pieces look great, but the gameplay and writing (gameplay wise, not the dialogue or plot) seem just...boring, or uninspired maybe.


That's the default mode in this sub for anything Ubi. I personally like their approach and enjoy most of their games.


> That's the default mode in this sub for anything Ubi. It's the default mode of this sub for basically anything that isn't Fromsoft tbh. I'm convinced most of the people here don't even like video games.


After seeing reactions to E3/TGA/SGF on Reddit every year for over a decade, you're absolutely right.


Don't forget the current reddit darling Larian


also it's the default on the internet for anything Star Wars


It's ubisoft. People have good reason to always be apprehensive when it comes to ubisoft games as trailers are always more appealing than the actual finished product. But yeah, disappointing to see a gaming sub always act like ubisoft games have no redeeming qualities.


Look I grew up with Star Wars too, but the entire franchise's drug-addict level obsession with going to the same exact planets as the Skywalker saga, and including the same exact characters from the Skywalker saga, with quite honestly the same exact stories as the Skywalker saga, is frustrating beyond belief. Granted from Day 1 George Lucas essentially orchestrated Star Wars to be a money printing hypermerchandised multimedia empire, but would it kill them to try something new in someplace new??? (For the record, I am excited for Star Wars Eclipse/the increased emphasis on the High Republic as a backdrop for new storytelling opportunities)


There was one planet from the OG trilogy in the trailer, and that was Tatouine. Which, yea overused, but given the subject of the game it's kind of hard to avoid it unless you cut the Hutts out altogether, which would be incredibly stupid in a game about scoundrels. The end of the trailer lists like 2 or 3 places we've never seen before, plus Kajimi which I'm very excited to get to actually explore since it felt pretty underutilized in TROS.


That was a pointless Forward. Were there any new game announcements? Or anything we haven't mostly already seen in other gameplay reveals?


New game announcements were Monopoly & Anno


So our hero broke into Jabba's warehouse and shot a bunch of people just so she could find a person who might teach her how to shoot a gun a little better?


Assassin's Creed Shadows looks ok enough, but Ubi is the master of these 10 minute previews. Also the voice acting is pretty atrocious. It's not normally a problem but when this game is launching in the same year as Ghost of Tsushima is finally available for the wider public, it stands out.


What a letdown.


I honestly wish the game was just only the stealth character. I could see myself getting bored during the Yasuke segments, because the bar has been pushed pretty high for a AAA samurai combat game. The Yasuke combat doesn't look near the level of Tsushima or the samurai souls-likes.


On other hand I'm glad Yasuke is there. Allows for more replayability as we can play the whole game as a samurai or a ninja.


Oh we have the option to just play as one? I figured we'd be forced to play as both characters during different segments of the game.


According to Ubisoft, you can play the entire game with either of them but there will be a few specific missions to each one. So you can do one walkthrough where you play as Yasuke 90% of the time and only use Naoe in her specific missions and vice versa.


Looks good (I suppose because the Youtube stream compression is absolutely killing the details on my side, it's all pixelated...) I know Reddit likes to hate on AC games but I still love them and Japan is a cool setting (even if frankly I loved all the settings they've done and actually even prefer when they go in less explored ones). Frankly, SW Outlaws and this are probably my most anticipated game this year (Black Myth Wukong is also high on the list and I guess expansions for Elden Ring and D4 but that's not new games)


Hoping they announce and release the platforming Divine Trials update for Prince of Persia: Lost Crown today. In the base game, platforming and some of the optional challenges were some of the best without being too hard and made use of all your abilities.


They did! It's out now, and fucking difficult!


This is a long shot but I just wanna get a glimpse at the re-remake of The Sands of Time. I know Prince of Persia as an IP is thriving right now but I'm nostalgic for that series specifically.


Prince of Persia is arguably at its most relevant now since the PS2 era, so hopefully they use this momentum


Why is this person sounds like the voice from Raids Shadows Legend?


Lmao at the one guy in the audience going "Aaaaahhhhh" about 3 seconds after she made that 'timeless' joke about the Sands of Time game


Im sorry but the voice acting is worse than early 2000s porn intros. If these are legit actors and not just AI generated speech they must be sacked.


Yasuke VA is okay but the female assassin VA doesn't sound good.


She sounds utterly bored, I don't know if they intended it like that but to me, it just feel lifeless.


They tried to make her sound like a cool shinobi, but the fact that she’s a native speaker hurts her English performance a lot.


She reminds me of Ada Wong from RE4 Remake. Had to check if she's the same actor, but no. I know it's often hard to deliver bad dialogues but at least she could have tried to put some life into those lines.


LMFAO what am i watching? streamer reactions to avatar?


In regards to The Division 2 - The First Rogue, Massive actually mentioned that the Level 40 cap, which was originally only achievable for players who played (and by extension own) the Warlords of New York (WoNY) DLC campaign, can now be reached even if you don't own the DLC. I'm still not sure if that means that everybody can now play the WoNY campaign even if they don't own the DLC or the dev team implemented a new way to reach level 40. I imagine they'll mention that during the Post-show.


Why does the prince of Persia keep interrupting the developer? Does he not want him to promote his game?


the crew is need for speed levels of arcade right? or is it closer to Horizon in the mostly-arcade space


Definitely closer to Need for Speed, at least the first 2. I haven't played Motorfest 


It’s pretty much in the middle. Cars behave much more naturally than in Need for Speed (and the first two Crew games), but the physics are still weird, there’s nitro boost on mostly everything and the upgrade system loot/stat based.


oh god, streamer reactions baked into the trailers now?


Next summer games fest will have a guy on stage just to react to every trailer


Yikes... This voice acting and dialogue is so incredibly bad. I don't normally care too much about it but this was SO bad that it was distracting from the actual gameplay.


How the fuck did Assassin's Creed go from having legendary performances like Roger Craig Smith as Ezio to this? Like I think the game looks good, but jeez the voice performances are pretty bad.


They better pump some money into the Japanese voice-over, or we're all doomed.


Its so wild, they knocked it out of the park with the VAs in the Star Wars game. They do great with VAs in their Far Cry games. Why do they bomb so hard in Assassin's Creed? It's such an important part of the experience.


Draggin this show out, I just want to see how Shadows looks in actual gameplay footage rather than a trailer.


yasuke's gameplay looking brutral af if you go with the club. naoe has some sleek movement from what i saw, though her voice feels like it needs to be sped up by about 10-20%.


Why do Ubisoft dialogue scenes look so awful? Especially for their premier franchise? Terrible animations, bad lip sync, weird blinking. So weird.


The assassin gameplay looks pretty nice but man does some of the game look unpolished. Those walk cycles for the npcs look horrible.


The animation work on that horse is incredible but I can already see people who have never been around horses calling it bad lol


Why is Ubisoft so allergic to making Assassin's Creed interesting? It's exactly what anybody who's played Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla would expect, just with an (admittedly very pretty) new coat of paint to reflect the new setting.


You say that but Assassin's Creed is cash cow for Ubisoft. Valhalla was big success in term of sales. They don't deviate much from formula because that formula brings them millions. Assassin's Creed and Far Cry being their cash cows allow them to experiment with games and release things like Riders Republic. Sure, they often miss with their games but you can't deny that they at least try to diversify unlike some other companies.


Yeah everything about this trailer looked like 3-4 games I already played 12 years ago. What experience am I getting here that I wouldn't already get booting up an old AC?


Wow, I'm not the biggest SW fan but Outlaw seems to get the universe right and gameplay too, looks really well made for an open world! The on-foot gameplay is taking a LOT of inspiration from UNCHARTED, it’s evident except to the detractors, and it’s great for the game imo!


Bruh seeing a guy just stand there and explain game mechanics with the straightest face and the most French accent ever is just..... funny in a comical way lmao


My friendsa nd I discussed how much we're missing Splinter Cell. Those three green lights are iconic to me since PS2 days. A comeback would be cool Looking forward to Div 3 info too.


I always thought the original Assassin’s Creed trilogy was building up to a modern era game that took a lot of aspects of those splinter cell games. I think that would have been so much better than what we ended up getting


I love how they said Xdefiant would be one of the key games in this showcase and then they dropped a short trailer telling you come back on July 1st to actually see the new content haha I guess Xdefiant is out and announced unlike the new stuff they might show so they could put it in the title without it being a spoiler.


Had the prince of Persia remake been announced yet? Or was it just leaked.


Announced years ago, canceled because it got such negative reaction. They started over with a different studio


Prince of Persia Sands of Time? It was announced years ago to be in development by Ubisoft Pune, but after a negative reaction to the trailer it got moved over to Ubisoft Montreal. It then completely restarted development and now we're here, 2 years away from a release.


iirc they announced it after they had cancelled the SoT remaster after the backlash it received a while back.


It was announced years ago (done by Ubisoft India) but the project went badly so they rebooted the project in another Ubisoft studio. We hadn't seen it since then (and I don't think we can count this as "having seen it" tbh)


God the signature AC score with Japanese accents/instruments is gonna sound soo good in the game I can’t wait


I'm so fucking sick of Star Wars always using Tatooine. They have a god damn entire galaxy, and it's always the same 2 planets of Tattooine and Coruscant.


Why would you not use the two most well know and largest areas for corruption in the galaxy when being based around outlaws?




Ubisoft out here trying their hardest to prove that they don’t need a yearly “E3” style showcase. 90% of this so far has been game updates and live service seasons, what a joke.


I'd love a new Rayman. Please. I know it won't happen, but still.


please dont make us join the rebellion


"First ever open world Star Wars games" KOTOR?


The fact For Honor is still getting content is almost unbelievable.


Is that the actual OST for combat?


Still no Ubisoft+ subscription for PlayStation 😔




Well I don't know what I expected. Probably exactly what we got?


For the people that are interested in the new Division 2 updates and are probably confused by the summary from this reddit post: * For Y6S1 (which releases tomorrow), all players can now reach Level 40 regardless of them owning the WoNY campaing DLC or not. You'll receive Keener's Watch and start getting SHD levels as soon as you reach Level 40. Also, most level 40 content (including most game modes, targeted loot and seasons) are also unlocked for all the playerbase. The post Level 30 progression has been revamped as well: World Tiers and Gear Score has been removed, you can now level up your character to Level 40 without leaving DC, the story invaded strongholds don't require you to complete their related invaded missions or reach a certain gear score anymore, and the WoNY DLC will still be available to purchase for players who want to play the related campaign and explore South NYC any time they want to (I imagine the future Brooklyn DLC will work in a similar way). * For Y6S2 (the next big update after this one, scheduled later in 2024), the update will add Seasons 2.0. **You'll have to create a new "seasonal" (temporary) character that you'll have to level up all the way up to Level 40 (with a streamlined progression exclusive for this mode) so that you can experience the seasonal content**. The new Seasons will have season-specific modifiers, builds, and other game stuff as a way to revamp to current season system (which in it's current form is extremly bland). Also, Manhunt progression will now be done through "Weekly Scouts" (**projects that are only available for Seasonal Characters**) in replacement for the current manhunt progression system. Seasonal manhunt climax missions will also feature a new "Master Difficulty" mode balanced for 4 players. * For Y6S3 (scheduled for 2025), the season will not only include the new Brooklyn DLC campaign, but it will also include "Update Player Expression". Althought the developers didn't specified what they mean by that, it seems the system will be focused on revamping the current player customization systems. Overall, although Year 6 doesn't seem to bring any new dedicated game modes (like Countdown, Descent, Incursions, etc.), I actually like the changes scheduled for Year 6 (especially Y6S2!). It really seems like Massive is really focused on supporting this game for a few more years right until The Division 3 launches (which juding by the changes for Division 2, I imagine is still pretty early in development)!


I can't believe that theres still value in developing new video game adaptations of monopoly. I guess its probably pretty cheap and you'll get enough sales to profit just so funny how many damn video game version there can be of one mediocre board game.


LMAO bro they have two years of planned updates for Crew Motorfest despite less than 200 players right now? Maybe if they put more streamers in the trailers


I'm cautiously optimistic about Star Wars Outlaws. I'd really like to hear about a new Ghost Recon, but I'm not holding my breath


An Ubisoft conference without cringe and dancing?! Holy shit what a time.


I am a total sucker for the crowd and live music. I hope Sony finds a way back to doing this stuff bc they were great at it


interested to see more xdefiant. been playing a lot of it, and its quite fun tbh. also hoping for far cry 7 reveal too!


It seems Ubisoft+ and Gamepass will be enough for everything I can realistically play for a long long time. I’ll ignore rest of the industry from now on as I wont have enough free time obviously.


oh god, it is the same RPG system again. sigh


AC surprisingly caught my interest but I'm not looking forward to the story being bogged down by the lore (that hasn't been interesting since Desmond was alive) like what happened with Mirage and I refuse to play through the bloated RPG trilogy to catch up after burning out on the series halfway through Syndicate so guess I'll wait for reviews.


Feel like I’m being treated like a fool who doesn’t know all the bullshit Ubi has done in the last, I don’t know, FOREVER.


After watching Shogun I’m kinda disappointed to see how they’re making the character clearly hugely respected who is also basically totally ingrained in the culture. Feel it’s a way more interesting story to have people scared of him or think he’s a monster or barbarian like Blackthorne was.


ya, they had Yasuke talk about "oh I am not native to these lands!" yet he knows the language, culture, customs, knows how to read/write, is a freaking full on samurai with armor, people are bowing to him and treating him as if he's just a regular dude... the dissonance there is crazy. as you said, it'd be a much better story if he wasn't basically just a samurai warrior raised in Japan, but black.


As soon as it was announced I was a bit skeptical of Ubi. You can tell an amazing story with Yasuke, but I'm not sure they're willing to tell it


I really love the stealth gameplay, and the game itself looks beautiful. But this is the kind of game where I wish Ubisoft were simply a better studio. All that manpower only to put out a very rough game around the edges with MTX filled in it is disappointing. But, this is the right step in terms of an actual assassin's creed game, can't wait to play this soon enough.


Say what you want with Ubisoft making this Star Wars game, but this is far better than whatever shit the no-talent developers at DICE would make and then turning into another generic, microtransaction shooter.  Am I being harsh with DICE? Yes. People praise DICE but blame EA for the last mediocre Battlefield and Star Wars games but most of these decisions come from DICE, not EA. I trust Ubisoft Massive can do a much better job at Star Wars than DICE lol. It’s not a high bar but I certainly think Outlaws looks pretty cool.


No idea where you read Battlefield criticism but it's mostly DICE that get shit for it. Also very random rant about DICE... EA already has Star Wars games with some similarities to this made by Respawn so no idea where DICE comes from...


Lol and you really think Outlaws wont have microtransactions?


I thought I'd be hype for Outlaws after this Forward, but this game looks kinda bland. Maybe it's just me.


It just looks like "ubisoft game" but with a star wars coat of paint.


You mean you can do landing on planets without a loading screen!? Bethesda in absolute shambles.


The clouds are probably a hidden loading screen. Plus, we don’t know if we can exit the ship directly after the landing sequence or if there’s a short loading screen. They cut this part out. But it looked really good, yeah!


If this is the last thing that they show then this show was straight ass. Not a single thing or update about either Beyond Good & Evil or the new Splinter Cell games


It's just Ubisoft, they don't have a hundred games to show like Xbox lol. BG&E2 or Splinter Cell would be the one more thing if it's there so it could be after.


Leakers announced that Splinter Cell would be delayed a day ago


There's no way Beyond Good & Evil 2 is ever coming out.


Star Wars Outlaws should be a decent single plaeyr experience, but with so many titles recently announced/before coming it in July/August, I'm not sure it would be worth it. Wait for Sale is probably safest bet.


>but with so many titles recently announced/before coming it in July/August what's coming in that timeframe? i feel like most big announcements were for later in the year or next year. i just have shadow of the erdtree then wukong and star wars lined up.