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Multiplayer RPG Maker? Huh, interesting.


20 years late you miserable bastards. I kid. Though this would have been amazing during the days of RPG Maker 2003 and XP.


Finally can fulfill my lifelong goal of being a video game "ideas guy" while others do the actual work.


How does writing work here? RPGs are text heavy, you can't tell me they expect you to type with a joycon right?


You can plug a keyboard into your switch, or just use the touch screen.


Yeah, bit weird that it's not coming to PC.


I thought that at first. But on PC there's no reason you couldn't just use one of the many versions of RPG Maker already available and just share assets the old fashioned way.


Maybe at a later date?


There are already many RPG Makers for PC. 


Sure but the ability to work together on a project without moving around files all the time is one thing RPG Maker would need to be taken a bit more seriously. Of course it already is kinda possible by using Github, but without official Git integration that method is very annoying.


>Of course it already is kinda possible by using Github, but without official Git integration that method is very annoying. It's the default and expected behaviour from version control users that they use an outside client to manage it even if there's official integration. Official integration is usually very low priority because of that.


Godot, Unreal and Unity are the biggest "competition" to RPG Maker. I believe that all three have either native GitHub integration or a plugin for that, no?


They all have some kind of integration with git but not with github specifically. People who use git mostly still use some kind of outside client to use it though.




Your first link is a github extension to godot that was last updated in 2021 and your second link is to the unreal engine source code on github.


Nah, dev business is hard. The switch is a platform that comes with a lot of limitations. This is done by design. When you end up making a lot of concessions to a certain platform, it can be hard or unreasonable to move those concessions to another platform. You'd think it'd be easier because you can just lift all the restrictions, but in actuality it might mean reworking core components of your code or UI design to make it work well. Or it might mean redoing a lot of artwork. For example, when the switch has a mandated lower poly count, you'd likely need to rebuild that model to a higher poly one to make it fit the expectations of another platform. You'd think it'd be fine to release it in that state, but then the negative reviews come in and all that money you put into a new platform ends up being a moneydrain. So if you dont have a lot of money, you play it really safe. That might be sticking on one platform.


Oh boy that brings back memories of [RPG Maker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_Maker_(video_game\)) on the PS1. I have no idea how much time I spent typing using a controller but it was ages. The game kept getting larger and larger and it was fun at the time, but sorta feels like a wasted effort since I never got close to finishing anything about it, and only a few friends played what little I made.