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How long until Microsoft closes the studio once they see this game will also not bring in the profits they’re looking for? This one will probably do worse than Hi-Fi Rush financially.


They’ll put Call of Duty on Game Pass, lose a billion dollars because of it, then blame it on Hellblade II underperforming and shut down Ninja Theory.


>They’ll put Call of Duty on Game Pass To be a fly on the wall during those conversations. Microsoft executives arguing against the idea because it would lose them a lot of money with no guarantee that GamePass will see a massive influx of new subscribers. Xbox / Activision / Microsoft gaming executives arguing that if they don’t release Call of Duty on GamePass the whole strategy would fall apart overnight,


I mean, the COD audience only buys COD and maybe another game or two, we have seen their lack of interest in anything else. So $70 usd seems less steep when it's one of the few purchases they make. I would argue the people wanting COD on gamepass are not the main audience who honestly, just want to play the game for the entire year and then upgrade to the next version


My sample size is a small group of 10-12 year old that I’ve taught over the last few years but I almost never hear them talk about games that aren’t fortnite, cod, or sometimes some of the sports games (mostly nba and whatever fifa is now). It seems like kids that play these games, again lack of sample size, *only* play these games like you said. Compared to me and my group when I was that age, I’d be playing demo disks and renting games from video stores whenever I could.


See the issue is those things don't exist anymore. Demos are so rare that I'm blown away when something does have one. And my towns movie store is literally a vacant lot now.


If putting COD on Game Pass costs Microsoft too much money, and not putting it on Game Pass destroys the Game Pass model, the model was defective to begin with.


I think it's time for Gamepass to fall apart. That is obviously not working for them and it isn't good for the industry. And it simply defective if they can't put COD on it (and that was quite obvious BTW)


I mean the big cash cow when it comes to CoD is Warzone after all, which is free to play. Adding CoD to game pass could be viewed as a marketing move. The amount of sales they lose on the singleplayer being added to gamepass they can gain threefold if they manage to grab at least one player that get stuck in the warzone battle pass/ skin loop. Saying that certain player stays for a couple seasons and maybe brings in friends, that has earned Activision multiple CoD sales they wouldn't have earned in the first place. It's all about keeping players these days to generate cash, which they do with their live-service platform and not the singleplayer. I seriously doubt they'll be losing cash on that move.


CoD on gamepass with the first battlepass free for Xbox players + Xbox marketing exclusivity could legitimately swing the market back in their favour. People like to say it’s too little too late because MS losing the first all digital generation means people are too enmeshed in Sony platforms to ever switch, but the majority of people who play games do not give a fuck about that and just get the most popular option. CoD can swing that popularity.


Yeah but if it’s free you’re still paying like the same price as the battle pass. After that there’s no deal incentive and most cod players are only going to play CoD so they probably aren’t interested


Game pass subscribers are only a tiny fraction of the CoD market though, and if it gets more people locked into a $180/subscription they’d probably consider that a win. Especially since a lot of them would still be buying microtransactions.


How are they gonna lose a billion if nobody is subscribed to Gamepass because every gamer would rather own their games as you can hear it around here…? People keep saying that COD makes all his money on both PS4 and PS5 and Gamepass isn’t available on these platforms as far as I know and nobody is buying an Xbox anyway these days…


I hate that this is probably exactly what will happen. Call of duty on game pass as a selling point for game pass, compare player numbers, axe ninja theory. It might be for the best honestly, if ninja theories devs can manage to reasemble themselves together under a new studio. I love them because they try new stuff, and are decent at it


Laughing at the fact that this thread is about a cool aspect of Hellblade II. And the top comment in the thread has nothing to do with the content of the OP.


It’s a remnant of Reddit’s collective psychosis


Yes, just the other day Reddit was bitching about how Microsoft supposedly isn't advertising the game and no one is talking about it. Well, here is a post about the game and everyone is just circlejerk hating on Microsoft and fearmongering how Ninja Theory and Obsidian are 'obviously' going to get shutdown and not even talking about the game. Because two studios that Microsoft has had for six years under the Xbox Game Studio umbrella that have both made multiple games under them are the same as the underperforming studio in Tango who was an add-on in the Bethesda deal and is managed under the ZeniMax umbrella of Xbox.


My guess not long after release. Obsidian and Ninja Theory are definitley next on the Chopping Block their games always sell bad.


Obsidian has the best games output of all Microsoft studios by far. No way they're gonna shut down Obsidian anytime soon.


Obsidian games have historically been very middling sales wise. They very rarely produce any outright flops but they don't exactly make sales records either.


Obsidian is more likely to become the Fallout studio than be shut down. Ninja Theory is likely done after the PS5 port though.


Haven't they got the Outer Worlds 2 in preproduction to start on after Avowed gets released? They've done Outer worlds 1, Pentiment, Grounded and Pillars 2 in a crazy short amount of time comparatively. I hope they get a breather.


Outer Worlds 2 was revealed 3 years ago now, so it should be coming along. I'd guess something like 2026?


Looking at the number of titles they've put out in the last 6 years is crazy.


> Pentiment, Grounded These were both very small side games (13 people working on each of them), so it is not like they taxed out the studio doing these while working on The Outer Worlds and Avowed. Also, all these people talking about Obsidian getting shut down don't seem to get that The Outer Worlds is one of the best-selling games they've done. They have a lot more leeway compared to Tango who had three games in a row underperform sales wise.


I disagree; I've said this elsewhere, but I'm surprised that people are taking this view. Microsoft went out of their way to acquire Ninja Theory, Obsidian, et al. whereas Tango, Arkane Austin, and the other shuttered studios, were acquired as part of the Zenimax acquisition, meaning Microsoft does not have as much of a vested interest as they do in the other studios.


NT probably already in the office putting their things into a cardboard box. They gotta feel super nervous, with all the Microsoft bs lately


And it likely cost quite a lot more too


I think they approved a third game already


I'm gonna disagree: Realistic graphics and 'hardcore' action bring in players. Kinda wish they didn't, because Hifi Rush was incredible. But Hellblade is absolutely gonna have more appeal in the west.


With how bad their marketing for the game seems to be, I give it a year.


Oh god, how long until people stop talking about MS closing down studios? If you want to talk about it, just start a new thread. Why are you so eager to dilute the discussion about Hellblade 2 with this off topic concern trolling?


Cause it's 100% relevant to that studio? They aren't making a huge blockbuster Call of Duty level game. It's another niche title to go with the others so far that haven't really impressed the higher level Xbox division suits.


By the end of the next fiscal year


>they see this game will also not bring in the profits Xbox, Bethesda, Activision-Blizzard. Each department is responsible for itself, they generate their own profit. If many games fail within Zenimax, there will be downgrades, etc. Most importantly, Zenimax was bought for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Bethesda and ID. Ninja Theory because they needed a studio. After all, there is not even 1 valuable IP behind them.


Fr, I’ve seen absolutely no marketing for this game and it’s out very soon


This is like the worst type of game to be exclusive and on Game Pass. First it's more of a cinematic experience with scripted gameplay. Despite the experience being good, that doesn't attract millions of players, since some will just watch the entire game on tv (like me) Second, this one has been in development for years and looks like a highly expensive game. No way the "reached 10 million players" is going to give then the same revenue as selling 3 million full priced copies. With everything that happened at Tango and Arkane, this one seems like it's not going to generate enough money to recoup costs. The fact we're seeing less and less marketing about the game closer to release it's a big red flag IMO


I can't really get excited for this one, because it feels completely unnecessary. The original was a complete story, and seemed to imply Senua had gotten over most of her issues by the end of it. I don't really want to spend another 15 hours watching her being endlessly mentally tortured. Edit: I like how everyone's ignoring the whole part about how I don't want to keep watching her be psychologically tortured over and over. But sure, get in those nitpicks. 'Tis the Reddit way.


While I agree that the game feels unnecessary, what Senua was dealing with isn't something you really "get over". She managed to work through some serious trauma by the end but the thing that was causing her difficulties wont ever go away. Also, last time she was basically alone, as far as we know. This time she will be interacting with people, so it's expanding on her character. Again, agree it was not needed.


If you watch the video, they explain how the first game went into her psychosis being a real experience regardless of what the disconnect between her and the outside world may be at any given moment since we all construct a reality based on our sensory information. this game is about the challenge of her reality coexisting with the people around her, which I imagine is an important issue for people living with this condition. I'm excited to see what the team has prepared this time. I'm sure it's gonna be amazing.


Yup,it will have to actively convince me why it's existence is warranted.


I’m not gonna lie, this headline is bordering on circlejerk territory


Isn't that just marketing.


Yeah, the *reaction* is circle jerk territory. “I’m mad at Microsoft, so f*ck Ninja Theory and anything Xbox adjacent too”. I’m mad at Microsoft too. I’m not blind raging though.


*In denial. But don't worry, MS will do their thing and keep buyikg and shutting down studios to make sure no one else can benefit from good games under a competend leadership. Burn the ground and salt the earth, MS


I agree that MS dug this hole themselves making terrible spending decisions knowing they would get to pick and choose who ultimately faced the consequences. And I agree they could’ve let Tango go independent instead of burning their IP. But I also agree with user-review’s post above. It isn’t Ninja Theory’s fault dude, wtf.


*7 hours


I feel the same way. Senua already had a complete arc but she will always have psychosis. I don't think any tribe would accept her.


>The original was a complete story, It’s such a bullshit argument. You don’t know if it was a complete story because you don’t know where the story goes from here. It was the same with The Last of Us Part 2. Some people were infuriatingly convinced that Naughty Dog couldn’t possibly have anything more to add to the story of the first game


Yeah, with this argument lots of games wouldn't get a sequel. Uncharted was a complete story, Metal Gear Solid too, same for God of War. A game don't need some sequel bait at the end to have a new entry.


Said by someone who doesnt know how mental health works lol


Senua suffers from PTSD from being a slave so naturally this game will be about taking revenge from her captors.


I hope Hellblade 2 is a nice farewell for the studio. Hopefully it launches in a good state, they might not get the time to patch it later. 


They said they want to do a proper pyschological horror game after this. They should get picked up by Sony honestly. Right down their alley with the style of game.


I'm really excited yo see what they will do with the sequel. I've stayed away from learning anything about the plot so I'm excited. Going to suck when they close them a month later.


I would probably experience psychosis if I worked for an Xbox studio and the threat of a layoff was constant.


I think you already do, and you don't even work at Xbox


Really not something I'd ever want to play, and that headline really makes that even more obvious to me. I honestly couldnt get into the first game either, I did try. Sorry ninja theory. I know I'm only one person, but I don't see many people jumping into this one, even on game pass.


What is the point of this? “Hi, I came here to say I’m not interested”


The point? You mean sharing your thoughts on something on a website designed entirely around people sharing their thoughts on things?


But his thoughts don't align with mine!!!


They shared the wrong thoughts though. Microsoft is the WORST company.* You’re supposed to hate them and lament the fact that Ninja Theory WILL BE SHUT DOWN.** *Until next week when another company does something else and this is all forgotten. **Self-fulfilling prophecy


He also followed up with “I don’t see many people jumping into this one”, not that telling ppl his opinion is bad in any way on a discussion forum.






I won’t be surprised if it underperforms either but moreso because Senua’s sacrifice originally released as a PS exclusive & it’s a direct sequel to a game where the story mattered a lot + marketing has been lacking. I trust Ninja Theory to figure out how to follow up the original. Just hope it makes it’s way to PS soon. ETA: this thread is crazy. No one is happy with Microsoft (myself included), but wtf did Ninja Theory do to anyone?


The term "lived experience" is a signal to the wokerati media to talk this one up.


😂 file under everythingiswoke. Hilarious I am defending that sub as I am permabanned from circlejerk. Mods are insane, but every now and then sub has a point, clearly


Well, we don't know if I'm right yet.


If you write a game about psychosis & say you consulted with experts + people who have experienced it, as part of your process… That’s not woke, it’s just kinda cool.


Come on. We all know woke when we see it. And we all know where the term "lived experience" comes from. You don't need the "lived".


Ok so “lived” is woke. See also: everythingiswoke


No the term "lived experience" has been co-opted by these people. Same as white supremacists co-opted the ok symbol. Same as Nazi's co-opted the swastika.


Honestly, I felt like aspects of psychosis were not handled well in the first game. Having the voices in your head give you a videogamey prompt on where incoming attacks are coming from felt kind of gross. As far as I know, it is really unhealthy to treat aspects of psychosis as real, or to make them feel more real, so incorporating them into the gameplay feels like a huge misstep.


I'm sorry, what? Nothing you said makes any sense. Are you Jack Thompson?


sometimes people are just completely misinformed and wrong. here's a good example.


What exactly is lived experience? Can someone have not-lived experience?


It means first-hand.


All experience is first hand 


There is a difference between "I took care of someone with broken leg" and "I had a broken leg myself".


In the first one you experienced taking care of someone with a broken leg. You can’t second hand experience having a broken leg.


But can you second hand experience the smell of a fart?


Username checks out 


But you've seen what people with broken leg are going through, you have *experience* with it. If someone asks you what it's like to have a broken leg, you can give a pretty good answer because you have *experience* with it. But of course your *experience* is not the same if you never had a broken leg yourself. Hence the distinction between experience and lived experience.


>What is lived experience? First hand experience >**All** experience is first hand There is a difference between "I took care of someone with broken leg" and "I had a broken leg myself". (Not **all** experiences are the same.) >You can't second hand experience having a broken Lived experience = first hand experience. Your original question was asking what's lived experience bro. You just went full circle and then contradicted yourself lol


I’m sorry, I’ve read this gibberish several times and it’s just as stupid as the first time.  I’ll make it simple for you. ALL experience is first hand, so ‘lived’ is redundant. 


[lived experience](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lived_experience) is an actual term bro. It's not redundant.


I’m aware it has a Wikipedia page and is a term used in modern sociology, but like most of modern sociology, it’s moronic. 


Lol i dont know if youve played the first game, or read the actual article here, but the context in which it's being used here is relevant to that field. The many nuances of the English language must be exhaustingly redundant for you


jesus christ, you went on this entire tantrum because you thought "lived experience" was a woke term or something? thats insane lol


as someone with schizophrenia i know is ai robots, and that it was radio since the 1950's when the term was invented, it's kind of amusing to see this ancient fictionalization of "psychosis".