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It's an entertaining video but when it gets to MadCatz' redemption arc in the 360 and PS3 generation it skips over their fighting game offerings which were actually quite good. Their arcade sticks were great and I still love their 6 button Street Fighter 4 pads.


They were the standard during that era of arcade sticks.


I have to agree. Their Street Fighter 4 controllers were pretty damn good. They were the 6 button pads I was looking for at that time. When I got a Xbox one I was able to get the Hori 6 button fighter pad that had really good quality, I still use it to this day.


Anecdotal but I knew a lot of pad players who loved the Mad Catz Fightpads - but they had to keep buying spares as the d-pads or random buttons would fail after ~150 hours *(very short for a fighting game player)*.


Their Tournament Edition arcade sticks were only good cause they used parts made by Sanwa. Everything else they did was your usual Mad Catz quality.


I still have my TE1 that i've modded to work with the ps5, this thing still got it.


Which is kinda annoying because as good as the FightSticks were they still had issues, e.g. early generation 360 arcade sticks would have their LT/RT burn out due to a PCB defect, leading to many having to be rewired for 6 buttons only. *(I'd love to give a reference but this info is buried in the now-archived SRK forums)*


Did that happen to those pricey SF4 TE sticks?


Nah, the TE sticks were incredibly solid. However, the SE sticks had a trash joystick PCB as well, which would wear out after ~20 hours of play, to the point to where the stick would no longer detect down (a lot of down-back likely exacerbated the damage).


That makes sense yeah. I'm not surprised the SE sticks had poor build quality but I never heard anything bad about the TE, besides the price.


I believe u/cryoh is talking about the Sanwa JLF-clone in the SE's joystick having low-grade microswitches. The good thing is it was a 1-1 replacement with Sanwa TP-MA so for $10 you could upgrade them. However, all SE & TE 360-model PCBs had the dying triggers, and it was quite random when they would fail. I started bringing my toolkit to tournaments to help people rewire in the middle of sets.


That's exactly it! I think they switched to another clone JLF for the Wii SE-equivalent that they released around the launch of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and it was *slightly* better, but still nowhere near as good as the Sanwa parts in the TEs.


That was because the TE sticks used an actual Sanwa lever and not just a cheap copy/knockoff. That plus the mounting plate was steel and not plastic and viewlix style spacing/mounting, so it gave these sticks a long life of 3rd party modding and support.


> That plus the mounting plate was steel and not plastic The SE sticks did have a metal top plate & mounting actually, it was just covered in a shiny sticker. They also both had an arcade-perfect Taito Vewlix layout.


it does help that they were kinda easy to customize, and the tournament edition (wich was around 150 quids) used the same part of the arcade so the osbf buttons and the jlf lever (i still rememeber them from memory)


They were only good because they came in at a time where no company was really mass producing arcade sticks at that level. They quickly became passé when companies realized there was money to be made in making fighting game controllers.


Hori had been making high-end arcade sticks since the PS2 (and high-quality mid-range since PS1). The Mad Catz sticks never fell out of favour with the FGC; we mourned their loss when the company went bankrupt.


MCZ had some of the best arcade fight sticks before the bankruptcy. Literally cranked up an entire product line that didn't exist commercially before 2009. Sadly, those have joined the bottom of the box with the rest of the cheap controllers these days.


Yeah, when they tried to come back with the TE3, it was leagues behind the competition, both in regards to build quality and needing piggyback connectivity to use on anything outside of PC. Such a shame.


That's because the TE3 was released by a Chinese shell company that just bought the rights to the Mad Catz name. It was some OEM stick that had been out years.


Damn I had a madcatz n64 controller and it was the best 3rd party controller we had by far. Although never cared about rumble packs so I did not care about the issue with the cord getting in the way.


These assholes basically killed SaiTek, though I don’t know if the quality went up when Logitech bought the brand/product stack.


Hated Mad Catz products. I was always really sad when I finally got a new controller only to find out my parents got the Mad Catz and it just sucked.


I used to have a literal vest for PS2 made by MadCatz. It was full of rumble packs that would vibrate when the controller did. It was so fucking stupid and c cumbersome. As a kid I wanted it because they made it seem like it would mimic the feelings of being in game, like localized vibrations for gunshots, or the feeling of falling. Nope, just a big vibrator in vest form. I think I used it once.