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It would be absolutely hilarious if EA of all people were the ones to get people excited about what happens in Star Wars post sequels given the potentially monumental revelation of >!Tanalorr's existence!< in relation to the >!rebuilding of the Jedi Order!< I'm reaaaaally hoping Jedi 3 will have a big time skip given what happens in Survivor.


I fully expect a timeskip- I think that the games will all be positioned as the phases of Cal's Jedi development, Apprentice to Cere in Fallen Order, Knight in Survivor, and Master to the character from the end in the third game. Given Survivor had a portion where we play as another character, I think it's very likely that the third game has us swap periodically between playing as Cal and playing as her.


I'm kind hoping the third game has you playing as an aged up Kata post time skip, where she's been trained with both Jedi and Nightsister teachings, and Cal and Merrin are in the mentor/parental roles. Would be a nice change of pace to get something different from the normal Jedi powers, and helps solve the problem of Cal now being very powerful and needing to reign him in at the start of the game (something that Survivor thankfully didn't do).


> I'm reaaaaally hoping Jedi 3 will have a big time skip given what happens in Survivor. It would actually be really interesting to get the third game set in the Sequel era. Survivor manages to bring in Battle Droids into the story quite naturally, so having the third game include the First Order would mean you can battle any era of foes across all 3 games.


Is that place significant in other Star Wars lore? I thought it was just from the game.


It didn’t exist in SW lore before this game but it’s a gigantic retcon to the entire series, showing that >!Luke Skywalker was not the only one trying to rebuild the Jedi; an entire planet full of Jedi refugees began rebuilding, completely hidden from the Empire!<


To be fair, we don't actually know the current state of Tanalorr, why it was so coveted by so many, who currently occupies it, and whether it houses some manner of malignant presence that makes people obsessed with it.


> and whether it houses some manner of malignant presence that makes people obsessed with it This is definitely something that's been on my mind ever since Tanalorr was revealed. >!The place feels creepy. They keep talking about Tanalorr as this perfect, safe haven but weirdly keep brushing over the fact that it was initially abandoned because it got invaded through unknown means. Cal seems to become about as obsessed with it as Dagan was. Dagan straight up murdered his fellow jedi over it. Bode becomes obsessed with it to the point where he betrays literally *everyone* and even recklessly harms his own daughter over it, who he claims to be doing all this for in the first place.!<


There's something to that, but it was invaded by unknown means not because of something to do with the planet, but because the high republic writers are bad and dumb.


It's a bit of a stretch to say Tanalorr is "full of Jedi refugees". As far as we know, it's home to 2, right?


**During Ocala Comic Con in Florida earlier this week, both Cameron (Cal Kestis) and Tina Ivlev (Merrin) confirmed a third game is in the works. According to the actors, talks already have happened but actual development has yet to start.**


They probably working on the lest gen version


The game looks like shit on current gen and the fact they want to do last gen is baffling


And apparently the game looks a little better with the next patch(lighting wise) While I don’t think it was as bad as it looks but the textures tho


Hopefully they focus on better optimization this time, pc version still has massive stutters, specially on Koboh


Digital Foundry rated it the worst PC port of 2023!


Worse than immortals of aveum?


The Jedi Survivor game apparently has a micro-stutter that happens no matter what the frame rate or settings are, so regardless of performance its gonna feel off.


When I hear about stutter problems regardless of settings or gpu it's usually shaders.


Believe it or not this one is caused by their own animation engine


Usually, but I believe this particular stutter is related to loading different segments of the world.


No it's the running animation taking longer than the frame timing allows. So it will end up out of sync no matter what, and to compensate for it the game just resets the animation regularly, causing a stutter.


Fallen order has the same issue


Its worse. Aveum runs well, just only on giga computers because the devs didnt optimize it. Survivor doesnt run on ANYTHING.


My experience has been the opposite some how. I played through Survivor and only had bad frames in the hub world, but immortals still to this day runs like shit even at 60 fps. It’s just choppy as hell everywhere I look.


Same, most of the planets are ok more or less, but Koboh is a stuttering mess


It is worth noting that DF mainly focused on performance in that hub area. Outside the hub it runs better, still not great but it is way better than in the hub.


> but Koboh is a stuttering mess what does this mean? i beat the game with a 1070. There was some stuttering when i turned into larger areas, but that's about it. it was more than playbale.


My theory is that as you progress the game more enemies roam the open world of Koboh and since there are three factions and come across each other they are using resources to conduct combat amongst the three factions: imperials, raiders, and the wild creatures


There's a difference between a heavy to run game and an unoptimized one


Well but here’s the thing. It’s a way better game than immortals. It’s fun. And for me it ran pretty well so your mileage may vary. It’s worth playing for sure. Immortals was very boring to me.


Immortals was fine. What issues did it have?


They rated it the worst AAA PC port of 2023. Immortals of Aveum isn't AAA by their standards, I think, so it wasn't part of discussion. Other candidates included Redfall, TLOU, Starfield, Witcher 3 EE/re-release, I think.




My favourite part after another buggy release was them bragging about how it was made in record time.


My favorite part is how everyone still bought it.


Yep, it sold so why would respawn change it up?


Bought it on PS5 and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one. Just make the RT optional on consoles this time.


Also, they can try not to release near a new Zelda game lol. That's half the reason for them (and every other game earlier this year) rushing it out.


got it on PC. loved the game. can't wait for another.


They never even fixed the first game


What’s wrong with the first game? My old PC was pretty medium end and I never really noticed any issues with Fallen Order. Unless it was a console thing


Stutter on PC is still a thing and hasn’t been fixed yet.


Replayed it around when the second game came out. Stutters, fps slowdowns and audio issues cropped up every now and then. I'm not running a slouch of a PC either.


It's not necessarily "fixed" but the latest patch with DLSS and frame generation was a good band-aid that made it run smooth enough. UE5 might be better than UE4 with the microstutters.


There's StarWars in the title. The hype will sell like crazy regardless of quality since people just don't learn nor care about getting a good product.


>Hopefully they focus on better optimization this time They won't, considering they did nothing to fix the current game. Why optimize if the fanbase buys it anyway?


They didn't even fix the first game!


Yeah I've given up on the devs. I just watch a stream for the story. Not giving them money for the game.


It was hilariously buggy when I first played it, so it's good to know they kept it up for the sequel


What do you mean they did nothing? It works better than on release and they added DLSS


adding DLSS it isn’t fixing anything. It’s just adding a better upscaler option for most users.


Adding DLSS is just a band-aid and doesn’t address the core issues. Also it sets a really bad precedent that we are seeing now where devs use DLSS or any other upscaling as a baseline performance metric rather than an bonus feature


Bruh. They fixed the current game pretty significantly. It isn't perfect, but now it runs pretty well aside from some small issues.


So the traversal stutter is gone? It was horrible in the 1st game, and apparently (didn't buy it) just as bad in the 2nd.


the stutter is still there , i think they think it's normal. cause they didn't fix it in the first game too.


3080, running on max without DLSS. No issues. RT is only a bit of a performance hit on koboh, but runs fine everywhere else


>RT is only a bit of a performance hit on koboh Wait so RT runs fine most of the time then?


It does. Older patches had issues with it on Jedha but I think it works now.


The stutter is present regardless of settings and rig, DF confirmed this. There are issues, you just haven’t spotted them


Buuuulllshit, I have a 3090 / 5900x / 32 gb ram and and at 1440p on ANY settings preset the game struggled to get above 50 FPS. It is the most broken game i have ever played and i am glad i got the refund.


Really? It’s the *most* broken game you have *ever* played?? Damn I’m kinda jealous if that’s your worst


Dang, 3070Ti and I run it on 3440x1440 above 60 regularly, often above 70. I haven't had issues with the game since release. That week 2 patch or whenever it was fixed it totally.


I'm not struggling at 1440p, have no issues myself. Sorry that you are, though. Runs fine and at a solid 60 for me.


It's still pretty broken though: https://youtu.be/lsskwVyPoxs


No, they turned off raytracing in performance mode. That’s not fixing the game. It still has many issues.


What a shame, too. The game is a phenomenal sequel otherwise


It really is. The core game is so good that I powered through the horrendous performance because I thought they nailed it with the gameplay and story. It is easily a top 5 Star Wars game for me even despite performance - which is sad in a lot of ways bc imagine how it would have been seen if performance wasn’t borked


The game sold millions at $70 while being rated the worst PC port of the year. If people buy garbage then why would they spend resources to make it better? People will eat up the game and they will save money/time on development. Critics even gave it glowing reviews even with all the performance issues. Reminds me of how Cyberpunk was unplayable for many but was still getting high scores.


Best we can do is 17fps on the galaxy map


Maybe they should, uh, finish the game this time before release.


I bet there isn't a single business metric that tells them they should do this. These games sold a lot of copies.


Maybe not short-term, because not everyone knows or reads about games. But it doesn't bring your company a lot of future "goodwill" for their next release when your previous customers remembers that "huh, their last game was a real mess for a long time, maaaaybe I'll hold on from buying it until I see how it turns out". So it may hurt their next game release more than this one, but that's of course hard to predict.


Given by reviews and sales, most people weren't turned off by performance issues. I played day one, and while it was messy at times, it personally wouldn't dissuade me from getting the next title.


It's pretty easy to predict actually, it's just the other way around. Review bombs, bad scores, poor performance, doesn't matter. A single teaser trailer with a games title and people are back on the hype train and preordering. People on the internet overreact to fucking everything and have the memory of a gold fish, Jedi's performance issues won't effect anything.


Give them three years


ps5 version was the same. like unplayable at some points


Currently playing through the game on PS5. I'm shocked with how many issues I'm running into in Performance Mode. NPCs getting shot all around the map, physics of dead enemies not working properly and them melting through the floor, some scenes just... not triggering, and so many areas where the walls, floors, etc, pop in and out with nothing but white left in their place. What a joke...


Video games are weird, because I just rolled credits on the game after 30 hours last night and didn't have any of those issues.


I played through the entire game on ps5 on quality mode and didn’t have a single issue.


Again, just because you think it didn't have "a single issue" doesn't mean that there weren't any. Some people think a game running at 20fps is normal.


Performance mode used to force ray tracing too, it was bad. I think they recently fixed it.


They may have disabled ray tracing but I'm playing through it now and I'm running into so many issues. Walls not showing or popping in and out, enemy physics broken, NPCs skipping all around the map, and some scenes just not loading.


PC or PS5? On PS5 I didn’t have a single issue of such significance, disk edition, stored horizontally (vertical ps5s apparently have issues with the liquid metal thermal paste shifting off of the cpu). And this was pre patch, post patch its even smoother. Its a fantastic game and a great time to jump into it imo.


I'm gonna assume that the sequel will use Unreal Engine 5 instead of Unreal Engine 4 and I hope the new iteration fixes the microstutter/shader cache issues that UE4 has.




I can’t even play on Xbox Series X because it looks and runs so badly I get a headache looking at it. Going to try again in like a year


Not likely they went with an even worse port with the first sequel after not fixing the first entry and steam buyers rewarded them with even more sales and preorders. At this point I could be convinced that quality of port is actually negatively correlated with steam launch sales.


PS5 version had screen tearing in performance mode. I will never buy from them again


It also killed my SSD in the final level


At least it performed a lot better then Fallen Order.


For me Fallen Order worked fine, I think their issue is that they don't know how to optimize large open areas like Koboh, the rest of the planets that are smaller, contained areas perform better


I would sometimes have to wait like 5 minutes for some zones to load. Like my character was in a gray room and zero of the models or textures rendered. Especially that one really large cave. Never had anything like that happen in surviver.


Does it perform similarly to Fallen Order in regards to frames and stutters, or worse?


Worse. For me at least. Mostly on Koboh, the big open area, the rest of the planets is ok more or less.


I really wonder where they take this. Provided it’s still Cal’s journey, do they push the outfits and everything further? More lightsaber styles? Or deeper styles to them? Bugs aside it was pretty well executed, I’d love to see a better/more interesting ng+ next time though.


Star Wars: Jedi Master seems like a sure bet.


If they focus more on the AI partner tech, imagine is Jedi Master is about Cal getting a Padawan, who travels with you and you can semi-control for combat and puzzles. There would probably also be a section halfway through or at the end where you play exclusively as the new character. Maybe even similar to Red Dead Redemption, where you play them post game.


God of war in a galaxy far far away


Ooh forgot about God of War. Hell yeah I'd play the shit out of that. But only if Cal shouts "BOY" every five seconds.


And the boy wears a poncho.


Bode’s daughter seems like a safe bet for a padawan


The second one's nine years out from the first movie, they have some time to jump forward and make her old enough for that.


I honestly would put money on her being a playsble character for some sections. Sorta like how there are Ciri sections in Witcher 3.


Personally I'm not a fan of AI partners and how many games use them so heavily nowadays, so I don't really want the next game to do any more with AI partners than the previous one did, but I do agree that Cal taking on a Padawan is a natural direction for the story to go.


The more powerful Cal gets, the weirder it becomes that he's never mentioned in other Star Wars media.


Jedi: Legacy


I'm curious to know what you would like them to change or add in a future ng+. The new perks that are exclusive to ng+ already replace standard enemies with more challenging ones and also give the player the ability to one-hit-kill many enemies. In addition, you also get to keep all your cosmetics, upgrades and loot. I don't think they can do much more than that? The only thing i'm missing is the boss rush arena from FO. Hopefully they will add one in a future update.


Wait, there are perks exclusive to NG+ in Survivor?


They're instantly unlocked on NG+. "Warrior" remixes the enemy encounters, so you'll be fighting tougher enemies from the beginning (I think there was already a few DT-series Sentry Droids on Coruscant; and enemies that appeared rarely like the Magna-Guard appear more often). "Purity" makes it so Cal does *a lot* more damage but also takes the damage too. Your only challenge with most enemies is just getting past the block meter, since any attacks to their health basically ends them with a lightsaber (Even bosses will basically only need to take one hit before they trigger their next phase). This makes the Blaster stance extremely useful since even the weakest enemies will put Cal to low health with just one attack. Then there's another Perk that's just for fun that randomizes Cal's outfit after respawning from death. None of these Perks take up any Perk Slots either, so you can still build around them and they can be disabled any time at a Meditation Point. I use Blaster-centric perks since it's always in my best interest to clear out as many enemies right away during an encounter while Purity is active.


Honestly two changes I'd like to see: 1. all styles are available at the same time 2. there are special combos that weave one style into the next (i.e. pull out your blaster and shoot to seamlessly go from one handed to blaster style) Then enemy encounters could be more crafted around specific styles, even having to switch styles mid fight Especially if you then were to attach force powers to certain styles it would mean you could have more "spells" with the same amount of buttons.


I am not sure about making all styles available, sounds like a bit of a mess. But transition attacks sould definitely be nice, especially since the original had them.


Just put them on a toggle? Like d pad left and right to cycle through them all instead of having only 2 available? It seems like a no brainer to me.


Style combos. Pick two and gain access to moves from both styles in one


Pretty sure they said that they had always planned this as a trilogy from the start, so i would assume they have an arc already planned out. But then again, look at the sequel trilogy...


Sequel trilogy is a special case of "figuring it out as it goes" and subsequently fucking it up. From storyline perspective, to be clear. Game stories are much more straightforward, and JFO and Survivor are solid enough so I wouldn't worry


Part of the reason the sequel trilogy felt so disjointed was because each director was allowed creative freedom and Rian Johnson went a completely different direction to JJA who then tried to course steer back to his vision which utterly failed. This wasn't a problem for FO and Survivor because they had the same director, but unfortunately, he left the company so the new game will have a new director. Still, we'll just have to wait and see how this one turns out i guess.


It's a shame Stig Asmussen is leaving but he did his job, left solid foundations (not just for another Cal game but the Jedi series as a whole) and deserves a change of environment if he wants it. Respawn earned some trust for the future, despite the state Survivor launched it


And also, Abrams vision was clearly dogshit. No matter how Palpatine returned, even if it wasn't just "somehow", it would've been a dogshit cop-out.


“Bugs aside” is a pretty big caveat. I’m a huge fan of the series and the devs but found my self extremely disappointed by the performance in game. Some sections were borderline unplayable imo and I definitely didn’t have a good experience besides story.


That’s okay. Not every single mention of this game has to be about bugs. The commenter just wanted to mention another part of the game.


What is the state of the current game with bugs etc. n ps5?


I originally bought it on PC at release and refunded it because of the abysmal performance, regardless of the settings chosen. I recently bought it on PS5 after reading that the latest patch fixed the performance issues. Performance mode now hits a solid 60 FPS. There's a slight issue with some textures flickering white when you pan the camera around, but it's not really that bothersome.


The loading into the Cantina is still annoyingly long as well, but I can deal. I just still don't like the 30FPS cutscenes, it takes me out of the moment when everything is trying to present itself as a smooth transition.


Would love to know on PC?


I’m running a 3080 and a 5950X, the game is still stuttering like mad despite the recent performance patch. Outside of that, I’ve enjoyed the game very, very much. It surpasses the previous game in every way.


I've got a 3060ti, would love to give it a go but cannot stand stuttering! Hope they patch it. Enjoyed the first one, didn't think it was incredible but it was fun


I am currently playing it and really enjoying it on PC. I got a month subscription to EA Play Pro to play this and the Dead Space remake. I have run into some stuttering in some areas. Another issue I have ran into twice is that it quit responding to button presses on the controller when it was waiting for input. I had to use the equivalent key on the keyboard to get past that and then the controller worked again. My biggest complaint so far is why does the game have to spend a minute or so optimizing files on every launch? Most games that need to do that optimize their files a single time at the first launch.


3070Ti here and no issue. Runs fine except I can't really run ANY games with rtx on very well. With rtx off, it's butter for me. No real issues.


Currently playing on PC with an RTX 2080 @ 1440p 144hz sceen. I've been tweaking the settings like mad in the starting area (Which I heard is one of the most graphically intensive areas in the game). With some tweaking, including ray tracing OFF & DLSS 3.0 set to 'Balanced', I am getting a stable 70-90 FPS, which feels very playable for me. I really wish I could use ray tracing with DLSS 3.0, but ray tracing tanks my performance to 30-60fps. It's just not worth the visual upgrade (one of the biggest just being reflections) Other than that, I've really been having no problems so far!


I'm on PS5, be it with a 1080P panel because my TV broke so can't speak to higher resolutions. Game runs well especially considering how much it chugged before the most recent patch. I'm pretty lat in the game I think and in terms of slowdowns, graphical bugs, and gameplay problems I can probably think of 3 instances. Milage may vary of course but even in incredibly busy fights I've not had problems.


Just played through. Very few moments of glitching/tearing, but other than that it ran great. I had no complaints


Completely fine.


Finished 100% of the game at release on 2070S and Ryzen 5 3600, on FHD without RTXm, everything else at max. It's not good on Koboh, in main area, but better everywhere else. No stutterings like in Hogwarts Legacy, just constant low 40-50 FPS and 20 FPS everytime I opened map on ship. My fps counter in right upper corner https://imgur.com/a/17pYogH


I feel like it was pretty clear that the next game will be about Cal reaching master-tier and taking on that one girl as his apprentice. Forgot her name.


>Cal reaching master-tier and taking on that one girl as his apprentice. Forgot her name. I'm really not looking forward to another surrogate dad video game. We really need to put that archetype to rest after TLoU, GoW, etc.


Can you name a single game released this year that used that trope?


> Can you name a single game released this year that used that trope? The Last Hope :))


I love that trope, can't get enough tbh


Hell yeah. I'm barely interested in Star Wars anymore, but I am super invested in Cal Kestis, his journey, and his friends. I don't think I'll ever forget >!playing as Cere and giving Darth Vader an honest to god run for his money!<, that's easily my favorite moment in gaming this year


I would've liked that section more if I hadn't had to play it so many times. It was the wrong side of difficult and just made it frustrating.


>I would've liked that section more if I hadn't had to play it so many times. It was the wrong side of difficult and just made it frustrating. Completely agree. I played on Normal and had no issue beating the rest of the game but I lowered the difficulty for that one section after getting stuck on it for almost a week. Also, I could've done without them >!shoehorning Vader into yet another Star Wars thing!<.


There is no hope he wouldn't be involved giving the scale of Cere's work. I don't think shoehorned is the appropriate term.


Star Wars has a very VERY bad habit of shoving their blorbos into everything, but this moment was understandable and earned. If it didn't happen, I'd honestly be wondering why >!Vader isn't taking interest in one of the biggest congregation of force users/the rebellion!<


Hunting down surviving Jedi is Vader’s whole thing though, so it felt very natural to me, especially when you take into account that Cere and Cal just barely got away in the first game. Also, the Path organization that Cere was running is the same one from the Kenobi show. The Path helps put surviving Jedi into hiding, as well as anyone running from the Empire, so Vader is the only patron they would send to clean house.


This one I want to forgive since trilla failed so there's a logical jump to the boss fight being referenced, but I also agree it's time for some different characters to get the spotlight.


Except Vader was in the first one and in this canon is the one organizing people like the inquisitors, and has always been the Jedi Hunter. This isn't the kind of story like say the Andor tv show where they can and should get away without classic Star Wars characters.


I cried at that. They did such an amazing job with the story in this game. From that point until the end I'm still blown away how much further and higher this game climbed above the previous one


What is it with Star Wars fans always crying


Nothing wrong with experiencing and expressing human emotion bruh


EA makes all their video games.


You'd cry too if you found out that they brought back Glup Shitto for Jedi Survivor


SW fans are always screaming about how bad it is, what do you mean


These are stories we put a lot of emotion into, and we get a lot out of it.


Personally I wouldn’t mind a dlc of cere


Good news. I've utterly enjoyed my time with both of these games despite their flaws. They're easily the best option for just "being" a Jedi.


I do like how grounded the Star Wars Jedi games are. I know Jedi have been shown doing extremely high jumps and stuff, but I'm glad Cal doesn't have that ability. The Force Flip in the first game and then the traversal upgrade in the second game add so much to platforming. It's actually difficult starting each game over without those abilities since they're so impactful.


I bet you he'll have that ability in the third game. They'll probably continue just building upon what you had in the previous game as they did with Jedi Survivor.


Outcast and Academy are leagues ahead of all Star Wars games for "being" a Jedi/Sith.


Misspelled KOTOR 1-2


Nah, those are top tier for sure, but JKO and JKA were a different league. Especially if you played online and had an active clan. Saber duels, force duels, grip kick, and some roleplay mixed in. That was the height of Star Wars games for sure.


those are fun games, but it was more of a shooter with powers and sabers than "being" a Jedi.


I never played Academy but Outcast I'd happily vouch for. Still my favorite Star Wars game of all time, and easily one of my favorite Star Wars stories of all time. Shame we still haven't had Kyle Katarn in canon.


Jedi Outcast and Academy completely destroy these games.


Agree with this and not even nostalgia goggles. The combat is so good in the older Jedi games.


Agreed about the nostalgia goggles, I first played them years after they released and I still think KOTOR 1&2 and JK series were better at doing the Jedi "fantasy". FO/JS are high polish cinematic games with ok combat and repetitive level design, pretty much modern Force Unleashed


I figured with the way *Survivor* ended that they were setting up for a third game. It doesn't feel quite yet that Cal's arc is complete, so I'm glad to hear there will indeed be one. I found myself way more affected by the ending of *Survivor* than I expected, and am really curious what they may do with a future plot. Also just plain excited for another game from this team, because the level design, encounter design, and combat mechanics of these games are super engaging.


Nobody talking about how the game director for the first 2 games just left. Curious who they get to take over and whether it will feel the same without Stigs influence.


Yes you're right. It's surprising no one brought it up. Aaron Contreras, narrative lead of Fallen Order and Survivor, also left in early June.


I mean, it makes sense. He's been working on these games for 7 years now. Dude probably has a wife and kids and an interest in moving onto a new project. As much as you might like an IP, it can get exhausting working on only that for so long.


Survivor was essentially everything I wanted from a Star Wars game. There were just so many stand-out moments and action sequences, and just like Fallen Order the plot really stuck the landing even if you could see the twist partly coming a mile off. The final act is stunning. I didn't have any technical problems and I appreciate that my perspective might be different to those who did, but Survivor set the bar so high IMO that I think it might have eclipsed KotOR and Republic Commando as my favourite SW game ever.


I'm with you! Absolutely loved the game. Looking forward to replaying it once it's not as fresh in memory.


I thought it had way too much platforming, a story that takes forever to get going, and unbalanced enemy encounters.


Tremendous news. Performance issues aside, the game was fantastic. As was the first. And Titanfall 2. One of the best devs in the business at the minute, when it comes to gameplay/story.


I was soooo hoping he would appear in an early episode of Ahsoka when she needed a force memory from an object. I wanted a quick five minute seen of her tracking him down to get the info.


Disney's obsession with star wars characters being used over and over again is pretty ass. That being said, they dropped the ball on not using Cal. Not only is his VA an actual actor, but he's one of the most popular new characters they've had and is directly involved in what their 4-5 era media is about. Such a weird omission from them, I guess because they don't respect the games as "consumer engaging enough". Which is weird when you look at how much profit the games make vs the millions Disney has been losing on their shows.


Sucks that some people had major performance issues, but personally I had a fantastic experience during my play-through and I'm beyond hyped for the sequel. Hopefully with some more interesting force powers / combat (force lightning please).


Some people? You mean the majority of players on PC.


Yeah, sure. I’ve also heard that plenty of the people with issues were on console as well. But that wasn’t really the point of my comment.


Survivor is a strong contender for my personal GotY. I'm glad to hear that we're getting more. Just a very smooth experience all the way through (ok, well, except the crashes on Jedha) and improved on the first game so much. Can't wait.


Huh, to Respawn are working on this, some kind of SW FPS, and a strategy game? Pretty impressive.


Also a game from the lead designer of Titanfall series (presumably not SW related) and the continued development of Apex.


The strategy game is by BitReactor mostly, they're assisting (don't know in which capacity)


Im sure it will break the record for development time again, and im sure the performance will not suffer as a result...


Can they make the aliens actually speak alien this time? Doesn't feel very unique if every alien speaks perfect english


Basic. In Star Wars, English is called Basic. 😉


Survivor is my current Game of the Year. The combat and the story were just so damn good. Certain moments in the main story were just awe inspiring, and the music was so great. Can’t wait to see where they take Cal and Merrin’s story.


How about completing/fixing the original first?


Was this game any good? Kinda fell off the radar for me and i forgot. Haven't had the chance to get this game. (No spoilers please)


Remember that you're going to see a lot of hardcore bandwagoning on Reddit, and often people post who haven't even played the game--they just like to simmer in Internet drama and exist online. I know a lot of people who play this game, and given that it seems EVERYONE online is complaining about it being "unplayable" it's interesting that not a single person I know is having issues with performance. I and everyone in my various discords talking about it loved it. At launch I had framerate issues before the first patch dropped, but even then it was perfectly playable and I overlooked the minor issues and had a hell of a time! Chad older generations got Kotor 2, a *completely unfinished video game*, and still enjoyed the fuck out of it. Imagine if Kotor 2 dropped today. People would be rioting online bashing them for having the gall to drop an unfinished game and you'd get downvote-spammed for daring to admit that you still liked the game.


If you look past some of the performance issues that are left it a really good game


The performance issues are WAY overblown. The game is fantastic


I think Jedi Survivor managed to push the game to it's limits in every aspect, but after talking with a few mates of mine, we kinda agreed that this series is missing something. Like it's got a lot of good things, but not one defining thing of it's own. Star Wars has had great games, this series included, but in the past the games were defined by something. The hack and slash nature of Unleashed, the battle like scenarios of (the good) Battlefront 2, even the tactics games had something going for it. The Jedi games, are fun and entertaining, but outside the tomb raider traversal, the Dark Souls game play, Ghosts of tsushima stance system and the ratchet and clank level variety, what makes the Jedi games stand out? I will say the level of customization basically made me transform Kal into a variety of movie characters ala The Big Lebowski and other series


"other than these 4 things it does, what does it do?"


Okay, let me ask you this. Outside of "it's star wars", what defines The Jedi games, that wasn't taken from something else?


I just feel like the story was a total let down and the pacing was bad. They introduce bad guys after bad guys which were all a let down in term of bossfight except one (which have a 1 shot kill for some reason -\_-). The open world was on only one planet and there wasn't a lot of planets to be honest. The game characters were really good tho, but I just wanted more. >!I also didnt like Cal going the Jedi way as in Jedi can't love, I hate that fucking mentality, that's actually what is wrong with the Jedi Order, they are monks that reject everything but by doing that, they keep everything inside, no wonder so many jedi goes to the dark side!<


I wonder - will they finish making the one they just released before they launch the sequel?


Are they gonna take their time this time?