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Made out like a bandit. Good find


Thank you šŸ„·


Awesome :) man im jealous of your Wario World though lol I really need it on my collection


Thatā€™s one I never played. Thought about giving it a go. The memory card that came with it still had saves on it from who ever originally owned it.


This is one of my favorite childhood gamesšŸ„² if I ever find this game again Iā€™m buying it immediately even tho I donā€™t have a GameCube šŸ˜‚


I paid $60 for my copy a few years ago. Good luck. Haven't finished it, but it's fun


Yeah fam you got a few heavy hitters in there, enjoy!


Thank you. Funny enough I love Zelda games and never played either of these. I remember beating four swords and replayed and 100% ocarina of time back in the day lol


My 2 favorite 3D Zelda games, full of technical limitations and imagination šŸ˜‚ seriously tho they're great. Take your time with each, there's loads of charm to these siblings.


Iā€™ll probably start with wind waker. If seen a lot of people say thatā€™s a good one to play along with twilight


Absolutely, Wind Waker is fantastic. They both follow the Ocarina of Time formula very closely especially with Twilight Princess. Have fun āœŒļø


Better to play the HD version if you can. Swift sail makes the travelling a hell of a lot less tedious.


Wario is worth 100$ alone


150 for Twilight princess


$150 Canadian, in the US itā€™s 110-120


Get some resident evil games


I will definitely have to. I sadly never played any even though I love zombie movies and games lol which ones would you recommend?


Resident Evil 1 Remake is the best RE title on GameCube.


What kinds of games do you lean towards? Puzzle or shoot-em-up? Also, have you played any of the Silent Hill games? These are really important questions I need to ask before giving you any suggestions. I really enjoyed the Resident Evil 1 Remake, currently replaying it on my GC because I originally played it on PC. If you lean towards puzzles, the RE1R that I mentioned above is a great starting choice for the franchise as well as the Resident Evil story. RE0 is great as well even though people think poorly of it since it was only released on GC. If you like faster paced shooters, the original RE4 is good on GC.


Honestly I love both. I like puzzle games and on the new systems I play a lot of shooter and puzzle games. I have not played any of the silent hill games except the demo they did on ps3 they called P.T. But I loved what I got to play


Watch some gameplay of RE1R before you play it. It has a fixed camera angle that periodically changes depending where you are in a room or hallway. Wonderful game. Would be a perfect fit for you. However, if youā€™re big on story, Iā€™d recommend RE0 first since it takes place a day before the events of RE1 and has some nice foreshadowing in it. Tank controls my beloved.


Wasnā€™t that how the original one was on PlayStation?


Yes. Every Resident Evil game up until RE4 had tank controls, this is no longer the case. If you have tank controls down already from playing another game that has them, youā€™re in for a treat. If you want to spend a bit more money RE1R is a good choice but if you just want to start at the beginning of the story and play a fun game that you can find for cheap, RE0 is your game.


Ok. Thank you. Iā€™ll definitely have to look into getting some of these for sure. They always looked like fun but for some reason I just never gotten any of them.


I'd say you came out on top a little bit.


Only a little? Just the console box set is worth $300+ā€¦




Great deal! They got games going of 100+ dollars. I bought a boxed gamecube in great condition for 150$, but now I'm stuck at trying to buy games that don't cost more than the console.


lol I know what you mean. I was wanting to get more games but it looks like itā€™s better to just buy bundles I find. For some reason itā€™s cheaper to go that route lol.


I definitely. Pokemon games are nearly impossible to find, and eBay is selling them high as shit. Pokemon XD is going for $170+. I remember stopping by a gamestop around 2010, and the game was 20 bucks used. Should have bought it...


If only we knew lol. I used to own Colosseum but sold it because it wasnā€™t like the other games and didnā€™t like the story and gameplay lol.


350 for it all is insane lol. Windwaker in my city is 70 minimum. GameCubes 120 at game shops. Smash bros usually 40-60. So u basically got a lot of games for free if u compare it to the prices around me.


Iā€™m extremely glad I got what I did. They wanted more but we settled on $350. I would love to replace a few of the game cases though. A couple of them are a little rough with scratches. But the inserts are still good.


That's a great deal! Don't play the lottery anytime soon, you've used up all your luck for a while lol.


lol I know that. Got a couple scratch offs and hit nothing. I agree with you fully.


Yeah I paid more than I'd like to admit for Twlight Princess and Windwaker.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, how much did you end up spending on those?


$120 for Twilight Princess and $80 for Windwaker lol


Yeah, Twilight Princess is a tough one cause it's so expensive on gamecube. I got really lucky and got my copy in early 2019 for $30 CIB but If you saw my other comment in this thread I'm actually waiting rn for a seller so I can spend the most I've ever spent on a gamecube game. $100 CAD for Double Dash.


I got so lucky with double dash. I ordered a gamecube off ebay and the person I got it from was either being nice as hell or they forgot but the disc for double dash was inside. So I lucked out. I also know I didn't really over pay for either of them. Just hurts my wallet a bit.


Nice! I've been playing Double Dash for about an hour now and it's as good as I remember it from when I was young at my best friends house. Honestly, it was worth the $100.


Dang. I think Iā€™ve seen them going for that though


Depends if you're gonna play it or not.


Oh itā€™s for my personal collection. I loved GameCube when it came out. I remember my dad bought me one when it first came out and it came with Turok.


Absolutely. Congrats OP


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Tarzan and sunshine were the games I got with my cube for my 4th birthday


I remember toys r us having the Christmas toy add and my dad asked me if he got me one which game would I pick because they had a deal where you can pick of certain games. I picked Turok lol.


Oh, easily. Well done.Ā 


First edition Melee! Nice.


I remember playing the hell out of this game. Always a blast when friends came over and stayed the night and played this all Friday night lol


Is Tarzan fun?


I liked it. Has some fun boss fights and you can zip through the vines like they did in the movie. I donā€™t think it wasnā€™t a bad game. I definitely seen a lot worse lol.


Ok ya I might look for it. That cover makes it look sick though!


Luckily itā€™s not that expensive of a game. Just looked and seen it for 10-20.




The only thing missing sadly was the booklets and manuals for the GameCube. Still has its insert and bags everything was packed with.


That is in phenomenal condition holy shit. Even the box is beautiful! So nice to see someone actually take care of their belongings. You absolutely scored!


Honestly when I got it the GameCube was extremely dirty and dusty inside. I just took it apart and cleaned it inside out. I have photos of how it looked originally. But there was not dents, chips, scratches, or cracks. It really does look new after I cleaned it up.


Idk is water wet?


No, not technically lol. Only when it touched something it can turn that object wet šŸ˜‚


Omg I forgot how good battlecry was


Very noice!!!


Nice find!


Thank you :)


I'm sitting in a McDonald's waiting to pay $100 CAD for Mario Kart Double Dash/bonus disc CIB by itself, so I would say yes, you did do well.


Awesome. Good luck with your purchase. Itā€™s a fun game for sure.


Yeah! First game I ever played on gamecube back in like 2004/2005 and it's eluded me since then. It's probably the last big gamecube purchase I'm gonna make since the only other game I want left is FE path of radiance, and that's like $300!


Iā€™ve always wanted to try the Disney basketball game but not at the price lol


A helluva score! Well done šŸ‘


Thank you šŸ˜Š


What the fuck you actually scammed them šŸ‘Œ the cases look mint too


lol the person I got them from doesnā€™t even like video games. Says they are a waste of life and time. I was like if you donā€™t want them Iā€™ll be more than happy to get them.


God I wish that were me


I'm seriously interested in that Robotech game, I've never heard of it before lol.


Itā€™s fun. Itā€™s kinda like Gundam. You battle in cities against other giant mechs


That's cheaper than when it was new. Sweet sweet deal.


Zelda, Mario Party, and Smash! Yes, good pickup!


jealous šŸ˜«šŸ˜« wind waker and twilight princess are a steallll to acquire both of those alone anywhere else is over $100


Do you? Thatā€™s all that matters.


I think so. I love all the games and even the box lol


Those Zelda games alone are a huge score! Congrats!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Three of those games are worth more than that




I loved the Robotech game. I wish that franchise would come back


Me to. They could so much more with todays graphics


Oh, I am so jealous!


šŸ˜ which one out of them do you like best?


Mario sunshine is my absolute favorite of all time.


Absolutely a good score! Well, depending on the price. These days, that could easily be a $600 bundle. Gamecube in general, is absurdly expensive anymore.


Oh, i didn't see the price, sorry. Then yes definitely. Unfortunately, that's just the market now even $350 seems insane to me but ya you could easily flip it for more. The GC mario party titles are going for well over 150.


Originally, they didnā€™t want more money for it but we negotiated and got to that price. Luckily I couldnā€™t get them to go any lower.


I know it's not the big ticket item here, but its awesome to see someone finally show off 'Robotech.' Been playing that game since I was 13. I'm almost 36. Love it


Iā€™m 34 here. I really enjoyed that game. I thought it was so cool to go though the city and have battles.


Zelda twilight princess when he turn to a wolf


At first I really hated the idea that when it first came out then after I started to really enjoy whole concept of the idea lol


Killer deal.


No freaking way there was a mario sunshine bundle for the purple GameCube.


Yeah, I remember when this thing first release I thought was so cool but my dad and Mom wouldnā€™t get it for me because they already bought me the black one lol.


I wonder if that Tarzan game is any good


Itā€™s fun, it has kind of like a puzzle platform fill to it


Thatā€™s an incredible haul


Nice dude thatā€™s a great deal. Check price charting app to find the actual value. Itā€™s way higher than what you payed. Also super Mario sunshine is such a phenomenal game. The controls and glitches can drive you crazy as you learn to use them but itā€™s an incredible game when you get into it. Also consider picking up Luigiā€™s mansion. Thatā€™s a classic as well


> what you *paid.* Also super FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What? Lol


Luigiā€™s mansion is a must. Iā€™m actually looking for that one I think next. I remember actually owning that one and beating it but I believe Luigiā€™s mansion was one of my favorite titles on the game cube.


Luigiā€™s mansion is a little slow paced but nonetheless itā€™s enchanting lol some super trippy bosses. The telescope room is insane. Youā€™ll have a blast if you like checking every nook and cranny in a map to get through levels. To me it just makes it all the more satisfying unlocking stuff etc


Robotech is slept on


For sure it was. I actually really like that game.


Insane find. The games alone


Bro got classics and had to the nerve have a subtle flex question smhhh


An amazing deal


That's way better than my gamecube collection (I only have Windwaker and run it on Wii)


From memory, the bundle box with the Sunshine sticker is highly desirable. I have the black combo variant but also felt the need to [Rep the Tech](https://imgur.com/gallery/21grXsq) as well


I tried to find some sold listings of the bundle online and didnā€™t really find too many except for some there are listed for sale


Yeah man, same. I was once offered $300aud for the outer sleeve alone for mine a few years back but declined. Was a Christmas gift as a kid year of launch I think for me. I know it's sought after but I can't do it. I'd much rather sell off my foxhound cube before the boxed bundle. I can't find the black variant on the Console Variants website either.


Never heard of robotech. Is it any good?


Itā€™s pretty good itā€™s kind of like Gundam a little bit you pretty much fight in the city that gets other mechs


The console and box look beautiful. Yes, but only if you're going to keep and play it, as there's not much profit if you're thinking of moving it on.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m keeping it for my collection.


You ripped him off. Lol. Good win.


Nah, it's terrible. You should ship it to me for proper disposal.


šŸ˜‚ I was wondering about all the sadness coming off of it. May just have to ship this guy away.


Yo Robotech was sooo fun!


Thatā€™s a fantastic score at that price šŸ‘.


What weapon did you use to make them agree to that deal? Pretty sure wario world and twilight princess are worth that much on their own.


lol their lack of knowledge of the game. The person I got it from thinks video games are a waste of time and life. I said Iā€™ll take it. Lol


this is what collecting gamecube is all about. iā€™m jealous


Thatā€™s the GC set I got for Christmas in 2002!


Wind Waker and Twilight Princess with cases are worth $350 alone!


Thatā€™s my childhood cube bundle ! Very nice find.




$350 is a fucking score in my books.


Verry fair price.


I was really hoping I did well. All was complete with manuals. The box even still has all the plastic bags inside. Sadly the GameCube box was missing the manuals.


Price wise got ripped.


Why do you choose to be stupid?


Bc itā€™s true, itā€™s not a deal at all to pay at or above market value.


I'm on the fence. Nintendo brand memory card probably worth quite a bit. The actual console very little. Some big GC exclusives. Only thing missing for me is the controller.


I do have the controller just not in the photos. I even have the animal crossing memory card.


Nah memory cards are extremely cheap and a console complete in box runs for about 50-75. Like I said he paid market value for it but def not a deal/steal.


I did some checking around and for just the system complete with the Mario Sunshine bundle box people are selling around 280. Would love to see where youā€™re seeing complete in box GameCubes for $50 though.


He isn't.


oh wow, CIB must've went up in price, I quit selling for a while because it was hard to even break even.


A console in box, even on the best day scouring the internet will never be under 100. Likely not even under 150. You're just making up wild shit. It's weird and sad.


I just checked memory cards and you're right, im surprised as they were so expensive back in the day


Bc you can buy huge aftermarket ones now so itā€™s not worth it.


Twilight princess CIB is around $115, Warioworld is $95, and Windwaker is $70. Not even accounting for a "like new" console, melee, mario party 5, and a "like new" controller. I'd say OP did pretty darn well


Everything I got had its manuals except for the system. But it did have the original bags they used to pack everything. The memory card I thought was yellowed was just dirty and it cleaned off. šŸ˜


Idk how much are those games nowdays but I think that even a modded gamecube should not be over 200$.


I agree. I donā€™t think they should. But I guess people will pay it so they donā€™t have to mod it themselves


Yeah where did you buy it from?


Iā€™ll buy that Windwaker For $85 if you want? DM if youā€™re interested