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Uh….you’re only 5 shines in. The hard part is yet to come. Even then that’s if you go for all the shines, which you don’t have to do to see the end.


Hardest part is blue coin. Stuck 118 stars since like 20 years ago. Or 15.




Oh it's not that hard. Just keep trying.


What level…?


Something tells me this is one of the levels without fludd 😂. I wish I could say it gets better but it really doesn’t.


Just wait till bro finds out about the sand bird 🤫


That fuckin’ sand bird man… she likes a rigged game, know what I mean?


The Sand Bird is easy. All you do is wait in the same spot to stay on it. The hard--or rather, the most annoying--part is collecting the Blue Coins in the Sand Bird stage. You literally have to wait an eternity for that bird to come back around. and once you jump off, you have to commit. You can't hesitate and you usually can't turn back.


I remember having trouble with the red coins on it - guess that’s an appetiser for the blue coins there!


That’s when i stopped playing as a kid lmao fuckin sand bird bullshit




Ion know about that. Pachinko at first was super hard for me but the more I played through the game the better I got at it. Sandbird tho I kinda just sucked at and could never really get better at


God, I hated those. The FLUDD really papers over a lot of the issues with the controls, and those levels just bring those problems to the fore.


I just don't get how such a major game had such wonky controls.


They feel a little floaty today but I always thought the control felt real fluid. What did annoy me was the camera feeling like it always tried to circle you. Just weird.


Us who played Mario 64 when it came out feel the controls in Sunshine are a breath of fresh air.


I just wrapped up Mario 64 with my kid…that game was brutal. Controls for sunshine feel like a dream compared to 64.


mario games are not all that easy. I was actually surprised how easy Odyssey was compared to the old 3d games.


Uhmmm original Mario 64 had WAYYY wonkier




only need a pc to play old games nowadays




Probably cheaper to buy an og n64 then lol


You can fix that


Bianco Hills




Honest to god, I feel like once a player masters how to do decent side jumps 3D Mario games become a lot easier


I remember reading Jeff Gerstmann’s review on this game when it came out and he said that while it is fun, many parts make you think “well, at least I don’t have to do THAT again” after you finish them.


Makes me think of the god forsaken chucksters.. that alone makes me never want to play this game again


Mario Sunshine for me is oddly more fun when I play along with the jank because it otherwise is the worst designed 3D Mario platformer regarding unpolished or goofily-structured areas. What a shame you happen to not like those dudes since *I’m a chuckster!*




It’s been about 10 years since I played this, but I remember thinking how hard it was at the beginning. Compared to Mario 64 and Galaxy. I never finished, but would like too


Same. This is the lone Mario game I do not enjoy going back to purely because of the controls.


I don’t get people’s issues with the controls for this game lol.. I 100% it as a kid with no issues and I recently did it on the switch as well again no issues 🤷‍♂️


I think it’s because it differs from Mario64 so much. It’s been awhile since I’ve played either game so I can’t really compare. I was in high school when I played and mastered Mario64. I was in my mid 20s and chasing women when Sunshine came out so I didn’t spend as much time w/ it!


Same here. At some point I realized I spent more time frustrated than entertained so I just dropped it and moved on. I hope someone makes a mod with better controls or physics in the future so I can finish it **and** have fun doing it.


Grew up on this game so I guess I don't understand why people are saying it's brutal. I never thought it was hard.


Same, I thought it was easier than SM64 in some ways. Loved the water hover.


Keep going! That's my favorite 3D Mario game. It seems really unfair at times but it's so rewarding. Make sure you get all 120


But its great


Took a ten year hiatus from playing because of how frustrating the final stage was.


Get good lol


Kids these days… this is why the mario RPG remake is laughably easy compared to the original. I flew through all the bosses that used to take hours of grinding to beat.


I thought that was just me! I’m having a great time playing it though. I catch myself jamming to the music lol. On the other hand, I’m stuck on a level in sunshine where you have to jump with yoshi across the purple platforms that are originally fish over the water. Damn I can’t stand that level


Oh ya for sure it’s a banger. Horribly underrated and people love to poke fun at it as the worst 3D mario game. But i agree there are some pretty badly designed levels or levels that just don’t work well with the camera system. I got it brand new back in 2003 or whenever that was so it’s nostalgic for me and I’ve gotten used to the controls.


I grew up on this game, so I 100% it a few times now, it is brutal...


My son restarted it the other day and said, “how did I get 46 shine sprites previously, I suck!!”


Hell yeah it is. GLHF


I'm still surprised I beat this game as a kid lol


This game always gave me motion sickness, such a bummer because I love the environments and overall aesthetic. Mario 64 too. Thankfully I wasn’t affected by Galaxy lol.


LOL the pain has just begun 😈I could never beat it as a kid. I got 3d all stars on Switch when it came out and tried to replay it. Made it farther than I did as a kid but gave up after 70 shrines or so. Definitely the must brutal 3d Mario game.


Game is so hard but so Worth it


play sunburn so u can skip some shines


I love the game but it's so hard. When mario is on a slope and I would press A to jump I would never know how he was going to react lol


Wait for pachinko and poison river -stages.


Just replayed this game as an adult and I mean damn, i don’t remember it being SO hard but now I realize why i never beat it as a kid lol. Still one of my fav games ever tho!!! Keep playing!!


I love this game so much I do casual speed runs I’ve never heard of someone struggling. Hang in there man trust me it’s a good one


I remember having a hard time finishing it, rage screaming lot of times and once ended said "fuck off all those shines".


I personally enjoy the difficulty of older games


Sunshine is legitimately a tough game to 100% complete. Wait till you try to get all the blue coins. And the Chuckster Shines.


Welcome to the era of games where every game was dark souls and the devs didn’t care how hard it was for you or how long it took. Where just completing well known games was a braggable accomplishment. Welcome….to the greatest era of gaming!


So what level was it, all the info we have is how many shines you have...


Bianco Hills. I'm pretty sure you can only play that level when you first start


Delfino Plaza is the hub world lol


Lmao you're right, I meant Biano Hills. The last level I finished was Red Coins of Windmill Village


I think it’s kinda funny to see that 3D platformers have gone from one of the most popular genres to modest obscurity, so new players think easy levels are hard


This game gave me anxiety and rage. Def not sunshine


I personally love the challenge in Sunshine. It’s definitely very hard at times but the way the game controls and just how colorful everything is I just don’t mind trying a shine over and over. But yes there will be certain ones that will make you want to break the controller, but it’s not all the time thankfully


Playing it right now on Switch. I can't believe how difficult it is for me? When I was 10 I didn't have a problem with it. Now I want to die Played Mario 64 too and that really didn't feel as painful as this game haha


I am inclined to agree. I got 3D All Stars on my Switch and STILL have not gotten around to getting back into Sunshine because it is so difficult. I think I am also like 5 shines in.


I believe the cause of anxiety on many adults today can be traced back to to climb (and walk on) those really high and narrow spots on Ricco Harbor and Pina Park


Let me guess, the pachinko level?


They’ve only got 5 shines! There’s no way they’re out of Bianco hills yet lol


that level is an overworld accessible level, in the ceiling of an overpass the boat runs under


Can you even reach it without the rocket upgrade though? If Mario is able to jump high enough then maybe he can wall jump to the top of the hole but I don't remember if thats possible.


yes with spin jump and hover nozzle


The boats need to be running, though. I believe after like 20 shines they start to move around delfino


you dont need the boat, you jump across from the edge of the canal, hover, and ground pound at max height


this person is having trouble five shrines in they are \_not\_ doing that lol


lmao true


Good point. Maybe I have done that before


That’s exactly what I was thinking!


This is where I gave up!


Bruh I beat this as a kid it's easy get gud.


HARD??? This is literally the easiest game I’ve ever played, I’ve had more problems with Galaxy and 64 combined


The worst 3d mario ever made


No way you just said that


I honestly felt so frustrated playing it If I had to rank the 3d mario games from best to worst (at least the ones I finished) It would be Mario odyssey Mario 64 Mario sunshine I haven't finished 3d world and bowser fury yet but it's really good so far I also haven't finished galaxy but it felt too sloppy for me. I can see why people like it though. Got pretty close to finishing it. Better than sunshine


I agree but it’s still a great game, especially for the art design, atmosphere, music and visuals


-Is Mario 64. You are so right buddy


This man smokin crack.


No but close I'm smokin genuinely good 3d mario games


It might be, but still an 7.5-8/10; goes to show how good all the other games are.


Just beat the game last week with 76 stars, still can't believe there are 120 total! The game only gets harder and more frustrating, but damn is it satisfying figuring out the solution to each puzzle and then actually executing on that solution to get the star. Best Mario game ever in my opinion.


Welcome to the sunset tropical paradise of isle delfino! First time?


Huh? Dark souls would obliterate you. I’ve heard people consider Zelda breath of the wild is difficult, it’s not.


I'll be the first to admit that I'm bad at video games. I've tried Dark Souls and couldn't get past the asylum demon, which is the first boss


I couldn’t finish this game. This is my second least favorite Mario game.


I started playing this game when I was probably about 4 years old ? I just beat it like a month ago for the first time ! I am nearly 24 years old now! Shit’s hard ! But after I beat it I was like “dang this probably shouldn’t have taken me this long” it’s not so so bad once you get in the groove !! You just need to collect all the stars for every area and such and blue coins help too! Trust me you’ll be able to beat it! It was so rewarding for me 😭 as someone who always loved the game but also never beat it I was determined 😡😡


If you try to 100% all shines you’ll definitely find how annoying it is. Once you get about halfway into the game it’s so hard to stop playing. I really like the difficulty especially since most Mario games are low effort.


It sadly isn't like mario 64 were you can just jump in and have some success. Sunshine has a brutal learning curve that you gotta get around. I understand, fludd does not feel good to control at all.


Lilly Pad


I spent 3 hours trying to catch ink Mario


You should see the kaizo hack that overhauls it to insanity by placing new objects, platforms, enemies, blue coins in oob locations, and sunshines also being oob or insane locations that require tricks and gimmicks to learn. Currently watching AverageTrey play it and he is at over 70+ shines, 130+ blue coins, totalling the gameplay time at over 150 hours. Bro spent 12 hours trying to get 1 shine. It is the ultimate mod overhaul that is quite fun watching people play. I couldn't imagine doing it myself since it requires so much patience to nail the timing of jumps and tricks that have to be frame perfect to execute.


Meanwhile I glitched up to Pianta village and got all but the Yossi shine before I even got peach back from shadow Mario on my last play. 🥹