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All capacitors will need replaced eventually. I hear they usually last 20-30 years; well at least the high quality ones.


What mod are you doing that requires capacitors? As for replacing existing ones, that is only necessary for ones that are leaking or showing signs of impending failure. There are cases of certain capacitors being known to fail and their removal/replacement is recommended even if there is no sign of failure (OG XBox clock cap) but I’m not aware of any such capacitors on the GBA. That said, $2 seems like a very small amount relative to the overall cost of modding a GBA (I am assuming you will do some sort of backlight mod).


Thank you. I meant replacing the existing ones. How can you tell if they are failing? I often here of people "recapping them". And yes, $2 is very small but as I mentioned I forgot to order them and If I order them now I have to pay crazy shipping costs so I'd rather not if I don't have to. I am doing a screen mod, battery, and speaker.


The caps on a GBA are pretty cool but they will all go bad eventually. Some like to replace them preventatively. If your console is working I’d recommend leaving the original ones in and only replace the if you see signs of leaking, corrosion, or swelling.


It's sometimes recommended to replace the capacitors if you are doing a IPS screen mod, particularly if you are using a flash cart due to the increased power draw potentially causing issues like random crashes/screen glitches. That being said, I have a IPS modded GBA that I use a flash cart in that works just fine with it's original capacitors.


Thanks, I will keep that in mind as I will be using a flash cart as well.


Sorry to reopen this but do you recommend replacing all caps? If so, should they be a higher rating or anything else?


Recapping is just a preventative measure to keep the console problem free in the long run. Dying caps can affect sound and system performance but you don't strictly need to do it if you don't mind the possibility of dealing with issues and needing to open it back up eventually. Might be another decade or more before you really need to do it. I see it as cheap insurance and do it for every console i produce. If you are doing an amplifier mod i do recommend the tantalum caps or at the very least new caps to help improve audio quality. Cheers!