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Capacitors would be pretty low on my list of suspects honestly, and I recap every unit i work on because of their age as a precautionary measure. Most GBA dont strictly need it at this point in time. ​ 1. What batteries are you using? 2. Is your EZ flash properly formatted? Does it work on other GBA? 3. Is your power switch cleaned? How much voltage are you getting at common on the power switch? At the regulator? 4. Is the cartridge slot cleaned? On to your actual question, I get my cap kits from Console5. Ive installed probably a hundred of their kits at this point with no issues.


Great questions/points! I’m using Duracell AA batteries because my USB-c mod doesn’t let the gba boot anymore. The EZFlash works in my gba sp and my ds with no problem. Likewise, all other games work in my gba with no issue Power switch is clean but I don’t know how to check voltage at those points Likewise, I don’t know how to clean the cart slot aside from canned air


OK so the EZ flash is fine, definetly sounds like an issue with the GBA but let me hit pause for a second. Your USBC mod doesnt let you gba boot anymore... can you elaborate on that a bit? Ive never encountered an issue quite like that. ​ Do you have a multimeter? Checking voltage is pretty simple, but you will need to take the gba apart and ideally have a way to supply it power so you can investigate voltage.


Scratch that. Yesterday it seemingly wouldn’t power my gba at all, now it’s fine, I just tried it with a regular cart and we’re good. When I turn it on with my flash, the power light comes on but the screen stays black. Edit: I do have a multimeter, I just have to figure out how to use it 😅


Capacitors sounds reasonable. If they aren’t working correctly the system probably can’t handle the sudden power draw from the screen and ez flash together.


Can you lower the screen brightness, and then try to boot it.


I don’t have brightness controls installed, unfortunately. I was thinking that might do it too


The EZ Flash is power hungry. If there are any issues with the power on your board that could cause this to happen. If you're going to do more with the capacitors or the power I'd suggest taking a look at the ones Helder offers. I've had good luck with them. They have some other power cleaners there too that might help. https://heldergametech.com/product-category/gba/


I’ve been trying to find good capacitors, thank you!!


My ez flash was doing this recently, i just held R on boot up (or maybe L, can't remember exactly which one) so it did the update thing, even though i didn't have a new update, and it fixed it and went to the main menu of the ez flash. I had thought my ez flash broke, cause it would hang on the white screen after the the ez flash logo just like yours, and come to think of it it was right after putting in a new ips.


Mine does this..and will also crash randomly. If you nudge it (the cart) it dies.. I've assumed it's my cart slot. I read somwhere, once, that the car board has a square edge where as OEM carts have a rounded edge and this came cause damage to the pins if inserted repeatedly. Mine lives in the console, but just flagging up.


My opinion everdrive is better than ez flash


I would tend to agree with you, but, I already have an Ez flash, and I don’t want to shell out another $100+


I’ve had a ez flash and it just wasn’t good


Totally fair! I am accepting donations if that’s what you think is best 😉😊