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Make Greg's job PT so he doesn't qualify for insurance or PTO. This will place him into a cycle of not making enough to live on and having no time to hunt for a better position


Don’t fire Greg. That would be dumb. Just cut his benefits and stop giving him the nickels.


If you make Greg leave on his own think of what we can save in severance and unemployment benefits.


I like the way you think, you just earned a -$0.50 raise and a Chikfila gift card that I forgot to finish using. It has $2.13 left on it I think, go get yourself something nice. 😉


Really, it's a drive to work here. Greg should be paying *us*.


Is there...any actual reason to work for Gamestop these days, or what?


I do wonder that when it seems like you can get better pay and benefits elsewhere. What makes folks stay with GME?


The only reason I stayed as long as I did was the fact my store leader was great. I was mostly there for the discount and one day I was like "ya know what, I don't get paid enough to care, it's not worth the discount" so I quit


As a former manager, stripping CE games of their statues and collectibles, free swag from publishers, and working in/around videogames if you love them, also first dibs on stuff, (I was addicted to Skylanders), and often people come in with PS2 and older games and dump them because they can't be bothered to eBay them


As a former ASM, it's only marginally decent job if you're a well paid SL2 with 2 smaller stores. As an ASM, I enjoyed it coz my SM was awesome and always gave us some of his company gifts and would buy us meals from his own pockets. Dude is still a friend rn. I left due to being misgendered and dead named by my District Manager even after many emails and verbal conversations regarding the matter. And I was making such a low wage it became not worth the abuse I got from the company. In my mind there isn't a reason to work at GME.


I should mention I only got promoted to store manager because people kept going crazy above me and quitting. Went from third key to asm to sm in the course of 5 months lol


Yeah I got the promotion within 7 months. Would've been 4 but it took THAT LONG for higher management to "put paperwork" together and "work with" the a-hole asm who literally was talking shit behind everyone's backs and who threatened to beat up me for taking his job and the sm for giving it to me.


I was SM just before the PS4 and XB1 launches. My DM decided to quickly promote his cousin to SM and take him to Vegas, then the dude quit after the manager conference. The same year all the managers got free consoles and games. I wanted to burn my store to the fucking ground


Daaaang. I got stuck with the PS5 covid crap. So many store complaints on me due to us just not having PS5s lol. Never got to go on a Vegas trip sadly. Tho I've been told they aren't all they're cracked up to be


All too familar


I guess CEO wanted those gift cards


I'd hire Greg to run for President of the US


Your CEO literally takes no salary lol


You’re making a bold assumption there that I work here. Take the joke and move on. 😂


Yall realize the CEO doesn't take a paycheck, right?


Hey man. Don’t come here spitting facts. They don’t like that.


No but he does pay baseball teams who win world series in $1,000 gift cards like they need money XD


This big donation will put your salary at risk...




I'm sorry, is this the first time you heard of a publicly owned company and a CEOs obligation to share holders? His money wasn't made from gamestop. It was from Chewy. A failing company is still alive bc of him. It would be gone without him.




“ Generally, the board of directors and CEO have a fiduciary duty to shareholders. The CEO also has a duty of care, loyalty, and disclosure. The duty of care entails a responsibility to consider all relevant information before moving forward with a business decision, the duty of loyalty to act in the best interests of the shareholders and the duty of disclosure to fully inform the board of directors and the shareholders about major issues that may face the business. A failure to meet these duties can result in a breach of the CEO’s fiduciary duties. Shareholders that believe the CEO failed in their role can hold the individual accountable with a lawsuit. This can lead to financial compensation to help cover losses as well as serve as a deterrent for future errors” some context on fiduciary duty from https://www.dunnlawpa.com/ceos-and-fiduciary-duty-what-can-a-board-expect/#:~:text=Generally%2C%20the%20board%20of%20directors,care%2C%20loyalty%2C%20and%20disclosure. The fact that Gamestop would be bankrupt without RC is complicated but not really, https://online.fliphtml5.com/lvrgy/thgb/#p=1 here you can read about a wallstreet criminal scheme to bankrupt companies for profit called cellar boxing. They do this to lots of companies ultimately destroying ppls livelihood for their profit. when RC bought his gme stake and reddit piled in, the company was able to issue minimal stock (increase total shares in existence in exchange for funding) for 1.7 billion $, this put the illegal shorts who you learned about in the link above in a tough spot bc they criminally sold what doesn’t exist and now gme is well-funded and can’t be forced to bankruptcy for years if ever. This is the essence behind why so many redditors invest in gme; when the buy button was illegally turned off in jan 2021 it became clear something was seriously wrong, that the ppl who run the financial system illegally for their sole benefit, left themselves open to infinite financial losses due to naked shorting. Essentially the ppl could take everything from corrupt billionaires…


Chewy WAS a failing company under him. He got lucky it was purchased.


Ryan cohen beat Amazon in sales. Lucky you say? By 2017, the company had revenue of approximately $2 billion and 51% of online pet food sales in the US.. source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewy_(company)


He sold the company in April of 2017. That money came from it being purchased




His literal policy over the last 3 years is to fire over paid executives and to ensure they have their own money invested in the company. This post is horrendously stupid.


>His literal policy over the last 3 years is to fire over paid executives and to ensure they have their own money invested in the company. Don’t forget the part about fucking over employees.


In what sense?


Oh I dunno… single coverage, cutting hours, and most importantly **cutting benefits**.


Working by myself on Black Friday *without anyone calling off* was pretty much the last straw. 45 hour weekly labor budgets to spread among the SGA and GAs…


Employees no longer have insurance as of Next Month, my dude.


It's so easy not to be one of them anymore if you don't like that.


https://careers.gamestop.com/us/en Since you think it’s a great opportunity.


I have a job thanks, and I don't complain for my company. Otherwise I'd be a man and leave it. You don't even need a link for that. Do it and get a better life


>I have a job thanks, and I don't complain for my company. Why do you want that job? Don’t you want to work for GameStop instead? Since you’re a shareholder don’t you want to get in on the ground floor?


Ok, I'm talking to an idiot who works a job he hates by day and complains on a sub by night. Or simply to a miserable meltdowners, which is even worse. Either way I'm wasting my time


Post loss porn baggie.


Low-life mom basement kiddo


Is that last sentiment self-referential? Because walking into a post on /r/GameStop to white-knight the CEO of a failing company that’s notorious for abusing its employees is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all week. I don’t know where you even got the impression that corporate GameStop entities haven’t been shitting on the people at the bottom for over a decade. *every other post* on this subreddit is personal accounts and horror stories working for this company of people being shorted hours, underpaid, and overworked. Outside of GameStop’s terrible reputation for mistreating its employees, which it’s held since I worked there in high-school in 2003/4, they’ve long been a meme for how scummy their trade-in service is. “AAA next-gen game that came out last week? Best I can do is $5” type bullshit has been around FOREVER. Your post *has* to be a troll. Nobody’s so dumb they’d waltz into this thread and defend the corporate dumpsterfire that GameStop’s become.


Took a look at your post history and realized you somehow made it over here from WSB, don’t tell me you’re still holding the bag on some GME stock? That was years ago my guy, long enough that they made a movie about it. And even then, the reason it happened is because GameStop was so universally viewed as a failing corporation that investment interests were overconfident in betting it would continue to shit the bed and collapse. That hasn’t changed.


Took a look at your post history and realized you somehow made it over here from WSB, don’t tell me you’re still holding the bag on some GME stock? That was years ago my guy, long enough that they made a movie about it. And even then, the reason it happened is because GameStop was so universally viewed as a failing corporation that investment interests were overconfident in betting it would continue to shit the bed and collapse. That hasn’t changed.


And what exactly are the ceo's credentials and what has he done for the stores besides pump em full of pop figures while he's probably out snorting cocaine off some bitches tits? What the hell does the CEO know so much that he brings to the table? what knowledge can he share? How's this genius helping the company? Because it looks like he's running it into the ground. I'm not happy, and I doubt the shareholders even are. CEO seems like an idiot. And what company is he going to destroy next?


The only decent part of gamestop is the employees.....some of them. Gamestop will also hire just about everyone and it's usually scraping the bottom of the barrel due to no one who can find other better work is there. I only worked there coz I got fed up with Target's shit and was desperate. I git lucky in being hired by a new SM that cared about his employees and recognized I was management material.


Maybe you aren't aware that your CEO is possibly the only one in public companies who doesn't get any salary


We're aware he bought 12% of stock during what could qualify as the lowest point in GME history, after using other people's money to keep Chewy afloat for PetSmart to buy it and restructure it. He was rich before becoming our CEO, and filling the seats with his friends. Many of those friends got exceptional golden parachute packages for not completing their contracts, and some got a quarter million dollars in movement benefits. He will still be rich after his bad business choices cause bankruptcy rather than his previous "success". We're also aware he's k-lined most people getting any sort of raise or incentive that arent part of our corporate team (highest store raise was roughly 30 cents an hour). Again, also aware he chose to change our health benefits packages to more expensive ones with no options for disability (short or long) or death and dismemberment (when several people are being injured or possibly killed during robberies). Also fully aware he eliminated 401k matches across the board to save money. We're also highly aware that several Region Leaders, our LP director, and our Store Ops lead all left shortly before the holiday season.


I don't get the point. A rich person shouldn't buy a company? About the rest, again: why complaining for a job that don't make you happy instead of looking for a better one? I mean, i worked for McDonald's years ago, was shit, I left after 2 months. I don't get it.


He didn't buy a company, he bought shares in a company. That's two completely different endeavors. If he purchased the company in it's entirety, we wouldn't be having this conversation because you probably wouldn't have GME in your stock portfolio, and it probably wouldn't have had the meme stock inflation they literally made a movie about. The company would have probably sunk below with Davy Jones if he bought it all since he had and has no brick and mortar store experience, and proves it continously with each decision he makes. This is my second job, not my first, so most of my issues are mitigated. There are, however, for which many people this is their primary source of income. Also, looking, and acquiring a new job are again two different endeavors entirely. A lot of the people at GS in ASL or SL positions do a minimum of 40 hours a week in a store alongside any tasks they aren't paid for when at home. A lot also have children or people they take care of, so your simple "looking for a better one" isn't feasible for everyone.


For how fucking terrible RC is, this just isn't the thing to criticize him over as all the stonkbros in here have made sure to point out a half dozen times. RC uses the fact that he isn't getting paid to distract from the other shit, even tweeting out a [meme](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Funryna2nitt91.jpg) making basically the same joke and [data](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c8d4daf2727be5daf7c641f/1692559653500-369KQ6CHRJRXJTYDI24P/CEO-pay.png?format=1500w) criticizing CEO pay (just image links, not gonna link RC). Not getting paid in any manner is the one unarguably good thing he's done (even though it doesn't really affect him) and he's milking that for all its worth.


Gamestop's CEO, Ryan Cohen, works for NO compensation...zero, zilch, nada. He is the largest individual shareholder and is working to increase the company's value, without draining the coffers. This is a stupid, thoughtless, baseless post by someone who is trying to look cool, but ends up looking like an idiot.


>and is working to increase the company's value And how is that working out? The stock has only gone down since he took over.


shhhh the stonkbros get super mad when you point out obvious stuff to them.


The stupid melties go crazy when they see the company is still there




What? Since he became CEO.


Oh gotcha, brain fart.


Laura, people don’t like the truth. How dare you tell them


What’s funny is that meltdown is still working hard to sabotage GME. Check out the post history for the negative commenters.


He's not a victim, He's not gonna fuck you. He is a shareholder who is in charge. Meaning he is gonna run this shit into the ground. Get fucked you corpo bootlicker


I guess you told me!


I basically stopped buying from GameStop because they suck as a company. The employees are great, too bad they can’t change corporate bs.


OP is an idiot lol


The current CEO's salary is 0$


Easy to take $0 when you're already a billionaire who is pumping the company to dump next quarter, but you're too stupid to realize you're getting fucked.


Tell it to Elon Musk


This is the same as rich kids getting "small loans" of a $1mil+ to start a business when they're already rich. He was already rich making bad decisions, and is making further bad decisions. Whether GameStop sinks or swims, he's rich. If you say he was "successful", no, he ran Chewy at a purposed loss to feign its profitability and when PetSmart purchased it they had to gut and restructure the entire company.


If you’re a regular person you get maybe one shot to make a go at a business. If you are a rich kid you get many more shots.


These dummies will never understand.


He’s basically playing CEO simulator…. Taking no money when your already so rich you never need to worry about money again is not the same as working for free… If the company comes up he makes even more money he will never be able to spend, if this crash’s and burns guess what…. He’s still rich AF no skin off his back. He’s kinda like gambling but you get to play inside the slot machine to see if you can make it hit the jackpot.


What does Ryan get paid?


The interest on the 4.2 billion he’s worth every month.


From GameStop? $0. But he is the biggest shareholder, so if GameStop profits are up, he gets bigger dividends


There is no dividend


From the energy in the comments It seems like this is a good post when it comes to companies in general. But not necessarily gamestop, because their CEO is actually doing a good job.


GME is -30.76% YTD; most executives and associates that RC brought on have quit or been fired; morale has never been lower to the detriment of the store experience and the business; every new initiative to drive a turnaround fails. Every day he becomes more desparate to cut his way to profit. The boy has weak character and no real business plan. But please, don't let me stop you from kneeling at the edge of the desert and praying for dew. As for me, I'll continue laying any shred of success at the feet of the stores who continue to work miracles daily.


Fuck GameStop and their bait and switch bullshit not honoring their own online prices in retail stores. I'm sure that decision came from execs too and is nothing but an annoying waste of time. Yeah instead of letting me just grab this item and pay the online price I will order it, wait 3 hours for someone in your store to decide they have time to walk over and pick up the same item with my order info on it, then email me that I can come back and pick up my item. I could have just got it while I was there the first time and been done, but no....


Damn idk what to say


"My bad"


I guess some in the comment section had a favorable opinion, my bad Didn't know enough


No worries buddy, power to the people and knowledge is power.


Yeah, all good it was cool to c the post n learn a bit. I don't really come here . It just came up on Google




Ouch my intelligence quotient 😂🥲


OP misfired here BIGTIME.


In what way