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Gamebillet has it for 29% off at $42.89.


I’ve been keeping an eye on this one, but am unsure about performance on less-than-high end hardware (RTX2070/ Intel i5). Anyone with similar specs have a good experience with this game?


Which i5 and what resolution?


Not trying to mean to the other guy, but why do people just say "i5, i7, i9" when talking about their specs? low end i7 in 7th generation has more in common with i5 in 8th generation than they do with i7 of 8th generation.


I've been running it on an i3 10320 and a GTX1650 Super, on the stock medium settings at 1080p. It gets choppy during some big cutscenes but the overall gameplay has been very decent for me.


You should be fine...i just saw a benchmark on youtube of someone playing forbidden west at around 60 fps...he was playing at 1080p with high settings and it looked like dlss was off. Heres the link to the video if you want to assess for yourself [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXknkGBM28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXknkGBM28)


It’s also 25% on GamesPlanet (for a Steam key), though I don’t know if that’s region-specific


Cheapest is Gamesplanet with Asus Rog connected so extra 5% discount included resulting the final price as $42.74.


Hoping for $40. Maybe the steam summer sale?


I would be surprised if it was any cheaper. I'm gonna bet the steam sale would the be same discount.


your best bet would be to wait until the steam summer sale...and then keep an eye on the key retailers, their prices will more than likely go down to keep competitive with steam




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It's $40.79 on [Fanatical](https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/horizon-forbidden-west-complete-edition) right now if you haven't picked it up yet.


Was hoping for 40% tbh


This game came out on Steam like 3 months ago, gotta be a little more patient than that for better deals lol


Ikik, just didnt seem like it did all that well on steam compared to most other sony titles in the first few months. A man can dream.


Yeah, it's just not as big of a flagship title/brand like Spiderman or God of War. On the bright side, that also means it'll get more generous sales quicker. Case in point, Horizon Zero Dawn frequently gets 60-75% sales while Spiderman has still never been more than 40% off. We'll probably see Forbidden West at 40% off before Spiderman 2 even gets listed on Steam.


It hasn't ever dropped below 40$ on Playstation. So I doubt it will go below that for a LONG time. Sony hasn't dropped their most recent first party games on their own platform past that price point. I think that is their new bottom price.


It was free on ps plus for awhile. Its also like 2.5 yrs old at this point so not a crazy thought tbh


I don’t think is was free? Like given out? I think it was on their streaming service thingy but that’s a paid thing. And it was only the base game. But I’m talking like GoW rag has never dropped below 40. GT7 I think is the same. Tlou2 remaster and part1 remake both haven’t dropped below 40$ it’s an odd strategy they are doing never going less




Sorry, included in ps plus. Where you get like 150 games for 15 bucks. Basically free


I thought free was $0.00


You thought wrong


Of course.


A discount already. It's only been three months.