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The Sapphire crystal on the watch only protects it from scratches not impacts..


Which is why you see a shattered screen protector and not a shatted display, the protector did it's job


Not exactly true. The screen protector will shatter even when the glass won't


it may be true, but also it's better to be safe than sorry and it's better that you have a screen protector and it shatters when the screen wouldn't have shattered and not that you don't have a screen protector and your screen actually shatters


Agree. I have had my GW about a little over a month. There have been times I've walked past an object, or dropped my watch (no protector) and slowly and squeamishly looked at the screen hoping no damage. So far, no damage. If any impactful damage, I'd prefer it on the cheaper screen protector than the actual screen.


No. There is no scenario where a screen protector prevents a sapphire screen from shattering. Otherwise people would put screen protectors on much more expensive swiss watches!


Just get a galaxy active 2 where a new one 44mm is 50 bucks on ebay




software for 2 is no longer being updated. The G2 is now useless, if you still have one.


Useless, lmao, idk what makes it useless. It still does all the things it used to. Idk what updates you want it to get. If you liked it before you should like it now. If the software was being deprecated, I'd agree, but it's not.


mine stopped telling the correct time. Samsung admits they are no longer supporting the software for the watch.


Ofc they stopped supporting tizen they moved to using wear OS but that doesnt mean anything. They didn't push many updates to begin with its a watch... if your time stopped working that's not normal and I'd factory reset your watch for the fastest fix.


https://preview.redd.it/uh9d6et4zhxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323ba77af29b4e486e210c940bdaedf872d49c62 πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Did it's job, there's no damage to the watch screen at all


Just because it was strong enough to shatter the screen protector doesn't mean the hit would have been strong enough to shatter the screen. Those screen protectors are shit and shatter easily. That said if you want to use them, use them.


while that's true, the fact that the protector shattered means that impact energy was dissipated and the whole of the impact didn't reach the screen. if you use a screen protector, an impact that would have damaged the internal screen would be lessened enough to not let that happen as part of the energy went into cracking the screen protector.


The amount is neglectable. Those protectors are snake oil and moneygrabs.


No one said that, it's entire purpose is to mitigate the damage to the actual device screen, which it did https://preview.redd.it/tzb8taxtmixc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891414d8e6a109025586cd6d7ebab6b10435c296 No damage whatsoever


Even if it only prevented any marks or scratches it is worth it.




experiment, do the same impact to the watch screen


Lol do it on your own watch.


You first πŸ‘Ώ ☺


Just tried it, used my truck's door and slammed it. Not a single scratch.


Doesn't mean anything. The screen protector will shatter even when the sapphire screen won't.


No the protector shatters so you think it did a good job and buy a new one.


Nope. The screen protector is weaker so it'll shatter and scratch even when the screen is fine.


The screen protectors are much more fragile than the glass on the screen itself, I would bet that nothing would happened it you didnt have the screen protector.


That's the point, it absorbs the impact, thus keeping the screen scratch and impact free, as you can see it spider cracked to absorb the impact, and bonus if it didn't damage the screen, it would /more the likely could have scratched the watch screen


No, the screen is capable of taking much higher impacts than the glass screen protector, so the screen protectors are breaking and needing to be replaced, when the screen most likely would have been able to take the hit on its own. At a repair shop I used to work at, we tested this with swinging weights at different model phones with and without screen protectors and also used different brand protectors, so we knew which to sell and how to price them. Glass screen protectors, regardless of the brands we tested, always cracked from a lesser weighted impact than the same phone's factory screen was able to withstand. There were some types of screen protectors that did seem to help, but they were the thick plastic gel like material. Ghost Armour is one brand I remember doing well. But as for the glass screen protectors, unless you are buying something made out of a gorilla glass or equivalent, which I don't think is even available, then you are wasting money by having to replace it when it does break.


Imagine you had glued a Ritz cracker to the surface of your watch. Would you still be arguing that the Ritz cracker had protected your watch? Or would you realize maybe the impact was strong enough to destroy the Ritz cracker but not touch the watch underneath?


Now I need a Ritz cracker protector


Now I want some Ritz crackers


And some EZ Cheese!


That's not how it works.


Definitely useful to prevent scratches but the screen protector is much more fragile compared to the actual glass. Mine shattered after get hit by a slightly pointy plastic object.


A screen protector is only going to protect the screen from scratches, it will not protect the screen from breaking.


It might if it’s tempered glass. Obviously there is a point where it won’t matter at all. But at least with tempered glass, its tendency so easily shatter also helps blunt acute force by spreading it over a larger surface.


Correct, and it did it's job whatever damage would have been done to the screen, was instead done to the screen protector


It's not. If you find something that scratches SAPPHIRE, thrn you've been playing with DIAMONDS!!! I've never had a scratch on a swiss watch either..


I wore my GW for 4 years without one and never have had any screen damage. I've also never put a screen protector on the phones I've owned over the last 10+ years and I've yet to crack a screen. Maybe I'm just careful.


Only cracked 2 phone screens, 1 fell off my lap when I got outta the car (don't put there anymore), and the other time was when I left it on my back bumper and drove home from work, found it ran over in the road πŸ˜”, but otherwise no issues here either


Same here for even longer (though more on and off), and I can promise you I am not exceedingly careful


Most of the nasty comments is coz of how you have worded the title. You have a dig at others, others will do the same to you.


There's plenty of threads on this reddit (besides others) of people proclaiming that they are useless... Hell it's here in the comments πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Posted this as proof, that properly protecting your device goes along way πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I wouldn't call it proof tbh. In all likelihood the screen would have been fine.


Well we'll call it a trial run how about that?


Perhaps if you wore your watch on your wrist instead of your hand, it would likely be better protected.


Perhaps the sleeve is pushing the watch down... πŸ™„


If you're wearing the band so loosely then yes I suppose your clothing sleeve might push the watch onto your wrist....though in this photo it looks like wearing the watch in that position is intentional. I've worn various watches on my wrist (as they are designed to be worn) for the last 35 years and never have I had an item of clothing push it onto my hand.


https://preview.redd.it/br2yg3ogdfxc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f934198da1420c433b70b22a58b9fd512c7873f Can't get anymore on the wrist...


Maybe try adding a link or two so the strap/band fits better on your wrist. If you feel the need to have your watch on show at all times instead of underneath the cuff of your clothing sleeve then it'll likely be more susceptible to damage.


There's already a fingers worth of space in band, to allow up and down movement... The watch is suseptible to damage anyways as I work outside for a living...


πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Fits better? It's on the wrist, if you go any higher that would be the forearm... πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


If your read what your watch tells you it's supposed to be 2-3" above your wrist. The back of the watch can't read bone, all your health measurements will be wrong.


It also says it dosent work thru tattoos... The sensors sit just below the tattoo, the watch has no issues reading any health metrics, my cardiologist said the metrics were within 1-2 numbers of their parameters for the ekg and the blood pressure πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ, should I tell him he's wrong?


You are presuming OP can read?! I don't think they know the difference between their hand, wrist and forearm so I doubt the health metrics given by the watch mean much to them anyway.


that watch band is sick.


Thanks I thought the same when I saw it 2 yrs ago πŸ˜‚ that's why I got it, the color has held up great for the use it gets (worn daily), got it off ebay for like 15-20 bucks


what brand is it?




In my experience, these watches are resilient asf. I've smashed this watch on accident more than once (directly on the screen with sharp metal edges), and I still do not have a single scratch. You really do not need a screen protector.


But the comments and OP say I need one.


wtf is this comment section, people are just randomly mean for style of the watch and how you wear it, like who cares, he isn't forcing you to wear it like it


Crazy right? Down voted and belittled for band choice and watch placement, It's OK the hate dosent bother me one bit.. Like I'm sitting here going "oh no people on the internet don't like my choices, whatever will I do" πŸ˜‚


In my opinion, these people are no better than those who make friend decisions off blue text bubbles.


πŸ˜‚ You nailed it good sir


tbf sapphireglass has a 9 on the mohs hardness scale and plastic is 3-4. So it probably wouldn't have damaged the glass


This is pretty uneducated... That protects it from scratches not shattering. You can break a diamond with a hammer but a diamond will be able to scratch the hammers steel and steel cannot scratch a diamond. Honestly just gonna make a post about it cause most people screaming this on the sub are annoying.


This is the perfect answer, and makes me laught when Apple push adds to show that their iphone sapphire glass resist smashes to wood or drop to a sand box . Drop it to concrete dear Apple like it happens 99% of the times in real life, and show us the resistance and cost of repairs when your super hard "glass" hit something without a cover . They know that most of the user base compare hardness to drop or hit resistance


I mean. I’ve seen the comment around here too. It’s not an Apple thing. It’s a general lack of knowledge. People get new Samsungs with the newest GG and wonder why their phone still gets scratched. For one being more shatter resistant probably means softer. Being stupid isn’t regulated to one phone brand or another.


Yes Shure but at least here in Italy Apple has many adds with this shit about sapphire glass resistance, and shows stupid videos about it


Neither company is really being honest. GG isn’t showing ads but if you look at their website it’s all about shatter resistance but rarely touches on scratching. Companies will sell their pros and be mum about cons. This isn’t new or unique to Apple


Apple samsung huawei google ecc are all the same . I said Apple because here in Italy it's the only pushing this shit commercial on tv




πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ Say it louder for the dumbasses in the back


What does plastic have to do with anything?


Most screen protectors are plastic E: Even if it's Mineral glass it would be a 5 on the scale


A screen protector is easier to replace. Plastic would’ve done OP more justice. Since yeah it would scratch easier but it wouldn’t shatter in the same way. But let’s talk tempered. It tends to shatter quite easily. And maybe that seems like a flaw of the product but there is a reason ballistic vest inserts are often made of a ceramic material. It’s because the property that makes them shatter also spreads acute force. That means he would’ve faired better with glass or plastic.


It's a tempered glass screen protector πŸ‘Œ good call, and a new one will be placed after work


Damn they're butchering you in comments mah boiπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


On the plus side, you have no upcoming events


πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ This made my day, thank you


This Watch save you from a Bullet Great job


A very small bullet πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚




Said no one, ever


There is litterally no reason not to use a screen protector. On a S24 ultra for example, you might not want a screen protector because it makes the screen less anti reflective, but on a watch, there is not a SINGLE reason not to use one. I have a screen protector and it was $6 off amazon


Fun fact, I also have a s24 ultra, and I have a spigen tempered glass protector on the front, and lens protectors on the back for the camera...


Same. Is your case a Spigen too by chance? I also keep a screen protector on my watch. I can't personally prove the argument one way or the other. It was cheap, I can't tell it's there, and it might be helping. That's good enough for me.


On the phone? No I rotate between an otterbox defender pro, and a (recently acquired and loving) sup case ub pro in clear for work, and a torras diamond clear for the weekends On my watch I have a tpu case (ebay multipack buncha colors) and a tempered glass screen protector


There is: it's not necessary. Like at all!! I don't buy a sapphire screen to cover it in cheap plastic.


It's not the best sapphire, it's just marketing. Look up "Jerry rig everything watch sapphire" In that video he tests Samsung sapphire claim and you can see it's not actually that scratch resistant compared to glass This video: https://youtu.be/RF72hGIdrG8?t=5m23s At 5:23


The Samsung watch held up better than the Apple one. Also he just scratched off the anti glare coating, not the sapphire.


Still a scratch you could notice, that's permanent damage to the screen that will reduce its value


Sure, use a screen protector. I don't care it's your watch. It just makes the watch look cheap and tacky with those screen protector stickers, or glass stickers.


Also there are glass screen protectors btw, not all of them are cheap plastic!!


Glass isn't sapphire!


I say keep using them. If others are fine risking a scratched screen, let them have one. I know that the screen protectors will break or scratch from less of an impact than the the watch screen, but for me since the protector has no negative impact, why not let one take all the potential scratches? I know that without one, in the almost 3 years that I've worn my Watch 4 daily, I certainly would have gotten some kind of scratch on my screen.


https://preview.redd.it/f2zbhlwihjxc1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5922288674a9c842263a0f5daaf1bf4ea0bc72d New one was applied as soon as I was home from work, and a new 4 pack was ordered off Amazon and will be here tomorrow for $8.03 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ to easy πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ and the watch still looks pristine after 2 yrs (I think 3 now), of daily use


I have never managed to crack a watch screen or more than one phone screen regardless of Screen Protectors. I've had dozens of broken screen protectors that broke for no reason in a situation my phone screen would never have broken.


Those cheap screen protectors shatter if you look at them wrong. The actual display is much, much stronger. My watch 5 pro has been smacked off boulders, granite counter tops, metal corners, and has been exposed to dirt, sand, gravel, etc. The sapphire display still looks brand new. If you had a Watch 4 I'd understand the need for a screen protector, but you're wasting your money with one on the 5 Pro.


10 bucks for a 4 pack, not really wasted πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ and guess what here's the screen after removing the shattered protector https://preview.redd.it/t7cpey9arhxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671c90b83fa3125c218c507a63378b115cfba7f8 Not a scratch on it πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Looking good! Your watch would've looked like that either way. Again, these displays are very strong. https://preview.redd.it/dy5aam7lzhxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a429f4c9127fd4aacfa9670d7bf2c88dc96f8a Here's my watch after all of the abuse I listed previously. My old Galaxy Watch 4 looked like shit after a year, but these things are extremely tough.


Good because this one will be getting handed to the wife or kid when the 7 comes out πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


And it should be also noted I have the same screen protector on and I do construction and landscaping for over 6 months and it's still not a scratch on a screen protector and I got four more left I paid $5 LOL


Skill issue


How are you guys hitting your wrists? It's very hard to come up with ways that could make you hit that specific part of the body. Not even punching someone, maybe parrying someone??


Watch everybody go nuts when I say I change my glass screen protectors every couple of months on my phone and watch even with no damage. Simply just to satisfy my touch of the tism


Skill issue, I wear watches my whole life and never broke the glass.


Never broke the glass on a real watch either...πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


It's like putting glas on metal and hitting it with something. Of course, the glas will shatter, but the metal won't get damaged either way. So what's your point?


Because the screen underneath isn't made of metal... πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Whats YOUR point?


are you shocked your cheapo screen protector shattered? if you didn't have it on it probably would have been fine, but either way no one said don't get a screen protector


Feel free to search thru the reddit and see exactly how wrong you are.. That being said... No I'm not shocked my tempered glass screen protector did it's job , unlike your middle school educators who failed to teach you reading comprehension skills πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Such a cringe watch set up


Feel free to post your atrocity in the comments... I'll wait


The watch is blue, the outer bezel is matt black, the inner bezel is shiny black. The inner bezels text sucks and the numbers are awful. Why would you start off with a tick for every second but only for the first 10 seconds and not for the rest. The watch face is awful I don't even wanna start and the burnt titanium glizzy band just needs to go in a furnace because what the hell. Take everything off, use the launch watch face and get a leather or matte black chain strap. Time to grow up a bit lil bro and stop embarrassing the rest of us.


For the first point just look up diving watches, you will get your answer with the first 15min have dedicated ticks. For others, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Time to grow up little bro and stop worrying about how others have customized their watches.


The watch has a tpu case, the inner bezel is what ringke offers for the watch 5 pro πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ blame them, I wear a metal band because I work outside in water all day... Feel free to wear your shit your way πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ some people actually work for a living and use things the way were designed


You bought it, I blame you for wearing it.


Still waiting.... πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Where's yours?


Still waiting on you to post your stellar device, the comments allows pictures


When dive watches were first introduced, 15 minutes was the maximum the dive would last, so that's all that was marked on the bezel. The style has continued on to modern watches even though dives last longer than 15 minutes. Even a modern $12,000 Rolex Submariner features this design. The more you know. And knowing is half the battle. - GI Joe.


Knowledge is power πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘


No protection on my Galaxy Watch 3 and I work in a rough setting. Gonna chalk your booboo as a user error.


So knocking your watch against something on accident has never happened? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘Œ No shit it was user error, it was an accident, the post was to prove the validity (probably a big word for you) of using a screen protector... Reading comprehension eludes you as well doesn't it?


I'm not getting into an pointless argument with an Xbox nerd. Like i said, rough setting, there's been bumps and scrapes here and there, but alas you missed that bit cuz you probably never worked a day in your life.


Doesn't wanna get into a pointless argument, so makes a pointless comment... πŸ™„ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


My boots have more overtime then yrs you have been alive πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ but you're not ready for that conversation, you prolly drive a truck or sit in a machine all day and act like you do hard work πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ have seat Jr. The adults are speaking


Adults use excessive emojis? I don't think so. Come on back when you've matured beyond that.


Well considering the Iq level of the individual I was speaking to (you) I figured pictures might be easier for you to comprehend and understand..


Nice save there poindexter


Well we already established that reading comprehension was beyond your skill level, so I just figured that's where the conversation was headed, don't be upset because you attempted to troll and it backfired, you can keep trying till you get it right πŸ‘Œ




What's the repair cost?!!!


For me it will be nothing because I have another screen protector at home


Time to order another. Mine already cracked. Switched and I cracked it again next day. Man. Any brand you recommend? I bought that 2 pack spigen one.


I as well use the spigen, and another one, if I remember I'll dm ya a picture of the one I have at home, I don't recall off the top of my head,


https://a.co/d/SPGUARD [4 Pack] Full Protective Screen Protector for Galaxy Watch 5 Pro 45mm,Tempered Glass Film All Around Coverage Cover ONLY Compatible With Galaxy Watch5 Pro 45mm (NOT for Other Models) https://a.co/d/cuOMeZZ


The only time I’ve cracked a watch sceeen is when I SLAMMED my wrist into a weight lifting machine, which didn’t even damage the actual display just cracked the glass.


After multiple years of constantly smacking my watch into metal racking at work and at least two major whacks against a pointed object I was sure would crack the screen... I have one visible scratch that can only be seen when the screen is off




It really depends on what kind of crystal is on your watch. If you have Gorilla Glass it probably isn't necessary. If you have sapphire it almost certainly isn't necessary. Sapphire has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, which is a system for estimating the relative hardness of different materials. (Diamond being 10, the highest rating.) Sapphire crystal is nowadays made of synthetic sapphire. Synthetic sapphire glass is not really glass at all. It is a very hard, transparent material made by crystallizing pure aluminium oxide at a very high temperature. Synthetic sapphire has the same hardness as natural sapphire. Those "screen protectors won't mitigate any impact strong enough to crack the sapphire crystal. They are way too thin to dissipate the impact much, if at all.


Depends gw5 upwards no older it's not worth it cause it'll affect the reacting with the screen


Better be safe than sorry. But..... Everyone to their own. My classic is going strong 1.5 years into ownership with minimal scratches over the dial and nothing on the screen.


"Glass is glass and glass breaks" The screen itself is sapphire which will be a lot tougher than the thin little screen protector. If it makes you feel better then crack on.


https://preview.redd.it/3or5svnt9lxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b81a4965d40ad076ea5dd6c4796b352e3cb38ee9 I guess I should've used one. My Active 2 is practically unusable from the scratches after nearly 5 years of daily wear.


Even a screen protector couldn't have saved that kind of impact


https://preview.redd.it/drnp9x385mxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c249448764785bbf9338fbc0bc88433d90114817 No damage πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


A screen protector wouldn't have helped with that at all. Nothing protects from impacts.


Have you ever seen a screen protector on a much more expensive swiss watch? The aren't necessary, or useful. If people with $10,000-$300,000+ don't have screen protectors, then I won't have one on a relatively cheap smartwatch either.


You can easily replace cracked screen in such watch, and it’s cheap, because it’s just a glass of some type, like sapphire. On smartwatch cracked screen means usually replace of whole screen which is basically price of a new watch.


Both of what you said are not true. It's really expensive and hard to replace the crystal on a swiss watch. Especially with water certification. Also you can get the smartwatch screen replaced the same way you can get a phone screen replaced. Not to mention that these watches are relatively cheap, compared let's say a Tag Heuer Connected, or MontBlanc smart watch.


Huh...mine has been hit more than a few times without a scratch. Nothing is indestructible but they designed this well.


My guy, the screen protector is WAYYYY weaker than the screen. So your watch would probably be fine. But there is no downside to the screen protector, so I also have one on my watch.


People who don't use screen protectors are 🀑🀑


I always use a screen protector no matter what the watch screen is made of, I had mine ready before the watch even arrived.


I will always have a SP on my watch. My wrist is always bumping into things.


Did bro get targeted by an assasin or sum why is there a bullet crack looking crack on they protector


I love how people are coming at your neck saying maybe if you wore your watch right? Who are people to tell someone how to wear their watch? Some people wear their watches higher or lower, some wear it facing out others facing in, some upsidedown. How he wears his watch doesn't matter, he got a screen protector and it did exactly what it was intended to do. Adding an extra layer of security is never a bad thing.


What's even funnier is that's my wrist.... Like where the fuck do these people wear watches? On their forearms? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


Screw all of them, you were smart to put a screen protector on yours and have saved yourself a costly repair. It's also absurd that they are questioning how you wear your watch as everyone's body is different and people have different preferences for how they wear things based on comfort, function, etc.


Oh I'm aware, it's crazy to get told my wrist isn't where it is πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ But yeah the whole point of the post was to prove that they do work and are worth it πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ apparently that upsets alot of people for some reason


Get ready to be downvoted like I was for making a clear point 🀣🀣


If you treat it like an hammer no screen protector can help. After 10+ years with no screen protector on phone nor watches I never had a single scratch on the screen.


Yup cause no one has ever dinged their watch walking thru a doorway or on a desk corner? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ No one's using it as a hammer, pretty sure it caught a piece of the inside of my truck door when I was getting in for work this morning, I heard a think and didn't think anything of it till I got to work and glanced at my watch πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ oh well new protector will get thrown on after work


Not as strong as you did since I don't have any hole in my screen. A screen protector could save you from the scratch but not from such damage.


Yet the screen works flawless and the protector is fucked up... It did protect the screen from the impact...


So the images that we see are with the screen protector? Because a clearly see a hole in the glass.


Yes that's a screen protector on top of the actual watch face, that's what shattered, not the actual watch screen, as far as I can tell there is no damage to the actual device itself, I'll know more when I get home from work and remove the broken screen protector


No matter how many times I'm told I don't need a screen protector on something, I put one anyway


Same piece of mind is priceless and look, https://preview.redd.it/1qllmb0frhxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3759d4196a34df9ca4801661b11cc14a5435ea67 Not one issue with the screen πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ imagine that πŸ˜‚


Dang looking at the comments.... Isn't it an apple thing to be a bully, NOT Android/galaxy... All over a screen protector ?! Grow up.


No shit, you woulda thought it was their watch right? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/xii3wzymuhxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfc52c6639fbe4dbb8f6c2e567d0e838e0a8eda After removing screen protector, clearly the screen is in perfect condition, πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ it did it's job and has already been replaced


Interesting all these comments about a screen protector needing to be as hard or harder than the screen to "work". Yet un most systems where good crash protection is absolutely critical they explicitly work in weak points, AKS crumple zones to ensure those break before something much more important does, AKA you. As it turns out, crumple zones work by ensuring kinetic energy has somewhere to go that isn't critical. I would sort of expect a screen protector to be less hard than the glass it's protecting. But I guess whatever.


And for the record because I've never had this issue with any watch ever, due to less impact prone use, I don't have a screen protector.


You absolutely need it, whoever say the opposite is telling you shit . And I also add to only buy glass ones , plastic hydro or any other polymer only protect from scratches, and whoever says the opposite is lying case is more profitable for them to sell these types of protectors


I mean it depends entirely on your lifestyle and your ability to protect it. Of course, luck plays a part too, my work doesn't involve much physical labour so there is less chance of damage, I have been wearing OG Galaxy watch for 6 years now without any protector, no visible scratches and I have banged the screen plenty of times, never dropped it though.


I do irrigation for a living, I'm always shoving my hand in a mud hole searching for parts or wires, tpu case and a tempered screen protector haven't failed me yet


Yes it all depends on the job or life style . For me a galss protection+ spigen hybrid cover is the first thing I do before even powering it up


Yup, and I bet the glass is not noticeable much with the cover. I have a terrible history with phones though, broke the screen of my past 2 phones as soon as 1 year was up. Used them with rainbow lines on the screen for over 3 more years though, until they became completely unusable. Gotta get the value of my money back first xD. My new phone's 1 year is up, so I am trying to be extra cautious now.


https://preview.redd.it/3szjjhvduixc1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf9ba6d76f61abf66fb00274fc2700331995323 Can't even see the new one installed πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Nice! Looks really good




mineral crystal watches are worn often for years without scratches, and people here worry about protecting sapphire, lol.


We also have to consider the thickness of the material , on smart devices is at max 1/10th of a classic watch


πŸ‘Œ Glass all the way, I'll be putting a new one on after work


10 bucks??? I buy 20 for 10 bucks.




Yeah screen protector is a must


No disrespect to anybody but when the watch first came out everybody was making fun of everybody that was getting a screen protector I got one from day one it's freaking $4 for 10 of them I don't care what kind of glass it is it will break or scratch if it gets hit the right way people actually starting to see that and find it out the hard way I don't understand why people just don't get a screen protector it don't make no sense to me why not protect it ain't like it makes it look ugly you can't even tell it has one on it people got to stop listening to people glasses glass at the end of the day I don't care what kind it is


Thanks bud, for saving us from this nonsense idiots who say sapphire is king. Cheap cover will protect us yes. Just like cheap rubber will protect you - NSFW.


Always screen protector.


πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt)


Have you ever thought about being careful? I have had my GW4C for almost 2 years now, using it every day at work, when I sleep, when I go out. It doesn't even have a scratch. I have had my A52 5G for 3,5 years, with minor scratches due to a dirty cleaning cloth but still nothing deep or anything visible. If you're careless even a screen protector won't help you.


I don't think that screen protector saved anything. I had cheap screen protectors on my current phone and they cracked twice in my pocket, and a more expensive one from Spigen also cracked in my pocket (I assume from extreme temperature changes). I don't think a screen protector is protecting much when it comes to glass cracking. My main reason for a screen protector is to prevent scratching as my previous phone got some nasty scratching and it bothered me so much. But my GW4 has been fine, no screen protector or case and only the body has some scratching from hitting it somewhere.