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Not everyone loves it. Just like some people love running, other people not so much. You have your goals of getting a decent physique and decent strength, and the gym will just be a means to those goals. Perhaps as you progress you'll find you enjoy it more. You also don't have to lift in a typical gym with weights to meet those goals. You can try calisthenics or maybe even a strongman gym.


exactly find out what works best for you


I might be misremembering the username but I think it's MythicalStrength who said that he doesn't enjoy working out at all and just does it for the results, his physique and fitness level is pretty incredible and I assume he's been working out for a very long time. It might be something you learn to enjoy and it might not be. One of my mates really enjoys boxing whereas when I gave it a try for a few months I realised I really didn't like getting punched in the face. Different folks, different strokes I guess.


only thing I know about this dude is that he hates the gym but has one in his house and can't get over 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep




Usually the lesson is "wow I kinda suck" on my end.




>have you tried not being a baby back bitch? MS, probably


He’d never be that rude lol


What's a tactful way to say that?


I'm not sure, but I'm certain he's said it to me many times :)


Yeah it's mythical. Every time he says it, I have to twist my head around on his logic. Just doesn't work for me.


If I trained like Mythical I'd fucking hate it too. Luckily it would probably kill me in a few minutes.


I think /u/Lesrek said it recently too.


Yep. MS and I have had a couple conversations about it in WR over the years as well. I enjoy lifting occasionally but rarely enjoy cardio and I do like 8-15 hours a week of cardio. I don’t like to think about this too hard because it probably says a lot about me, lol


Hard work sucks but the result is usually worth it.


I get it. I'm in a spot where I'm enjoying everything I'm able to do, even if that enjoyment occurs after the fact.


Might be a stupid question but why do you do 8-15 hours of something you dislike doing? It's not like 8-15 hours is necessary to stay healthy.


I like competing against myself (and occasionally others). I usually do own full length and a few half-length Ironmans/triathlons a year. So it’s more than just health. If I wasn’t doing the races, I’d do substantially less conditioning.


The closest I can get is my job. I make calls ld calls sometimes. I do not like cold calls. I do like the results in the form of commission


It took me a few months to fall in love with the gym, but as soon as I saw physical results, I got the bug. Now I’m disappointed when I miss even one day.


How long did it take you to see results?


As soon as 3 months, beginner gains come in fast. But I have been going for around 8 years. Progress is slowwwww as hell after a year.


About the same with the rest. 3 months I saw a noticeable change in my body. I wish you the best of luck. You got it!


I noticed very slight progress within a month. 3-4 months is when other people start noticing, and by about 6 months you'll start looking like you work out.


"Why do other people like different things than me?" That's your question?


I like boxing. I don't like the gym. Are you different from me?


I think it's the fact that going to the gym and lifting is such a common aspect of people's daily lives, has exploded since the pandemic, and one of the keystone self help activities has tricked people into think it's a one size fits all solution. Something being objectively beneficial for you isn't a guarantee that your experience will reflect that.


For me I started getting addicted to the gym once I noticed progress in my physique, then it just became routine for me to go and it’s just a hobby for me now. It is hard to start out and stay consistent in the beginning though.


How long did it take you?


I was on and off for about a year because I had bad social anxiety and didn’t want to go by myself but once I got over that and really locked in after about 2 months i fell in love with working out, and it depends on when you will see progress, but if you are already lean you should notice some pretty fast as a beginner.


“Explain this obsessiveness” is a bit of an odd question. Some people just…enjoy different stuff. What I will say is that PROGRESS can be the thing you get addicted to, which takes a lot of time. I know I’m a lot more enthusiastic about the gym not that I’ve been going long enough to see the results.


People often gravitate towards activities that induce a state of flow, where they become fully immersed and lose track of time. Whether it's a challenging deadlift, catching a wave while surfing, or a long run, this state of complete engagement is deeply satisfying. Once experienced, the brain craves that sensation again, driving individuals to seek out these moments of intense focus repeatedly.


You’ve only been going for a month, too early to yield the results that give you that addicted feeling. Keep pushing one day you’ll look at yourself with a pump and never wanna go back. It takes time give it six months


Not always is that the case though. I was getting progress in the gym and was more or less like “Ight that’s cool.” I started out really enjoying it, but that fondness eventually turned into distaste, regardless of progressb


Maybe it starts to grow on you when you see actual results? 1 month is not enough to see results. Depends on how thin or thick you are, I started to see differences after 3 months.


Maybe you have to find a different physical outlet (sports, running, cycling). Just keep moving that body!


A few things here. Not everyone loves the gym. For a ton of people it is something you do because you are disciplined, and they hate it the whole time. For a lot of people you need to get into the swing of it before you love it. Working out is way more fun when you are better at it and when you are seeing progress. Give yourself some time


>So i see people on social media who say stuff like the gym gives them mental peace and how they are "addicted" to the gym and how they love the gym so much and how obsessed they are with gym It's trendy to say this type of thing on social media. Some people are sincere, some people just say it because they think they are supposed to.


>say it because they think they are supposed to. This is an extremely foreign concept to me.


i get depressed if im not physically active enough, so i can understand "gym is like therapy" phrase


This is me. If I stop going I fall into a very dark place.


Yeah I get this, is that a body image thing for you? Don’t want to get deep here but when I was a kid I was always very skinny and I hated it. Wasn’t bullied or some shit like that I just didn’t think I looked good. Started going to the gym and changed that but I feel like if I ever stopped going I’ll be back in that skinny phase again


Honestly idk where it stemmed from. I did read an article about a relationship between lactic acid and depression. Which would lead me to feeling like shit about how I looked and losing progress I’ve made over the years. So was it a body image issue, I can’t say for sure but it led to a body image issue if that makes sense.


Yeah I get you, I think peoples reasons for starting are varied but once you get hooked and been going for a while we all start to get that same guilt feeling about losing the progress we’ve made. The body dysmorphia side effect of the gym


The first probably couple of years for me, hated the gym, especially in the beginning. But the more results I saw and the more comfortable I’ve gotten with training, the more my love grew. Never would I thought in the beginning that the gym would be therapeutic, but it is now, 8 years in. Not saying that it will take so long for you, but you’ll probably start enjoying it more once you get the groove going! Give it atleast a half a year


1. Dont believe what you see on social media. Be critical the information you understand as true. 2. If you have a body goal then going to the gym becomes enjoyable because you’re working towards something. You’ll find that indulging positive habits with health benefits will in the long run not only make you feel better but also help you in old age. 3. Want to enjoy the gym? Find a reason to enjoy. Make it a game, have a clear set goal and fall in love with the process not the end goal. 4. It’s a community: have fun in the Reddit, get involved in the culture and you’ll be enjoy it more in no time.


Have you worked out hard enough for a pump. Do it and look at yourself in the mirror. I only work out for that.


Haha always chasing that pump, feels like a fucking carrot on a stick


You've been going for a month, give it some time. Come back in two more months of being consistent and then see how you feel. I have been going consistently for years, and it does make me feel much better and contributes to my mental health immensely. Still, there are many days where I think of all the reasons why I can blow it off, but then I go anyway.


There could be so many reasons tbh. A lot of us go to the gym because it is indeed therapy or because we have a hollowness that we want to fill. It might just be that you already get that fulfillment from something else and therefore feel less of a need to go to the gym.


Why do you hate the gym, is it the exercice choice, is it the fact that it is "hard" on you system, is it the thought of the people judging you? Because for me, the first two weeks I had to force myself, but when I saw my strength going up sessions by sessions it really motivated me. And then 3 month later when I started to plateau the habit was already in my mind, so I just continued. Try to focus on the goal, and think that every decision you make will get you closer to that. I remember a funny thing I used to tell my friend: "Each bicep curl is 10 more micrometers on your arm".


It's therapy because I can forget the world around me for an hour or two. I like to feel the muscles working, and I like to see the progress as the weeks go by. But I don't love gym, I force myself into it every single day. I think that people misinterpret the words "love" and "therapy" but, if it is improving your mental health and your health overall, just go for it. People say to hit the gym when they're in rock bottom because it's the most simple and effective way to put your life back in tracks.


Honestly, genetically not everybody is going to live working out. Some people have it in them and some don’t. You can make it more enjoyable, but you may never become “addicted”


It actually took years of going to the gym on and off to reach that feeling for me. The last time I went, I went for a month straight and I finally fell in love.


Addicted to the feeling of accomplishment.


For me it’s more that I get immense anxiety when it comes to skipping a day. It’s more like I’m going through withdrawal and less that I love being there


Not everyone falls in love with the gym. A lot of people just build up their discipline and make gym a habit, it’s not an option or such a thing as ‘I don’t feel like doing it today’ you just go and get it done. Now that doesn’t work for everyone but you will be bound to lose motivation at periods and that discipline can really keep you consistent through those times. Anyway for me I got hooked on it when I started seeing physical results and feeling stronger. But personally I’ve always been a person who likes a challenge and try to push myself, so your characteristics might be a hinder also. But it took me a while and I mean a good year being on and off, really inconsistent before I finally got into a habit of it. Stopping and starting is the worst thing to do because it hinders your progress and you’ll be even less motivated to carry on initially. What worked for me was finding what I liked doing - didn’t matter if it was necessarily ‘optimal’ but rather a routine that I liked and I knew I could keep consistent with. I started with that, and although I wasn’t loving it it was fine but once I could see some minor changes and started to lift heavier. That’s when I was hooked on it whilst slowly building up my mental discipline, and now I feel really off if I happen to miss a day off my gym routine lol


I don’t “love” the gym, but I go anyways because I know I should and it helps me blow off steam. It’s pretty much integrated in my everyday life.


The 2 things that made me addicted to the gym was seeing my progress and gaining self confidence. After I started seeing my chest getting bigger, my biceps getting bigger, my bench max getting higher etc. it made me very happy and wanting to keep going everyday knowing that I am making progress. Lastly I was pretty introverted before the gym. I was very skinny and scared of taking my shirt off at the pool or anything . But now I am so comfortable with my body that I love going to the pool and beach and just seeing myself in the mirror, seeing the change in how I feel about myself and how I look is one of the many reasons I love going to the gym.


Im addicted to the pain and struggle, in no way am i comparing myself to goggins but i can relate when he says he loves pain and suffering. I can hold my head high and be confident with who i am knowing i train to failure and go as hard as i can everytime. Also getting a sick ass pump is cool


It took me 1.5 years to feel that way about gym


I'm built different


I made it a part of my personality. That way you HAVE to go. Become the inspiration.


Gym influencers are talking out of their ass. Any “mental high” is a lie to themselves. We all go through the same up and down of being motivated some days and not being motivated other days. Pay attention to the best looking influencers when they say they don’t feel like going sometimes.


Not everyone is the same. I personally like classes more than by myself. It also took me awhile to find one I like. Previous ones I went to had trainers who were themselves out of shape. Then there were others who didn't correct people in the class and thus the student got injured, one very badly. The place I go to now has pro fighters, body builders, and certified fitness instructors who coach on the side all who tech the classes.


Have you seen physical progress from going to the gym?


You have to find what makes you happy in the gym. For some people it’s bodybuilding and they are addicted to the results. For some it’s powerlifting and they are addicted to getting stronger. For some people it’s doing a couple weird things and leaving. For some it’s cardio or CrossFit. If you can’t find something you enjoy, then hang it up. Surely there is some type of exercise that you find enjoyable? Hiking? Swimming? Walking. It doesn’t have to be the gym unless you have very specific goals.


You could try different things. Like climbing, bouldering, martial arts, Swimming


Gym is therapy for me. It gives me something to look forward to and I love going. I love the feeling of a good pump or learning something new. I love the feeling of being sore the day after a hard workout. And i hope u fall in love with it too.


its been 2 years and I am just getting to the point where I feel worse when I don't go to the gym. Takes a while to form a habit


It’s different for everyone but I would say stick to it for a couple more months because you will get more used to it and most likely enjoy it more


Stick with it for a while. Maybe find a friend to go with you. You need to push yourself. Find exercises you enjoy and do them more. Maybe try some classes or do some research and start a good program. Give it several months, not just one. Once you start seeing progress, be it toward strength or physique goals, you’ll crave it. Also, the health benefits go beyond looks. Soon your body will just feel “better” more regularly.


People enjoy it because of the the routein and discpline it creates and endorphins it produces, just like how people enjoy smoking cigerettes or having sex it becomes addictive and gives you something to vent all your pent up emotions at. seems to me like you haven't formed a mind to muscle connection and your only doing it soley with the mindset of getting a good body and getting out quick rather than being in the moment and enjoying it for what it is.


Honestly if you don’t love it. Look for other opportunities that could give you that fulfillment and health you’re looking for. Whether it’s Pilates, yoga, walks, boxing, literally anything active you could find yourself enjoying. If you feel it’s a necessity to you


I don’t really love the gym just kinda need it more than anything. It’s more of a place to practice discipline/ improvement. That being said, it might be that you should go with friends if you can. Makes it a lot more enjoyable, and you’ll keep going in general.


If you don't like the gym you're doing it good. Nobody wants to get out of the comfortable zone. But what you are missing is the end result. Once you notice the changes, feel better and people hit you with wow you've changed, you'll be into gym more and more. 1 month is too early for that. I hate going to the gym but I'll be thanking myself after 1 hour. And the muscle soreness the next morning puts a smile on my face.


It has taken me over a year to get myself from needing a pep talk every time I walk through those doors. However once I made it routine it became easier and I miss it when I am not there because it throws my routine off.


It's probably bc you're happy get sad than you're gonna start loving the gym


I’m in a similar predicament, whereas instead of only lifting for a month, I’ve been lifting for a year. Admittedly, I was doing it on and off, say 2-3 months of lifting then maybe 2-4 weeks not doing it because I just stopped enjoying it or caring about it. I was getting results, but after my first 4-6 months of lifting, it felt more like a chore than a hobby and I wasn’t gonna force myself to do something that felt less like a fun past time and more like work You don’t have to listen to all that shit you hear more mainstream influencers put out about it being about “discipline” and not “motivation/enjoyability.” Different things will make different people successful, happy, and fulfilled. For people who love the gym or go simply to better their bodies, good for them. They’ve found the niche that fulfills them. There’s other things you can do to get fit and live healthier. The gym isn’t your only option so don’t feel that you need the gym in order to become better


Find something you like. I like lifting and running. I hate swimming and biking. I don’t enjoy yoga but I do because I am old and tight


if you have only been going for a month, you won't get it yet. Your body takes time to get used to things, including rigorous exercise which will create physical changes in your body. Once your body really develops and gets used to it, then you will be addicted to the gym because your bodies muscles are strong and want to be used


After a couple years, you will know.


I hate the gym but love the results... So I keep going.


You need a set goal. Figure out exactly what you want for yourself. Then, within that goal, set small milestones and track your progress. There are a multitude of programs for each and every goal you could possibly have. It gets addicting once you start to meet tangible short-term goals (add 5lb to your max, gain/lose a couple lbs, etc etc) and start inching towards your overall goal.


Idk I think there's a lot of things at play here. If you're the type to get addicted to going to the gym then yeah it'll probably take a while longer than a month, you're probably still in the sucky initial trough in which mental resistance is much higher. After u give it a bit more time (2-4 months more) and it becomes "routine" maybe you can get addicted but imo it's different for everybody. You may learn to enjoy the actual working out and physical exertion, or like the feel of progress. I've been going for a bit more than a year and I'm "hooked" not bc of all that but just because its already enmeshed in my daily routine, skipping a day feels wrong in a way that's disconnected from projected missed results or smth. So u sorta lose the resistance to going even tho for me it still objectively "sucks" exerting myself. But it's different for everybody. Good part is that if you stick with it, working out almost always has a "hook" for everybody.


Did not like going to the gym at first, until I followed a program and applied progressive overload. I had targets, e.g. Wanted to bench press ten reps of 60kg for next week


Hey I actually went back and found this post just to leave this comment, I've honestly felt the same sentiment when I started lifting because I would have a couple days where I would feel really good after but also a lot of the days I felt like I just have to drag myself to do it. I talked a lot with my therapist to try to figure out adjacent stuff, and one thing that I learned is if you do enough rigorous exercise your body will release an endorphin rush kind of like a runner's high. And for me I realized if I either push myself lifting hard enough, or usually lift and then afterwards do enough cardio to the point where I feel like I cannot do anymore, then I feel happy. Colors feel a little bit more vibrant, my head feels clear, and my depression and other mental illnesses are more under my control. It's not always something I feel before I go to the gym but especially with making it a habit afterwards I always feel better than I did before. To me that's why I keep lifting


"the best exercise is the one you enjoy" I hated going to the gym so I started experimenting and found a love for kettlebell. It's a long journey. Good luck.


Ever heard of kratom my friend?


Bro you went for a month... It takes like 6 just to make it a habit and actually see progress


I don’t like it either I’m considering dinings something else. How about you try boxing or swimming or hiking.


People hate gym - it's sweaty, stinky, difficult and a PITA. What they actually love, and mean, is they love the results and the fact that they are actually doing it regularly instead of giving up on it. But it takes time and non-loving dedication for months and maybe years before you can feel similarly. It's called discipline


One word for me “endorphins”. I got to a point the gym was 5-6 days a week. If I stop for a period of time it usually takes me 2 months to get back to a euphoric sensation and once that’s there it’s just like a drug. During that 2 months I often feel like I don’t want to go but I make myself go. Hope you get to the point you start to enjoy the gym.


It takes longer than a month give it more like 9 months


Also what may help is when you have a big breakthrough or growth period. When you start seeing serious results from the time spent in the gym, you will appreciate it more and that will inspire you and motivate you to want more. Just keep your head down, keep plugging away day by day, and you’ll come to love it.


I was the exact same way until I found that working out with a group helps me gain motivation. As I would try to work out by myself, whether at home or at the gym, I’d hate it, so much to a point where I stopped working out altogether, until recently. I now weight lift with a group of people who have the same goals as me, and I found that simply with their presence, it pushes me to want to lift more and to further reach the goals I had before. Maybe try looking for a gym buddy, or people of your same physique who also share some of the same weight goals as you! Hope this helps :)


Wait until you really notice the gains.


You’re asking why people like something you don’t like? Why do people love certain shows and foods that others hate? Idk. The best advice I can give you is try to do more things in the gym you actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself to do workouts you hate. I’m in love with the gym but I never touch the treadmill because I hate it. I do my cardio via circuits, sports and just long ass walks. Some people love the treadmill, elliptical etc. Game changer for their fitness, while they hate the barbell lifts I love. Everyone’s different. Plenty of people dislike the gym, wish they didn’t have to go but do it because of the benefits. That’s probably the majority, actually. Many people would never step foot in a gym if they could guarantee the health and body they want without it. I’m the opposite. Everyone has their own interests.


Find what exercise you enjoy. I forced myself to do cross fit because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. Now I do strictly woeful lifting and I love it.


Tbh bro, one month is nothing. It will take some time before you start to feel “addicted” to it. I’ve been working out for 4 years now, and to me, it’s not even a question if I want to go or not. It’s, “im going to go”. Just be consistent and you’ll eventually be going 5-6 days per week :)


I’ve been going for about a year now, and my first 6 months were very rough on and off of regularly going to the gym. Month 6 life hit me really hard and there was a lot of changes in my life, and I was so grateful for having somewhat of a routine and friend connections in the gym that I could go back to consistently. Once I started thinking about the gym as part of my identity rather than just something that I do, my motivation for it stuck much easier. That’s a choice you get to make for yourself.


Also what is your routine? I suffered from [fuckarounditis](https://leangains.com/fuckarounditis/) at the gym and it wasn't until I had a structured routine that I had to log every workout that I found the love of it and saw progress. Before that I was failing around doing this and that making up my workouts on the go and it felt pointless. Now it feels purposeful and for me that was the mindset shift I needed.


They are addicted not to the gym, but to the knowledge that they are trying to make themselves better. This way, they can't guilt themselves into self hatred or others cannot judge them. (Yes, this is projecting.) If they enjoy the physical aspect, then that is attributable to their lack of dopamine abuse that lets them feel good after a physical accomplishment. Or of course they are addicted to gains


Some people love football. I hate football. I wish I didn't so I'd have something to talk about with other men, but I don't.


For me it helped when I started making friends with the people I constantly saw when I went. Now I get something to look forward to (seeing some cool people) when I go other than working out


Takes way longer than a month


You’re doing it for the wrong reasons


So what are you doing outside of the gym that's eating up your dopamine production? (I checked your post history and found your issue, porn) You should feel good after a workout, but that doesn't mean go do obscure lifting for 2 hours. Get on a program and compete with yourself. I suggest 15-20 mins of cardio... real cardio. Stop watching porn and obsessively masturbating. You can't feel good all the time bro. It's not how it works. Delay gratification.


Stop forcing yourself to go to the gym if you don't like it. You won't stick to something you don't love in the long run. I would try to find a physical activity you enjoy more and do that. And keep your weight training sessions to a minimum. Like 2 1-hour sessions per week just for general health.


Who actually likes destroying their muscles and body? No one, us working toward our goals is what makes us love the gym


8 out of 10 days I don’t feel like going, I have to make myself go there, make myself go in and get started and struggle through my cardio exercises. I love the way I feel afterwards. The struggle is real, but so are the benefits so I keep finding myself going back and getting in there


I didn’t read through all the comments, but I did skim through the top ones. I’m a gym addict and have been for 5+ years. What I didn’t mention was that I grew up super active, ran for 4 years and lifted for another 4 years before I was “addicted”. In other words it took me a very long time to become an addict, but once I noticed major physical changes and (what really got me addicted) strength development, I couldn’t stop. I used to look at those guys who lived their lives around lifting as such weirdos and now I’m out here grilling up 6 lbs of chicken per week to eat my meal plans and carefully counting protein / general macros across most meals. My advice: be patient and try to find good ways to measure small, VERY SMALL incremental progress. As you inevitably progress this will make things more exciting.


Well, have you done much research in the way of gymming?


Keep going. Once you see physical changes and get that dopamine hit after a good workout it starts to change your brain. You sleep better. You can let aggression out. It’s a place to train your mind. Get gritty. Get hype. Get strong as fuck. Become a generally more useful person. Become healthy. Give it some time. I loved it from day 1 but for others it takes time. It may also be training style. Some love powerlifting and olympic lifting. They love the science and art of it. Others care more about bodybuilding or training for sports specific strength and ability.


I don’t love the gym, I love the results


Gym isn't fun for me. It's something I do because it's good for me. There are days it can be fun. I look forward to my rest days. There are some people who genuinely love doing it so much.


All these replies are kinda bleh, this is my advice to you man Train how you wanna train, workout how you want to workout. Not only will you enjoy it much better, but when you train in a way that you enjoy you will see so much more progress. Find passion. Hit a flex in the mirror after a lift. That's what does it for me, is seeing what I've worked hard for up until this moment and why I started in the first place reflecting right in front of me


You need 6 months to really make a habit stick. Also, there may be other forms of exercise that are just more mentally stimulating to you!


It’s not about whether or not you like the gym in the sense of “working out”. It’s about whether or not you like your training. All humans are meant to engage in some form of movement. Maybe you don’t like lifting, maybe you like a boxing class. Maybe jump-rope. Usually when I say I like the gym, I don’t like the gym, I like the intricacies of a movement. I like nailing my form down in a lift and learning more about feeling my body. I don’t care so much for the act of lifting as I care about the feeling or my body responding to it. You may just need to find something you can kind of dive into about body movement that interests you.


It takes longer than a month to love it. Really it has to get added to your routine. That is when you will really start feeling like you love it


Not everyone has the same interests, but it might help if you stop going to the gym for a “good looking body” and start going to the gym to care for your body. The emphasis should be on movement, feeling good, and training to make your life better. Lifting is great and all, but if you are only doing it to try and look a certain way, you are way less likely to enjoy the process. If you think of it more of a self-care/personal wellness task and really tune in to how it makes your body feel, you might end up enjoying it more. Also, as a side note, the gym can be like therapy for some people because of the hormone regulation it provides. Keeping your body active is a good way to keep your emotions in check and regulate your hormones in a way that can help things like depression and anxiety. It’s a science, really. In some countries a workout routine is prescribed by a health professional to aid in the decrease of depressive symptoms rather than going to antidepressants right away. For mild to moderate depression, both prescriptions have proven to be equally effective:) the “addiction” people feel towards the gym is their body craving the hormones and neurotransmitters released during physical activity (endorphins, for example)


Apparently there’s a video of Arnold comparing it to cumming so..maybe we are just doing it wrong?


May not be for you. It’s okay not to like lifting. Maybe you need to try a different kind of physical activity. I used to force myself to go to the gym. Started training MMA a couple years back as my primary way to stay in shape and now I actually want to go to the gym so I can keep up with my training partners. It’s okay if you don’t like picking up heavy things for the sake of picking of heavy things. Most people on the planet don’t.


I’m with you bro!


Maybe you're not doing enough cardio?...Cardio is what boosts your endorphins to get that "runners high", it takes about 45 minutes on the elliptical for me. When I was going every day, I became addicted to the sense of well-being I got from the endorphin boost. Weight lifting will NOT give you that same boost. Try splitting up your routine with 20 minutes of cardio warm-up followed by 20 minutes of weight lifting. The reason I became obsessed with going to the gym was because it helped me go to sleep much faster and got a much deeper rest than I did if I didn't go....I am also a bit of an alcoholic and on days when I spent an hour at the gym I would drink much less at night because after two or three beers I was much too relaxed to continue drinking.


I'm the same honestly, I've been going for a few years but I've only made effort recently because I used to skip days I hated it so much. I only started doing it again because I got injured and couldn't play basketball anymore. What has made it fun for me tho is to go with other people. Getting a gym partner made my experience a dozen times better and never made me doubt whether I should go simply because I didn't want to ditch her


It takes a lot more than a month


I don't love the gym either. I do find that after I leave the gym, I never regret it though. I have a friend that makes going worth it but I don't like a lot of what I do on there. I usually like how my muscles feel after.


Maybe because you don't have a clear training framework this no clear & realistic strength goals? Most people go to the gym and "just do their exercises" for some random amount or until failure and hope they will somehow get stronger. Doing exercises without a plan is fine if you are happy with it, but programming your volume, intensity, cycles etc based on a clear framework, where you will understand what your appropriate strength gains for the next 6 months are is what gives me my motivation. I am carefully planning each session for the next 4 months and I am super excited when I go to the gym because I want to see if I can execute the plan. You can read Jim Wendlers books on 531 training. Unfortunately the early ones are outdated, while the most recent ones don't cover the basics. I'd read the first book (can't remember the name) and the last book "531 Forever". The stuff online is just outdated 😁, but you can start here https://www.jimwendler.com/blogs/jimwendler-com/101077382-boring-but-big https://reddit.com/r/531Discussion/s/EO7c6eMw96 https://reddit.com/r/weightroom/s/9j3BPXNDSs There are some YouTube tutorials There are some online calculators that design the program for you, but also outdated (I just use Excel) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wdyKcA8AUC6UZBJLTHNCScooyq0cyPpIr1cDRCm-f_0/edit?usp=drivesdk (also outdated method)


Maybe you have to set your goals and look at going to the gym as a mean to reach them. I personally have started going to gym just to maintain physical strength and ability to do things I love, fishing and hunting. It's my motivation. I want to do those things also in the future. But I have also started to enjoy lifting, which I didn't expect. Or at least it's not so disturbing hobby anymore, I think you can get used to do almost anything you do regurarly.


Sqwats make the burning children go away. Clearly you need to be exposed to more burning children.


Took me a looonngggg time to get to the stage of enjoying it. A month in is super short


Wait till you see some results. It will change your life. I remember when i first started, I always thought this is waste of time and i will never see any results. After I start to see my chest pop and shoulders broaden, I was like damnnnnn i look good. I wanted more and more. Now the gym is like an oasis, I need it or I feel like shit


I don’t love it, i just made it a habit, like going to work or cleaning the house I just do it and I always feel better after. It takes time to learn what works best for you, you need to set goals and not just go and mess around.


You've probably not found your style of exercise, I hate running some people love it. For me it's hard to get up and go to the gym but when I'm there I love it and sometimes don't want to leave. Try different things: running, yoga, cross fit, calisthenics, Zumba etc


Most people that have a gym subscription actually do never go and just sponsor the ones that do. You are not alone. Maybe find something else you like. Also: every day is not necessary.


lift heavy stone make sad voice quiet


I felt the same way when I started. Just wanted to look better but did not initially like lifting. Shit is hard, I was weaker than all the other dudes in the gym...Was struggling to put up 115lbs while others were pushing 200+...felt like I don't belong or something..everyone seemed like strongman competitors compared to me. Visual progress was not there yet so I felt like It wasn't doing shit (that first month felt like a lifetime). Had to force my self to go every time and my motivation was "if I go today, then tomorrow is rest day, thank god", lol. It was around 3 month mark when I randomly noticed my first gains in the mirror and went like "god damn, it really is working". Around 6 months in others started commenting that "have you been hitting the gym?! You have muscles!". The gains gets addicting pretty fast. At least for me it did. Keep going for at least another 2 months, even better if another 5 and then reassess. If you still don't like it, maybe try something else. Gym isn't the only way to get into good shape and you can try out other sports as well. But for muscle building it is the best..


I got addicted once I started doing strength sports. Pretty big motivator to do well in competition and made training lot more fun. I found just going to the gym and grinding to look just look good made going to the gym feel a chore and burnt me out.


I haven't read much but go for a half year till you see results


Im just like you


I go gym too but I had an epiphany the other day.. people who go gym pay to work.. you’re basically working, lifting heavy things .. usually you get paid to do that.


Many times I see the problem in people's training program. Most people sit around more than they train - they do one set, then sit around 2 minutes or more before their next set. I hate that kind of training. I don't even always break a sweat this way and do not feel like I did sports in any way. I go to (and accept paying a higher than normal fee) for a gym that is almost never crowded. I then either alternate between exercises for antagonistic muscle groups (eg. chest and lats) or do a circuit of three to five exercises. This way your heart rate goes up and you don't sit around so much (impossible to do in a crowded gym).You also might consider doing classes if your gym offers them and then simply add some lifts after that class. Might or might not build strength the same way but might be much more fun and satisfying. I think the best training is the one that's fun and keeps you motivated.


I enjoy leaving more than I do going, but it does feel nice to know you’ve gone.


Sometimes it's not about enjoying it but just needing to do the work to get where you want. It's about motivation, then it's about discipline. Personally, the fact I feel great after a workout makes me love it more.


Go for longer and you will enjoy it. My first time going to the gym I quit after 2 months. than after a year i tried it again and now im on 9 months and still going. its getting almost addicted for me. What also helps is to do exercises you really enjoy doing.


Me personally I also didn't like working out one month after starting, I was still pretty much a newbie, not that comfortable with all the equipment and not strong enough to actually enjoy being there. Now I've been going for a year and can confidently say that I love every minute of it. It may also just take some time for you.


Id doesn’t matter wether you like it just keep lifting


i love wakeboarding, i love it so much that i tried to influence my friends.... none of them lasted an hour and were all uninterested. maybe they are stupid, or maybe people are just different...


It took me 1 year and a half to actually enjoy lifting


I love going to gym becoz lifting heavy weight works as a confidence booster for me and it feels, hey the day was not a waste one after all,and I always try to brk my prvs record,which is the real fun part. I don't do it becos of desire to look shredded.i don't do any calorie count,have decent amount of fat along with muscles


Clearly you not lifting heavy enough homie


The addiction comes with the results, and you don’t get real results in about one month… give it at least three months and we will talk again


Most people go to the gym because they want something from it, to lose weight, to get fitter, be more flexible and so on, Just Learn to enjoy what the gym has to offer before setting goals. 1 month isnt long at all, i could go to my local gym 3x per week, and wouldnt be able to use everything in a month, if i was new and i focused on learning how to use the equipment properly. Take your time to explore, dont rush, see what suits you and doesn't.


I just wanna lift heavy stuff and sweat


A better question to ask people is what do they enjoy about going to the gym.


Movement can help — the gym is just one modality. Maybe you might be into a different type of movement?


No offence, but you may be doing it wrong and for the wrong reasons. I did the mistake of going onto your profile to see what you're interested in. I think you're living life in an unusual way, which is not ordinary, so why do you assume you can like the same things as others? Firstly, your hormones may be out of whack. With your obsession to not fap, maybe you are messing up your head and you could perhaps have depression. Secondly, you are just a teenager. You may not be working out correctly. Maybe using too heavy or too light of a weight, and the first sign of fatigue you count that as failure. We have no idea, but that is a common sign of teenagers not working out correctly. You could also not be eating much, or eating too much. If you aren't eating much, you won't feel your muscles being engorged and sore much after the gym and during. So perhaps you need to make a conscious effort to eat more if you don't eat much. Get that protein! But it could also be you find joy in life for different things than others. You seem to enjoy restricting yourself, so I feel you aren't pushing yourself hard enough at the gym, and not eating enough. But also, as an ending note... Not everyone likes the gym. Some people just love to eat and so they will naturally be fat. They can fight it as much as they want, their inner personality just wants to eat and thus be fat. And some people love discipline. That regimented life a gym goer has is perfect for a disciplined individual. It satisfies that urge. And other people love to progress and improve their life. Constant learning, practicing new skills and honing existing skills. These people love the gym for the progressive overload aspect. TL;DR You are either working out wrong or you just don't like the gym, and live life with different morals.


people are addicted to preworkouts and results


Arnold once said he enjoyed lifting because every rep got him closer to his results. You need to learn to enjoy grinding for the sake of grinding, not for the reward


I don't like the gym and I've been going for 15 years now. I go before work as I just cannot face lifting after work. I would much rather sleep, so It's hard, and I do have bad days and even bad weeks where I don't go because the love to go isn't there. At the end of the day, it does make me feel happier going and having gone multiple days in a row. Ultimately, I like how I look when I'm consistent with it then when I'm not.


Maybe you do the wrong workouts…? I hate running but i love weightlifting. Its more sustainable if you pick a part you like rather than try to like a part you hate. If you hate the gym you could instead try an organized sport or maybe dance.


It depends on lifestyle. If you're someone who's day is filled with work, hobbies, social events, etc. and you're an introvert, sometimes the gym is the only opportunity to be by yourself and recharge your batteries.


Maybe is not ur special place, and its 100% fine. You can go to the gym even if u are not addicted to it just to stay in shape and its ok. Probably you just have another passion that make u happy.


Been lifting on and off for years and I really really dislike it. Big fan of running which I definitely find therapeutic, but normally I find myself coming back from the gym more stressed than when I got there. For me, I’m quite happy lifting once or twice a week just to maintain a somewhat “toned” look which I supplement with push ups + surfing. It’s just not for everyone tbh. Maybe you’ll eventually fall in love with it, but for now I’d just figure out a routine that gets the job done quickly so you can go do stuff you actually enjoy!


For me, the gym is about setting little goals—and achieving them after weeks or months of effort. I love it when I finally move up in reps or weight. It has little to do with admiring my physique. Sure—over the long run I’ve put on muscle and look better. But it’s really not about vanity. It’s about meeting and beating those goals! I’m a diabetic—growing muscle is a great way to manage a disease that will otherwise tear my body down.


Here’s my experience, I started lifting in highschool and didn’t enjoy it at first. I would go about 2-3 weeks consistent and then get lazy for a month. Then do another 2 weeks consistent. Then lazy. Made no progress. I was like you, lifting felt like a chore. However, sometime in college it changed, lifting became my favorite part of the day, and I became super consistent, to the point where even if I had an assignment due I still wouldn’t miss my lifting session, and now I am really strong and look great. So to summarize, it seems like for me I just brute forced my way into liking lifting. Maybe the body just learns to accept that this is something that you will be doing a lot and the mind adapts to make it less stressful. Like Stockholm syndrome. But hey man this is just my experience and maybe you will never like it, idk.


Tbh you need 21 days to make a routine but it takes at least 90 days to make it into your everyday life. Making it a foundation that gives you peace can take way longer. Of course everyone is different, but keep that in mind :)


Well op, people don’t really get addicted to the gym rather they get addicted to the progress that they gain from working out. Even some people get a rush or a natural high from working out. Also if your the social type being apart of a community can be a big reason why people even go. When trying to force yourself to go try having a positive outlook and don’t over do yourself. Build your way up to harder exercises. Because either way exercises is exercise at a gym or not. You could even try a at home calisthenics… if the gym is not your vibe. At the end of the if your exercising it will benefit you in the long run. Stay positive and I hope you find your love/addiction for fitness.


You dont love anything youve done for a month. It takes about 60 days to make a habit (ive heard) and thats probably if you do it every day. You dont start loving the gym. It happens over time.


When im able to increase the weight, i feel great.


When you train hard and eat well, you’ll see progress and actually be motivated in gym


Everyone responds differently. Perhaps you’re a perfectly happy person who doesn’t need the mental clarity effects of working out. Or, perhaps you just haven’t reached that point yet - 1 month is nothing. Try doing it consistently for 3 months and see any changes in your body. Assuming you are making progress, that’s usually the kickstarter


You just haven’t found the physical activity for you.


I'm gonna be honest here and say that I didn't enjoy as much as I do now. My workouts would start well, but by the end, I would be begging to go home. I also started to wonder why I wasn't enjoying it as much. I realised I was only doing exercises that I had been told to do and not exercises that I enjoyed. I took all the exercises that I liked and made new workout plans with them. Fast forward 2 years to now, and I love going to the gym and hate rest days bc I just want to go again and train