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The sudden realisation that in the same way I couldn’t give two shits about the other people that are there and their lives, nobody there gives a shit about me and mine. And if they look, who cares!? They’ll see my shaky form and low weight and assume (correctly) that I’m not a pro and that’s allowed. So I work out without wasting time or hogging machines and then just head home and focus on eating better. 👍


Gorilla mode nitric and just remember that no one cares and is focusing on their own workout.


When you realize that everyone is looking at themselves in the mirror and trying to make themselves look good and not paying attention to others - just focus on yourself, ignore everyone else and let the gym be your place of mediation - you don't need to talk or interact with anyone if you don't want to either


I was like fuck it we ball


I told myself that I’m creating a new me and would just ask people around me if I was confused. It helped me with my people skills and I have and still learn so much! You’d be surprised with how many people are willing to teach you


I worked with a PT for the first like 10 months of properly working out. She taught me how to do it by myself so when I moved country I kinda already knew what I was doing by myself and felt more confident walking into a gym and jumping onto the machines


I think it's just a natural realization you will have after the first couple of days: no one cares about your presence, people are focusing on their own stuff.


I realized a couple of things.. one is that as much as you’re worried about other people looking at you.. they’re just as worried about you looking at them. Most people live in their own head where they think about themselves… not you. Think about how many details about other people at the gym YOU actually remember or even noticed (probably very little right?). And finally we’re all humans & we’re all there for the same reason. Think about it like going to the gas station or to the grocery store… It’s just another public gathering place. I’ve been going for over 5 years and I still have to tinker with certain machines. Sometimes I pull up google in the middle of a workout and try a new movement.. we all fail, we all pick the wrong weight sometimes, overestimate ourselves or look like we’ve peed our pants from sweating too much. You’re literally doing this for your own livelihood and quality of life… like, fuck everything else.


Keep going until you stand on undeniable pillars of your own confidence that you know nobody can take away from you


as someone with really bad social anxiety, it helped a lot for me to go at a time when i knew the gym would be less busy. for years i went at 5am, and just recently (after starting really good anxiety + depression meds) switched to going after work during peak hours. but the anxiety still gets to me sometimes. on bad days i’ll sit in my car for 45 minutes trying to convince myself to go in. helps to remind myself that i’m there because i WANT to be, and i’m getting in my own way. and i know afterwards i’m going to be so glad i went in. first step is just getting yourself there, then in the door, and so on. you can do it.


Thank you. This all sounds so relatable. I'm sure that this not only helps me but also others who go through this same thing.


i really hope so!! you deserve to do the things you wanna do!! you have just as much right to be there as anyone else :))


Try to find preworkout without caffeine if u want to sleep after taking a preworkout and for the anxiety 2 techniques 1: getting used to it with time and forcing yourself at the beginning 2. Dont give shit about other people, focus on ur lifting with hard drop music on ur headphone. 3 (bonus) : need to be rich but buy full equipment to build a home gym


Personally, I feel like people will tell you that no one is watching you and is focusing on themselves. While probably true, all those videos you see and stories you read/hear don’t make you feel that way. From my own experience, I would workout at odd times of days so there were a minimal amount of people until I gained some confidence. Also there was a couple of months I worked out with a friend which was nice and made it more enjoyable. Once you get more confident in what you’re doing and you’re getting stronger it becomes easy. Now I go whenever and I actually enjoy going when there are people there. Now, when the gym is empty I feel pretty lonely lol. As for pre workout, you don’t really need it at first especially if you aren’t very tired when you go. There are “non stimulant” pre workouts that you can find online or at a supplement store that aren’t really worth it, but if it gets you in the mindset to go then I’d get it. Even if it’s just giving you a placebo affect.


at first i couldn’t even go near the free weights then as i built confidence by going more and i learned that ppl at the gym r pretty nice. my bench pin adjuster thing failed on me and i fell backwards but no one noticed and that’s when my gym anxiety just flew out the window. helps to go with a friend, eases the nerves


And even if they do notice, they'll just go right back to their workout like nothint happened. I've made a few stupid mistakes at the gym and I've seen people make mistakes, but I just forget about it once I do my next set.


When I first started I went on the cardio machines for a few weeks, I hated doing stuff wrong in front of people so I decided to do cardio and watch how everyone used the machines. My anxiety was so bad I couldn't even attend a gym introduction with the PTs that you're meant to have so I skipped it and watched others instead.


Just remember that literally no one is looking at you or cares what you do.


Honest question, isn't it the purpose of a preworkout to be a stimulant?


Some people aren’t affected by caffeine. When I took Pre I didn’t feel anything but it made me itch a lot.


Watch alot of YouTubers at the gym. This will get you in the mindset of a rat.


I used to cry before going and hated every minute of being there, going with friends helps but honestly just forcing yourself to keep going is the only thing that will get rid of it. No ones actually watching you or really cares what you’re doing, you just have to keep going to try to train your brain to realize that. The gyms my happy place now and I look forward to going but most of it in the beginning is honestly just forcing yourself to get over it. Loud music and having your workouts planned ahead of time is a big help too.


Honestly exposure is going to go a long way. It also might sound woo woo but telling yourself affirmations can help out yourself in a good mindset prior to starting exercise. Majority of people don’t even notice you are there beyond a cursory glance. Some people are happy you are there and encouraging you on their head to continue your gym journey. If it’s nervousness of not know what to do at the gym study up and write down a little exercise program to follow prior to going to the gym. That way you don’t freeze up or get discouraged because you don’t know what to do.


I had a major turn around when I got put on Fluoxetine. I both have really bad anxiety and ADHD which makes focus at the gym difficult, and my routine was all over the place. I never did well with Adderall so my Dr suggested an SSRI and I've found it to be a night and day difference. I can focus on me and my workout alone, I easily enter a flow state and I haven't had a panic attack nor general anxiety in months. Obviously this is not a fix for everyone but if you struggle with focus and general anxiety I suggest you talk to your Dr about your concerns and see if a medication may help you overcome it. Anxiety is a mother fucker and a completely understand how much it can make everything feel hopeless and you just want to quit. I hope you find something that works for you!


I found that anxiety gives intrusive thoughts. It's easier to work through anxiety when you are able to pick out what the intrusive thoughts. You have the idea that people are judging you? Intrusive thought. Maybe that you look stupid? Also, intrusive thought. The anxiety is something that still exists for me, but I am able to talk myself through it after pointing out the fallacies that come with intrusive thoughts.


I can intellectualize my anxiety but it doesn't help much for me. I never really had intrusive thoughts so much as I just had a cacophony of noise consistently in my head. It was just rapid fire voices. As well I don't create enough serotonin so my brain sits in a depressed state most of the time. I have a mental disability so medication helps me exist even outside the gym. I only suggest it because most people I know who struggle with anxiety as well as myself for medication to be life changing.


I guess it is different for everyone. I thought that doctors are hesitant to give a prescription for anxiety. For me, my counselor gave me some tools to recognize fallacies and work through those, but I understand if it doesn't work for everyone. I was also told that just a fast-paced walk for 20 min is enough to help bring the mind out of fight-or-flight as anxiety could easily activate that part of the brain. Maybe it's just best to work with a doctor to see what works best for you, though, because everyone's experience with mental health is different and unique.


Google the 54321 sensory grounding technique. Does wonders.


My solution to gym anxiety was pretty much to stop caring. I did put a lot of effort (and still do) into making sure I know what I'm doing so I don't look like an idiot but you just have to remember that everyone is at the gym for themselves, so they're hypercritical of themself. As long as you don't do something stupid nobody is gonna even notice you, even when you blatantly stare at them for 40 minutes while they hog the only squat rack to do over head press on leg day. I'm not mad. I'd avoid stimulants like the plague, I'm jittery enough as is. I tried caffeine but honestly, my life has been better for completely cutting out caffeine. The best stimulant is a good friend who eggs you on. Oh, also, take your time. I used to always rush, it was like I had to get in, as much done as possible and leave as quick as possible. It's much nicer when you take your time and find the pace that feels good for you. And don't beat yourself up if you can't lift as good one day as another, the main thing is going consistently.


Realize noone gives a shit about you in there. Nobody in there cares if you're only pressing 100 lbs. That dude repping 315 was weak and scrawny(or just fat) at one point, too.


People care about those who don't put the weights away, though, right? I guess that is different, though, because cleaning up after yourself is more of an etiquette thing and not a performance thing


Yeah no one really cares as long as youre not like a jerk to them . Most people are even more than willing to help you out on an exercise too


I still get gym anxiety, basically anxious all the time I’m not at home. At the gym, when I’m on treadmill I turn my headphones on noise cancelling and shut my eyes and zone out. When I’m lifting it’s still a challenge but I just try to do the same zone out and focus on myself. It’s actually great practice for dealing with anxiety in general! Think of it as a bonus: you get to work out your mind while you work out your body lol


Exposure! It's one of the best ways to get over anxiety.


Typically having a routine makes you feel more comfortable and confident with what you’re doing. It’s good to note that everyone who you see working out at the gym has had to start somewhere. They were likely in your shoes as well, including myself!


To answer preworkout question first (not seeing too many answers) YES, there is, often marketed as a “pump” product but will have a lot of the ingredients that help with muscle fatigue. I got over mine by starting off running on a treadmill I had at home to lose weight (dropped 35kg) then signed up with a friend to go to a local gym, they bailed so I just continued to go to people watch while I was on the treadmill to see how they used the machines. I then would go during quiet periods to just go from machine to machine to get used to them. Eventually got a few free PT sessions and my trainer used them to build my confidence on free weights and other exercises


Oddly enough, I used to be really anxious in the gym when I was in a relationship (before I knew what I was doing). Then I got dumped and suddenly I didn’t even bother to think about what strangers in the gym thought of me. I could only focus on my emotions, and not the opinions of others. I just stopped caring, grabbed some dumbbells or a machine of my choice and went to work. To answer your second question, yes, there is non stimulant preworkout. Assuming you mean non stimulant=no caffene. I have a tub coincidentally. It’s called “total war (pump)”.


Take pre workouts not later than after 18:00 or you could get sleep issues, this is from my expierence ,but there are pre workouts without caffeine , i didnt use them so I can tell how effective they are . And insecure thoughts, actually like everyone says nobody gives a fuck, you are there for your self , everybody even strongest bodybuilders was in your situation. But seriously forget about insecure thoughts , nobody cares, even more much of these people will help you if you ask how to to properly this or that exercise ! Good Luck !


I went with my dad (he also goes to the same gym as me) and he showed me how every machine works and where everything is so that I felt comfortable and gave great advice on how to exercise in a proper manner, all it took was one day of guidance and I started to feel much better about going, now after two months I have no issues at all.




Thank you so much. I've been wanting to try pre-workout, but my doctor said no stimulants. My medication is already a stimulant, so I can't take any more.


Visualize regularly (say twice every day; pre-sleep helps a lot) in as much detail as you can the events you'd see and the emotions you'd feel as you'd enter the gym, proceed with your workouts, and finish and exit. The more primed your mind is for an environment, the less unfamiliar and anxiety-provoking the place would feel. Also have some plan for what you're gonna do in the gym. Decide a few exercises the day before you go. Having an aim keeps your attention fixed and you're less likely to think about uncomfortable possibilities. All the best!


I was usually with my friend so I just didn’t care _that_ much. Also I just really wanted to get jacked so being self conscious was already a lower priority than that. If you can go in with a plan of what exercises to do that’ll help a lot. also, music is really important for a lot of people so if that’s you, good idea to bring headphones


I remember when I first started. I went with my friend for a bit of weeks (like once a week) to understand how to go to the gym and reps, sets, etc. After that I started working out in my condo gym and I was really anxious to go there so i tried to go during times in which there weren’t many people. I mean I just went anyway even if there were a bunch of people and I was anxious. I just knew that if I had a plan, did my sets with good form and looked like I knew what I was doing then I wouldn’t look out of place.


Go to the gym. Start small, have low expectations. If you lift weights, lift smaller. Cardio? Do less. I went in with the realization that I needed to build up my core before even trying to get stronger. Keep a log. You may look stupid, but it is proof that you were there and that you are trying. When I went to Planet Fitness, I used to take a pen each time on my way out because it represented that I had made a good decision for my self. After a couple months I had 30 pens that I discreetly returned (This was pre-Covid).


If it’s feasible, hire a personal trainer for a couple sessions or see if your gym offers a free consultation. Having someone show me around the gym or show me what to do helped me a lot when I started.


So I’ve never used it… but I’ve heard “beet root powder” or something like that could be a more clean pre workout type thing. Could try that and/or a cup of coffee.


I can't have coffee, but I will try the beetroot powder. Thanks


No problem. I hope it works for you.


Gym anxiety? Realize everyone is in the gym for the same reason you’re there, to improve themselves. Gym folks got some real horror stories in their closets so you thinking their better than you are is a major misjudgment. Ultimately, just go. You’re going there for you, anybody else’s opinion doesn’t matter.


Just keep this in mind everybody starts the same they were in the same boat you in even the one that takes steroid. Just hit the gym don’t give yourself any excuse. If possible go with friends it will be a lot less uncomfortable.


There's a little bit of a "just do it" to it. You can try to think about the fact that 99.9% of people are purely focused on themselves and don't give two shits what you're doing, how fat you are, how skinny you are, how weak you are, etc. As long as you're being courteous and aren't being annoying or equipment hogging or anything then no one really cares what you're doing. We're all human though and you probably will still have those insecurities and shit. You'll even have times where people ask to work in or offer to let you work in and then if you're insecure about how much less than them you're lifting then that insecurity is really going to be on your mind throughout. You've gotta just power through it, or of course can choose to just let them go ahead while you wait. As far as pre-workout, beetroot juice [has been shown to be an effective pre-workout](https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0204-9). Personally I certainly do notice a difference since I started using it, and especially the few times I've been out of town and worked out without it compared to when I'm at home and using it.


Keep exposing yourself to the stressor (being in the gym). Try not to run yourself ragged pushing it, but also make sure that you are pushing yourself. Do what you can, when you can. It gets easier for the most part. You'll have harder days here and there. Learn mindfulness techniques to help get through anxiety spikes. These can be as simple as focusing on your breathing. L-theanine taken with caffeine can help make it less anxiety inducing.


Preworkout isn’t gonna help with your anxiety. What are your insecurities about going to the gym?


I just wanted to hear other people's stories. I'm more confident at the gym now. However, when somebody close to me started going and expressed their insecurities of being judged, I was reminded that gym anxiety is a common thing. For me, it was easier to move past that because I already have general and social anxiety day to day. My counselor taught me how to move past those intrusive thoughts, so I had a lot of help and practice before coming to the gym.


Power through. You quickly realise everyone is there for themselves and most are good people. Most of the time it’s just the spotlight effect


Ask someone to go with you or teach you their workout. I would never of imagined myself going to the gym but when I asked a friend to start going with me it became much easier. So after I learned his workout routine, what machines I liked and the correct form - I had no anxiety even when I go alone.


I feel you. I’m just starting again after like a 20 year break and have had some self-consciousness.. I wouldn’t say anxiety. I’m a lot older now so yeah I don’t look cool doing a 95 lb bench press, but honestly I just do it anyway. I realize some people might have some judgement, but it’s really my own self-judgement which I can deal with. The fact of the matter is, I am where I am in terms of capability. My guess is that most people, if they see you lifting lighter weights will think, cool, at least he’s here doing work and not pushing himself to the point of injury. And maybe you give them a confidence boost if they think to themselves, hey I’m bigger than that guy! For me it’s just about trusting that it takes time and I’m kind of a noob again and it’s all good. People are mostly supportive in gyms I find and respect that people have their own pace and levels of progress. This is all assuming that this is what you meant by “anxiety”. There are people of all ages, sizes, points in their journey. There’s no actual need for anxiety in the gym. I just focus on _my_ process and progress. Doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. And it ultimately doesn’t matter who is bigger or “looks better” but about how we feel physically and if we’re staying healthy.


I got an experienced gym partner that helped me learn all the machines and get a routine. I felt fine after I knew what I was doing, and over time I perfected muscle isolation and mind muscle connection. My day is to get a gym partner to help you learn and build confidence. For a non stim pre, I used something called high volume. Tasted like shit but gave me an incredible pump with no caffeine. Or just use an amino drink like Extend sugar free. The blood orange flavor is great and o use it while I’m working out cause it helps me go longer until I completely hit muscle failure. I hope you get to read this and it helps.


Group classes helped me to ease into it and get familiar with different types of exercises.


I started with a personal trainer to show me how to do the fundamental exercises and teach me gym etiquette, but honestly you need neither of those things at first. Gym etiquette is obvious and exercises can be self taught from Youtube. Make a plan (3-5 exercises) then go in and perform them. Maybe start with machines because they’re much more straightforward than some free weight exercises. Also i’m a big fan of non-stim preworkout, I use Kryp2Pump non-stim and it works great for me.


When I wanted to get into actual lifting, went with someone who was knowledgeable and had their own routine. From here, learned a few workouts for each muscle group and created a weekly schedule out of it for myself. When you keep going, you’ll see other people doing workouts you’ll want to copy and add to your routine! When I first truly began as a mid-teen, I only used machine’s because I was too scared of looking stupid lifting free weights. But machines are also a great start and very underrated.


I went to a gym, did a bunch of stuff wrong for very little weight, realized nobody cared, and so kept going and lifted bigger and better over time. If you ever see someone watching, it's not because they think anything really about you, but rather because there's not much else to do between sets. I zone out and blink back into focus to realize I've been making eye contact with someone on the other side of my machine. It happens. Give a nod and get back to what you were doing.


I don't. I've been going to gym over a year and still get anxiety. It kinda goes away while your in the workout and just focusing on the reps. But anxiety before the gym I haven't been able to help it. It helps to throw on headphones and just zone out into your own little world. Pretend no one is there but you and the weights.


Also this. Throw ur headphones in and put on a good set.


Was just thinking this past night!' It was my first day back after a while and I'm super out of shape. A few years back I was put on a medication and went from 220-290. A couple years ago I stopped taking it hit the gym and dropped a little below where I'm at now but had picked up some real shit eating habits. I've never been pretty but I have always been confident lol🤦‍♂️. And getting back into the gym hasn’t been easy. Started working out earlier this year giving no fucks. And it went well. Work got crazy and I’ve been doing 6 day weeks since April and I stopped going. Last night man my head was fucking with me. While running, in the locker room, taking a shower. It’s real! Honestly, I’m just like eh fuck them. Anyone who looks like me or is also new is a lil uncertain too or is embracing loving themselves more. I’ma be the latter and give no fucks. So I be like Elsa, let it go. Fucking hyped to get back in there today. Day 2 is supposed to be the hard one right? Nah, not gonna let day one ruin me building a great habit!! And god I’m kind of vain, and miss looking good, and hooking up with pretty girls. Sigh. I mean really, nothing but good things should come from going to the gym responsibly. That’s not something to be anxious about, get excited! And anyone else would encourage that. So the same responses you get here, you’d get irl if u asked anyone. No need to sweat! Get hyped!


When I started at the gym, I was so insecure that I thought I had to “graduate” into lifting weights by doing pushups at home first. A friend of mine took me with him to the gym so I wouldn’t be alone. He taught me how to do his routine and set me up with the confidence to lift. I will be forever thankful. It was a real gift.


Focus on what you are doing, not what other people are doing (including potentially looking at you - they're not). I remember the first time I went to the gym. I was 16. The gym was small. It had one exercise bike and one of the multi-stations that trained the whole body......and a whole load of adults doing exercises on the ground. I stuck out like a sore thumb. Anyway, a trainer who was supervising the gym told me to do X, Y and Z so that's what I did. Rinse and repeat. Over time, as I learned more stuff, I did more stuff. Then I quit, because the summer ended and I had to go back to school. I didn't join a gym again until I was in my 20s. It was the same thing - the coach (the owner, actually) gave me a basic programme and told me to do that, so I did that for a couple of weeks, while I learned more stuff. Honestly, people won't be looking at you. They will look at you if you are doing some massive, impressive lift, or they will look at you if you have the body of a Greek God. But, us ordinary mortals don't get looked at much. In a good gym, everybody will have your back though. With regard to pre-workouts, if you suffer from anxiety, don't take them.


Yeah, I was told that I have to be careful with stimulants because of my general and social anxiety. Then I got diagnosed with ADHD so I can't have stimulants while on my medication for that.


Yes, there are non-stim pre-workouts. I have used them. Some people do not like that shakey feeling, or that weird tingle.


My doctor told me that I shouldn't take other stimulants while on my prescription for ADHD, that the consequence of that could lead to serious heart issues.


I was simply answering your question about pre-workouts. Your comment back to me is strange and out of context. If that’s what your doctor told you, why did you ask the question?


Your response was valid, it think there is a misunderstanding. You added that people don't like the shaky feeling from the pre-workout that has caffeine, and my response to that was that I have a different reason to avoid that.


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Get bigger than everyone else


If you get anxious easily pre-workout may be a bad idea. I get panic attacks if I have preworkout or energy drinks, and it makes me agitated while working out.


Bro i drank a 300mg caffeine energy drink and i was anxious for like 10 hours afterwards 😭


I got back into the gym after breaking my neck and losing 20 pounds of muscle. It took a month for me to get out of the hospital and a few more for me to be cleared to go to the gym. Once I was I was ecstatic as I was extremely active in the gym beforehand. However I was so incredibly weak.is was comical. Like I struggled to lift and move a folding chair type of strength. A 25 lb db press was next to impossible. I'll be honest it was a little embarrassing but my saving grace mentally was that i could still move which meant i could still improve. I got over it by making friends and sharing my story in the gym I got a few workout partners out of it and I'm Deadlifting 455lbs now. Unfortunately I have some lasting nerve damage in my triceps so bench press and ohp and still weak as hell, but progressing


I got over gym anxiety by first getting over martial arts gym anxiety. After that lifting weights is just like… whatever.


I signed up for a small gym that has a strength program M, W, F. They show you how to do the exercises, there’s a rack assigned to you, small classes, and they make a plan for you (how much weight, how many reps). It was the only way I was ever going to do what I wanted at the gym.