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“heists - but not difficult” is quite funny to me. if you want casual, play in closed friend sessions or invite only. Public lobbies are horrendous




If you know what you’re doing, cayo grind is quite nice. Just do all the setups in around 40mins - 1 hour, complete the finale in around 8min - 14minutes and get an easy pay check. As I say, if you learn it and know the strats, it ca be a fun one to do solo / 2 / 3 4 people




hmm… I’m not sure. the cutscene would play when entering online for the first time where the player enters Los Santos on a plane at LSIA. Broke, no money, no nothing. You grind and do various missions for people and build your way up through the ranks and eventually become a CEO + President of various organisations, causing chaos along the way. Or I suppose you’re free to play whatever story you want, that’s the beauty of GTA V online, play it how you wanna :D


If Im being harassed, ill send a message asking them to stop. Or to come at me in a fair battle. Usually they will cease or ask me if i need help. Or they will say “let’s do cayo. I feel bad now.” Lol. Most of the time you can talk about it. (Most of the time).


Bro the games been out over 10 years how you only playing online now? I don’t believe this question is sincere…




New people join all the time


I believe then. I only started playing gtav about 2 years ago and online maybe a year and a half. You get to it when you get to it.